Society · Women

Middle Class Women Are the Biggest Sluts

I received a comment on my post The Emptiness of Travelling and Travelling Sluts that reminded me of the heydays of the PUA community. I quote, I think the sluttiness applies to a particular demographic, think lower-class British girls with slabs of makeup on. Such comments only thinly veil the insecurity of the person writing… Continue reading Middle Class Women Are the Biggest Sluts

Social Justice · Society

Irreverent Sexual Humor and Depictions of Women in Anime and Manga

Over the years I have lost all interest in the output of Hollywood. The last two somewhat recent movies I enjoyed were Edge of Tomorrow and Battle Angel Alita. Perhaps it is no coincidence that they are both adaptations of Japanese source material. Japan is indeed where I get my entertainment from nowadays. A big… Continue reading Irreverent Sexual Humor and Depictions of Women in Anime and Manga

SJWs · Society · Technology

Why SJWs Love Twitch Thots but Hate Sexy Virtual Women

Has it ever struck you as odd that SJWs not only have a double standard about virtual men versus virtual women but also about the objectification of real women versus the objectification of virtual ones? As a case of the former, consider that titillating female video game characters cause waves of protest; censorship is now… Continue reading Why SJWs Love Twitch Thots but Hate Sexy Virtual Women

Society · Technology

The Curse of High-Definition Porn (No, it’s not about ‘addiction’ and women who look ‘too good’)

The other day, someone on Reddit mentioned that porn star Christy Mack got beaten to a pulp by her boyfriend after he found her in bed with another guy. The context was that not even the unarticulated threat of physical violence can keep damaged women in check (would you fuck over a guy who looks… Continue reading The Curse of High-Definition Porn (No, it’s not about ‘addiction’ and women who look ‘too good’)

Meeting Women · Society

Money and Quality of Service of Escorts

There was one comment on my last article, Success with Women and the Diminishing Returns of Money: Billionaire Edition, which I thought deserves some further discussion. In short, one reader claimed the following: They may date and marry plain women but I can assure you their side women and whores are top-notch. This statement may… Continue reading Money and Quality of Service of Escorts

Men · Society

Success with Women and the Diminishing Returns of Money: Billionaire Edition

There is the widely-held belief that more money makes you more successful with women. I consider this a highly dubious claim. First, for hook-ups, the question of how thick your wallet is likely does not even enter the picture. Sure, if you’re operating at the level of a genuine hobo, the most chiseled abs most… Continue reading Success with Women and the Diminishing Returns of Money: Billionaire Edition

Society · Women

Pick-up and the Degeneracy Dilemma, or: Why you probably won’t find a good girlfriend or wife

At work I listen to electronic dance music a lot. A track I quite recently came across is “Girls & Boys” by Bali Bandits, some no-name duo. It’s a great track. Give it a listen if you like EDM: This is the kind of music I loved dancing to when I roamed the clubs. The… Continue reading Pick-up and the Degeneracy Dilemma, or: Why you probably won’t find a good girlfriend or wife


Hook-up Culture is a “Hack” of Female Hypergamy

As I have been going through the material for my book on relationships, I had an interesting insight. It is generally acknowledged that the hook-up culture has been made possible by women’s “liberation”. Feminists told them that it is okay to be sluts, and women all over the industrialized world listened. We also know that… Continue reading Hook-up Culture is a “Hack” of Female Hypergamy

Relationships · Society · Technology

Are DNA Tests Tearing Families Apart?

I received a long and very well written email by a reader recently, who shared his thoughts on an article published by the BBC, entitled “The Christmas present that could tear your family apart.” In short, it points out that doing a DNA test with the entire family could very well be that family’s end… Continue reading Are DNA Tests Tearing Families Apart?

SJWs · Society · Women

The Link between Prosperity and Women’s Liberation

The other day I listened to Joe Rogan’s most recent interview with Jordan Peterson while doing some chores. I did not find it overly interesting, but one remark stood out. Peterson claims that the link between women’s liberation and prosperity “seems causal”, i.e. the more a society “liberates” women from their child-bearing duties, the more… Continue reading The Link between Prosperity and Women’s Liberation

Society · Women

Not Acknowledging an Issue Does Not Make it Disappear

A married couple I know recently had a disagreement. The wife got into a foul mood because her husband asked her if she had gained weight. That was already very diplomatic of him because she had visibly gained weight. Now the wife is upset because the criticism of her husband makes her feel more insecure.… Continue reading Not Acknowledging an Issue Does Not Make it Disappear

SJWs · Society · Women

The movie “500 Days of Summer” and its Glorification of the Utterly Mediocre Woman

Out of curiosity, I recently watched the romantic comedy “500 Days of Summer”. I was pretty certain it would be utter shit. Really, don’t expect too much. However, the relevant part is that that movie was a massive box office success. It was made on a budget of a few million dollars, but it brought… Continue reading The movie “500 Days of Summer” and its Glorification of the Utterly Mediocre Woman

Gender Dynamics · Society

The Sexual Marketplace of the Future: Sex Dolls, Artificial Wombs, Virtual Reality, and Miserable Women

