Clown World · Entertainment

What Do Zendaya, Gal Gadot, and Gigi Hadid have in Common?

In my article on why wokeism limits creativity, leading to crappy movies, I quipped that the same people who want to tell you that Gal Gadot is attractive also tell you that Gigi Hadid is a supermodel. In a comment, the name Zendaya was brought up as well. All these women are promoted as sex objects, which is comical. So, let us look at the past and present of hot women in the media and explore what is going on.

One of the better movies I recently rewatched is Lost in Translation, starring Bill Murray and a very young Scarlet Johansson. Nobody needs to tell you that this woman is good looking. You notice it yourself, without the guiding hand and helpful advice from our elites. She was probably the most attractive woman in Hollywood in the 2000s. If you think of other big female actresses, you easily recall names like Sharon Stone, Denise Richards, or Neve Campbell. Kim Basinger was also very attractive when she was young. On a side note, one of the culturally most relevant movies ever produced by Hollywood is Wild Things (1998), starring Denise Richards and Neve Campbell, who happen to be phenomenally gifted actresses, as the video clip below impressively illustrates.

There are no longer any really attractive women in leading roles in the mainstream media. Going out on a limb, my best guess is that our elites want to push an agenda instead of giving the audience what it wants. Gigi Hadid is a great example. She is an utterly plain-looking woman. Yet, thanks to her father’s wealth and ethnic connections, she is upheld as some kind of beauty queen, which she really is not. She is today’s version of Tori Spelling, expect that Tori Spelling was an exception back in the day whereas today it is noteworthy when there is an attractive woman anywhere to be seen in the entertainment industry. You would not even notice Gigi Hadid if you randomly bumped into her. Gal Gadot is an even worse example. The thought that a woman this unappealing is put into a franchise like Wonder Woman is laughable. Yet, this is what happened. The consequence was that this franchise has been commercially ruined, but I am sure it was worth it for the men behind the curtain.

In addition to attempting to promote comparatively unattractive women, another goal was likely to simply siphon off some money. You can rest assured that there are hundreds of women who are not only better-looking than Gal Gadot but who are also better actresses. However, some people seem to have a vested interest in ensuring that she gets paid handsomely, rather than, how it used to be, some of the most attractive women on the planet. I wonder if this kind of behavior is a consequence of some people realizing that Big Media is in terminal decline, so they want to line their pockets now before everything collapses around them. You often see such behavior in failing companies, for example when the executives try to cash in by off-loading their shares shortly before some bad news are published.

One of the women most promoted by the media these days is Zendaya. We are supposed to believe that she is beautiful, if not a beauty icon. I could now quip that she may be good-looking for a black woman, but that is obviously nothing I would ever say. Nonetheless, there is plenty of evidence that black women are considered the least attractive on dating apps, for what it is worth. I do not actively follow the entertainment industry, but when I do some casual research online, plenty of Zendaya content shows up on my screen. I have the impression that she gets pushed about as much as Ariana Grande was a few years ago.

What Zendaya, Gal Gadot, and Gigi Hadid have in common is that none of them is exceptionally attractive. Their manufactured success is a reflection of the contemporary post-meritocratic entertainment industry. If you compare them with the most attractive songstresses and actresses of two decades ago, the difference is staggering. You no longer see women of a caliber like Denise Richards on screen because movies are supposed to reeducate you and push Marxist agenda according to which everyone is beautiful, and this means that Zendaya, Gal Gadot, and Gigi Hadid are on the menu, not some hot bombshell. I find this development downright absurd. Thanks to social media, people already flock to the profiles of attractive women. Entertainment executives could find dozens of 10s on Instagram in an hour, but they do not want to. They rather push their Marxist agenda.

18 thoughts on “What Do Zendaya, Gal Gadot, and Gigi Hadid have in Common?

  1. Great performances by those ladies in Wild Things😁

    I miss the 90s. Remember Jennifer Love Hewitt? God DAMN! Nothing beats a skinny chick with a huge natural rack.

    1. The closest to a modern-day sex symbol we have is probably Sydney Sweeney. However, she does not get any big-budget roles, so even if we were to assume, for the sake of the argument, that she is in the same league as Denise Richards, her relative lack of success shows that hot women are no longer put in front of the largest possible audience. Obviously, Sydney Sweeney is attractive, but she does not nearly stand out as much as Denise Richards did.

    2. Denise Richards should have gotten an Oscar for best support actress for her stellar performance:

    3. It should have won for best picture. The look on Kevin Bacon’s face when Neve slaps Denise is priceless.

    4. And how about how it zooms in on Denise Richard’s tits as she’s drowning Neve? Great flick.

    5. Peak Jennifer Love Hewitt is about the hottest thing there ever was, and peak Denise Richards might just come in second. Great, great girls. 🙂

    6. Funny you (@GLAS) mention Jennifer Love Hewitt. Definitely a medical novelty of skinny chick with big rack. Very talented actress!

      There was a recent article where she commented how her fans can’t grasp she ain’t prime Jennifer Love Hewitt no more.

    7. Yeah, I ran across that article and was going to post it here myself. Kathy Bates made a good point about longevity. I guess Meryl Streep is the only attractive actress who has had a long career in Hollywood. She was unconventionally attractive in her youth. But I do think she is probably the most talented actress I’ve ever seen, so she withstood the test of time.

    1. The American Pie movies (the real ones, the first 3) hold up pretty well despite they’re more than 2 decades old. Zoomers seem to dig it, and they usually discard “dated” stuff.

    2. Funny u should mention that only the first three (four?) count. They made all these dumb ones that didn’t have the original 5 friends (“we were friends with Stiffler?” Haha,) One of my friends tried to claim there were like 7 or 8 American Pies.

    3. Yes, 4 count if we include the 2012 reunion, as far reunion movies go and enjoying it as the pure fan service that it was, it wasn’t bad.

      From the other ones, the Band Camp was passable and that’s it.

  2. You’re making me think of 20 years ago, I remember prime Elisha Cuthburt and Sung Hi Lee in “The girl next door”.

    1. Thanks for this recommendation! I just watched this captivating movie. Elisha Cuthbert looked quite familiar to me, and then I recalled that she played Kim Bauer in the TV show 24. It is very unfortunate that she did not have a better career in Hollywood. She was born a bit too late for that. On a related note, when I watch a recent movie, I normally look away when there is any kind of sex or intimacy on the screen. For instance, I am not going to subject myself to watching Gal Gadot kiss someone. However, when Elisha Cuthbert or Denise Richards show off this side of their acting, I pay close attention, giving their work the respect it truly deserves.

    2. Here just paying my respects to Elisha, whose most famous roles, Girl Next Door and 24, came when I was right off my puberty (I was too late for Denise Richards, by then she was just Charlie Sheen’s wife). Yep, even if her acting level wasn’t top notch (when has that mattered when the guys in charge want someone to succeed?), she should’ve had a bigger career.

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