Open Thread

Open Thread #344

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49 thoughts on “Open Thread #344

  1. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has a piano mini game that is surprisingly full-fledged. You can find quite a few videos of various melodies people have played with it, even some you may have not expected:

  2. This doctor or engineer seems to be fascinated with the third Reich and seems to emulate Hitler. I have no idea what he’s saying, but his body language does seem familiar.

    1. This guy is one of the more infamous Islamists in Germany. Also, I have noticed that quite a few people seem to have studied Hitler’s rhetoric. There is a libertarian guy in Germany called Markus Krall. In one speech, I notice both the prosody and even exact phrases of Hitler speeches. Hitler was an incredibly gifted speaker, unlike what one-minute snippets on YouTube may suggest. In particular, he had a supernatural ability when it came to emphasis. He was able to guide the listener like arguably no modern orator can. It does not surprise me that he is influential to this day.

    2. Did Hitler really receive training from Mussolini for his mannerisms/body language for his speeches?

    3. I am not sure about this, but I would not find it implausible if Hitler got at least some training. He could of course just have been a naturally gifted speaker.

    4. It was probably an achievement for him that he managed to remain sober enough to deliver a seven-minute speech.

    5. Hitler took acting lessons and rehearsed specific facial expressions, body language, and gestures — sometimes photographed, sometimes just in a mirror — designed to engender particular responses from his audiences. He put countless hours into practicing his delivery, which became at least half of his message.

    6. I heard that audiences who were not Germans were not that affected by him. Of course you need to understand German to be moved by him.

      Where can you find more video recordings of his speech?

      I have heard his speech in Siemens factory, but I couldn’t find fuller records.

      As a non-German, I find him quite aggressive in delivering, but can express slight sadness when needed.

      As a 21th century citizen, I find him rather fanatical and energetic.

    7. Your best bet is probably On YouTube, Hitler speeches are being aggressively suppressed. In fact, if you find one, there is also an IP filter on them, which means that you may need to use a VPN or a third-party downloader to even get access to the video file.

    8. I find “I have a dream” speech spoken by a smart “niggard” is much more beautiful in content and delivery than anything Hitler ever said. Martin Luther King spoke for a high ideal that Hitler couldn’t reach or fathom.

      “Gettyburg Address” is also masterful in style though delivery was not known.

      Hitler represented death and destruction, hatred and anger, bigotry and deception.

    9. Did you know that MLK did not write his most famous speech himself? This guy, incidentally a Jew, wrote the first draft:
      The official story is that Stanley Levinson co-wrote it with another black guy, but I would not at all be surprised if the themes of the speech were essentially wholly the former’s creation.

    10. The fake English-speaking Hitler does not even come close to the German original. There are furthermore aspects of German that are impossible to reproduce in English, so this is an unsolvable problem.

    11. You read that stuffs on tabloids or something? I wonder what are your sources for Steven to write it all by himself.

      The fact that he is a Jew has nothing to do with the conspiracy theory related to the work Kevin Macdonald. Jewish people would naturally find the cause for Black freedom sympathetic.

      The total thesis that Jews want to bring more immigrants to the US to completely destroy Europe and the US is bizzard because they have nowhere else to run. No-one will be able to protect Israel. As such, such a theory might be plausible before the establishment of Israel, but has no meaning in the aftermath of the war.

      Jews view the US to be a safe haven for them. They should treasure more than trashing it.

    12. Do you question the fact that a lot of Jewish organizations push for unfettered mass-immigration? I can come up with two hypotheses why they do it, despite it being supposedly not in their best interest. The first is that they discount long-term thinking and assume that they will be fine regardless. I would have to look up sources but I have a hunch that we have seen this pattern unfold quite a few times before in history. The second is the belief that once the West is destroyed, Jews could rule the world. There may be a connection to eschatology, too. This is of course a completely insane conspiracy theory, so I am only stating it.

    13. I question that narratives and theories:

      The first is that they discount long-term thinking and assume that they will be fine regardless.

