Gender Politics · Women

God of War (2018) and its Depiction of Women

Arguably, there is not a single video game franchise out there that represents “toxic masculinity” more than Sony’s God of War, now that the former stronghold, first-person shooters, has completely sold out and put lesbians with pink hair and a prosthetic hand into a game that is set during World War II. The old God… Continue reading God of War (2018) and its Depiction of Women


A hypergamous woman tells me that her current relationship “may not be forever”

Some weeks ago I mentioned the case of a third-world woman who got into the West and who was over-eager to learn about the financial situation of the men around her. Here’s another story, in the same language course setting. She’s from Southern Europe, from one of those heavily indebted countries. You know which ones… Continue reading A hypergamous woman tells me that her current relationship “may not be forever”

The Wall · Women

Young women and their mothers who allow you to look into the future

There is the observation that your young, sexy girlfriend will, over time, approximate the look of her mother. This doesn’t necessarily work if your cutie is the result of miscegenation, for instance if a white alpha has kids with a female member of the Chinese master race. Otherwise, it’s a reliable indicator. I thought of… Continue reading Young women and their mothers who allow you to look into the future

The Wall · Women

50 y/o woman believes that men don’t like her because she’s too smart

One of my readers recently pointed me towards one of the most absurd articles I have come across in a very long time, “I’m single at 50. Why? Men hate me being brainier than them, says Kate Mulvey”. Kate Mulvey is a writer. What is more, she wants to sell a book about her difficulties… Continue reading 50 y/o woman believes that men don’t like her because she’s too smart

Society · Women

How Social Media Provides Irrefutable Proof that Chicks Bang Chads and Tyrones

When I was publishing “lay reports” online, one after the other, there were people around who claimed I was a bullshitter. That someone could bang a chick in a bathroom stall seemed like fiction to people. Doing this with a girl you were dating, say a fuckbuddy, was enough of a stretch for them already.… Continue reading How Social Media Provides Irrefutable Proof that Chicks Bang Chads and Tyrones

Dating · Women

Women from China and South East Asia aren’t Unicorns

We are all very aware of the issues with typical Western women. They are entitled, overweight and unattractive, disrespectful, and slutty. In general, they bring very little to the table. Of course, not all women are like that, but if you pick a Western woman at random, it is much more likely than not that… Continue reading Women from China and South East Asia aren’t Unicorns

Men · Women

How Asian culture breeds desirable women and cucked men

Yesterday I published a guest post by my (Asian) girlfriend, in which she describes two of her cucked male friends. In this post, I’m going to elaborate on my perception of Asian or, more precisely, Chinese culture and why I think this leads to the outcome we so often see: meek men and submissive women.… Continue reading How Asian culture breeds desirable women and cucked men

Dating · Men · Women

Guest post by my girlfriend: Two exemplary cucked Asian men

A topic I’ve been discussing quite a bit with my girlfriend recently is how Asian culture affects men much more negatively than women. After all, a submissive woman is desirable, while a submissive man is not. In this post, my submissive Asian cutie describes two of her cucked friends. I will follow this up with… Continue reading Guest post by my girlfriend: Two exemplary cucked Asian men

Social Justice · Women

Slut believes women should sleep with at least 25 guys

Oh man, slut culture is really quite something. While the number of women who complain that there are no good men left has been increasing sharply, female solipsism is a force powerful enough to make younger women completely ignore the fate that will await them. They see their 35-year-old colleague who happily took every Tyrone… Continue reading Slut believes women should sleep with at least 25 guys


Sex dolls are already superior to (some) women

While I am personally not interested in purchasing a sex doll, I can’t help but notice that there is growing interest. There are now several online shops, which seem to be doing well enough to stick around, and plenty of YouTubers have been discussing the topic from a purely pragmatic perspective. Of course, feminists are… Continue reading Sex dolls are already superior to (some) women


Guest post by my girlfriend: 58-year-old woman devotes her life to a humdrum job

A topic that used to come up quite a bit in my conversations with my girlfriend was the belief of some women that they could have it all, i.e. a career and a fulfilling family life. As we all know, this just won’t work out. I also pointed out to her that old single women… Continue reading Guest post by my girlfriend: 58-year-old woman devotes her life to a humdrum job


Women who sell their virginity to the highest bidder don’t grasp arithmetic

For a few years we have been hearing about the occasional girl who decided to cash in on her virginity. Looking at some of those women, you may wonder how they define their virginity — probably similarly to all those Christian girls who want to save themselves for marriage but deepthroat you like a pro… Continue reading Women who sell their virginity to the highest bidder don’t grasp arithmetic

Men · Women

‘Woman’ is to ‘fat’ like ‘man’ is to ___ ?

