Open Thread

[Sticky] Open Thread #406: Female Achievement (Men of Culture, Enter Here!)

The Open Thread is a place for open discussion among my readers. Post anything you feel like sharing! From now on, the Open Thread will no longer be monthly. Instead, there will be a new Open Thread whenever it is adequate. The stage is yours. Go ahead! The latest Open Thread is made ‘sticky’ to… Continue reading [Sticky] Open Thread #406: Female Achievement (Men of Culture, Enter Here!)

Society · Subversion · Technology

Taiwanese Train-Station Toilets and Western Society

While the world has been largely homogenized, making travel even more frivolous than it otherwise already was, there is still a lot you can learn about your own culture if you spend some time abroad. Yes, there may be a McDonald’s or a Starbucks on every corner, but there are still limits to this kind… Continue reading Taiwanese Train-Station Toilets and Western Society

Entertainment · Subversion

The Disappearance of Peak Beauty in Hollywood

We recently discussed the incredible acting talent of women like Denise Richards in Wild Things. I do not know what it is, but there is a strange inverse correlation with the age of women and their acting talent. The younger and more attractive they are, the better their performance on screen is. It is a… Continue reading The Disappearance of Peak Beauty in Hollywood

Clown World · Society · Women

The Societal Justification for Lazy-Girl Jobs

In clown world, we have seen a number of rather bizarre phenomena, such as women bragging about earning six figures in big-tech companies while not doing any real work. They seemed to believe that it was their God-given right to earn a fat paycheck for attending yoga lessons at work, “vibing” with their female co-workers… Continue reading The Societal Justification for Lazy-Girl Jobs


Methylphenidate, the Flow State, and Time Expansion

I have been using methylphenidate (MPH) for a while now. Looking back at my experience thus far with this drug, it struck me that there is a very good illustration of its effect: In essence, MPH facilitates a state similar to the well-known flow state, except that the threshold for stimulation is lower. I will… Continue reading Methylphenidate, the Flow State, and Time Expansion

Mindset · Society

Rule-Following vs. Rule-Defining as the Quintessential Middle/Upper Class Distinction

I recently wrote a few blog posts on the middle and upper class distinction recently (cf. income differentials, status trap, elite socialization). In this article, I want to tie together some of my observations. Thinking more about middle/upper-class issues, I came to the conclusion that the defining characteristic of the middle class is adherence to… Continue reading Rule-Following vs. Rule-Defining as the Quintessential Middle/Upper Class Distinction

Society · Women

Women Deliberately Sabotage the Reproductive Success of Other Women

Women are deeply competitive in the sexual marketplace. However, this competition is not fought openly, like with guys who try to be seen as bigger, stronger, more masculine, and financially more successful than their male peers. Women are a lot more secretive about their machinations. Being natural-born schemers, they encourage their friends to enjoy unhealthy… Continue reading Women Deliberately Sabotage the Reproductive Success of Other Women

Meeting Women · Women

Hot Women are More Aware of Their Fading Looks than Less Attractive Women

I think that most men are aware by now that single women in their 30s can get quite desperate. They urgently need a guy and even consider lowering their standards. The reason is simple. On one hand, they have “baby rabies” because nature asserts itself one last time, trying to get a selfish woman who… Continue reading Hot Women are More Aware of Their Fading Looks than Less Attractive Women

Meeting Women · Mindset

Hope in the Existence of Good Women, and the Beauty of It (Guest post by Lucretius Carus)

It may seem that in my recent guest post about comparing the 10 year costs of pay sex with the long-time costs of a standard German middle-class marriage and divorce, I had wanted to express the idea that dealing with real-life women in a sexual or relationship-oriented context was more or less unfeasible, and that… Continue reading Hope in the Existence of Good Women, and the Beauty of It (Guest post by Lucretius Carus)

Mindset · Prostitution · Relationships

Pay Sex vs. Standard Marriage – a Ten-Year Empirical Evaluation (Guest Post by Lucretius Carus)

In addition to my sexual exploits with women in real life I also have a parallel track of sexual pay-to-play, i.e. “pay sex”, i.e. prostitution, going on. This parallel psychosexual arrangement (with some overlaps of occasional “A/B testing” between real life and the pay sex world) has been going on for some twenty years now.… Continue reading Pay Sex vs. Standard Marriage – a Ten-Year Empirical Evaluation (Guest Post by Lucretius Carus)


Incompetency and Indifference Will Bring Down Society

There is growing awareness, at least in conservative circles, that standards in the West have been dropping. A perfect example is Boeing whose airplanes are falling out of the sky. They also managed to send two astronauts into space on a mission that was supposed to take eight days but which is still ongoing, three… Continue reading Incompetency and Indifference Will Bring Down Society

Clown World · Subversion

The Dangerous Indoctrination of Women and Children

I recently stumbled across a peculiar children’s book in the library, “Why Do They Say Wolves are Bad?” by Quentin Greban. This book is really as bad as you think as it pushes the message that “prejudices” are generally dangerous. In this book, the animals end up living peacefully with the wolf. It is not… Continue reading The Dangerous Indoctrination of Women and Children

Clown World · Entertainment

What Do Zendaya, Gal Gadot, and Gigi Hadid have in Common?

