
Chinese sex bomb Naomi Wu enjoys freedoms Western women don’t anymore

About a year ago or so I came across Naomi Wu when skimming Reddit’s “Asians Gone Wild” forum. If you don’t have a super sexy Asian girl in your life, then that’s certainly a worthwhile activity. Anyway, she cheekily made a post with the title “Hi from China!”, which led to a photo album with… Continue reading Chinese sex bomb Naomi Wu enjoys freedoms Western women don’t anymore


Is cuckoldry even a concept for the underclass?

The word cuckold, in many variations, has been going through quite a renaissance in recent years. There are cuckservatives, beta males are generally referred to as cucks, Sweden is occasionally referred to as Cuckistan and so on. Of course, cuckoldry is a real concept. It simply means that a fucking loser of a man that… Continue reading Is cuckoldry even a concept for the underclass?


The fundamental reasons why women don’t like mainstream video games

Some time ago I came across a silly infographic that wanted to make the point that women spend as much time (or was it money?) on video games as men. Unfortunately, they conflated mobile games with their exploitative pricing models where you watch stamina bars fill, and if they drop, you have to go the… Continue reading The fundamental reasons why women don’t like mainstream video games

SJWs · Society

Common Sense: Trump bans trannies from the military

It seems we have entered an age in which reason is, once again, rising from the ashes. As I just learnt, US president Donald “Grab ’em by the Pussy!” Trump banned trannies from serving in the US military. Here are his tweets, joined into a single paragraph: After consultation with my Generals and military experts,… Continue reading Common Sense: Trump bans trannies from the military


The problem with education is that you can’t raise IQ

I recently came across an article on ZeroHedge I initially believed to be satire: 3 Examples That Show How Common Core Is Destroying Math Education In America. It wasn’t, though, as the reference to a Common Core textbook clearly shows. One example of the innovations was a new and improved method for teaching retards how… Continue reading The problem with education is that you can’t raise IQ

Misc. · Society

Eastern Europe Trip (Spring 2017): Prague

(Note: This is the continuation of my post Eastern Europe Trip (Spring 2017): Budapest.) The last city in Eastern Europe we visited was Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. Everything positive I remarked about Krakow and Budapest applies to that city as well: it is clean and racially homogeneous. It is also astoundingly beautiful.… Continue reading Eastern Europe Trip (Spring 2017): Prague

Society · Women

The feminist “argumentum ad caelibatum”, i.e. “you’re wrong because I claim that you don’t get laid”

There is a myriad of logical fallacies. When researching feminist discourse online, for instance in comment sections, however, it seems that one particular logical fallacy reigns supreme. I’d like to define it as the “argumentum ad caelibatum”, i.e. the charge that because someone is claimed to not get laid, his argument is invalid. Indeed, standard… Continue reading The feminist “argumentum ad caelibatum”, i.e. “you’re wrong because I claim that you don’t get laid”


Western degeneracy: “refugees” burning down housing is enrichment!

I just watched Black Pigeon Speaks’ truly sickening video of the Grenfell Tower incident. Let me give a brief summary: a large residential building in London went up in flames. As it turned out, the cause was a fire in an apartment. Many of the tenants were illegal immigrants. I don’t want to belittle the… Continue reading Western degeneracy: “refugees” burning down housing is enrichment!


Western Degeneracy: Germany pays Muslim migrant $400k/year for 4 wives and 23 kids

I was recently alerted to a story that made the rounds on social media. In a nutshell, a Muslim invader is rewarded by the German taxpayer with around 360,000 EUR/year in benefit payments; no, there is no tax on it. That’s the kind of money you’ll only ever get if you run your own company,… Continue reading Western Degeneracy: Germany pays Muslim migrant $400k/year for 4 wives and 23 kids

Social Justice · Society

Western Degeneracy: Indoctrinating toddlers with stories about pregnant trans-dads

Can men get pregnant? Well, if you’ve got any sane bone in your body left, you’d probably wonder whether the utterer of such a question is insane. Men father children, and women give birth. However, sex-change operations are apparently in vogue nowadays. Now recall that it used to be seen as a mental disorder to… Continue reading Western Degeneracy: Indoctrinating toddlers with stories about pregnant trans-dads