      Jews did not strike me as short-term thinkers. Mass immigration does not benefit them in anyway except perhaps cheap labour. After the end of WW2, Jews gained massive sympathy from the international communities and their status suddenly changes from one being most hated by one being most pitied and sympathised. So if Jews want immigration, it is just a countermeasure against aging population and demographic crisis, nothing to do with destroying Whites (what the hell does that even mean by White?)

      America has always been a safe place for Jewish immigrants from Europe. Even Macdonald admits that. I think he is manipulative with his interpretation that it is something which reprogrammed American public opinion. America, since the times of colony, has always been a nation of immigrant. The composition of the population was increasingly diverse.

      Jews suffered much less discrimination from European originated Americans, so why do they need to take down America?

      The second is the belief that once the West is destroyed, Jews could rule the world.

      That is the most bizzare theory ever! Suppose that Jews dominated the elite strata of America, they are already ruling the world, holding it in their palm. Why would they want to destroy America?

    14. There is a difference between direct and indirect control. Regarding the claim that the US has always been a “nation of immigrants”, this is misleading. Historically, immigration to the US has been from Europe. For the last few decades, though, it has been primarily from non-European countries, with disastrous consequences.

    15. Martin Luther King spoke for a high ideal that Hitler couldn’t reach or fathom.

      Left ideas are always impeccable. If everyone was accomplished, accepted by society and had everything in abundance it would be splendid. No one argues against that. The only problem is that it doesn’t work in reality. On the other hand, right wing ideas do work, and they result in creating a better world than the one built by leftist, but still worse than the one imagined by leftist. That’s why Right is always at a disadvantage when debating Left.

    16. Translations always struggle to fully convey the finer points of a speech, and AI is notorious for bad translations.

      Translations do best when they deal with more emotionless topics – there’s usually no major issue translating a recipe, a technical manual, or the like (assuming it’s a well-done translation).

      Also remember that Hitler became truly active in the early 1920s, over a hundred years ago. Of course some mannerisms and expressions will seem out of place. They also do after a century, but that doesn’t mean they were powerful at the time.

      Hitler was an effective communicator and skilled politician when he started, there’s no disputing that. We don’t have to like him to admit that, any more than we have to like Bill Gates to admit that he has a high net worth.

      I also find the notion of a Jewish elite driving immigration to be dubious. Sure, you can find Jewish organizations promoting it. You can find organizations with memberships of any ethnic group promoting it.

      But these days, immigration to the west, especially Europe, is predominantly Muslim. Why on Earth would a Jewish elite ever want to increase the Muslim population of their countries? There’s no more anti-Semitic group of people on this Earth than Muslims. Here in Sweden, anti-Semitic incidents have skyrocketed with Muslim immigration. Malmö, the third largest city and one of the cities with the most immigrants, has basically been depopulated of Jews because they’ve run away elsewhere to get away from Muslim anti-Semites.

    17. So racism and segregation is fine, and it is better than racial equality and no segregation. Impeccable logic!

      Why not revive the slavery system in Roman times, it worked, so it should work now

    18. I don’t think anybody seriously doubts that racially homogeneous societies exhibit qualities that you cannot find in diverse societies. Even lefties believe this. While they do not tell you about it, they are the first to move away once diversity comes to their part of town.

    19. So racism and segregation is fine, and it is better than racial equality and no segregation

      Racial equality is literally impossible because races differ in IQ, looks, height, behaviors, tolerances to diseases and environmental factors, etc.

    20. CQV: I think it has a lot to do with how well the cultures work together. Like, if a Swede and a Norwegian move in next together, they’ll probably make fine neighbors. If a German moves in, will probably be fine as well.

      Even quite different cultures can work as well, as long as their differences don’t clash. A Japanese family could probably move into that neighborhood and get along just fine with everyone as well, being a respectful and civilized culture.

      Now if they were from other cultures that are less respectful of others – I am of course not thinking of any specific races here, but only engaging in hypotheticals, as all races and cultures are equal and none better than the other – then well, they might not get along so well with those who come from more respectful and civilized cultures.