In my article on why wokeism limits creativity, leading to crappy movies, I quipped that the same people who want to tell you that Gal Gadot is attractive also tell you that Gigi Hadid is a supermodel. In a comment, the name Zendaya was brought up as well. All these women are promoted as sex… Continue reading What Do Zendaya, Gal Gadot, and Gigi Hadid have in Common?

Elites · Subversion

Manipulation Before the Internet: A Lesson From Bloodsport

I rewatched Bloodsport recently, which is one of my favorite movies. Amazingly, this movie was marketed with the claim that it told the true story of Frank Dux who allegedly fought in countless illegal martial arts competitions. This does not really pass the smell test, in particular when you look at the claims made in… Continue reading Manipulation Before the Internet: A Lesson From Bloodsport

Gender Dynamics · Relationships · Society

Tales from the Cuck Shed: Tech Bro Can’t Stand the Guy Who Bangs his Wife

The programmer stereotype changed a lot over the years. Before tech was a mainstream career, programmers were perceived as recluses, possibly with a hygiene problem and a complete disregard for fashion. This image persisted even throughout the dot-com boom of the late 1990s. However, with the next boom in the late 2000s, due to the… Continue reading Tales from the Cuck Shed: Tech Bro Can’t Stand the Guy Who Bangs his Wife


Mooching off Women is an Unsustainable Strategy for Men

There is an interesting discussion going on in Open Thread #404, which is a most fitting number for the title of this post. The starting point was a trailer of a movie by the highly subversive production company A24. In an upcoming movie, they push the idea of geriatric women being sexual objects for young,… Continue reading Mooching off Women is an Unsustainable Strategy for Men


Elite Socialization in Private Schools and Universities

In my article The Status Trap: The Middle-Class Pretending to be Upper Class I explore the problem of the middle class wanting to prepare their children for ascension into the upper class, and mostly only ending up wasting their money. Even though the money for expensive private schools and universities may not be worth it,… Continue reading Elite Socialization in Private Schools and Universities

Clown World · Entertainment · Subversion

Would Scorsese’s Goodfellas and Casino have been Possible in the 2000s?

When I rewatched some of the classic Scorsese movies a while ago, I noticed that there is a very obvious division of labor among the sexes: The men do the important work, and the women spend the money. Men make big, consequential decisions and women are either just there or they make dumb, small decisions… Continue reading Would Scorsese’s Goodfellas and Casino have been Possible in the 2000s?


Higher-Order Sour Grapes: When Everything that is Inferior is Actually Better

Obviously, you all know about “sour grapes”, i.e. someone claiming that something they failed to achieve or cannot afford it not all that great anyway. This goes back to a fable by Aesop. Recently, though, I came across a pattern that goes beyond that. The context is that there is someone in my extended family… Continue reading Higher-Order Sour Grapes: When Everything that is Inferior is Actually Better


The Status Trap: The Middle-Class Pretending to be Upper Class

I wrote a long piece on class differences recently, Middle-Class Income Differentials Are Almost Inconsequential. As a follow up, I want to go into detail on an issue that you could describe as the “middle-class status trap”. In the aspirational part of the middle class, families spend a lot of money on giving their children… Continue reading The Status Trap: The Middle-Class Pretending to be Upper Class

Mindset · Society

What Plucking Frozen Raspberries Taught me About the Will to Survive

I grow a bit of food in the garden. This year, our raspberries did very well. During summer and autumn we harvested a lot of these berries. Of course, as the weather got colder, the yield declined. However, I was not aware that these plants just keep producing berries until nature puts a stop to… Continue reading What Plucking Frozen Raspberries Taught me About the Will to Survive

Entertainment · Subversion

What Happened to Rugged Male Lead Actors?

I recently watched the Scorsese movie The Color of Money (1986), which is about a billiard hustler. My verdict is that this is an excellent movie, very well worth watching. Paul Newman’s acting, as the older hustler mentoring a young billiard player into becoming a better hustler, is great. There are a few scenes where… Continue reading What Happened to Rugged Male Lead Actors?

Mindset · Society

Middle-Class Income Differentials Are Almost Inconsequential

The other day a friend of mine sent me a video that discusses the significance of radiant and muted Christmas lighting in the movie Eyes Wide Shut, a movie I wrote about three years ago. The hypothesis presented in that video seems plausible, but that is not the point. Instead, my mind got stuck on… Continue reading Middle-Class Income Differentials Are Almost Inconsequential