Men · Women

How Asian culture breeds desirable women and cucked men

Yesterday I published a guest post by my (Asian) girlfriend, in which she describes two of her cucked male friends. In this post, I’m going to elaborate on my perception of Asian or, more precisely, Chinese culture and why I think this leads to the outcome we so often see: meek men and submissive women.… Continue reading How Asian culture breeds desirable women and cucked men

Dating · Men · Women

Guest post by my girlfriend: Two exemplary cucked Asian men

A topic I’ve been discussing quite a bit with my girlfriend recently is how Asian culture affects men much more negatively than women. After all, a submissive woman is desirable, while a submissive man is not. In this post, my submissive Asian cutie describes two of her cucked friends. I will follow this up with… Continue reading Guest post by my girlfriend: Two exemplary cucked Asian men

Men · Women

‘Woman’ is to ‘fat’ like ‘man’ is to ___ ?

The reason fat shaming works and why fat women are so embarrassed about being fat is due to hundreds of millions of years of evolution. Women are of course perfectly aware of the importance of being slender if they want to attract a good provider. No slender woman who is working hard on staying in… Continue reading ‘Woman’ is to ‘fat’ like ‘man’ is to ___ ?

Men · Women

The “men are like switches, women are like dials” nonsense

I think I have written about the misconception this article is going to focus on before, but it probably can’t hurt to discuss it again in more detail as you so often encounter it that it makes your head spin. Well, given that the vast majority of men are beta cucks, it is no surprise… Continue reading The “men are like switches, women are like dials” nonsense


Science figures out why men rather stay single

I was recently pointed towards an article disseminating a social sciences article in which the researchers wanted to explore why men rather spend time among themselves than with (Western) women. The journal article they refer to is Privileging the Bromance by Robinson et al. It’s paywalled research, though. The key part of the article is… Continue reading Science figures out why men rather stay single

Dating · Men

When learning how to pick up girls, every step closer to the goal is valuable

This is another old and unpublished post of mine, which I originally wrote in early 2010. I recently received an email in which a guy made an interesting observation while reading through some of my earliest public forum posts: “In one of your post, you wrote how you had trouble sleeping next to a new… Continue reading When learning how to pick up girls, every step closer to the goal is valuable

Dating · Men

Neediness Management — A Problem that takes care of itself

I’m still going through files that I have amassed over the last 5 to 10 years. While doing so, I unearthed anther article, which I completed but never posted anywhere. The context was that back then, some PUAtards wrote about “neediness management”, which I thought was yet another nonsensical concept. The claim was that guy… Continue reading Neediness Management — A Problem that takes care of itself

Men · Misc.

My experience with Jordan Peterson’s Future Authoring Program

I didn’t think I’d ever shill for an online product, but my opinion of Jordan Peterson’s Future Authoring Program is indeed a positive one. In summary, it is a guided writing exercise, to the tune of $14.95, which will lead you to clarify your goals and help you reach them. In essence, the process is… Continue reading My experience with Jordan Peterson’s Future Authoring Program


“Alpha is a state of mind, not a demographic.” (LOL)

Occasionally, people recommend I check out Rollo Tomassi’s popular blog “The Rational Male”. I skimmed a few posts. Personally, it’s not for me as his writing is incredibly meandering and very fluffy. I also noticed that he’s been teaming up with a bunch of dubious characters in the commercial PUA industry but, hey, the man’s… Continue reading “Alpha is a state of mind, not a demographic.” (LOL)

Men · Society

Science finds that losers tend to be lefties (duh!)

Recently a reader remarked on this blog that social science research falls into two categories. It either confirms what is blatantly obvious, or it is obviously bullshit. Here is a recent research result in the former category: Is sociopolitical egalitarianism related to bodily and facial formidability in men? by a bunch of academics from Brunel,… Continue reading Science finds that losers tend to be lefties (duh!)


