Men vs Women · Society

Women, Perennial Dabblers

There is the hypothesis that highly-functional autism, i.e. Asperger’s, is nothing more than a manifestation of an “extreme male brain”. People with this condition do not care much about social validation or conforming to mainstream opinion. These men pursue various interests, normally a small number of them or perhaps just one, and dedicate themselves to… Continue reading Women, Perennial Dabblers

Men vs Women

Women Being “Boy-Sober” is not the Equivalent of MGTOW

I recall occasionally coming across the bizarre term “boy-sober”. A woman was said to be in this state if she enjoys a happy life without men, as if she had kicked a bad habit, not unlike alcoholism. “Boy-sober” is the new “stunning and brave”. Quite recently there seems to have been an uptick in the… Continue reading Women Being “Boy-Sober” is not the Equivalent of MGTOW

Men vs Women · Society · Women

Women and Mass Layoffs in the Tech Industry

A few years ago, when the scamdemic was being ramped up and companies told their employees that they should work from home, the societal consequences were probably not quite as expected. Fuel to the fire was provided by die DEI agenda, according to which you needed to stop hiring white men and instead increase the… Continue reading Women and Mass Layoffs in the Tech Industry

Men vs Women

Male and Female Approaches to Dealing With the Past (by aj)

In the current Open Thread, aj left an excellent comment on how men and women deal with their past and decisions that may have been suboptimal. His observation strikes me as perfectly valid and well-deserving of greater visibility. His comment is replicated below. The previous open thread had an interesting subthread about women rewriting memory.… Continue reading Male and Female Approaches to Dealing With the Past (by aj)

Black Pill · Men vs Women · Women

Hamas War Brides and the Evolutionary Realities of Womanhood

The ubiquity of smartphones may be a net-negative on society overall, but it also draws attention to aspects of reality our hostile elites are either oblivious to or would much prefer to pretend that they are not real. The narrative of the strong, empowered woman is a good example. It is fully obvious that women… Continue reading Hamas War Brides and the Evolutionary Realities of Womanhood

Men vs Women · Mindset

On the True Power and Beauty of Men (Guest Post by Lucretius Carus)

Even before I managed to be able to deal with women in an effective and more satisfying way (kudos to Sleazy for his work, by the way!) – and being the chauvinist, misogynist pig that I am –, I already held the opinion that men were greatly superior to women in almost all aspects. This of… Continue reading On the True Power and Beauty of Men (Guest Post by Lucretius Carus)

Men vs Women · Society

Upper Body Strength Differences Between Men and Women

The mainstream has been brainwashing women so much with the message that they are as strong as men, if not stronger, that some of them really believe it. I do not quite grasp how women cannot understand that muscles on a man are not just for show, and that someone with arms multiple times bigger… Continue reading Upper Body Strength Differences Between Men and Women

Men vs Women

Observations About Little Boys and Little Girls

I recently had the opportunity of witnessing two small boys interact with each other and, a little later, a small group of three girls doing the same. To say that this was eye-opening would be quite an understatement. Of course, it is well known that, for instance, the educational system has been changed to cater… Continue reading Observations About Little Boys and Little Girls

Gender Dynamics · Men vs Women · Relationships

Divorce and the Invisible Work of Men

The men that keep society running do so behind the scenes. By this I do not refer to shadowy creatures operating in the dark, but instead those men who work in factories, on construction sites, or on infrastructure maintenance. This also includes software engineers who sit in cubicle farms whose work ensures that Stacy can… Continue reading Divorce and the Invisible Work of Men

Men vs Women · Society

What Promiscuous Women and Basement-Dwelling Gamers have in Common

There is a bit of a caricature that any woman can get thousands of guys via Tinder and other apps. Of course, the problem is that she only finds a small minority, or possibly none at all of them, sexually appealing because her standards are out of whack. Similarly, man-haters online like to draw a… Continue reading What Promiscuous Women and Basement-Dwelling Gamers have in Common

Article Requests · Men vs Women · Relationships

Cheating from a Male and Female Perspective

I received the following article request: The topic is “why women and men cheat,” and who’s more likely to be loyal overall. I’m familiar that women will cheat on their beta male providers, but are there other reasons as well. Are virtuous women prone to cheating? If its not to much to ask, what do… Continue reading Cheating from a Male and Female Perspective

