Article Requests · Society · Women

“Cave to Female Demands or We Will Fire You!”

This article is about an event that took place at a tech company I have contacts at. The context is that during an anonymous feedback survey, a female employee accused a male employee of sexual harassment. This turned into a big story, with company all-hands meetings in which even C-suite members stated that all women in the company need to feel safe and that there are clear expectations on male behavior, i.e. men need to know their place and cannot harass all those poor women. The culmination was a message sent by one of the highest-ranking employees in the company, which pointed out that there is zero tolerance for “sexually inappropriate behavior”. Hugs were off the menu, any kind of touching, even “supposedly friendly gestures”, are now verboten, and cat-calling or making inappropriate remarks was not to be experienced by any woman at this company ever again.

The above sounds rather shocking. You are led to believe that a bunch of alpha-male bro coders have been going wild in the open-plan office, keeping their hard-working and incredibly talented female colleagues in a state of constant fear, with the threat of rape in the office constantly dangling over their head. Yet, as it turned out, the root cause of this circus was rather benign. If anything, the company should have blamed women for their sexually inappropriate behavior, but this is not going to happen anytime soon, albeit, with the DIE tyranny currently falling apart, such a time may arrive sooner than we think.

You may wonder what exactly happened. As it turned out, a female employee went on a couple of dinner dates with a senior manager. Of course, there is a significant power disparity, which I readily acknowledge, without having to resort to Marxist class warfare nonsense. According to the report filed by this woman, aforementioned senior manager made sexually inappropriate overtures to this young, helpless woman who ended up eating in those fancy restaurants for free and for absolutely no reason at all. Quite frankly, this was one of the biggest corporate bullshit stories I have come across in a while.

Let us break down what happened: First, in a professional setting, in particular with people as high up the ladder as a senior manager, people are generally very careful about their image. The assumption that a guy with this much to loose would go around hitting on random women is patently absurd. Of course, the man had to suggest the actual dinner date, but he surely only did so because he found that woman attractive and she had been making it very obvious that she was interested in him. The corporate workplace is not an environment where you act on ambiguous signals to see what happens. If this guy was not 100% certain, he would not have asked her out. Similarly, if this woman had not wanted more, she would not have accepted these invitations. Had she only wanted to be a tease, she would have shot him down the moment he asked her out.

Second, this woman went on multiple dates, er, repeatedly had dinner with this guy. At this point, it should be perfectly clear that she knew what she was doing. Yet, somehow this budding relationship fell apart. My best guess is that she wanted some kind of commitment she could not get. Possibly the guy even banged her a few times, but mentioning that would have been too embarrassing for her. It would also have made her story even weaker because, surely, she cannot claim that she got raped repeatedly, and kept seeing her rapist. It is easy to accuse the guy of abusing his power, trying to fuck some lowly female employee, but her role should also be scrutinized. She was a willing party in this dance, until she no longer was. Had this guy been less careful, e.g. by banging her after the first date and dropping her, he may have gotten a false rape accusation.

One woman not getting what she wanted led to a company policy according to which you should not even interact with women, lest they misconstrue your blabbering about something technical as sexual innuendo because they only understand half of it. It is madness. The working title of this article was “Be Attractive or We Will Fire You”. This is certainly the gist of the policy I mentioned. Surely, women will not complain about sexual advances from a guy they like. However, this is a well-known phenomenon. The escalation to the status quo consists of something else, namely a guy making it past the looks-threshold and getting into trouble because he seemingly did not want to enter a relationship. Otherwise, she would not have felt rejected and complained to HR.

I know of other tech companies that also have strict policies about mating behavior in the workplace. Some companies may even tell women to dress in a less provocative manner. I once heard of a manager who sent some female intern home for the day because she basically showed up in gym attire. To her, interning in tech was apparently all about getting male attention. I read that at Meta there is a policy according to which you “can ask only once”. You can bet that there are women who go around tempting guys to ask them out again because any guy not risking their job for the chance at getting into her pants clearly is not into her enough. There may also be women who claim that a guy who only asked her once has come on to her repeatedly. All of this is a complete mess.

When you think about women in the workplace, you cannot help but wonder if we would not be a lot more productive if we simply segregated the sexes again. In engineering, for instance, women are rarely as effective as men anyway, to put it mildly. If you put all female coders into female-only teams they would probably all quit within a few weeks anyway, but perhaps companies may simply decide to pay women regardless, even if they do not do any work and nobody pretends otherwise. Employing women even if they are less qualified than men is increasingly seen as a cost of doing business anyway. As a consequence, men could once again focus on their work.

10 thoughts on ““Cave to Female Demands or We Will Fire You!”

  1. I would have found the working title “Be Attractive or We Will Fire You” fitting as well. Or manybe the variant “Be Attractive or We Will Utterly Despise You”, because that’s exactly the kind of dynamic working behind all of this. Here again we can see the female disposition to only value a small percentage of men they deem valuable or useful for their (long-term-$urvival) purposes rearing its ugly head in broad daylight.

    As far just hiring and paying women “merely for being there”, and not according to their actual work output, is as bizzare as anything – and yet common practice already in so many sectors of the economy. Thus women are supposed to be valued for their mere existence as the female sex in the job world too – and with a substantial monthly amount of course, because anything else would just be denigrating, and might even cause traumatization on their part.