No, you don’t need to bother with women if you don’t want to

An interesting aspect of having an internet presence is that sometimes people approach me almost as if they are asking for approval to do something. A few times guys asked me about my opinion on dating much younger girls. Of course, as long as they are not breaking any laws, that’s totally fine, regardless of… Continue reading No, you don’t need to bother with women if you don’t want to

Meeting Women · Men

How to figure out whether you’re buff enough for successfully picking up girls

I used to stress the importance of style. It is of course not unimportant, but a much bigger determinant of your success with women is your physique. Thus, if you walk around in a plain T-shirt and your female acquaintances remark that you surely work out, you’re fine. From that point onward, adding more muscle… Continue reading How to figure out whether you’re buff enough for successfully picking up girls

Men · Misc. · Society

About Jordan Peterson’s backpedalling on calling MGTOWs “pathetic weasels”

I criticized Jordan Peterson for calling MGTOWs “pathetic weasels”, and outlined that MGTOW consists of two groups: genuine MGTOWs who realize that the odds are stacked against them. The world is full of shitty women and the court system will eat them alive. There is another group: “Virgin-TOW”. Those are men who seek shelter in… Continue reading About Jordan Peterson’s backpedalling on calling MGTOWs “pathetic weasels”

Admin · Men · Misc.

Want a head start? Buy my books!

By now you have learned that “just being yourself” doesn’t get you girls, unlike your mom told you. You may also have learned that approaching hundreds of girls indiscriminately doesn’t get you laid either, let alone with “10s”. So, what is left? That’s easy, check out my books. My free ebook Debunking the Seduction Community played a… Continue reading Want a head start? Buy my books!


The Crab Mentality in “Entourage”

Besides Vinnie constantly acting like a cuck, yet not suffering any consequences for it, “Entourage” depicts something else the average male can readily identify with: crab mentality. This concept is based on an interpretation of crab behavior. Apparently, if you dump a few hundred crabs into a barrel, they drag each other down instead of… Continue reading The Crab Mentality in “Entourage”


Why “Entourage” is “Sex and the City” for beta men

Quite some time ago we had a brief discussion on the HBO show “Entourage” in an Open Thread. I would like to revisit that and flesh out my previous remarks. “Entourage” has often been highlighted by PUA gurus morons as an example of a show full of characters guys wanting to get better with women… Continue reading Why “Entourage” is “Sex and the City” for beta men


You are a lot better than your competition than you think

Blog reader “Haselnuss” left an interesting comment on the recent Open Thread. It’s about women who, despite being OK-ish looking, can’t get a guy to date them. My first response was to ask about socioeconomic status. But there is of course another point to it. He wrote: I know several 20 y/o women. All of… Continue reading You are a lot better than your competition than you think

Dating · Men

No, you won’t live longer just because you got a young spouse

In light of my recent post on the bullshit claim that married men live longer, I’d like to tear another oft-repeated and related claim to shreds. It is the claim that men live longer when they marry younger spouses. You’ll find plenty of sources on that. It goes back to an allegedly solid academic study.… Continue reading No, you won’t live longer just because you got a young spouse


An overlooked example of the masculinity (“alphaness”) of Dirty Harry

Some time ago a reader posted a link to a clip taken from one of the Dirty Harry movies. The video is further below. I don’t want to focus so much on what Clint Eastwood’s character says, or his body language, which shows his utter disapproval of the charade he is supposed to take part… Continue reading An overlooked example of the masculinity (“alphaness”) of Dirty Harry


Don’t bother getting body fat down to sub-10 % levels

There is a downright obsession with “six-pack abs” and low body fat in general in certain corners of the internet. When skimming certain forums, you could be forgiven for thinking that you accidentally arrived at a watering hole for gay men, such is the adoration (“miring”) many guys show for other guys with well-developed abs… Continue reading Don’t bother getting body fat down to sub-10 % levels


Everything you do is a reflection of your personality

Last weekend I’ve had a very interesting conversation with a long-time reader of my blog and books. (Thanks again, N.!) We were not talking about pick-up, but instead mostly about trading. To summarize his view on psychological aspects, my interlocutor made the statement that trading is essentially a mirror of one’s personality. Well, books have… Continue reading Everything you do is a reflection of your personality