Elites · Society · Subversion

Indirectly Suppressing the Birth Rate with Antagonistic Policies

A while ago I wrote an article on suburbanism and the two-children family and pointed out how much more difficult it is to have three children as opposed to two. I wrote that having three kids int the back of your car is only suitable for short trips, and even that can be a bit… Continue reading Indirectly Suppressing the Birth Rate with Antagonistic Policies

Elites · Politics · Society

The Baltimore Bridge Boo-Boo and the Problem of Societal Collapse

The other day a cargo ship took down a major bridge in the United States. I got a bit suspicious when the media incessantly pointed out that this was a “Singaporean vessel”. Singapore is a high-IQ society, thanks to its Chinese majority, and the Chinese are rather rule abiding. The video below gives a good… Continue reading The Baltimore Bridge Boo-Boo and the Problem of Societal Collapse

Elites · Subversion

Manipulative “Fact Checking”: The Link Between Aphasia and the Vaxx

I recently rewatched the first two movies in the Die Hard franchise. It’s quite clear that the first movie was not supposed to be the start of a franchise. Because creativity is limited, the sequel basically repeats the plot of the first movie, except on an airport rather than a skyscraper. It also uses self-referential humor,… Continue reading Manipulative “Fact Checking”: The Link Between Aphasia and the Vaxx

Elites · Politics · Society

Women (and Men) Are Fatter than Ever Before in Human History

Now that the scamdemic has died down, the next fearmongering campaign of the mainstream centers on the weather. We went from “global warming” to “global boiling”, which has absolutely no basis in reality. Climate terrorists set forest on fires, which the NGOs that pay them then use to spin the narrative their government backers want… Continue reading Women (and Men) Are Fatter than Ever Before in Human History

Elites · Entertainment

Schizo Thinking and the Schwarzenegger-Kennedy Connection

I just finished reading Schwarzeneggers’s autobiography Total Recall. Overall, this book appears quite dishonest. Basically, you read about him winning for four to five decades straight. He talks about a second place at some international bodybuilding competition being a setback at a time when he was undergoing his rapid rise to the top. In the… Continue reading Schizo Thinking and the Schwarzenegger-Kennedy Connection

Democracy · Elites · Society

Sanna Marin and the Issue of Elite Control of Female Politicians

It seems that in modern Western democracies, the standard process for elite control of male politicians is based on sexual coercion. In the past, closeted sodomites were ideal politicians because sexual attraction centered around the anuses of other men was not a predilection that society was ready to embrace. Some other, and more pedestrian, schemes… Continue reading Sanna Marin and the Issue of Elite Control of Female Politicians