Politics · Society

Sudden Societal Shifts: Immigrants in the West are Getting Less Confident

The last few weeks have been most interesting as they have allowed us to witness the impact of a tipping point in the culture wars. We have not won yet, but the momentum is on our side and the left is on the defense. In fact, they are even on the retreat in many areas.… Continue reading Sudden Societal Shifts: Immigrants in the West are Getting Less Confident

Clown World · Politics

Who is Really Pulling the Strings in the United States?

I was quite impressed by Trump’s first few days in office, essentially attempting to roll back years if not decades of cultural decay. This includes his executive order to abolish “jus soli”, i.e. citizenship by birth, regardless of legal status. The left obviously whines that this is a stark violation of the US constitution, dating… Continue reading Who is Really Pulling the Strings in the United States?

Politics · Social Justice · Society

Why Would People Protest Against a School in the Neighborhood?

I recently heard of a most curious incident in Germany. I have verified it but I want to keep the exact details for myself as that is not relevant for the point I am going to make, and the people involved probably do not need further attention. Anyway, there used to be an iron-clad law… Continue reading Why Would People Protest Against a School in the Neighborhood?

Clown World · Mindset · Politics · Society

When Leftists Encounter Meritocracy

Leftism is a loser mentality. People endorse leftist ideology for one reason alone: they realize that they cannot compete fairly and openly, so they want to band together and rub the productive members of society of their wealth, income, and even status. They vilify even the merely comfortable middle class. Of course, there is also… Continue reading When Leftists Encounter Meritocracy

Clown World · Politics · Society

Infrastructure Collapse is the Tipping Point of Clown World

A few weeks ago, a bridge in one of the larger German cities collapsed, seemingly out of nowhere. This happened in Dresden, which is probably only known to people outside of Europe for the Allied bombing campaign. Presumably the Allies thought there were child soldiers hiding in tunnels and the Germans were using civilians as… Continue reading Infrastructure Collapse is the Tipping Point of Clown World

Clown World · Politics

Is Sweden Able to Turn the Ship Around on Immigration?

Sweden is hardly the center of the world, let alone the Western world. However, Sweden has served as the canary in the coalmine for immigration. In the 1970s, the manufactured mainstream opinion was that Sweden should become “less boring”, so they opened the doors to immigrants from all over the world. Today, life in Sweden… Continue reading Is Sweden Able to Turn the Ship Around on Immigration?

Elites · Politics · Subversion

Schizo Thinking: How to Identify a Potential False Flag Operation

A lot of very odd events happen in the world. Out of nowhere a politician, possibly even a present or a presidential candidate, gets shot, skyscrapers collapse, helicopters crash, and key witnesses who are described as happy-go-lucky personalities suddenly commit suicide by shooting themselves in the back of their skull. I am not even exaggerating… Continue reading Schizo Thinking: How to Identify a Potential False Flag Operation

Economics · Politics · Technology

Organizational Bloat in Tech Companies

Most of you are probably aware that Pavel Durov, the CEO of the messenger app Telegram, the messenger of choice of the discerning gentleman, has recently been arrested in France. This presumably happened at the behest of the United States. In this article, though, I am not going to discuss how the globo homo government… Continue reading Organizational Bloat in Tech Companies

Politics · Society

Biden’s Disastrous Debate Performance and Its Impact on the Mainstream Narrative

The first presidential debate between the Democrat and Republican nominees was a complete disaster. Donald Trump was tired but Joe Brandon was not even there. He walks in, greeting an imaginary audience, and for large stretches does not even speak coherently. If you have not watched the debate, maybe click on a random segment on… Continue reading Biden’s Disastrous Debate Performance and Its Impact on the Mainstream Narrative

Elites · Politics · Society

The Baltimore Bridge Boo-Boo and the Problem of Societal Collapse

The other day a cargo ship took down a major bridge in the United States. I got a bit suspicious when the media incessantly pointed out that this was a “Singaporean vessel”. Singapore is a high-IQ society, thanks to its Chinese majority, and the Chinese are rather rule abiding. The video below gives a good… Continue reading The Baltimore Bridge Boo-Boo and the Problem of Societal Collapse

Politics · Society

The Planned Destruction of the German Middle Class

You know about the WEF’s plan to abolish private property by 2030. The goal is that you “own nothing and be happy”. You rent everything, while a small but somehow not mentioned kleptocratic elite owns absolutely everything. It’s everyday life as a service or subscription. You may wonder how this will work in practice but… Continue reading The Planned Destruction of the German Middle Class

Politics · Society

The Bohemian Berlin Lifestyle of the 2000s and its Subsequent Disappearance

In a recent comment I mentioned how little economic pressure there was in Berlin in the 2000s if you wanted to get out of the rat rate or not even enter it. Looking back, it was really a quite remarkable windows of opportunity. For context, after the German reunification, politics and investors had high hopes… Continue reading The Bohemian Berlin Lifestyle of the 2000s and its Subsequent Disappearance

Gaming · Politics · Subversion

The US Government is Most Likely Influencing Western Video Game Development

The last time I took a walk in nature with my schizo hat on, I thought about the machinations of the CIA and its excessive meddling in popular culture. This is the sledge hammer the United States used to wield in order to exert “soft power” all over the globe, but due to its recent… Continue reading The US Government is Most Likely Influencing Western Video Game Development

Elites · Politics · Society

Women (and Men) Are Fatter than Ever Before in Human History

Now that the scamdemic has died down, the next fearmongering campaign of the mainstream centers on the weather. We went from “global warming” to “global boiling”, which has absolutely no basis in reality. Climate terrorists set forest on fires, which the NGOs that pay them then use to spin the narrative their government backers want… Continue reading Women (and Men) Are Fatter than Ever Before in Human History

Entertainment · Mindset · Politics

Arnold (2023)

Netflix recently released a three-part mini-series on Arnold Schwarzenegger, which, I assume, all of you are familiar with. This mini-series has three parts, covering distinct phases in Schwarzenegger’s life: body builder, movie icon, and politician. Looking for a catchy alliteration, these parts are called athlete, actor, and American, which perhaps rolls off the tongue more… Continue reading Arnold (2023)

Democracy · Politics · Society

Accelerating Loss of Trust and the Breakdown of Society

The other day, ZeroHedge published an article about a recent survey according to which members of congress are considered less trustworthy than telemarketers and used-car salesmen. This may make you chuckle, but it probably does not really surprise anyone. Yet, if you look at the article, you also realize that it is a missed opportunity.… Continue reading Accelerating Loss of Trust and the Breakdown of Society

Politics · Society

Netflix’s Ancient Apocalypse and Dogmatism in Science

The other day I binged on Ancient Apocalypse, a recently released eight-part documentary series on the work of the fringe archeologist Graham Hancock. His main hypothesis is that an advanced human civilization existed well before 5,000 years ago, which flies in the face of mainstream “science” and its stance that the birth of human civilization… Continue reading Netflix’s Ancient Apocalypse and Dogmatism in Science

Democracy · Politics · Scamdemic

The SCOTUS Abortion Ruling and Vaxx-Induced Infertility

I made some rather curious observations recently. First, when there is a big legal debate behind the scenes, there is normally a lot of fake debate in the mainstream media. The right to bear arms is one example. This is a constant topic in US mainstream media. Yet, the very recent turn of events in… Continue reading The SCOTUS Abortion Ruling and Vaxx-Induced Infertility