Article Requests · Meeting Women · Relationships

Notes on Assortative Mating

I was asked to write about my views on assortative mating, and also expand on the following aspects: Furthermore, does genetics and/or upbringing influences the choices we make in assortative mating with regards to future and/or current mate suitors, and the type of mating strategy we choose to pursue (short-term or long-term)? Is there such… Continue reading Notes on Assortative Mating

Dating · Meeting Women · Relationships

Guest Post: Reflecting on Cluster B-Type Women (By Pickernanny)

Pickernanny just posted a detailed and highly accurate post on the correlation between porn-like sex and dealing with a cluster B-type woman, which I have decided to repost as an article to give it greater visibility. In light of Cheeky_James recent arrival and skimming through the conversations, and reflecting on some of my past encounters… Continue reading Guest Post: Reflecting on Cluster B-Type Women (By Pickernanny)

Article Requests · Meeting Women · Relationships

How I picked up Women in my late 20s versus my mid 30s (with a Summary of my Adult Life)

A topic that has come up occasionally, both on my blog and also in some of my consultations sessions is the connection between sexual experience and success in picking up women. Sexual experience as well as maturity do help you. However, we should not delude ourselves and think that we men will age like fine… Continue reading How I picked up Women in my late 20s versus my mid 30s (with a Summary of my Adult Life)

Gender Dynamics · Men vs Women · Relationships

Divorce and the Invisible Work of Men

The men that keep society running do so behind the scenes. By this I do not refer to shadowy creatures operating in the dark, but instead those men who work in factories, on construction sites, or on infrastructure maintenance. This also includes software engineers who sit in cubicle farms whose work ensures that Stacy can… Continue reading Divorce and the Invisible Work of Men

Relationships · Women

Amber Heard and the Female Drive for Self-Destruction

I paid some attention to the recent court battle between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. The highlight reels I watched made for some pretty good entertainment. The most infamous revelation was that she took a dump on the maternal bed to send some kind of signal. If I recall correctly, this happened because, after an… Continue reading Amber Heard and the Female Drive for Self-Destruction

Article Requests · Relationships

Moving on From a Failed Relationship

I received the following article request: I’ve come across a few articles on reddit on men who have struggle moving on after a relationship has ended. Some of these men are still yearning for their exes after seven-ten years (wanting to get back together again). I don’t quite understand what the underlying issue is, but I can… Continue reading Moving on From a Failed Relationship

Dating · Relationships

Sexual Attraction and the Drive to Reproduce

A while ago I rewatched James Cameron’s True Lies. It is generally considered one of his weakest movies, if not the weakest one. The criticism is not unwarranted as the plot is pretty nonsensical, the narration long-winded, Schwarzenegger’s acting comical, and the humor and slapstick often fall flat. Nonetheless, it is not a bad movie.… Continue reading Sexual Attraction and the Drive to Reproduce

Article Requests · Relationships · Women

Relationships: Early Warnings Signs in Women

Introduction I find it quite amazing how much society has changed in the last ten to fifteen years. Even five years ago a lot of guys were very keen on having a girlfriend, and being single was still seen as a sign that you were, at least to some extent, socially defective. Boomers may still… Continue reading Relationships: Early Warnings Signs in Women


The Dangerous Female Sense of Entitlement to a Relationship

The topic of women with a so-called Cluster B personality disorder has come up repeatedly. The term “Cluster B” is psychiatrist-speak for anti-social, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorder, and oftentimes, a woman who suffers from one of them also shows symptoms of the others. Note that “suffering” is probably not the correct word here… Continue reading The Dangerous Female Sense of Entitlement to a Relationship

Article Requests · Relationships

The Female Role in Breakup and Divorce

I received the following article request: Why women break up/end relationships and/or divorce men (I’m not sure if the reason(s) are the same in ending a relationship vs divorcing), and why relationships fail now a days compared to why our grandparent’s relationships worked out.” The mainstream media is quick to highlight why relationships fail. Often… Continue reading The Female Role in Breakup and Divorce

Article Requests · Men vs Women · Relationships

Cheating from a Male and Female Perspective

I received the following article request: The topic is “why women and men cheat,” and who’s more likely to be loyal overall. I’m familiar that women will cheat on their beta male providers, but are there other reasons as well. Are virtuous women prone to cheating? If its not to much to ask, what do… Continue reading Cheating from a Male and Female Perspective

Article Requests · Relationships

The Stable Equilibirium of Domestic Violence

When I was approached to write an analysis on domestic violence, I was asked to illuminate why women stay in long-term relationships with abusive men. However, domestic violence is not at all an exclusively male-to-female problem. Women physically (and verbally) abuse men. Furthermore, lesbians are infamous for very high incident rates of domestic violence, far… Continue reading The Stable Equilibirium of Domestic Violence

Men · Mindset · Relationships

Speaking Openly about Difficulties with Women

Recently, we have been talking about experiences with difficult women on this blog. As it turned out, some of you have encountered or even had relationships with women suffering from cluster B personality disorders. It’s probably a bit of a stretch to say that those women “suffer” because they seem to quite enjoy living out… Continue reading Speaking Openly about Difficulties with Women

