Black Pill · Society

A Male Awakening Story: 85% of the Population Hate You (Guest Post by John Smith)

Blog reader John Smith left a great commentary on why he is fed up with the system. I am reposting it on the front page to give it more visibility. His original comment follows below. I don’t give a flying f**k about my country any longer. Why should I when 85% of the population (probably… Continue reading A Male Awakening Story: 85% of the Population Hate You (Guest Post by John Smith)

Article Requests · Society

Living in Clown World Without Going Insane

It is not an understatement to say that we live in an utterly bizarre world. We are currently ruled by probably the most incompetent and corrupt bunch of people since the fall of Rome. The degeneracy is probably on an entirely different level, something we recently got another glimpse at when pictures of Hunter Biden’s… Continue reading Living in Clown World Without Going Insane

Democracy · Society

The Third-World-ification of the West is a Colossally Stupid Idea

The other day I watched a recording of an interview Tucker Carlson did with Curtis Yarvin aka. Mencius Moldbug, in which they discuss the sordid state of the West and our elites. The Jew Yarvin has some good insights into how the world is actually run as his father worked for the State Department. Some… Continue reading The Third-World-ification of the West is a Colossally Stupid Idea


The Deluded Plans of the Elites Will Invariably Fail

I began to get more interested in politics in 2016, as the Great Flooding of Europe occurred. During that time, I read plenty of political commentary in the mainstream press and even watched a few political debates and interviews. As you can imagine, in terms of wokeness, Swedish politicians can compete with anyone. I thought… Continue reading The Deluded Plans of the Elites Will Invariably Fail

Society · Technology

The Subversiveness of Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut

After a discussion in one of the recent Open Threads that centered on Jewish filmmaker Stanley Kubrick’s last movie Eyes Wide Shut, I decided to rewatch it, as it has been probably about twenty years since I first watched it. Of course, back then my perception of world issues and anti-white propaganda was roughly at… Continue reading The Subversiveness of Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut

Society · Technology

Why Female Characters in Movies and Video Games Are Getting Uglier and Uglier

I have lamented many times that as video games have become technically more and more advanced, women in videogames, primarily in Western ones, have gotten uglier and uglier.  In this article, I discuss in more detail why this is happening. In the current and last generation, i.e. PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4, things have gotten… Continue reading Why Female Characters in Movies and Video Games Are Getting Uglier and Uglier

SJWs · Society · Women

What an Organic Grocery Store Can Teach You About Women

The other day I wanted to buy a particular bag of seeds I can only get at my local organic grocery store. I went there after lunch, and quite enjoyed the almost complete absence of patrons. It felt almost relaxing to go there. Then I noticed a woman carefully studying the ingredients of some jar,… Continue reading What an Organic Grocery Store Can Teach You About Women

SJWs · Society · Technology

The Devolution of Female Characters in Video Games

I recently picked up Final Fantasy IX. While the game left a very good initial impression on me, I decided to not keep playing it as I found the random battles in the game too tedious, in particular given the long loading times of the PlayStation. I perked up a few times in the drawn… Continue reading The Devolution of Female Characters in Video Games

Society · Technology

Exploring Crowd-Sourced and AI-Enhanced Morality

I was recently made aware of Delphi AI, which has been designed to help you with moral reasoning. You can access it freely via Apparently, this AI used to be pretty based, but the researchers behind it have rectified this, for science. Allegedly, the moral judgments were crowd-sourced, and after the first crowd was… Continue reading Exploring Crowd-Sourced and AI-Enhanced Morality

Article Requests · Society

Thoughts on Covid Travel Restrictions

I received the following article request on Covid travel restrictions in Canada: Canada travel policy trapping unvaccinated I wanted your take on mandatory vaccines for travel in/out of Canada. On Oct 30, you got to be fully vaxxed to board a plane/train/boat in Canada. So basically, the unvaxxed are trapped in the country. What would… Continue reading Thoughts on Covid Travel Restrictions

Mindset · Society

The Questionable Glorification of Roiding and Muscles

Now that “natural bodybuilding” has been exposed as a scam, with many figureheads exposed as juicers, it seems that Internet culture has moved on to fully embracing steroids. People nowadays even build audiences around their admitted use of steroids, like “Looks Maximus”. In one of his videos, he spends about 40 minutes telling you why… Continue reading The Questionable Glorification of Roiding and Muscles