Misc. · Society

Eastern Europe Trip (Spring 2017): Intro + Krakow

Together with my favorite woman on the planet, I recently went on a trip through continental Europe. I will focus on three cities in Eastern Europe, though, as it ties in with the theme of the declining West. They are: Krakow (Poland), Budapest (Hungary) and Prague (Czech Republic). One motivation of our trip was, I… Continue reading Eastern Europe Trip (Spring 2017): Intro + Krakow


“Miles4Migrants” is a criminal conspiracy

I recently came across a genuinely evil organisation that is run, of course, by regressive leftists: Miles4Migrants. They are very attractive for “slacktivists”, as it allows them to virtue signal like mad for doing very little. The purpose of Miles4Migrants is to bring the rabble of the third world into the West. You can donate… Continue reading “Miles4Migrants” is a criminal conspiracy


The Creation Myth, Red Pill version (by John Smith)

Blog reader John Smith just left an amazing comment, summarizing his findings after going down the MGTWO rabbit hole. It’s a few thousand words long. You’ll find his entire comment under my article Western women don’t understand what marriage is about. Particularly interesting is his interpretation of the Adam and Eve story, which I am… Continue reading The Creation Myth, Red Pill version (by John Smith)

Society · Women

Western women don’t understand what marriage is about

Some weeks ago, someone left a very insightful comment on how many Western women view marriage and children under my post Tucker Carlson vs Crazy Feminist. Let me quote it in full: It just hit me. There is female predisposition for marriage/divorce in the exact same manner as pregnancy/children. Are you ready for it? Women… Continue reading Western women don’t understand what marriage is about

Dating · Society

Hook-up culture and the degeneracy of the West

The West has gained absolutely nothing from “free love” or its modern manifestations: clubs, bars, and Tinder. What did we gain by undermining the family unit? It certainly was nothing positive. We used to have mom, dad, and 2.5 children per household. Divorce used to be rare. Divorce furthermore used to be heavily discouraged by… Continue reading Hook-up culture and the degeneracy of the West

Social Justice · Society

SJWs wreck tech: conference cancelled due to male hegemony

Ruining politics wasn’t enough for SJWs. Now they try to undermine the tech sector as well. True, calls for more womyn in STEM have been around for many years. Equality of opportunity is out. Equality of outcome, co-called “equity” is in. A recent casualty is a conference that was planned by Github, a US tech… Continue reading SJWs wreck tech: conference cancelled due to male hegemony


Debate: Are you thinking of leaving the West behind or have you gotten out already?

I just returned from a trip through some Eastern European countries and will probably write a few posts about it. Part of my motivation to travel to Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic was to get a first-hand impression on how well those countries compare to the declining West. The bigger context is that, particularly… Continue reading Debate: Are you thinking of leaving the West behind or have you gotten out already?

Men · Society

Science finds that losers tend to be lefties (duh!)

Recently a reader remarked on this blog that social science research falls into two categories. It either confirms what is blatantly obvious, or it is obviously bullshit. Here is a recent research result in the former category: Is sociopolitical egalitarianism related to bodily and facial formidability in men? by a bunch of academics from Brunel,… Continue reading Science finds that losers tend to be lefties (duh!)


Tucker Carlson vs Crazy Feminist

Alek Novy just posted a link of Tucker Carlson debating an mentally deranged feminists. The context is that there was apparently a study that claimed that it was not “natural” for women to breastfeed and that men can likewise “naturally feed” babies, but presumably not by offering their nipples. Watch and weep: You may… Continue reading Tucker Carlson vs Crazy Feminist

Men · Misc. · Society

About Jordan Peterson’s backpedalling on calling MGTOWs “pathetic weasels”

I criticized Jordan Peterson for calling MGTOWs “pathetic weasels”, and outlined that MGTOW consists of two groups: genuine MGTOWs who realize that the odds are stacked against them. The world is full of shitty women and the court system will eat them alive. There is another group: “Virgin-TOW”. Those are men who seek shelter in… Continue reading About Jordan Peterson’s backpedalling on calling MGTOWs “pathetic weasels”


Tailspinning Sweden: Let’s control our borders after a terrorist attack!