Open Post · Relationships

Open Post: Cohabitation is a Must for Assessing Women

In a comment to my article Open Post: Why I Got Married the First Time, I was asked the following questions, related to selecting a woman for marriage and motherhood: You can have what you might think are good vetting techniques (I wouldn’t say I do personally at this point), but women and people in… Continue reading Open Post: Cohabitation is a Must for Assessing Women

Open Post · Relationships

Open Post: Why I Got Married the First Time

In the commments following my article How Female Competitiveness Ruins Male Finances, two of you asked about my first marriage, and how I even ended up getting married in the first place. This is the context: Herkerderker asked: Have you ever considered writing a post regarding what led you to choosing this woman initially? No… Continue reading Open Post: Why I Got Married the First Time

Relationships · Technology

Contraception Leads to Lackluster Sex and Failing Relationships

As much as the mainstream pushes the claim that we have evolved beyond being mere animals, in reality we will never rise above our biology. I can no longer count on two hands how often I have heard variations of the claim that “X may have served us in the past, but it is no… Continue reading Contraception Leads to Lackluster Sex and Failing Relationships

Open Post · Relationships

Open Post: The Ideal Female Long-Term Mating Strategy

Alek Novy made a succinct comment on the ideal mating strategy for women. It is a warning for every professionally successful man who suddenly finds himself chased by women who previously would not have given him the time of day. He writes: The ideal mating strategy for a woman isn’t to get an already successful… Continue reading Open Post: The Ideal Female Long-Term Mating Strategy


Why Women Past Their Best-Before Date File for Divorce

As you may have heard, there have been some dark clouds hanging over the British Royal Family. Prince Harry and the single mother he wifed-up, Meghan Markle, want to live their own life and no longer take part in the various gigs the Royal PR Troupe has to endure. In the comments section, we have… Continue reading Why Women Past Their Best-Before Date File for Divorce

Relationships · Society

Fucking Prostitutes is for Winners, not Losers!

In the United States, prostitution is illegal in most states. On top, there is a perceived negative stigma of paying for sex. Only losers do so, feminists and soy-boys wail. I have had a few clients from the US who were curious about the societal attitude towards prostitution in Europe. For some reason, they tend… Continue reading Fucking Prostitutes is for Winners, not Losers!

Dating · Relationships · Women

How Women Try to Gradually Milk you For Money

Arguably the key element of seduction is sexual escalation. If you don’t push the interaction from hello to sex, with various steps in between, you will hardly ever get your dick wet because women just won’t do the work for you. Exceptions to the rule exist, for instance if some gold-digger targets you for your… Continue reading How Women Try to Gradually Milk you For Money


Another Note on Women Who Nag their Partner

After posting my article “Women don’t nag Chads who can provide for them”, I had another relevant insight on that very topic. In the previous article, I wrote that because women can’t nag a short but economically successful guy, in the hope of making him grow, they’d rather nag an economically less successful but tall… Continue reading Another Note on Women Who Nag their Partner


Women don’t nag Chads who can provide for them

A common observation that has become a cliche is that wives and girlfriends do not like that their men play video games. This starts early in the dating process. Some women even state on their online dating profiles that they “don’t date gamers” or even that they “hate video games”. Quite frankly, women are pretty… Continue reading Women don’t nag Chads who can provide for them

Dating · Relationships

How Your Fuck Buddy Deludes Herself

I recently read the Korean high literature manga “H-Campus”, which is short for “Hentai Campus”. It’s reasonably entertaining but I can’t recommend it fully, so there won’t be a proper review. The story is irrelevant, but for context I’ll add that it’s about a new degree program at a fictional Korean university that teaches you… Continue reading How Your Fuck Buddy Deludes Herself

Dating · Relationships

Men are not the Gatekeepers of Relationships

One of the dumbest pieces of supposed wisdom relating to the sexes that are floating around is that women are the gatekeepers of sex, but men are the gatekeepers of relationships. Women often say that crap. It has very little to do with reality, however. Here is what is going on: Your typical uncritical woman… Continue reading Men are not the Gatekeepers of Relationships

Relationships · Society · Technology

Are DNA Tests Tearing Families Apart?

I received a long and very well written email by a reader recently, who shared his thoughts on an article published by the BBC, entitled “The Christmas present that could tear your family apart.” In short, it points out that doing a DNA test with the entire family could very well be that family’s end… Continue reading Are DNA Tests Tearing Families Apart?

Dating · Relationships

The happy couple you see may hate each other’s guts

If you want to be happily married, the odds are stacked against you. The divorce rate is around 50%. On top, you can safely assume that not all the remaining marriages are happy ones. Just read up on issues like dead bedrooms, marital infidelity, or, for a perhaps unexpected twist, the fate of guys who… Continue reading The happy couple you see may hate each other’s guts