
The core mechanism behind societal decay

Today two people led me to think about one particular problem: how does societal collapse happen, and which role do women play in it. The people involved are Jordan Peterson and Neutralrandomthoughts, a frequent commenter on this site.

I listened to a lecture by Jordan Peterson on Tragedy vs Evil. In it, he makes the point that women, due to the vulnerability of a newborn child, need to have a protective partner. Peterson used more dramatic language, but the point stands nonetheless. From that you can deduce that a woman who choses the wrong kind of guy will have a hard time surviving herself, and the same is true for her child. Interestingly, the same is also true for the feckless stone age man she attracted. If the child of the woman dies, then Stone Age Chad’s genes won’t survive either. Thus, mother nature ensures that feckless parents will not have offspring that survive. This means that they are unfit, speaking in evolutionary terms.

Neutralrandomthoughts drew a similar conclusion. In fact, his statement made me realize that Peterson’s observation about the vulnerability of a mother giving birth has much bigger ramifications for society. He wrote, in a comment on my post on some tatted up single-mom:

Sleazy pointed it out correctly. She’s damaged, because her parents were damaged. Sooner or later someone will have to go to therapy to solve the supra-generational family problem. Or not. That’s how a society goes belly up.

The implication is that if we didn’t interfere with nature, society wouldn’t go belly up. In a much harsher political climate, single mothers simply would not survive. Thus, their children would not survive. As a consequence, the children of people who make shockingly poor life decisions will not survive. Their genes will die out, and society would arguably be better off as a result.

However, interference of the nanny state completely distorts this evolutionary mechanism. Mothers no longer need to pick a mate who would support and protect them. Instead, Daddy Government and all his minions will make sure that no matter how poor the judgment of a single mother, all her problems will be solved. The father is a junkie? No problem at all. The mother has a history of self-medication as well as alcohol and drug abuse? No problem, we need all kinds of people to make a functioning society! The mother has hit the wall and desperately wants to have a baby? No problem, pick any of the garbage-tier guys who want to fuck you! Daddy Government will finance your life.

While in previous times, such a woman would have a hard time surviving, in today’s climate she’ll get pampered. Welfare payments, child support, food stamps out the wazoo! Now think for a moment what this means for society!

It’s quite clear what this means. Women are the gatekeepers of sex. if they pick unsuitable mates, they no longer get washed out by evolution. Instead, their children survive and get raised by a mother who should get institutionalized because she clearly can’t take care of herself. It is extremely rare that children are able to distance themselves from the negative influence of their family, so a trashy single mom is very likely to raise another trashy single mom. Due to the fact that the underclass procreates much more readily than the educated, due to constant encouragement by the government, the end result is akin to the movie Idiocracy.

Look around yourself! We went from having perfectly well-running societies in the 1950s and 1960s to a complete nightmare. Society has been crumbling. The traditional family unit is, in some Western cities, no longer the norm. Just look up the percentage of single households in Stockholm, Sweden, for instance! (Spoiler alert: in all of Sweden, single households without children are the most common type.) More or less everywhere in the West I see crumbling infrastructure, a metastasizing welfare state, corrupt elites, the rise of collectivism, censorship, marauders, and utter moral degeneracy.

How do you think Western society would look like if we didn’t support people who made incredibly poor life decisions? Let’s say single mothers would get no support, and welfare benefits would be restricted to the truly needy, for instance the old and frail or the handicapped. We probably wouldn’t do a lot worse than in the 1950s or 1960s.

24 thoughts on “The core mechanism behind societal decay

  1. ” We went from having perfectly well-running societies in the 1950s and 1960s to a complete nightmare.”
    The seed for that decay has been planted in 1950s. Think of “Rebel without a cause” and the lecherous main female character, the funny father who confuses his role for a wife.

    And who asked for all these changes anyway? 1960s, counterculture revolution. Who demanded the world to change? Not really the stupid underclass people, it was young students, even “progressive professors” from famous universities?

    1. The tragic part of all of this is that even though the USSR went under, it’s the Cultural Marxist seed of destruction that they planted in the West that will lead to the latter’s demise. This is akin to an animal defeating another one in battle, but dying days or weeks later due to an infection it incurred.

    2. And this is PRECISELY the crucial point to make. I might know a little bit about this, since I hail from a family of political victims of communism (my grandparents and parents).

