
Are Hot Chicks About to Make a Comeback in Triple-A Gaming?

As anemic as the library of the PlayStation 5 may be, it is still the most popular stationary console around. This is thanks to Microsoft fumbling so badly. I do not follow console gaming news a lot but when I learned about the latest PlayStation “State of Play” event, I had a look. There was… Continue reading Are Hot Chicks About to Make a Comeback in Triple-A Gaming?


Dr PinkCake’s Adult Visual Novel Being a DIK

I already gushed about Dr PinkCakes adult VN Acting Lessons. The follow-up Being a DIK is bigger, even more ambitious, and probably a lot closer to the real-world experience of many guys than the retired-crypto-bro story hook of its predecessor. Being a DIK seemingly has its origin in a joke in Acting Lessons as “delta… Continue reading Dr PinkCake’s Adult Visual Novel Being a DIK

Gaming · Society

The Absurdity of Having to Use Tor for Non-Mainstream Information

I find the Internet, i.e. the “web”, more or less useless nowadays when it comes keeping up with the news. Mainstream news sites are total garbage, and any site remotely interesting gets banned the moment it ascends beyond fringe status. Thankfully, there is Telegram, but this is only for political news. For gaming, on the… Continue reading The Absurdity of Having to Use Tor for Non-Mainstream Information

Gaming · Subversion

Baldur’s Gays: The Surprising History of Baldur’s Gate 3

Some of you may know that I run a YouTube videogaming channel, via which I sometimes manage to interact with industry figures. In the past, this allowed me to get a review copy of Saints Row, for instance. As many of you are aware of, the recently released RPG Baldur’s Gate 3 is a smash… Continue reading Baldur’s Gays: The Surprising History of Baldur’s Gate 3

Gaming · Politics · Subversion

The US Government is Most Likely Influencing Western Video Game Development

The last time I took a walk in nature with my schizo hat on, I thought about the machinations of the CIA and its excessive meddling in popular culture. This is the sledge hammer the United States used to wield in order to exert “soft power” all over the globe, but due to its recent… Continue reading The US Government is Most Likely Influencing Western Video Game Development

Entertainment · Gaming · Gender Politics · SJWs

Anita Sarkeesian’s Feminist Frequency is Shutting Down

Sometimes, there is just a deluge of bad news: there is global boiling, Putin still refuses to unconditionally surrender, and the premier outlet for feminist criticism of videogames, the esteemed format Feminist Frequency, spearheaded by luminary Anita Sarkeesian, is about to cease production. According to a recent video, which I did not watch as I… Continue reading Anita Sarkeesian’s Feminist Frequency is Shutting Down

Gaming · Mindset

The Tragedy of CliffyB: A Cautionary Tale about Women, Success, and Money

I recently read the autobiography of Cliff Bleszinski, better known as “CliffyB” and the creator of the Gears of Wars franchise, which was huge in the late 2000s.  The story of this guy’s life is relevant even for those among my readers who have no interest in video games, however, as this guy, despite having… Continue reading The Tragedy of CliffyB: A Cautionary Tale about Women, Success, and Money

Gaming · Social Justice · Society · Technology

Saints Row (2022): An Honest Review of the Game of the Century

When news broke about the new Saints Row game, I was, as many others, appalled by what I saw. The graphics were bland, the story seemed laughable, and the main characters did not immediately appeal to me. However, due to some industry contacts, I was able to get a review code of Saints Row (2022)… Continue reading Saints Row (2022): An Honest Review of the Game of the Century