Article Requests · Society · Technology

Thoughts on the “Fourth Stage of Humanity”

I recently received the following article request: Aaron, I’d like to request an article (please take your time). Would you be willing to talk about your thoughts on the so called ‘Fourth Stage of Humanity’ as I’ve heard it put. Essentially, mankind has gone from hunter/gatherer, agricultural, industrialization to the point to where humanity is… Continue reading Thoughts on the “Fourth Stage of Humanity”

Black Pill · Society

Expensive Schools Will not Keep your Daughters Chaste

Recently, Pickernanny posted the video below, with the apt caption, “Successfully subverted. I give you modern Western woman”: This is a brief clip, not even half a minute long, in which several teenage girls brag about being total sluts, as if it was a badge of honor. Not only is there not a shred… Continue reading Expensive Schools Will not Keep your Daughters Chaste

Open Post · Society

Open Post: Women who go to a Female Therapist (by Yarara)

Yarara recently left an interesting comment, which is worth turning into a separate article. He wrote about how the female therapist of one of the girls he is banging encourages her to sleep around behind other’s backs: One of my latest lovers is a 22yo who recently broke up with a LTR (she got dumped,… Continue reading Open Post: Women who go to a Female Therapist (by Yarara)

Open Post · Society · Technology

Politics in Videogames: Social Darwinism vs Leftism in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (by Pickernanny)

Pickernanny recently posted an extensive review of the PS3 video game Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. To make it easier to respond to it, I’m reposting it as a separate article. Note that you do not need to be an avid gamer to find the content of the review interesting. In fact, his review comes just… Continue reading Politics in Videogames: Social Darwinism vs Leftism in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (by Pickernanny)

Open Post · Society

Open Post: “All the Girls My Age used to be Slim”

A few days ago Ubermensch casually remarked that a decade or so ago (my estimate), almost all the girls in his age group were slim. The timespan is my interpretation. He wrote the following: In Austria the average woman is still slim and not overweight. This is changing as we are important toxic feminism from… Continue reading Open Post: “All the Girls My Age used to be Slim”


The Tragedy of Looks Maximus and its Implications for Society

The content creator Looks Maximus is quite popular among the readers of my blog. His main theme is that modern men are cucked and that society should be “androcentric” instead, which would allow us to live like men and “whoremaxx” whenever we feel certain urges. I quite like his material and have listened to a… Continue reading The Tragedy of Looks Maximus and its Implications for Society

Mindset · Society

Reflections on Themes of the Manga/Anime Berserk and the Spiritual Bankruptcy of Modernity

The manga Berserk has been exceedingly successful. Kentaro Miura began publishing it in 1989, and it is still ongoing. I originally became aware of it in the early 2000s via the video game Berserk: Guts’ Rage. I don’t have much of a recollection of it. Also, I never really looked into the manga either but… Continue reading Reflections on Themes of the Manga/Anime Berserk and the Spiritual Bankruptcy of Modernity

Open Post · Society

Open Post: A Theory on Modern Feminism

Frequent commenter GoodLookingAndSleazy made an excellent remark on modern feminism recently, which I’d like to give more visibility to. The full comment is below. Here’s my theory on modern feminism. Like all political movements it is grounded in legitimate grievances. The grievance is exploited by political opportunists, which is also very common.  The anger is… Continue reading Open Post: A Theory on Modern Feminism

Society · Women

The Horrible Life of Spinsters Then and Now

The word “spinster” has an interesting etymology. Today, it is a mildly pejorative way to refer to an unmarried women. Surely, in some circles it is considered politically incorrect as it is “hetero-normative” or “patriarchal”, implying that women need to get married. As we all know, wahmen need no stinkin’ man to be happy. Yet,… Continue reading The Horrible Life of Spinsters Then and Now


“Game” and The Black Pill as a Mirror of a Fundamentally Broken Society

Recently one of my readers remarked that “game” just as the more romantic notion of wooing a woman are relatively recent phenomena. In particular, the idea that you would need “game” is highly artificial. Of course, game is b.s. as your success with women primarily depends on looks for short-term hookups and money as well… Continue reading “Game” and The Black Pill as a Mirror of a Fundamentally Broken Society