Article Requests · Gender Dynamics · Men vs Women

An Analysis of Captain-Save-A-Hoe Syndrome

A relatively frequent problem of not just inexperienced men is their need to “save a hoe”, i.e. get involved with a woman who could be most aptly described as damaged goods, and stick to her, seemingly no matter how much money it costs them, and how much they suffer physically, emotionally, and spiritually as well.… Continue reading An Analysis of Captain-Save-A-Hoe Syndrome

Gender Dynamics · Men vs Women · Social Justice

Notes on Wrath of Man (I): The Absurdity of Reversed Sexual Roles

For the longest part, human sexuality was quite simple: women tried to be as good-looking as possible whereas men focussed on acquiring resources. Even getting laid based on good looks is a rather recent phenomenon because as little as a few decades ago, society went to great length to ensure that women would keep their… Continue reading Notes on Wrath of Man (I): The Absurdity of Reversed Sexual Roles

Gender Dynamics · Men vs Women

The Male Obsession with Penis Size, and their Looks in General, is an Example of the Feminization of Society

According to the mainstream, and to women who do not want to offend anyone, penis size does not matter. Supposedly it matters a lot more what you do with it. Of course, technique is not unimportant. If you don’t dare to ram your monster cock deep into the dripping pussy in front of you because… Continue reading The Male Obsession with Penis Size, and their Looks in General, is an Example of the Feminization of Society

Men vs Women

What Avid Video Gamers and Crazy Cat Ladies Have in Common

It is a self-evident truth that men and women are different. Nonetheless, the leftist mainstream wants women to compete with men in male domains, with various levels of success. Yet, letting men compete with women in female domains is much less important as that would, presumably, lead to increased oppression of women. One of the… Continue reading What Avid Video Gamers and Crazy Cat Ladies Have in Common

Men vs Women

Pity Fucks and Mercy Fucks Do Not Exist Outside of Fantasy

I recently spoke to a very attractive guy whose self-image has not quite caught up to reality yet as he still believes that he’s only average. Compared to the average guy, though, he’s doing very well. Should he manage to lose his “anti-game“, he’ll do phenomenally well in the future. It sounds as if he… Continue reading Pity Fucks and Mercy Fucks Do Not Exist Outside of Fantasy

Men vs Women · Women

The seemingly paradoxical nature of female friendships

Have you ever thought about the fundamental difference of male and female friendships? As almost all of you who are reading this are men, I suppose you are well aware that, once the support network of high school and college is gone, it takes quite some effort to stay in touch with your friends. Most… Continue reading The seemingly paradoxical nature of female friendships

Dating · Men vs Women

The Richest Man in the World is Getting a Divorce

Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world if you exclude all those shadowy people who hold their wealth in trusts which they do not legally own, such as the Queen of England and the trillions she has stashed away this way. Bezos made his money with Amazon, which briefly was the most valuable… Continue reading The Richest Man in the World is Getting a Divorce

Men vs Women · Women

Missing Pantyliners Make me Wonder if Western Women are Filthy and Disgusting

One of the aspects I like very much about my girlfriend is that she is very clean. I hope I don’t embarrass my sweetie now, but I was pleasantly surprised when I noticed that she has a panty liner in her panties every single day, no matter if she is on her period or not.… Continue reading Missing Pantyliners Make me Wonder if Western Women are Filthy and Disgusting

Men vs Women

Turning 30, 40, and 50 is tough for women, but not necessarily for men

As you know, I didn’t care much about women until my mid-to-late 20s. In that regard, I was starting late, but I really quickly figured out how to make them spread their legs for me. Once I moved on from just fucking them to keeping them around for a bit as fuckbuddies, I quickly learned… Continue reading Turning 30, 40, and 50 is tough for women, but not necessarily for men

Men vs Women

Standards of physical beauty for women are lower than for men

There is the claim that women are under oh-so much pressure to be attractive. Beauty is a 60 billion-dollar industry. Indeed, as much as women may pretend to be tough and independent, while working some bullshit job on which they make 3/4 of an engineer’s salary if not more, they are rather aware, at least… Continue reading Standards of physical beauty for women are lower than for men