
Chinese sex bomb Naomi Wu enjoys freedoms Western women don’t anymore

About a year ago or so I came across Naomi Wu when skimming Reddit’s “Asians Gone Wild” forum. If you don’t have a super sexy Asian girl in your life, then that’s certainly a worthwhile activity. Anyway, she cheekily made a post with the title “Hi from China!”, which led to a photo album with pictures of her. I’m not yet linking to that because I don’t want my male readers to go there and rub one out, in case you are into extremely fake-looking women (I’m not).

She’s pretty funny, in my opinion. For instance, she has a picture series that shows her massive rack in front of various restaurant meals, cutting off her face. Apparently she knows her audience:

That’s what 1600cc implants look like on a petite girl

There is another picture I recall, but couldn’t unearth, in which she wears a skimpy top with the print “swallows”. She seemed to like the attention:

Her look is probably not everyone’s taste, but certainly some men like such extremes. Frankly, I’d rather look at women like that than the washed up, tatted up, fattened up Western whores I (still) have to endure. Let’s stop salivating for a moment, though. The point isn’t so much that some guys may find Naomi Wu’s pictures to be excellent material to whack off to. No, instead I’d like to highlight that she doesn’t just wear her extremely revealing clothes in the comfort of her home or in front of a web cam. Instead, she struts her stuff in broad public in Shenzhen, a Chinese metropolis. Here are two pictures:

Yup, she’s walking around like that in the middle of the night and doesn’t have to worry at all that she might get knocked down and gang-raped. It seems that Chinese women enjoy freedoms that no longer exist in the West.

Let that sink in for a moment.

Do you need a reminder of what’s been going on in the West? Just to highlight the two most cucked up countries of the Western world: In Sweden, women are afraid to go out alone at night. Meanwhile, Germany has been experiencing a migrant rape epidemic, but that is only a small part of the problems with migrants Germany is facing. Here is a map visualizing a fraction (!) of incidents of 2016, and 2017 is off to a great start.

How long do you think Naomi Wu with her massive 1600cc implants and a body weight of 41kg (90 lbs) would last in a migrant-infested German metropolis? She’d be in for quite the cultural enrichment if she walked around with a skirt like the one in those pictures above.

Now that you’ve made it that far, here are the links to her Twitter, Imgur, and YouTube accounts. For more information about Naomi Wu, check out this FAQ.

EDIT: Here’s Naomi Wu in her “Swallows” top:

Can you spot the ring on her finger?

20 thoughts on “Chinese sex bomb Naomi Wu enjoys freedoms Western women don’t anymore

  1. But she’s *not* out alone. She has a photographer. Maybe the dude is a weedy nerd, or a girlfriend. But then again, maybe he’s a massive kung-fu fifth dan. If he was, that goes a long way to explining how safe she feels.

    1. I am aware of that. However, one guy taking pictures of her wouldn’t deter a mob in the West at night. For instance, there were cases of migrants knocking out a boyfriend, and then raping the girl. Another not-too-uncommon scenario is group attacks, where a few savages isolate the guy from the girl, and then take turns raping her, and that poor fellow then has to watch. Recently there was a case where one rapefugee used a weapon to intimidate the guy and then proceeded raping the girl (source in German):–bewaffneter-vergewaltigt-23-jaehrige—freund-muss-tatenlos-zusehen-7396540.html

  2. I had suspected I might get yellow fever at some point. It’s confirmed now.
    Let’s see how that Malaysian tinder date works out this friday 🙂

    1. I think yellow fever is almost inevitable for high-status Western men, simply due to the abhorrent quality of Western women.

  3. I wish I could be attracted to Asian women. They are relatively so nice personality wise. But I don’t feel it. For instance, I prefer to for some reason I can’t put to words.

  4. I think yellow fever is almost inevitable for most Western men. I never had a thing for asian girls until i travelled asia. My first girlfriend was mixed asian but raised by a western mother in the western world. So not much different. When you meet real asian girls raised in a asian culture. It doesn’t take long to notice they are more pleasant to have around. Nowadays with more asian girls learning english and getting a internet connection. It won’t take long before yellow fever go’s epidemic.

    1. It has, look at the K1 visa rates now vs the 90s.
      Almost quadrupling from 10000 to 40000 visas a year.

  5. Naomi looks like she has had a fair bit of work done.

    Given the fact that the situation continues to worsen in Sweden and Germany, has this not changed the political dynamics a bit?

    1. Indeed it has. We’ve entered the stage of suppression of dissenting opinions, read: censorship. There are also campaigns to bankrupt news outlets that are outside the mainstream and companies that refuse to toe the PC party line.

  6. I find most of the asians in my country (chinese 1st and 2nd generation mostly) somewhat plain compared to our mix of spanish/italian/german descended latinas.
    Then again, this is South America 🙂

    1. Hey Yarara, there’s something I noticed, maybe you can help.
      When I was in Colombia 2 years ago, I noticed that a fair amount of the girls there have Asian traits (face wise). Have you noticed something similar in other South American countries? If so, any explanation? I don’t think they crossed the ocean at some point in time lol

    2. I’ve never gotten a yelow fever, because I have a latina fever 😛

      Even if i look at this girl wu, she’s good a good body in every way, except the one that’s a deal killer for me. East asian women have thicker waists, genetically they store more fat in the midsection than others.

      Even when they’re skinny they store more fat in the midsection. The fact one of them can have these super skinny arms and legs, and still have a thick midsection, it just makes the midsection protrude even more in my eyes. I can’t unsee it.

      I’d rather have the opposite (if I had to choose), a flat bellied chick with the rest of the body being not-so-skinny.

    3. Alek: Latina Fever?
      I always thought you’d be more tilted to the Eastern European side (Rumania/Ukraine/Russia/Balkan region)
      To me it seems that on average they are skinnier than Latinas, especially that oversized ass that one sees so often is not so present.

    4. To me it seems that on average they are skinnier than Latinas, especially that oversized ass that one sees so often is not so present.

      That used to be the case up until 5 years ago. There’s been a massive expansion of supermarket chains and junk-food chains in these areas. Skinny girls are becoming a rarity around these parts.

      As recently as 5 years ago you could walk down the street and 8 out of 10 girls in their twenties was a skinny petite. Now it’s more like 1 out of 20 or 30. It happened at the same time that we got all the major junk-food chains and big western malls.

  7. “When I was in Colombia 2 years ago, I noticed that a fair amount of the girls there have Asian traits (face wise). Have you noticed something similar in other South American countries? If so, any explanation? I don’t think they crossed the ocean at some point in time lol”

    Look up on where Native Indians came from before the American-Asian continents split. I don’t remember exactly the migration flow, but that is the connection you are looking for.

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