Article Requests · Meeting Women · Relationships

Notes on Assortative Mating

I was asked to write about my views on assortative mating, and also expand on the following aspects: Furthermore, does genetics and/or upbringing influences the choices we make in assortative mating with regards to future and/or current mate suitors, and the type of mating strategy we choose to pursue (short-term or long-term)? Is there such… Continue reading Notes on Assortative Mating

Article Requests · Society · Women

“Cave to Female Demands or We Will Fire You!”

This article is about an event that took place at a tech company I have contacts at. The context is that during an anonymous feedback survey, a female employee accused a male employee of sexual harassment. This turned into a big story, with company all-hands meetings in which even C-suite members stated that all women… Continue reading “Cave to Female Demands or We Will Fire You!”

Article Requests · Society · Women

From Fulfilling Community Life to Social Isolation and Dying Alone: The Old vs. New Life Trajectory of Women

With feminism going strong all over the Western world, I have been wondering what the end game of the modern strong and empowered woman is. Sure, we have been joking about not-so-cool wine aunts and cat ladies but this topic is quite serious. Women in the Western world used to enjoy the fattest gravy train… Continue reading From Fulfilling Community Life to Social Isolation and Dying Alone: The Old vs. New Life Trajectory of Women

Article Requests · Women

Wasting Time is Female Status Signaling

A while ago I wrote an article about why wasting money is female status signalling. True to the old adage that time is money, wasting time is also female status signalling. With both, the underlying issue is that women engage in some kind of competition for resource depletion in order to undermine their competition. This… Continue reading Wasting Time is Female Status Signaling

Article Requests · Meeting Women · Men · Mindset

Reflections on a Possibly Wasted Decade Spent on Picking up Women

The topic of this post, which is based on a comment left by Maou, had been on my backlog for over a year, but a few days ago I received an email by someone else, asking about it and if I would be interested in responding to that comment as part of an article request.… Continue reading Reflections on a Possibly Wasted Decade Spent on Picking up Women

Article Requests · Meeting Women · Relationships

How I picked up Women in my late 20s versus my mid 30s (with a Summary of my Adult Life)

A topic that has come up occasionally, both on my blog and also in some of my consultations sessions is the connection between sexual experience and success in picking up women. Sexual experience as well as maturity do help you. However, we should not delude ourselves and think that we men will age like fine… Continue reading How I picked up Women in my late 20s versus my mid 30s (with a Summary of my Adult Life)

Article Requests · Women

Superficial Female Tidiness

Part of the women-are-wonderful indoctrination we get exposed to in education and at your typical office job is that men are slobs whereas women have an inborn inclination towards order. Women supposedly love keeping the house clean. Everything just looks nice and presentable with the mysterious female touch. Basically any woman’s house or apartment looks… Continue reading Superficial Female Tidiness

Article Requests · Prostitution · The Wall

Exploring Slut Psychology (Part 3 of 3)

Here is the third part of my response to an article request. “…once a (stable) woman has a kid, it changes her personality and their sex drive decreases. A woman who is pregnant or busy taking care of a child isn’t likely to look for another man”. Aaron. 6. I’ve noticed that the sex drive… Continue reading Exploring Slut Psychology (Part 3 of 3)

Article Requests · The Wall · Women

Exploring Slut Psychology (Part 2 of 3)

Here is the second part of my most recent article request: 4. You mention before that sex with different women eventually gets boring, and you eventually move on. I figured that once a woman has banged dozens of guys they would move on and drop their need for validation. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. A… Continue reading Exploring Slut Psychology (Part 2 of 3)

Article Requests · Women

Exploring Slut Psychology (Part 1 of 3)

I recently received a very long article request, which I decided to split into multiple parts in order to make it easier to read and discuss. I quote the original request and provide my answers right after each question. The article request is related to your previous article you published called do sluts have more… Continue reading Exploring Slut Psychology (Part 1 of 3)

Article Requests · Degeneracy · Women

Sluts Do Not Want Long-Term Relationships

I received the following two-part article request. In your article, Do Sluts have more children?, you mention this piece: “In case Chad shows up and hits on her, which is pretty likely, she will happily let him bang her, but she does not do this with the purpose of getting impregnated. Instead, she wants the… Continue reading Sluts Do Not Want Long-Term Relationships

Article Requests · Black Pill

Chad-Only Experiences With Women

I received the following request: From your personal experience with women, are there situations in which Chads will come across that Beta Males won’t and vice-versa? Do you come across perhaps five or eight common situations with women that are very common across the board? First, there definitely is a difference in the kind of experiences… Continue reading Chad-Only Experiences With Women

