Gender Politics · Subversion

Why “Woman” Became an Adjective

Did it ever strike you as odd that we increasingly read about “women engineers” or “women doctors” instead of female doctors and engineers? Clearly, “woman” is a noun whereas “female” is an adjective. Consequently, the correct phrase would be “female doctor”. I used to think that this is simply a consequence of people having a… Continue reading Why “Woman” Became an Adjective

Gender Politics · Society

Anything a Man Can Do, But Better: Females in Physiotherapy

As we all know, women can do everything a man can do, just better. This was demonstrated to me yet again when I got a prescription for physiotherapy. It’s not a big issue, but during working out I noticed that my left shoulder joint seems to have a reduced range of motion compared to my… Continue reading Anything a Man Can Do, But Better: Females in Physiotherapy

Entertainment · Gaming · Gender Politics · SJWs

Anita Sarkeesian’s Feminist Frequency is Shutting Down

Sometimes, there is just a deluge of bad news: there is global boiling, Putin still refuses to unconditionally surrender, and the premier outlet for feminist criticism of videogames, the esteemed format Feminist Frequency, spearheaded by luminary Anita Sarkeesian, is about to cease production. According to a recent video, which I did not watch as I… Continue reading Anita Sarkeesian’s Feminist Frequency is Shutting Down

Gender Politics · Social Justice · Society

Support for the Trans Agenda is Waning

As you have noticed, this year I fully support Pride Month. Today, this is more important than ever because the worst that could happen to the world would be if Trump won the 2024 election instead of senile Joe Brandon with his coked-up and highly criminal son Hunter as his running mate. Yet, the trans… Continue reading Support for the Trans Agenda is Waning

Gender Politics

Accidental Promotion of Thai Sex Tourism: The French-German Movie “Lady Bar”

Some time ago I came across a reference to an obscure movie with the title “Lady Bar“. I am not sure if there is an English version. If you manage to find the German or French versions on YouTube, you can probably watch it with auto-generated subtitles. In order to follow the points I’m making… Continue reading Accidental Promotion of Thai Sex Tourism: The French-German Movie “Lady Bar”

Gender Politics · Misc. · SJWs

Book Review: The Feminist Lie – It Was Never About Equality by “Bob Lewis” (DDJ)

I used to really enjoy Turd Flinging Monkey’s YouTube channel. Unfortunately, he seems to have almost completely stopped producing original content such as his series on “monkeynomics” or his more philosophical explorations on living life as a man. Instead, he primarily focuses on commenting on the news: batshit insane feminists, gynocentrism, and lulz. This was… Continue reading Book Review: The Feminist Lie – It Was Never About Equality by “Bob Lewis” (DDJ)

Gender Politics

Is Putting Ugly Chicks in Western Video Games now a Trend?

One of the few games I have been following is the upcoming Spider-Man for PS4. I was a bit taken aback at a gameplay reveal earlier this year when footage of his opponent Silber Sable was shown, who looked like a menopausal feminist instead of a total sex bomb. This certainly tempered my excitement. Moments… Continue reading Is Putting Ugly Chicks in Western Video Games now a Trend?

Gender Politics · Women

God of War (2018) and its Depiction of Women

Arguably, there is not a single video game franchise out there that represents “toxic masculinity” more than Sony’s God of War, now that the former stronghold, first-person shooters, has completely sold out and put lesbians with pink hair and a prosthetic hand into a game that is set during World War II. The old God… Continue reading God of War (2018) and its Depiction of Women

Gender Politics

Peak Feminism: “Mental Load”

Appeasement does not work. Just like you don’t negotiate with terrorists, you shouldn’t negotiate with feminists. Society, though, has dropped the ball on the former as well as the latter. We nowadays house and feed terrorists and shower them with welfare money. Similarly, there is no end to the concessions that are being made in… Continue reading Peak Feminism: “Mental Load”

Gender Politics · SJWs

More SJW-ing in video games: extremely buff chicks

Earlier today I stumbled across a tweet according to which Sony was about to announce a bunch of upcoming PlayStation 4 games. I sold my PS4 some time ago, but I keep an eye on the industry. So, I checked out a bunch of trailers and was not overly disappointed. The upcoming Spiderman game looks… Continue reading More SJW-ing in video games: extremely buff chicks

Dating · Gender Politics · Women

According to feminism, your only option is to wait for ugly girls to approach you (Guest post by Alek Novy)

Alek Novy just left an excellent comment on my post on the feminist #metoo circle jerk, which deserves wide attention. He systematically dismantles the myth of sexual harassment and male power, until he arrives at the one category of girl a high-quality male, according to feminists, is allowed to get involved with, and only under… Continue reading According to feminism, your only option is to wait for ugly girls to approach you (Guest post by Alek Novy)

Gender Politics

Hillary Clinton thinks that women should make at least the same as men, no matter what

This post is very late to the party — you guys should see my backlog! —, but it will ruffle some feathers nonetheless. I wrote it in September last year, but then my move to a self-hosted blogging platform got in the way. Ignore the historical context as the content is still relevant. You’ll find… Continue reading Hillary Clinton thinks that women should make at least the same as men, no matter what