      The original impulse for the decay of the West from within had been been developed by the international division of the central committee of the CPSU in the mid 1950ties and subsequently put into action by the KGB. The core techniques were disinformation and subversion, to be undertaken on a long haul time schedule (at least 1 generation, i. e. for 30 consecutive years). A substantial shift of gears occurred after Yuri Andropov had assumed his position of head of the KGB in 1967 and this poisonous impulse did NOT stop after the presumed demise of the Soviet union and the presumed end of communism as a political ideology. Nothing was really destroyed, there was no “Nuremberg trial” examining the communist parties and decontaminating the ruling elites from Marxist-Leninist ideology. The perpetrators are still well and alive and are still actively promoting their cause. Almost all organizations still do exit, they either went underground in 1989/1991 or just changed their names and kept their money as well (i. e. the presumably lost “treasure” of East-Germany’s communist party SED)
      We are now stuck with more than two solid generations of Marxist-Leninist propaganda and infiltration, taking place through mass media, the mainstream news and in particular through our education system. No wonder, the political climate of those crucial institutions is predominantly leftist / liberal / neo-marxist.
      The current generation of IYIs acting as ruling “elite” in many Western countries is precisely the ideologically contaminated generation we are now *stuck* with. And it is increasingly difficult to get rid of them (that’s why POTUS Trump’s election upset is so memorable, because he actually managed to fight and defeat that system using a very special, unheard-of and – in the view of the net-communist nomenklatura – almost “unreal” modus operandi).

      It does not matter, whether all of the decaying impulses (feminism, national self-hatred, anti-capitalism etc.) were deliberately implanted into Western consciousness by communist disinformation or whether they might have emerged all by themselves, without an external urge. Compare it to sparring in Japanese Ju-do: if your opponent is attacking you out of his own volition and you are able to guide his free impulse of motion so that he will nonetheless crash into the nearest wall, then at the end of the day you defeated him anyway. You just (mis-)guided his impulse but you did not cause it.

      This is just a very sketchy summary. Particular authors to consult about this terrible truth (books, but video sources as well) could/would/should be:
      – Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky
      – Lt. Gen. Ion Miahi Pacepa (former deputy chief of Romanian Securitate)
      – Anatolij Golitsyn, Ex-KGB officer
      – Igor Shafarevich, eminent soviet mathematician
      – Jan Seijna, former communist Czech politician
      – Yuri Bezmenov (aka “Thomas David Schuman”), former TASS (aka KGB) operative
      => in particular Bezmenov’s highly foresighting TV-talks “Yuri Bezmenov: Deception Was My Job” (1984) and his lecture on “Psychological Warfare and Subversion” (1983).

      You may thank me later… 😉

    3. @ Neutralrandomthoughts: Sorry, I had completely missed that you had posted a Bezmenov video-link before me. Kudos to you awareness!

      But the fact remains: the struggle between Marxism-Leninism and human freedom still continues to this day. Marxist-Leninist operations are still active and alive. And the objective has remained the same as well: a second October Revolution. Preferably worldwide.
      Don’t laugh! It’s not a laughing matter at all.

    4. @Lucretius Carus

      This video was such an eye-opener for me – incredible.
      Well, looks the topic made think quite a few readers about Bezmenov 🙂

      Same here for the background. My mother and my uncle fled Eastern-Europe communism in the 80s. Tbh, I was quite shocked, how amazingly well designed this whole thing was.
      If you think about it, all that effort could have been used for something actually productive and constructive. Instead, time and energy was spent to destroy. Fucked up isn’t it?

  2. “The tragic part of all of this is that even though the USSR went under, it’s the Cultural Marxist seed of destruction that they planted in the West that will lead to the latter’s demise. This is akin to an animal defeating another one in battle, but dying days or weeks later due to an infection it incurred.”

    So there is a link between the Soviet subversive activities and the so-called Cultural Marxism? I am curious. Please write more if you have times.

    I only know that Socialism and Marxism in Western Europe predates the establishment of the Soviet Union in 1917 (Wow! Exact 100 years ago).

  3. Oh. That’s funny. Because initially I wanted to say, that if we don’t interfere with therepeutical treatment, society will go belly up.
    I was looking at it from a “gotta heal them” point of view.
    Now you got me thinking. You are looking at it from a “let evolution take care of it” perspective. Which actually is fine, too.
    Now, the bigger question is: was the fucked-upnes 2/3/whatever generations back EXTERNALLY induced (by politics for example), or is the human body and mind per se vulnerable to become destructive and experience the desire to torture in the face of perceived injustice (absent father, abusive mother, alcoholic parents, whatever). And if we take THIS view, then society actually has progressed over the last 200 years. We torture less, we have moved to a position where beating kids is not an integral and accepted part of bringing them up, we treat criminals differently (OK, death penalty – I know, you have a more radical and pragmatic view than me) and so on.
    Really, you have kicked off something here… Got me thinking.