Article Requests · Relationships

Moving on From a Failed Relationship

I received the following article request: I’ve come across a few articles on reddit on men who have struggle moving on after a relationship has ended. Some of these men are still yearning for their exes after seven-ten years (wanting to get back together again). I don’t quite understand what the underlying issue is, but I can… Continue reading Moving on From a Failed Relationship

Article Requests · Relationships · Women

Relationships: Early Warnings Signs in Women

Introduction I find it quite amazing how much society has changed in the last ten to fifteen years. Even five years ago a lot of guys were very keen on having a girlfriend, and being single was still seen as a sign that you were, at least to some extent, socially defective. Boomers may still… Continue reading Relationships: Early Warnings Signs in Women

Article Requests · Society

Living in Clown World Without Going Insane

It is not an understatement to say that we live in an utterly bizarre world. We are currently ruled by probably the most incompetent and corrupt bunch of people since the fall of Rome. The degeneracy is probably on an entirely different level, something we recently got another glimpse at when pictures of Hunter Biden’s… Continue reading Living in Clown World Without Going Insane

Article Requests · Community Musings

“Man, I wish I could get the ugliest woman possible!” – Reflections on the Absurdity of the PUA Community

Even though the heydays of the PUA community are long over, its spirit still lives on in some corners of the Internet. Nowadays, nobody would claim that “looks don’t matter”, which was the quintessential absurd PUA claim. Instead of addressing those obvious objections, today’s hucksters are much more positive in their messaging and seem to… Continue reading “Man, I wish I could get the ugliest woman possible!” – Reflections on the Absurdity of the PUA Community

Article Requests · Relationships

The Female Role in Breakup and Divorce

I received the following article request: Why women break up/end relationships and/or divorce men (I’m not sure if the reason(s) are the same in ending a relationship vs divorcing), and why relationships fail now a days compared to why our grandparent’s relationships worked out.” The mainstream media is quick to highlight why relationships fail. Often… Continue reading The Female Role in Breakup and Divorce

Article Requests · Men vs Women · Relationships

Cheating from a Male and Female Perspective

I received the following article request: The topic is “why women and men cheat,” and who’s more likely to be loyal overall. I’m familiar that women will cheat on their beta male providers, but are there other reasons as well. Are virtuous women prone to cheating? If its not to much to ask, what do… Continue reading Cheating from a Male and Female Perspective

Article Requests · Relationships

The Stable Equilibirium of Domestic Violence

When I was approached to write an analysis on domestic violence, I was asked to illuminate why women stay in long-term relationships with abusive men. However, domestic violence is not at all an exclusively male-to-female problem. Women physically (and verbally) abuse men. Furthermore, lesbians are infamous for very high incident rates of domestic violence, far… Continue reading The Stable Equilibirium of Domestic Violence

Article Requests · Society

Thoughts on Covid Travel Restrictions

I received the following article request on Covid travel restrictions in Canada: Canada travel policy trapping unvaccinated I wanted your take on mandatory vaccines for travel in/out of Canada. On Oct 30, you got to be fully vaxxed to board a plane/train/boat in Canada. So basically, the unvaxxed are trapped in the country. What would… Continue reading Thoughts on Covid Travel Restrictions

Article Requests · Gender Dynamics · Men vs Women

An Analysis of Captain-Save-A-Hoe Syndrome

A relatively frequent problem of not just inexperienced men is their need to “save a hoe”, i.e. get involved with a woman who could be most aptly described as damaged goods, and stick to her, seemingly no matter how much money it costs them, and how much they suffer physically, emotionally, and spiritually as well.… Continue reading An Analysis of Captain-Save-A-Hoe Syndrome

Article Requests · Mindset

Getting Rid of Destructive Habits

I recently received the following article request: Had an article idea for you. I recently read an article on a dissident site where it briefly mentioned how hostile people on the ‘far right’ can be when dealing with newcomers. I’ve also noticed online that people in this sub-sub-subculture tend to act this way, basically requiring… Continue reading Getting Rid of Destructive Habits

Article Requests · Society · Technology

Thoughts on the “Fourth Stage of Humanity”

I recently received the following article request: Aaron, I’d like to request an article (please take your time). Would you be willing to talk about your thoughts on the so called ‘Fourth Stage of Humanity’ as I’ve heard it put. Essentially, mankind has gone from hunter/gatherer, agricultural, industrialization to the point to where humanity is… Continue reading Thoughts on the “Fourth Stage of Humanity”

Article Requests · Technology

A Primer on Online Privacy and Data Security

I received an article request on secure communication in the age of leftist-marxist oppression and widespread censorship: Hey Aaron, Why not write a piece on privacy and communication? I recall you mentioning a while back something about using a small PC setup for communication. Also, I don’t VPNs do much to protect your identity. I… Continue reading A Primer on Online Privacy and Data Security