Diversity · Society

The Microsoft/Crowdstrike Disaster and the Fragility of Modern Society

One of the biggest news stories last week was the Crowdstrike software update disaster that led to many millions of Windows computers crashing. The solution was a manual intervention, meaning that millions of working hours were wasted. This affected critical infrastructure, such as airports, as these are the kind of machines companies prefer to have… Continue reading The Microsoft/Crowdstrike Disaster and the Fragility of Modern Society

Politics · Society

Biden’s Disastrous Debate Performance and Its Impact on the Mainstream Narrative

The first presidential debate between the Democrat and Republican nominees was a complete disaster. Donald Trump was tired but Joe Brandon was not even there. He walks in, greeting an imaginary audience, and for large stretches does not even speak coherently. If you have not watched the debate, maybe click on a random segment on… Continue reading Biden’s Disastrous Debate Performance and Its Impact on the Mainstream Narrative

Men vs Women · Society · Women

Women and Mass Layoffs in the Tech Industry

A few years ago, when the scamdemic was being ramped up and companies told their employees that they should work from home, the societal consequences were probably not quite as expected. Fuel to the fire was provided by die DEI agenda, according to which you needed to stop hiring white men and instead increase the… Continue reading Women and Mass Layoffs in the Tech Industry

Society · Subversion · Technology

The Diversity Gravy Train is Slowing Down

Societal support for rainbow colors is no longer as prominent as it used to be. This is most obvious when you look around on LinkedIn or disable the adblocker in your browser. Whereas a couple of years ago, even fifty-people outfits were falling over themselves to proclaim their allegiance to the anal flag, nowadays support… Continue reading The Diversity Gravy Train is Slowing Down

Society · Subversion

Media-Endorsed Female Beauty Standards in 1999

In 1999, Gigi D’Agostino released the banger L’Amour Toujours, which has been enjoying a surprising resurgence in Germany, topping the charts once again. I believe it has something to do with this song being used as a dog-whistle for anti-immigrant sentiments, but these are all unconfirmed rumors. When I looked up the music video to… Continue reading Media-Endorsed Female Beauty Standards in 1999

Social Justice · Society

Shaqueesa Found Embezzling Millions from Facebook and Nike

In the wake of the George Floyd riots, and with the helping hand of BlackRock’s Larry Fink, companies all over the world have created untold numbers of positions related to diversity, inclusion, and equity (DIE). Of course, there also had to be Chief DIE Officers who pocket seven figures a year, despite a complete lack… Continue reading Shaqueesa Found Embezzling Millions from Facebook and Nike

Society · Women

Utilitarian and Non-Utilitarian Female Pet Ownership

A few months ago I wrote a post on people humanizing pets, reaching such levels of retardation that they refer to animals the same way they would have referred to kids. The leftist dirt rag Wikipedia is playing along as well, unsurprisingly. In the discussion section, I made the following comment, on which I am… Continue reading Utilitarian and Non-Utilitarian Female Pet Ownership

Society · Subversion

Foreign Names and The Subtle Frictions of Diversity

As we are all fully aware of, diversity is our greatest strength. Working in highly effective racially and culturally homogeneous teams and companies is therefore no longer something we can do. Part of it is perhaps because it would just be too easy to operate with a shared set of values. Instead, the modern employee… Continue reading Foreign Names and The Subtle Frictions of Diversity


People in Low-IQ Countries Not Very Intelligent, Study Finds

I do not think much of academia, but thankfully there still are a few based researcher around who ask the questions most do not dare to ask. One such person is Heiner Rindermann, one of the world’s leading researchers on the topic of intelligence. In hist most recent paper, Surprisingly low results from studies on… Continue reading People in Low-IQ Countries Not Very Intelligent, Study Finds

Society · Women

Female Mate Selection is a Recent Phenomenon

In my recent post Female Delusions About Rich Men, I wrote, “In contrast, a much more reliable way for women to end up with a financially successful man is by determining his future potential.” In response, aj remarked that this is why women’s parents used to decide who they married, and therefore slept with and… Continue reading Female Mate Selection is a Recent Phenomenon

Elites · Society · Subversion

Indirectly Suppressing the Birth Rate with Antagonistic Policies

A while ago I wrote an article on suburbanism and the two-children family and pointed out how much more difficult it is to have three children as opposed to two. I wrote that having three kids int the back of your car is only suitable for short trips, and even that can be a bit… Continue reading Indirectly Suppressing the Birth Rate with Antagonistic Policies

Article Requests · Society · Women

“Cave to Female Demands or We Will Fire You!”

This article is about an event that took place at a tech company I have contacts at. The context is that during an anonymous feedback survey, a female employee accused a male employee of sexual harassment. This turned into a big story, with company all-hands meetings in which even C-suite members stated that all women… Continue reading “Cave to Female Demands or We Will Fire You!”