There is no denying that the MGTOW movement has been growing. Men are checking out of the rat race as well as competition for females in record numbers. Don’t take my word for it, but simply look at mainstream media, which is full of women wailing about there not being any good men left. Even… Continue reading The Sexual Marketplace of the Future: Sex Dolls, Artificial Wombs, Virtual Reality, and Miserable Women

Gender Dynamics · Society

The Life of Chad and Stacy: Internet Revenge Fantasies Regarding Studs and Sluts

The various communities that have turned their backs on women for whatever reason, be it lack of success or learning about the true nature of women, are growing. In those communities, you will easily find people who harbor enormous resentments. Instead of getting on with their lives, they fantasize about justice prevailing in the end.… Continue reading The Life of Chad and Stacy: Internet Revenge Fantasies Regarding Studs and Sluts

Men · Society

Reflections on Breaking Bad: Big Bucks, Betas, and Nasty Bitches

This article is a follow-up piece to Walter White in Breaking Bad starts out as the ultimate beta male. Quite recently I finished watching the entirety of Breaking Bad, all five seasons. I don’t think this TV show comes anywhere near the greatest of all time, The Sopranos, but it is nonetheless quite good. The… Continue reading Reflections on Breaking Bad: Big Bucks, Betas, and Nasty Bitches

Men · Society · The Wall

Walter White in Breaking Bad starts out as the ultimate beta male

I recently began watching Breaking Bad as I’ve come across too much praise for this show over the years to keep ignoring it. I decided to give it a chance, and after two episodes, I have to say that it is really good. The last show I watched and enjoyed was Spartacus a few years… Continue reading Walter White in Breaking Bad starts out as the ultimate beta male


Blaming a community for the behavior of an individual

In the Open Thread 2018 (#6), a self-declared female reader infiltrated our male safe space. She wanted to know the stance of “this community” towards the driver of the recent van attack that happened in Toronto. The connection between that guy and my site is of course non-existent. Furthermore, the connection between that guy and… Continue reading Blaming a community for the behavior of an individual

Men · Social Justice · Society

Review: The Red Pill (Documentary, 2016)

I occasionally come across references to the documentary “The Red Pill”. It’s not so much that people in the various manosphere/men’s rights/mgtow/red pill communities speak very highly of it. Instead, it is praised as an attempt to bring awareness of contemporary men’s issues into the mainstream. I recently watched that documentary. In a nutshell, if… Continue reading Review: The Red Pill (Documentary, 2016)

Social Justice · Society

Will Social Media Lead to Inevitable Red-Pilling of Teenage Boys?

I recently wrote about the fact that social media may unexpectedly red pill soy boys by providing proof that chicks bang Chads and Tyrones. There is more to this, though. Before social media, or even before the Internet, you were obviously aware that there are young women and old women, and that people get older,… Continue reading Will Social Media Lead to Inevitable Red-Pilling of Teenage Boys?

Society · Women

How Social Media Provides Irrefutable Proof that Chicks Bang Chads and Tyrones

When I was publishing “lay reports” online, one after the other, there were people around who claimed I was a bullshitter. That someone could bang a chick in a bathroom stall seemed like fiction to people. Doing this with a girl you were dating, say a fuckbuddy, was enough of a stretch for them already.… Continue reading How Social Media Provides Irrefutable Proof that Chicks Bang Chads and Tyrones


Artificial Intelligence will put photography models out of work

I just came across a highly interesting paper published by NVidia, with the presumably off-putting title Progressive Growing of GANs for Improved Quality, Stability, and Variation. Bear with me, though, because the content is quite fascinating. What NVidia has managed is to randomly generate, among others, realistic human faces. Have a look at this: Tastes… Continue reading Artificial Intelligence will put photography models out of work


Facebook spits in the face of victims of Islamic terrorism

Of course, we all know that “Islamic terrorism” is a term that triggers the left to no end. Muzzies slaughtering a few unbelievers in broad daylight has nothing to do with Islam, we are told. Muzzie mayor Sadiq Khan of London even claims that Islamic terrorism is “part and parcel” of living in a big… Continue reading Facebook spits in the face of victims of Islamic terrorism

SJWs · Society

Gluten intolerance as a discipline in the victimhood Olympics

Today I overheard a female acquaintance of mine talk about a get-together she had with a few of her female friends last weekend. They had to celebrate something and thus cooked dinner together. So far so good. It got interesting when she elaborated on the various constraints those women brought up. Of a total of… Continue reading Gluten intolerance as a discipline in the victimhood Olympics

SJWs · Society

Neil deGrasse Tyson doesn’t understand science

I was recently pointed to a tweet by eminent black person Neil deGrasse Tyson that was so incredibly stupid that I first looked up his credentials. On paper, he is well qualified, but we all know that there are different standard for blacks. I certainly can’t picture a renowned white or Asian scientist tweet the… Continue reading Neil deGrasse Tyson doesn’t understand science


TIME has no clue about “German parenting”

TIME recently published an article in which a reporter enthusiastically writes about “German parenting”. Sadly, she is incredibly mistaken, so I am going to set the record straight. We’re off to a bad start already: The first time I went to a playground in Berlin, I freaked. All the German parents were huddled together, drinking… Continue reading TIME has no clue about “German parenting”