Article Requests · Meeting Women · Relationships

Notes on Assortative Mating

I was asked to write about my views on assortative mating, and also expand on the following aspects: Furthermore, does genetics and/or upbringing influences the choices we make in assortative mating with regards to future and/or current mate suitors, and the type of mating strategy we choose to pursue (short-term or long-term)? Is there such… Continue reading Notes on Assortative Mating

Meeting Women

Picking Up Women and the Question of Social Rank

I do not think that anybody seriously questions that your level of success with women is primarily a question of looks, status, and money. This is the well-known LMS formula. Obviously, for a one-night stand, money and, perhaps, status are not the primary factors. If you are a broke Chad with very few future prospects,… Continue reading Picking Up Women and the Question of Social Rank

Meeting Women · Women

Dealing with Fast and Slow Life-History Strategies

One of the obsessions of the former pickup community was to develop a “game plan” that would work for any woman, regardless of age, personality, social class, or personal circumstances. Partly, this was motivated due to marketing as it is a lot simpler to attempt to sell yet another DVD course that promises to hold… Continue reading Dealing with Fast and Slow Life-History Strategies

Meeting Women

Guest Post: Hallucinated Rejections (by Alek Novy)

Alek Novy left an interesting comment on female behavior some of you probably have observed as well. He uses the term “hallucinated rejection”, which is quite fitting. One of the things that irks me most about women is “hallucinated rejection”. I don’t know if there is a name for it, so that’s what I came… Continue reading Guest Post: Hallucinated Rejections (by Alek Novy)

Meeting Women · Men

The Dangers of Chads Living the Stacy Lifestyle

In my article on the movie Cruel Intentions I mentioned that there is the temptation of the sons of well-off but not rich families to not develop any real ambition in life. Instead, they try to coast through life. This works well for a few years, but, as I pointed out, anyone not enjoying inter-generational… Continue reading The Dangers of Chads Living the Stacy Lifestyle

Dating · Meeting Women · Relationships

Guest Post: Reflecting on Cluster B-Type Women (By Pickernanny)

Pickernanny just posted a detailed and highly accurate post on the correlation between porn-like sex and dealing with a cluster B-type woman, which I have decided to repost as an article to give it greater visibility. In light of Cheeky_James recent arrival and skimming through the conversations, and reflecting on some of my past encounters… Continue reading Guest Post: Reflecting on Cluster B-Type Women (By Pickernanny)

Meeting Women · Women

Wasting Money is Female Status Signaling

It is not at all uncontroversial to say that women tend to be big spenders. Despite their virtue signaling regarding supposedly man-made climate warming, they collectively prop up the fashion industry, which wrecks the planet like almost no other industry. They are also big on spending money on cosmetics, trinkets, and all kinds of bullshit… Continue reading Wasting Money is Female Status Signaling

Article Requests · Meeting Women · Men · Mindset

Reflections on a Possibly Wasted Decade Spent on Picking up Women

The topic of this post, which is based on a comment left by Maou, had been on my backlog for over a year, but a few days ago I received an email by someone else, asking about it and if I would be interested in responding to that comment as part of an article request.… Continue reading Reflections on a Possibly Wasted Decade Spent on Picking up Women

Article Requests · Meeting Women · Relationships

How I picked up Women in my late 20s versus my mid 30s (with a Summary of my Adult Life)

A topic that has come up occasionally, both on my blog and also in some of my consultations sessions is the connection between sexual experience and success in picking up women. Sexual experience as well as maturity do help you. However, we should not delude ourselves and think that we men will age like fine… Continue reading How I picked up Women in my late 20s versus my mid 30s (with a Summary of my Adult Life)

Meeting Women

The Relative Importance of Looks, Money, and Status, and a Strangely Fitting Analogy

We have talked repeatedly about the idea that your level of success with women is primarily determined by your looks, with money and status also having an impact. Of course, this is a bit of an oversimplification as there is another big L, namely location. You will do a lot better if you live in… Continue reading The Relative Importance of Looks, Money, and Status, and a Strangely Fitting Analogy

Meeting Women

Once You’ve Maxed Out Your Foundations, Time is Your Limiting Factor

Recently, one of my clients asked me what the one thing is that he work on to get better at pulling women. For context, this guy is maxed out: great job, swanky apartment in a great location, in excellent physical shape, and he still has plenty of good years left. He does get laid a… Continue reading Once You’ve Maxed Out Your Foundations, Time is Your Limiting Factor

Meeting Women

Quickly Decide if You Want to Have Sex With Her

Sometimes, guys pursue a woman not because they are sexually interested in her, but for various other reasons. A big one is validation. If you haven’t gotten laid in months, then the attention as well as the prospect of having sex with a woman you don’t find particularly attractive may be preferable to consuming online… Continue reading Quickly Decide if You Want to Have Sex With Her

Meeting Women · Mindset

Getting Prematurely Attached to That One Girl

A few concepts old-school PUAs introduced are valid, such as “one-itis”, i.e. obsessing about a particular girl. In this particular scene, though, this meant PUAs obsessing about more or less any girl who gave them any kind of attention at all. You had guys report about “catching one-itis” basically every time they went out. In… Continue reading Getting Prematurely Attached to That One Girl

Meeting Women · Mindset

If One Girl Has Had Sex With You, Many More Will

We have talked about the 80/20 split in male attractiveness on online dating platforms according to which women deem only 20% of men to be attractive, and 80% as unattractive. In contrast, when men rate women, the result is a bell curve with most women rated as around average, with outliers on both ends of… Continue reading If One Girl Has Had Sex With You, Many More Will

Meeting Women · Men

Dealing With Rejection Effectively

A recent discussion in The Open Thread #54 centered around the question of how to deal with rejection. Basically every guy who has ever approached a woman knows that getting turned down can really sting. In the worst case, a high number of rejections may even demotivate guys from approaching women altogether in the future.… Continue reading Dealing With Rejection Effectively

Black Pill · Meeting Women

Chadstruck: The Paramount Importance of Physical Attraction in Dating

When browsing the black pill wiki, I came across an entry for the term “chadstruck“, which is their version of the term “lovestruck”. Of course, this is not a perfect equivalence as intense physical attraction has little to do with love and much more with lust. Yet, it may very well be the only… Continue reading Chadstruck: The Paramount Importance of Physical Attraction in Dating

Meeting Women

Anti-Game and The Problem of Lack of Confidence

One of the most persistent half-truths in the seduction and red pill communities is that confidence gets you laid. “Just be confident, bro!,” you were told. However, just like it was with the ever-elusive quality of having a sense of humor, unattractive men didn’t seem to be able to develop enough confidence to bang top… Continue reading Anti-Game and The Problem of Lack of Confidence

Meeting Women · Men · Society

Admitting That It Is Not Going to Happen

Imagine you ask your boss if you could get a certain qualification, of course sponsored by the company. At first he is a bit skeptical yet mildly supportive, telling you that you should hit some milestones first or maybe just put in a few more years. You diligently do that. Later, you revisit this topic.… Continue reading Admitting That It Is Not Going to Happen

Meeting Women · Women

Are Women in Clubs of a Lower Quality?

Blog reader Yarara left an interesting comment on my post “How Women Turn Chads into Misogynists” that sparked some discussion. He wrote: I am not calling you wrong, but have you considered the possibility that you have some selection bias due to the female pool you predominantly tapped into (figuratively and literally). While my lay… Continue reading Are Women in Clubs of a Lower Quality?