    21. CQV and Karl: what you are trying to debate?

      It’s a fact that Jewish people overwhelmingly vote democrat in the US and want non-European immigration. It’s also a fact that Jewish organizations in the world are overwhelmingly for non-European immigration. It’s also a fact that of the prominent (rich or intellectual) Jewish people, that the majority are left wing and support mass immigration to the west.

      And knowing some Jewish people personally, all are also either pro immigration to the west or at most indifferent about it.

    22. @Sleazy

      There is a difference between direct and indirect control.

      Please elaborate. And please also answer our inquiries:

      1) Jews are already controlling the world as elite of America
      2) Jews are endangered by Muslim immigration to Europe

      Regarding the claim that the US has always been a “nation of immigrants”, this is misleading. Historically, immigration to the US has been from Europe. For the last few decades, though, it has been primarily from non-European countries, with disastrous consequences.

      We say it is a nation of immigrants because most original inhabitants of the 13 colonies were immigrants themselves from Great Britain. While it is true that the first wave of immigrants were white, they were not “homogenous”. In the 17th fentury, Dutch and British immigrants did not like each other because Netherland and Britain were contesting for sea supremacy. It is not clear what the British thought of German immigrants. When I was in Charleston in South Carolina, I learned that the Hugenots from France were settled in the frontier rather than the inner territories which were safer. The British immigrants were also divided by religion differences. Even Irish and English immigrants are different. So saying America was homogeneous is misleading. Also, Blacks were presented in America right at the beginning.

      Around 1900s, Italians started to immigrate to Ameica. They were discriminated as well. By the end of 19th century, you already have immigrants from China, Japan, Phillipines, etc.

      America was forced to accept non-European immigrants because economic situation in Europe has improved remarkably after the WW2. They have much less motivation to move to America.

    23. Who is “forcing” the US to accept all those immigrants? I really wonder what kind of legal and social changes took place and who was behind them.

    24. One time poster:

      My point is that I don’t think there is any Jewish master plan behind mass immigration, at least not in Europe, since the main group coming here is probably the most anti-Semitic group of people that exists. I also gave an example of how they pretty much ran the Jews out of the third largest city in Sweden.

      That’s not to say that there aren’t Jews who are pro-immigration, but it’s clear that there’s no Jewish master plan behind it. A Jewish master plan to import people who hate them and wants to kill them or at the very least run them out of the countries doesn’t make any sense.

    25. Racial equality is literally impossible because races differ in IQ, looks, height, behaviors, tolerances to diseases and environmental factors, etc.

      We are talking about legal equality, not biological one.

    26. There are also racial differences with regards to ethics. Thus, even the concept of “legal equality” is odd because laws are written for a particular people with a particular code of ethics. For instance, in Germany there is (or was) the concept of not taking more than you need. Thus, people sometimes did not even apply for welfare even if they were entitled to it. I have the impression that the new arrivals have a somewhat different view on that issue, though.

    27. CQV: I think it has a lot to do with how well the cultures work together. Like, if a Swede and a Norwegian move in next together, they’ll probably make fine neighbors. If a German moves in, will probably be fine as well.

      Even quite different cultures can work as well, as long as their differences don’t clash. A Japanese family could probably move into that neighborhood and get along just fine with everyone as well, being a respectful and civilized culture.

      That is a modern picture. European Americans in the early day might get along alright, but religion difference should not be overlooked. We are not talking about open clashes, but everyday friction.

      Italian Americans and Southern Europeans faced discrimination despite being white.

    28. I don’t think Jews are good at long-term strategies, evidenced by all of the nations that they have been kicked out of.

    29. There are also racial differences with regards to ethics. Thus, even the concept of “legal equality” is odd because laws are written for a particular people with a particular code of ethics.

      While humans from different societies might have different codes of ethics, there are also similarities as well. What I want to stress is that all citizens of the US are acknowledged of basic human rights as prescribed in the constitution. No-one shall be discriminated and treated with brutality, as it happened in the past. Blacks might very well be viewed as equal to whites,, and so Asians.

