Society · Women

Female Mate Selection is a Recent Phenomenon

In my recent post Female Delusions About Rich Men, I wrote, “In contrast, a much more reliable way for women to end up with a financially successful man is by determining his future potential.” In response, aj remarked that this is why women’s parents used to decide who they married, and therefore slept with and… Continue reading Female Mate Selection is a Recent Phenomenon

Elites · Society · Subversion

Indirectly Suppressing the Birth Rate with Antagonistic Policies

A while ago I wrote an article on suburbanism and the two-children family and pointed out how much more difficult it is to have three children as opposed to two. I wrote that having three kids int the back of your car is only suitable for short trips, and even that can be a bit… Continue reading Indirectly Suppressing the Birth Rate with Antagonistic Policies

Article Requests · Society · Women

“Cave to Female Demands or We Will Fire You!”

This article is about an event that took place at a tech company I have contacts at. The context is that during an anonymous feedback survey, a female employee accused a male employee of sexual harassment. This turned into a big story, with company all-hands meetings in which even C-suite members stated that all women… Continue reading “Cave to Female Demands or We Will Fire You!”

Gender Politics · Subversion

Why “Woman” Became an Adjective

Did it ever strike you as odd that we increasingly read about “women engineers” or “women doctors” instead of female doctors and engineers? Clearly, “woman” is a noun whereas “female” is an adjective. Consequently, the correct phrase would be “female doctor”. I used to think that this is simply a consequence of people having a… Continue reading Why “Woman” Became an Adjective

Entertainment · Subversion

A Rendezvous With Hell: The Titanic Abyss of Romantic Love in James Cameron’s 1997 Movie “Titanic” (Guest Post By Lucretius Carus)

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to watch a cinema screening of the now classic 1997 Hollywood movie “Titanic” with an audience which consisted mainly of teenagers. Those teens of course knew about the tragic sinking of Titanic in general terms, and I also guess they certainly knew that there exists a “really… Continue reading A Rendezvous With Hell: The Titanic Abyss of Romantic Love in James Cameron’s 1997 Movie “Titanic” (Guest Post By Lucretius Carus)


Amazon’s Just-Walk-Out Deception is a Glimpse at Our Indian A.I. Future

If you have ever worked with Indians, you may have noticed that they are utter sycophants (in Minecraft). If needed, they also lie and deflect criticism. At the same time, they exhibit a staggering sense of entitlement. It only takes a weak manager for comical situations to emerge. For instance, I know of a case… Continue reading Amazon’s Just-Walk-Out Deception is a Glimpse at Our Indian A.I. Future

Entertainment · Society · Subversion · Technology

Logan’s Run and the Problem of Postulated Utopias

I recently watched the movie Logan’s Run (1976). This is a cult sci-fi movie that is set in a dystopia in which humans live in fully regulated lives and have been freed from the burden of labor. The only catch is that they have to die at the age of 30. The concept is not… Continue reading Logan’s Run and the Problem of Postulated Utopias

Entertainment · Subversion

Your Favorite Classic Movies are More Pozzed Than You Think

We have talked before about Hollywood being a gigantic psy-ops incubator that produces movies with the goal of pushing beliefs the elites like. This is not at all controversial. While it is true that Hollywood went completely overboard in roughly the last decade, the rot set in way before. When rewatching some classic movies from… Continue reading Your Favorite Classic Movies are More Pozzed Than You Think

Elites · Politics · Society

The Baltimore Bridge Boo-Boo and the Problem of Societal Collapse

The other day a cargo ship took down a major bridge in the United States. I got a bit suspicious when the media incessantly pointed out that this was a “Singaporean vessel”. Singapore is a high-IQ society, thanks to its Chinese majority, and the Chinese are rather rule abiding. The video below gives a good… Continue reading The Baltimore Bridge Boo-Boo and the Problem of Societal Collapse

Elites · Subversion

Manipulative “Fact Checking”: The Link Between Aphasia and the Vaxx

I recently rewatched the first two movies in the Die Hard franchise. It’s quite clear that the first movie was not supposed to be the start of a franchise. Because creativity is limited, the sequel basically repeats the plot of the first movie, except on an airport rather than a skyscraper. It also uses self-referential humor,… Continue reading Manipulative “Fact Checking”: The Link Between Aphasia and the Vaxx

Black Pill · Mindset · Women

An Evolutionary Explanation for the Existence of Female Rape Fantasies

In a comment on my recent article An Evolutionary Explanation of the Perma-Horniness of Pregnant Women, I was asked the following: How do you explain that there are so many women with rape fantasies? Were women with rape fantasies more likely to survive? I think there is a pretty simple explanation. Form genetic studies, we… Continue reading An Evolutionary Explanation for the Existence of Female Rape Fantasies

Black Pill · Women

An Evolutionary Explanation of the Perma-Horniness of Pregnant Women

There is the rather curious fact of human sexuality that pregnant women are a lot hornier than non-pregnant ones. This statement does not refer to average horniness over the course of an ovulation cycle, which would obviously be lower, but to peak horniness due to ovulation. Even an ovulating woman is not as horny as… Continue reading An Evolutionary Explanation of the Perma-Horniness of Pregnant Women

Economics · Society

Corruption and Short-Term Thinking are the Core of Third-Worldism

In my article The Limitations of Humiliation Rituals I pointed out that there is an upper limit with regards to the nonsense our hostile elites can subject us to because at some point the structure they profit from so much will be affected. The same is true for typical third-world behavior that is seemingly getting… Continue reading Corruption and Short-Term Thinking are the Core of Third-Worldism

Men vs Women

Male and Female Approaches to Dealing With the Past (by aj)

In the current Open Thread, aj left an excellent comment on how men and women deal with their past and decisions that may have been suboptimal. His observation strikes me as perfectly valid and well-deserving of greater visibility. His comment is replicated below. The previous open thread had an interesting subthread about women rewriting memory.… Continue reading Male and Female Approaches to Dealing With the Past (by aj)

Gender Dynamics

Fake Statistics and Supposed Marital Benefits for Men

In the comments section of my recent article Dating Before, During, and After Apps there is an interesting discussion about manipulative statistics and their utility for promoting marriage. Let me just quote what Gert wrote: What I found funny was the claim that men in marriages are happier and live longer. I know so many… Continue reading Fake Statistics and Supposed Marital Benefits for Men

Society · Subversion

Vice Media, Paragon of Journalistic Integrity, is Shutting Down

We truly are living in the end times. The other day, I read that Vice is shutting down. Vice has been integral to the Western way of life in the last two decades and shaped culture like no other journalistic outlet. Not even a multi-million cash injection by our favorite Jew investor George Soros could… Continue reading Vice Media, Paragon of Journalistic Integrity, is Shutting Down