Swedish libshits love jerking each other off because they successfully deluded themselves to be a “humanitarian superpower” and not, which is much closer to the truth, the laughing stock of the Western world. It was only a matter of time until they got to experience a terrorist attack on their own soil. This is what… Continue reading Tailspinning Sweden: Let’s control our borders after a terrorist attack!


Tailspinning Sweden: Gimmegrant dominates three policewomen

Man, Sweden is so fucked. But let’s not indulge in too much schadenfreude, as the rest of Europe, and the entire Western world, for that matter, isn’t far behind. Here is a video that recently made the rounds: It shows Ali Gimmegrant who provokes a bunch of policewomen by throwing rocks at their car.… Continue reading Tailspinning Sweden: Gimmegrant dominates three policewomen


Tailspinning Sweden: “Let’s hope criminals stop committing crimes”

To me it seems that the average person in Europe is blissfully unaware how incredibly fucked the West really is. The situation is so much out of control that only radical measures, and by this I mean Duterte-style interventions, would change things for the better. However, such a strong leader seems unlikely to emerge as… Continue reading Tailspinning Sweden: “Let’s hope criminals stop committing crimes”


Interracial hierarchies of sexual attraction, or: why Asian men are almost as fucked as Black women

I’ve been writing about issues related to dating Western women recently, with the obvious implication that non-Western women may be worth exploring. In that context, we have also had some heated discussions about interracial dating in the comments. Among others, readers brought up that Asian men might have difficulties dating, as they tend to be… Continue reading Interracial hierarchies of sexual attraction, or: why Asian men are almost as fucked as Black women


“Asian women are stealing our white men!”

There are quite a few men who have contracted yellow fever. It’s not difficult to see why. If you’re a relatively unaccomplished white man, you’re still very attractive to a low-class girl from Thailand who is lithe and supple, while the equivalent category of women back home you could get consists of trailer trash you… Continue reading “Asian women are stealing our white men!”


Tailspinning Sweden: At least good for some unintentional humor

Earlier today I posted a quick note on some Muslims who were gang-raping a Swedish woman and streaming this live on Facebook. It probably won’t take long and they’ll stream live on Twitch, starting “bid wars” on which hole to enter next. As I was browsing some more on that topic, I came across the… Continue reading Tailspinning Sweden: At least good for some unintentional humor


Tailspinning Sweden: Muslims gang-raping Swedish girl live on Facebook

Whenever you think things couldn’t get any worse in flaccid-dick country, Muslims find new ways to push the envelope even further. Today a story emerged according to which a bunch of Muslim immigrants raped a Swedish girl for hours and live streamed the event to Facebook. I don’t really know what to say to that.… Continue reading Tailspinning Sweden: Muslims gang-raping Swedish girl live on Facebook


Marissa Mayer ran Yahoo! completely into the ground, but let’s not criticize her

It’s old news by now, but still relevant: Marissa Mayer, who essentially built a career on being at the right place at the right time, fucking Larry Page, and being a woman has been ousted as the CEO of Yahoo! Thus, she joins an illustrious cadre of women who have been pushed way beyond their… Continue reading Marissa Mayer ran Yahoo! completely into the ground, but let’s not criticize her

Society · Women

“Bridesmaids” sends a powerful message to deluded women

I just watched the 2011 movie Bridesmaids, which caught me really by surprise. Granted, I don’t watch a lot of movies, or TV shows, for that matter, but my impression was that men are normally made fun of, while women are sacred and perfect. Yet, here we have a mainstream movie that depicts an aging… Continue reading “Bridesmaids” sends a powerful message to deluded women

Society · Women

66-year old failed presidential candidate Jill Stein is in a better physical shape than most Western women

In the wake of Trump’s phenomenal victory, I was rather surprised to see also-ran Jill Stein, who won a grand total of zero electoral votes, campaign for a recount of the votes. Obviously, it couldn’t have been the case that there were dozens of millions of Jill Stein votes that had been wrongly counted for… Continue reading 66-year old failed presidential candidate Jill Stein is in a better physical shape than most Western women