    1. You may wanna look up Steven Pinker and “Better Angels of our nature”. Despite the title, this is not some new age bs…

  4. Societal trends being multicausal and complex, I hesitate to point out to one or two particular phenomenons as causes for social decay.
    One could equally argue that the great expansion of the size of the state and its regulatory meddling in the ’30s laid the original seeds of doom. Or that rising prosperity, having lowered or even eliminated traditional barriers to survival has allowed free riders (parasites, if you will) and bureaucrats multiplicate to the point of making the system unsustainable.

    I just picked up Jared Diamonds “Collapse”, lets see what he has to say about it. Anyone here read it?

  5. – Alternative: Letting children die on the streets.
    This will not happen. We are too rich for that.
    Also people don’t just die of malnutrition. They have stunted growth, go blind.
    Even if there was no compassion, in the western world there is always enough food in the dumpsters.

    Welfare state does: Give these children enough to eat. Perhaps they will get super-fucked up, perhaps they make it.
    They will do school years at least.
    No welfare state: Children in the street begging, stealing and searching dumpsters

    I agree to giving more money to schools (with free lunches and paid schooltrips)

    – Crumbling infrastructure: I don’t see it, don’t think there are statistics that prove that
    (America perhaps, ok; rest of the western world looks pretty good too me,
    i central europe, they rebuild streets even though the old one looked fine to me)

    – Metastasizing welfare state: I guess 70is or something were hay-day of welfare state. Since 2000’s it went more neoliberal i think.

    – Handmaid’s tale
    You have some incompetent mothers. Who get some money from the state. Pretty free society. Could be worse.

  6. “Societal trends being multicausal and complex, I hesitate to point out to one or two particular phenomenons as causes for social decay.”
    This is obviously the angle that I can easily side with, just to err on the caution side. Note that any historical information regarding activities of foreign intelligence against Western Europe is very difficult to verify. By definition, intelligence and counter-intelligence is all about secrecy and disinformation. If truthful information is that sparse and contaminated, one will have to tread carefully as he is right on top of a minefield.

    “– Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky
    – Lt. Gen. Ion Miahi Pacepa (former deputy chief of Romanian Securitate)
    – Anatolij Golitsyn, Ex-KGB officer
    – Igor Shafarevich, eminent soviet mathematician
    – Jan Seijna, former communist Czech politician
    – Yuri Bezmenov (aka “Thomas David Schuman”), former TASS (aka KGB) operative
    => in particular Bezmenov’s highly foresighting TV-talks “Yuri Bezmenov: Deception Was My Job” (1984) and his lecture on “Psychological Warfare and Subversion” (1983).”

    I would be very careful of Yuri Bezmenov. His character is colorful and he is a good storyteller.

    A good source to understand the KGB activities is the Mitrokhin Files:
    See the: “Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB”

    1. I would not discount Bezmenov. Yes, he is a good storyteller as was neither a big shot nor an actual dissident. Yet most of his account does conform with what the high ranking defectors (e.g. Pacepa & Golitsyn) have disclosed.

      Bukovsky’s archives are also quite noteworthy: (as is his book “Trial in Moscow” based on those documents he scanned and smuggled out of KGB and Central Committee archives in 1991/1992.
      Being one of the foremost dissidents and former political prisoners he initially was given the task to organize a public trial against CPSU crimes, quite Nuremberg-like, in 1992. But this trial ultimately never materialized.

  7. You mention the words cultural marxism in your post but, I can’t find that word in the dictionary or anywhere else reliable. Can you define it for me?

    1. It’s frustrating when you call me a troll for asking a definition. When I google the term I get a video with Pat Robertson (i.e. religious nut) and the rest of the results aren’t that good either.

    2. I’m quite certain you’ll find a number of webpages that provide an explanation as well.

    3. Recent comments by Don make increasingly less sense… sure it is the same guy?

      If he is trolling, he is not very good at it.

    1. I agree with both wojtekoxx and sleazy’s gal, we want the old blockquotes.

      My personal opinion, this one is unreadable and a strain on the eyes. I literally gloss over when someone is blockquoted on this blog – it’s unreadable.

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