One of the key aspects of female empowerment, next to earning money in bullshit jobs, is to have sex with as many men as they want. As it turns out, letting women loose on society is perhaps great for a minority of men who get more sexual variety than before but in the end, women who engage in such a lifestyle only set themselves up for one disappointment after another.
Below you see a post that was made on Reddit. The context is that a Singaporean woman accuses a Western man of having “fooled” her. She claims that this guy has a pregnant wife back home in Amsterdam, which is difficult to believe. The implication is clearly that she wanted to enter a relationship with this guy, which did not happen, for whatever reason. Her claims about him may all be made up. It could very well be that he is not married and she just created this lie in order to feel better about him having dumped her.
There is the saying, “You cannot fool an honest man.” This is maybe not always true as there are some quite sophisticated scams out there, for instance fake online shops that do not offer noticeably cheaper goods. However, by and large this saying is correct, just as prejudices are a useful rule of thumb. Scams normally exploit character defects, such as greed. Such people may want to double their money without any risk, so they ignore red flags and eventually get taken advantage of. The same is obviously true of women who readily jump on Chad dick. You cannot fool a modest woman either. However, Chad-addicted women think they will fuck the guy first and because their pussy is oh-so special and unique, he will surely commit to them. This guy may have made not indication at all that he is interested in a relationship or may even have told her explicitly that he is only interested in sex. Yet, these women go ahead regardless, deluding themselves that they will be able to convince him otherwise.
Instead of women blaming a guy who has had sex with them and then disappeared, a much better question is why these women had sex with these men so willingly. As women are the gatekeepers to sex, whereas men have to approach women, all it would take is letting the guy wait. No guy who just wants a quick pump-and-dump is going to spend weeks hanging out with a woman he is not seriously interested in. Yet, a bit of self-restraint is apparently too much to ask of some women, and because they do not want to take responsibility for their own actions, they blame everything and everyone except themselves.
Women gain virtually nothing from uncommitted sex. They may get limited bragging rights if they fuck a celebrity, but even this not really worth it. I once met a woman who told me about some of the musicians she has had sex with and I was not impressed by this at all. In fact, I found it very off-putting. She did not get paid for it either so how would it elevate the status of a random slut that she has been one of hundreds of girls some famous musician has fucked over the years? This is utterly bizarre. In fact, the only explanation is that this is, once again, a misguided attempt of women to copy male behaviors. If a non-rich, non-famous guy was able to bang Scarlet Johansson, Denise Richards, Elisha Cuthbert in her prime, it would be sensational and many women would wonder how he could have done that. This would elevate the status of such a man tremendously. However, a random slut offering herself up to someone famous is nothing to be proud of at all. If a really ugly woman managed to do that it would be impressive, but more on an intellectual level. No guy would want to fuck her to find out what is so special about her, though.
When you look at the mess modern women create in their personal life, you cannot help but wonder if they would not all be better off if we removed their sexual agency. No, I am not talking about Taliban-style treatment of women. In the West, we used to have chaperones, for instance. In addition, the head of the family had to approve the future husband. Women were not free to fuck around for years or decades. However backwards you may think this sounds, it is immediately obvious that the grandmothers of today’s sluts led much happier lives than their granddaughters do. Sexual freedom is a detriment to female happiness.