      Who is “forcing” the US to accept all those immigrants? I really wonder what kind of legal and social changes took place and who was behind them.

      Not who but what. CIrcumstances such as the decline of birth-rate among White Americans. Lack of Human Resources for menial jobs.

      My observation, and by no means to be taken as words of God, is that immigrants in the US work their asses off.

    30. Did the decline of the birth rate happen by accident or was it the consequence of deliberate social engineering? As you may know, it was not always the case that White women were told that they need to have a career or that they should not have kids because it is bad for the environment.

    31. Native-borne Americans work their asses off too. Otherwise we would have no firemen, police officers, health care workers etc. The difference is that those jobs pay well and have benefits. The ones illegals take don’t.

      Hell, how about military vets. They must not work hard. Especially the ones who come back with missing limbs, with PTSD, or in a box. There are certainly not “jobs Americans won’t do.” It’s a liberal and corporate myth.

    32. Did the decline of the birth rate happen by accident or was it the consequence of deliberate social engineering? As you may know, it was not always the case that White women were told that they need to have a career or that they should not have kids because it is bad for the environment.

      It was caused by multiple factors. You can gooogle France’s decline of birthrate after WW1. Such an early decline surely happened before the advent of modern feminism.

      In Japan, women still dedicated themselves to family, yet birth rate still declines.

      While the media may have blown this out of proportion, China also witnesses a decline in birthrate. If she doesn’t do anything about it, she might end up like Japan.

      Vietnam also faces a similar challenge, though less serious.

      Decline of birthrate seems to be a global phenomenon, not just of Europe or the US.

      A common sense explanation to most Vietnamese is that raising a child takes too much time and young couples do not want to have kids. Stagnation of wage and lack of governmental support or subsidy is another way of explaining it.

      Native-borne Americans work their asses off too. Otherwise we would have no firemen, police officers, health care workers etc. The difference is that those jobs pay well and have benefits. The ones illegals take don’t.

      We are not disagreeing. Low level jobs such as lifters in Chinese markets, Dunkin Donut’s attendants, Fast food service like Burger King or Macdonald. Even construction jobs will be immigrants’turf too, though whites still do it.

  3. Guys, I’m starting to see the “women don’t need men” narrative spreading to aging female boomers. That is, that it is better for women to enjoy their “golden years” without the burdons of taking care of an aging male — who tend to be older, and who’s bodies start to break down younger anyway. Fuck through sickness and in health right?


    1. I don’t think this will work out as intended as female bodies break down much faster and they never are as capable as male bodies, with the exception of corner cases like pitting a female athlete against an octogenarian. My grandfather was still chopping wood in his mid-80s. In contrast, I do not think that there are many women who ever were strong and coordinated enough to be able to chop wood.

  4. Greetings, I need some emotional help.

    I discovered the Red Pill, specifically Heartiste.

    I came across this article of his.

    The way he describes what women can do, what they have done to him, enthusiastically. Is this all women? Is it all in the end a matter of power, status and sex? Is there no higher virtue?

    This whole thing scares me. I feel like I am in an abyss of meaning. This is my first intro duction to PUA, I really don’t like it.

    I’d like to hear your thoughts.

    1. Why are you considering power and status lower virtues? What would be examples of higher ones in your opinion?

      And yes, it is all a matter of power, by definition. Having power literally means getting your way. That’s why we use this vague word “power” instead of, say, “money”. You may have a lot of money and still fail to achieve what you wanted. No one knows for sure who is going to win in any particular conflict and through which means, so we cannot identify “power” with any one means in particular

    2. I think status is more appropriate, even though it has a lot of overlap with power.

      But yes, in the end it all comes down to status.

    3. I would argue that these two concepts are strongly interconnected. You cannot have power without status, and vice versa. One could now bring up the deep state and its members, which has power but no status, but this is only seemingly true. Those people deliberately want to stay out of the public eye. The converse would be modern royalty. They have status and we are told they do not have power, but this is absolutely not true, considering their wealth and involvement in social engineering. The same applies all the way down the socioeconomic totem pole.

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