Entertainment · Society · Subversion · Technology

Logan’s Run and the Problem of Postulated Utopias

I recently watched the movie Logan’s Run (1976). This is a cult sci-fi movie that is set in a dystopia in which humans live in fully regulated lives and have been freed from the burden of labor. The only catch is that they have to die at the age of 30. The concept is not… Continue reading Logan’s Run and the Problem of Postulated Utopias

Elites · Politics · Society

The Baltimore Bridge Boo-Boo and the Problem of Societal Collapse

The other day a cargo ship took down a major bridge in the United States. I got a bit suspicious when the media incessantly pointed out that this was a “Singaporean vessel”. Singapore is a high-IQ society, thanks to its Chinese majority, and the Chinese are rather rule abiding. The video below gives a good… Continue reading The Baltimore Bridge Boo-Boo and the Problem of Societal Collapse

Economics · Society

Corruption and Short-Term Thinking are the Core of Third-Worldism

In my article The Limitations of Humiliation Rituals I pointed out that there is an upper limit with regards to the nonsense our hostile elites can subject us to because at some point the structure they profit from so much will be affected. The same is true for typical third-world behavior that is seemingly getting… Continue reading Corruption and Short-Term Thinking are the Core of Third-Worldism

Society · Subversion

Vice Media, Paragon of Journalistic Integrity, is Shutting Down

We truly are living in the end times. The other day, I read that Vice is shutting down. Vice has been integral to the Western way of life in the last two decades and shaped culture like no other journalistic outlet. Not even a multi-million cash injection by our favorite Jew investor George Soros could… Continue reading Vice Media, Paragon of Journalistic Integrity, is Shutting Down

Politics · Society

The Planned Destruction of the German Middle Class

You know about the WEF’s plan to abolish private property by 2030. The goal is that you “own nothing and be happy”. You rent everything, while a small but somehow not mentioned kleptocratic elite owns absolutely everything. It’s everyday life as a service or subscription. You may wonder how this will work in practice but… Continue reading The Planned Destruction of the German Middle Class

Entertainment · Society

Sexual Mores Declined Much Faster than Predicted in 1980s Running Man

One of the less well-regarded Schwarzenegger movies is Running Man (1987). It plays in the late 2010s and predicts a cruel, authoritarian dystopia in which there is total surveillance and human life is worth very little. People who get rightly or wrongly accused of a crime may have to fight for their survival in the… Continue reading Sexual Mores Declined Much Faster than Predicted in 1980s Running Man

Entertainment · Society

The Openings of The Terminator (1984) vs. Terminator 2 (1991): 1980s Masculinity vs 1990s Faggotry

The Terminator (1984) is one of my favorite movies, and quite possibly the movie I watched the most often. Furthermore, I like it better and better the more often I watch it, albeit I also notice the occasional minor issues, like Schwarzenegger’s character walking with a noticeable spring in one scene, which is out of… Continue reading The Openings of The Terminator (1984) vs. Terminator 2 (1991): 1980s Masculinity vs 1990s Faggotry

Social Justice · Society

Leftism is a Self-Correcting Problem: The Example of the “Beloved Activist, Poet”, now Dead

A while ago I came across a news story involving an antifa activist who supposedly got killed randomly in NYC. This caught my attention because normally thugs don’t just try to kill one random person. There are of course mass shootings, but these have a different motivation, i.e. political pressure and subsequent CIA involvement, or… Continue reading Leftism is a Self-Correcting Problem: The Example of the “Beloved Activist, Poet”, now Dead

Article Requests · Society · Women

From Fulfilling Community Life to Social Isolation and Dying Alone: The Old vs. New Life Trajectory of Women

With feminism going strong all over the Western world, I have been wondering what the end game of the modern strong and empowered woman is. Sure, we have been joking about not-so-cool wine aunts and cat ladies but this topic is quite serious. Women in the Western world used to enjoy the fattest gravy train… Continue reading From Fulfilling Community Life to Social Isolation and Dying Alone: The Old vs. New Life Trajectory of Women

Politics · Society

The Bohemian Berlin Lifestyle of the 2000s and its Subsequent Disappearance

In a recent comment I mentioned how little economic pressure there was in Berlin in the 2000s if you wanted to get out of the rat rate or not even enter it. Looking back, it was really a quite remarkable windows of opportunity. For context, after the German reunification, politics and investors had high hopes… Continue reading The Bohemian Berlin Lifestyle of the 2000s and its Subsequent Disappearance

Society · Subversion

Sexual Awkwardness and Further Reduced Fertility is the New Normal

As I am man of culture, I consume a bit of smut here and there. I have come across quite a few seedy mangas and visual novels that had surprisingly well thought out characters and also believable situations, and I found them to be an adequate reflection of certain real-world aspects involving horny women who… Continue reading Sexual Awkwardness and Further Reduced Fertility is the New Normal

Men vs Women · Society

Upper Body Strength Differences Between Men and Women

The mainstream has been brainwashing women so much with the message that they are as strong as men, if not stronger, that some of them really believe it. I do not quite grasp how women cannot understand that muscles on a man are not just for show, and that someone with arms multiple times bigger… Continue reading Upper Body Strength Differences Between Men and Women

Gender Politics · Society

Anything a Man Can Do, But Better: Females in Physiotherapy

As we all know, women can do everything a man can do, just better. This was demonstrated to me yet again when I got a prescription for physiotherapy. It’s not a big issue, but during working out I noticed that my left shoulder joint seems to have a reduced range of motion compared to my… Continue reading Anything a Man Can Do, But Better: Females in Physiotherapy