The Manga “High Score Girl Dash” and the Horrific Fate of the Aging Single Woman

As Clown World is ramping up, I’m more interested in escapism than following news on a new “caravan” of hundreds of thousands of soon-to-be legal immigrants from Central America moving towards the U.S. border, Biden’s plan to print another 1.9 trillion dollars, or the never ending “lockdown” in the West to combat a virus that… Continue reading The Manga “High Score Girl Dash” and the Horrific Fate of the Aging Single Woman


Social Pressures to Form a Nuclear Family in the Past vs. a (Hypothetical) Present

This article is not about the fact that the nuclear family has been turning into a niche phenomenon in the current year. Instead, I am going to talk about the social forces that were once necessary to push people towards forming nuclear families and what we would need to do in the present day to… Continue reading Social Pressures to Form a Nuclear Family in the Past vs. a (Hypothetical) Present


Poor Obese Single Mom Tricked by Scammer Pretending to be Vin Diesel!

One of my favorite satirical sites is Andrew Anglin’s Daily Stormer. (I mean, it’s got to be satire, right?) He also has the occasional humorous piece. Here’s one I had a hard time believing it was real, but it seems to be true. Read this: 32-year-old Katelyn George is a single mom who says she… Continue reading Poor Obese Single Mom Tricked by Scammer Pretending to be Vin Diesel!

Gender Dynamics · Society

Realizing how little (some) women add to your life

I shared before that I didn’t care much about women in my teens and early adolescence. I considered them a distraction. Probably, observing the marriage of my parents didn’t do much to warm me towards the fairer sex (lol) either. Yet, I did have some encounters that drove the point home that my suspicions were… Continue reading Realizing how little (some) women add to your life

Dating · Society

Open Post: “I’m playing these women hard like a pimp in today’s dating market”

Jack Ryan left a great comment on the new reality of dating in a world stricken by the Covid-19 hoax. He writes: I work as a Correctional Officer in a state prison in the United States and I can tell you everything you said is on point. I noticed when I was still going to… Continue reading Open Post: “I’m playing these women hard like a pimp in today’s dating market”

Gender Dynamics · Prostitution · Society

The Non-Descript Government Employee is the Next Chad

We are currently in a time of deep social unrest. While the current riots have been manufactured, their social and economic consequences are real. The same is true of the effects of the Covid-19 psyops operation. Covid-19 is about as dangerous as the common flu, yet we crashed our economies for it. If you follow… Continue reading The Non-Descript Government Employee is the Next Chad

Open Post · Society

Open Post: Covid-19 and the Sexdoll Boom

Neutralrandomthoughts recently left a comment I found quite amusing, so let’s have some more fun with it: Some funny shit on zerohedge this morning: And now, for some more fun, select comments from the best comment section in the world: “Women hate these dolls. They resent losing their monopoly on making men miserable. Think… Continue reading Open Post: Covid-19 and the Sexdoll Boom

Open Post · Society

Open Post: The Stained Reputation of Nurses

On my other blog, Pickernanny made the following statement about nurses [comments section]: By the way, you might not be surprised by how raunchy some of the young female nurses I work with can be. Openly talking about their sex lives, the guys they would fuck in the building or have fucked, discussing penises etc.… Continue reading Open Post: The Stained Reputation of Nurses

SJWs · Society

A Prime Example of Deluded Leftist Thinking: Rapes Happen Because of Dark Corners

You may be wondering why the Left is so keen on suppressing freedom of speech. The answer is quite surprising as it is due to a completely warped worldview according to something you don’t talk about does not exist. They believe that language shapes reality, not the other way around. Thus, in Left Think, you… Continue reading A Prime Example of Deluded Leftist Thinking: Rapes Happen Because of Dark Corners

Open Post · Society

Open Post: Intelligence and Truth Seeking

A new commenter, Z, left a great comment regarding intelligence and an interest in questioning appearances and learning about the causes of things. You could aptly call the approach of the average person regarding modeling reality black-box thinking, and if you think I’m exaggerating, ask the average woman how she thinks some part of her… Continue reading Open Post: Intelligence and Truth Seeking

Open Post · Society

Open Post: Chinese Men Don’t Like “Leftover Women”

My favorite female ever, Sleazy’s Wife, left the following comment: Found yet another instance of the Chinese being brutally honest to one another regarding dating (in the context of leftover women): If a blind date said to me that as a husband, he wants to make the final decision on what electronics to buy… Continue reading Open Post: Chinese Men Don’t Like “Leftover Women”