The reason fat shaming works and why fat women are so embarrassed about being fat is due to hundreds of millions of years of evolution. Women are of course perfectly aware of the importance of being slender if they want to attract a good provider. No slender woman who is working hard on staying in… Continue reading ‘Woman’ is to ‘fat’ like ‘man’ is to ___ ?

Social Justice · The Wall · Women

Picture proof that Lauren Southern is not a conservative

Blog reader Ben made me aware of a recent exposure related to fake-conservative Lauren Southern. I have done plenty of groundwork that shows that she has no right of calling herself a conservative, but now we have gotten proof. Below is a picture of her “cosplaying” like a slut with an ex-boyfriend. You’ll find more… Continue reading Picture proof that Lauren Southern is not a conservative


A cautionary tale of a woman who wanted to know what cards she could get

Meditation Without Bullshit will soon be available for purchase. Wanting to keep the momentum, I’m currently working hard on preparing Sleazy Stories II for release. An interesting aspect of that book is that a lot of time has passed between the events described in that book and the eventual release of the book. Out of… Continue reading A cautionary tale of a woman who wanted to know what cards she could get

Dating · Women

Why you’ll meet crazier women through one-night stands

In my last post, “It is hard to figure out how to do a relationship properly”, I made the argument that “doing” a relationship properly is not difficult in general. It is only difficult for crazy women. As the examples of encounters with crazy women I described was rather extreme, I’d like to elaborate on… Continue reading Why you’ll meet crazier women through one-night stands

Dating · Women

“It is hard to figure out how to do a relationship properly”

In my most recent bashing of Lauren Southern, I mocked her, among others, for making the claim that it is hard to figure out how to do a relationship properly. If you have only ever encountered typical Western women, you are probably inclined to agree with that statement, but let’s dig a little bit deeper.… Continue reading “It is hard to figure out how to do a relationship properly”

Men · Women

The “men are like switches, women are like dials” nonsense

I think I have written about the misconception this article is going to focus on before, but it probably can’t hurt to discuss it again in more detail as you so often encounter it that it makes your head spin. Well, given that the vast majority of men are beta cucks, it is no surprise… Continue reading The “men are like switches, women are like dials” nonsense

Social Justice · Women

Peak feminist stupidity: woman willingly sleeps with man, ponders if it’s sexual harassment

In my article The feminist #metoo circle jerk on the Harvey Weinstein accusations for sexual misconduct, I pointed out that those women willingly accepted a quid pro quo, meaning that they traded sexual favors for movie roles and other opportunities. Yet, now that those women are well past their prime, good ol’ Harvey is suddenly… Continue reading Peak feminist stupidity: woman willingly sleeps with man, ponders if it’s sexual harassment


What average men just don’t understand about female sexuality

I still find it baffling when men, despite copious amounts of evidence to the contrary, hold on to beliefs they had hammered in by our decrepit feminized society. One such belief is that sex is akin to a favor women hand out. Unsuccessful men are often convinced that this is the case, which is why… Continue reading What average men just don’t understand about female sexuality


Women could shame you for absolutely every choice you make

I had a very interesting coaching call yesterday, in which one of the topics was shaming behavior. Of course, I won’t discuss specifics in public. Instead, I want to draw your attention to the general case, which is that a deranged woman could shame you for absolutely every choice you make. It does not matter… Continue reading Women could shame you for absolutely every choice you make

Dating · Women

Female matchmaker has enough of women with unrealistic expectations

Alek Novy just shared a video in which a female matchmaker rants because her female clients had expectations that were completely out of touch with reality. Apparently, they all wanted the buff dominant-but-cucked 22 year-old billionaire who has so little self-respect that he would settle for a run-of-the-mill trashy woman: Apparently she closed her… Continue reading Female matchmaker has enough of women with unrealistic expectations

Social Justice · Women

Slut shaming is a humanitarian duty

We are told that “slut shaming” is a vile act and something basement-dwelling losers do who need an outlet for their pent-up sexual frustrations. Yet, that claim is so wrong it’s not even funny. Instead, slut-shaming plays a very important role in keeping society stable and weeding worthless women out of the dating pool. I’ll… Continue reading Slut shaming is a humanitarian duty

Dating · Gender Politics · Women

According to feminism, your only option is to wait for ugly girls to approach you (Guest post by Alek Novy)

Alek Novy just left an excellent comment on my post on the feminist #metoo circle jerk, which deserves wide attention. He systematically dismantles the myth of sexual harassment and male power, until he arrives at the one category of girl a high-quality male, according to feminists, is allowed to get involved with, and only under… Continue reading According to feminism, your only option is to wait for ugly girls to approach you (Guest post by Alek Novy)