    This is nothing else than a step in the direction of prostitution. And I’d say it ties in well with the next logical step in this progression: Media reports of many women in their 20s and 30s working in jobs like secretaries, shopping assistants, accountants or RNs, quitting their jobs and switching to OnlyFans “cam work” instead because they can make much much more (short term) money by whoring themselves out visually as thir$t trap$ (aka. self-employed, self-reliant and liberated modern women) to droves of pathetic men than working as wage-slaves.

    It’s not without good reason, that prostitution has been called “the world’s oldest proffession”! My personal guess is that once the social security systems in the West are about to collapse and the job market for menial jobs usually done by women gets tightened up, many women will quickly flock in large numbers into prostitution too – as it has been the norm for centuries already. So there’s nothing new under the sun …

  2. Aaron,

    A coworker once told me about a situation where a female employee was sexually aggressive and very flirtations with a male employee. The guy never reciprocated her advances, nor did he ever flirt back. This went on for a few months, and he kept ignoring her advances. One day, the guy decided to reciprocate her advances, and when he did reciprocate her advances the female employee had a melt down and went crying to HR accusing the guy of sexual harassment. Fortunately, the guy was never fired because the female employee did not have a case against him since she was the sexual aggressor. Unfortunately, the guy was forced to transferred while the female employee did not face any disciplinary action for making a false allegation. In this case, why would a female employee who’s the sexual aggressor make a false allegation if sexual harassment is unwanted sexual advances from men whom they do not find attractive? In this case, she was the sexual aggressor every time.

    1. There are women who flirt with men in situations where they believe it is safe, even though they have no interest in them, and when the guy breaks character and makes a move, they do not really know what to do. I have heard such stories from teachers and college tutors. It almost seemed as if girls in their classes were competing for getting attention, or seeing if they could distract them. In your case, the girl probably thought that the guy would never reciprocate so therefore she could simply consider this some kind of roleplay.

  3. “As it turned out, a female employee went on a couple of dinner dates with a senior manager. Of course, there is a significant power disparity”

    Which is what drew her. Women are hypergamous and this has been going on forever. Feminists screech about it to try to preclude younger/more attractive women from bagging those higher-status men.

    “I read that at Meta there is a policy according to which you “can ask only once”. You can bet that there are women who go around tempting guys to ask them out again because any guy not risking their job for the chance at getting into her pants clearly is not into her enough.”

    Women have always required beta males to show persistence before accepting them as mates. If she’s choosing him as a resource provider rather than for tingles, he’d better demonstrate a willingness to stick around. Alphas, of course, instead enjoy beta-esque supplication from women.

    Of course, now that women are each entitled to a 6’5″ rich alpha, they’d prefer that beta males stop doing inconvenient things like approaching them, or existing.

    More generally, because liberalism is a depopulation/suicide cult, it must pathologize and criminalize historically normal and accepted mating patterns such as those above.

    “Media reports of many women in their 20s and 30s working in jobs like secretaries, shopping assistants, accountants or RNs, quitting their jobs”

    Which, thanks to men being excluded from said jobs, means we end up with a labor shortage in for example the medical field, which translates to real and unnecessary human suffering. Which again is only an issue for the poor whom the elites want to depopulate anyway.

    1. i had a situation at my yoga class where i approached a couple gals and asked them for their contacts, i was reported by a few of those gals for making them feel uncomfortable. the yoga teachers told me to stop hitting on gals at the studio or i become discontinued. i told one female friend from my yoga class this story and she told me her friends had told her that i am a womaniser the first day they saw me talk to her at the studio, i met this friend at the studio…turned out it’s a reputation i have had and i wasn’t even aware of, i guess guys should be more careful in social circles…

    2. You should not approach women and ask for contact. However, if any of the women in yoga class make it obvious that they are into you, focus on one you like and set up a date. On that note, women also do not enjoy getting asked out by a guy she saw hitting on ten other women already.

    3. I’d generally advise against approaching women in an area where you do anything in organized form – work, gym, clubs (for hobbies, not nightclubs), etc. – unless the organization is explicitly ok with it (like church).

      If you do decide to do so anyway, don’t ask girls for their contact info until you’ve chatted with them for a bit and gotten to know them, so it becomes more natural for them. You’ll also be able to better tell if they’re open to you, and even if it turns out they’re not, they’re less likely to feel threatened by you asking.

    4. Aaron,
      “On that note, women also do not enjoy getting asked out by a guy she saw hitting on ten other women already.”

      Why is that?

    5. In that case, she thinks that the guy thought that all those other women are better-looking than her. This is not a good starting-point. Interestingly, this observation contradicts PUA dogma of yore, according to which you should first approach a bunch of ugly women in order to build up confidence. If a woman saw you hit on some ugly chick, she could even get quite upset and consider your approach an insult. It is much better to go for the hottest women first.

    6. @Chris

      If I see a guy hit on ten other women, fail, and then approach me, I’d feel cheap. As though he’s just trying to get with ANYONE and not because he sees something inherently different/special/uniquely attractive about me. I’d also think he’s a loser for failing with ten women in a row. Aaron’s response did not occur to me at all (“she thinks that the guy thought that all those other women are better-looking than her.”)

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