Mindset · Prostitution · Relationships

Pay Sex vs. Standard Marriage – a Ten-Year Empirical Evaluation (Guest Post by Lucretius Carus)

In addition to my sexual exploits with women in real life I also have a parallel track of sexual pay-to-play, i.e. “pay sex”, i.e. prostitution, going on. This parallel psychosexual arrangement (with some overlaps of occasional “A/B testing” between real life and the pay sex world) has been going on for some twenty years now. And being the stickler that I am I also kept logging all of my sexual encounters in a spreadsheet file right from the start – which serves as a handy way of keeping things in perspective and after twenty years it’s also a welcome device to refresh some of my nice, juicy memories from past days.

So, with the old year going out and the new year coming in I was to regularly update my spreadsheet anyway, and out of curiosity I performed some statistical analysis on the data this time. Among other insights I found out that e. g. over a period of 10 years I had spent a grand total of about 13,000 units of fiat Euro currency on illusion-free, pure sex with delicious whores. This surprised me because subjectively it had seemed like I had spent even twice as much dough on it, along with my sex encounters in real life. (Here I have to add that I reside in Germany and that most of those pay sex experiences took place in German speaking countries. In those countries prostitution is legal and regulated. For perspective, in Germany proper at a reputable venue one hour of quality sex with some perks included would have set you back between EUR 120 – 160 in the first decade of 2000. Nowadays with inflation the rate for one delicious hour is billed at around EUR 200 – 250. And of course – as with everything regarding women – the $ky is the limit.)

One of my tongue-in-cheek-jokes about pay sex is that “sexual variety is higher than with many affairs, it’s much more satisfying than most regular marriages and cheaper than any divorce!” This is to provoke a strong reaction of course and tickle some peoples prejudices, but I hadn’t expected my data to so clearly confirm the proverbial assessment. And this money got burned for mostly super attractive hot girls, at good venues or from good escort agencies, and for pleasant encounters lasting between half an hour and three hours. 13k for 10 years may seem quite low, and of course, I didn’t overstimulate myself with this kind of sexual treat in order to keep each encounter as fresh and invigorating as possible for me. There were long stretches of time without any pay sex activity, where the memories generated from past encounters kept me happy and I would have encountered women in real life anyway, and that was OK for me. On the other hand there were also periods of time where I was fucking two or three different whores a day for several days per week.

I am not and have never been married (yet). But I have many married couples as friends. And since most whores will openly confirm, that the overwhelming group of customers in pay sex is composed of married, hard-working, middle-class men, let’s perform a quick comparison of the average middle-class marriage with a comfortable baseline in life full of easily available women and a high variety of super hot sexual encounters, and focus our considerations on the plight of this very group of men.

For this I am going to refer to statistical data by the German federal office of statistics (“Statistisches Bundesamt”). The data for English speaking countries may differ in some aspects but my uninformed guess is, that the trends for Western countries (i.e. being part of the “American empire”) are more or less the same:

  • German statistical figures tell us that for the past 25 years the average age of spouses whose marriage got divorced lies between 41 – 48 years for men and 38 – 44 years for women.
  • The average duration of a marriage was between 13 – 15 years.
  • And the percentage of divorces in relation to the total of marriages within a year was 37% in 2000, with a peak of 42% in 2004 and from there on a steady, slow decline until the year 2023 with 27% of all marriages ending in a divorce.
  • We also know from comparable data, that about 2/3 – i. e. the majority of divorces in our times are initiated by women.
  • And we know that, prenuptial agreements notwithstanding, it is women who legally and financially profit from a divorce, whereas it is mostly men who suffer, and often quite substantially so.
  • The average cost of the legal procedures for a divorce (court procedures, divorce attorneys etc. pp.) in Germany is billed at around EUR 2,000 for each spouse.
  • Feminist precepts are fine and dandy, but since men are the main breadwinners even still in modern day marriages, it is men that have to carry the main burden of paying monthly alimonies to their divorced kids (in German: “Unterhaltszahlungen”), monthly financial support to their now divorced wife (“Zugewinnausgleich”) and also monthly pay for closing the payment gap in their ex-wife’s state-funded retirement fund payments (“Versorgungsausgleich”). Let’s assume that the total of all of those monthly payments for a middle-class divorced husband amounts to roughly EUR 1,500 per month (a conservative estimate).

Now let’s assume that newly divorced hubby has to pay the monthly support for his now estranged wife and kids for 10 – 15 years. This would amount to a total of between EUR 180,000 to 270,000. A substantial amount of money! (Of course here we are not factoring in any additional costs for finding a new place to stay, having to sell any real estate property previously owned, maybe getting unemployed etc.)

The statistical probability that such a devastating situation might hit a middle-class married man is between 30 – 40 %. And in most of those cases it’s not even due to his own initiative! Does this on the other hand mean, that your regular not-to-be-divorced marriage is a “happy” one? Probably not. Of course marriage will always entail some sort of sacrifice, cooperation, compromise and out of this at best mutual growth. And there is good reason why this has to be the case.

Still many married men I personally know live in sex-less marriages where the wife has completely emasculated her husband. Such a situation can have many reasons, which we will not discuss here. Suffice to say that most married men are rather sexually unfulfilled and often cannot risk to actively voice their protest against this suffocating kind of arrangement, lest their wife may divorce them as a consequence! And even if he gets some sex crumbs by getting to fuck his wife every blue moon or so, it is usually uninspired and boring non-passionate intercourse, merely one further chore for her to get done and over with. Most likely his once cute and attractive girlfriend-turned-wife put some kilos of weight and looks now more like a whale or a walrus anyway. All of this is akin to domestic psychological terror and sexual starvation. Apparently many wives move their husbands into the friend zone and are quite content to not have sex with them any longer. This is no situation for any hot-blooded man with a spine to endure (and movies like “American Beauty” gleefully poke fun at the expense of such castrated men).

When such a frustrated and suffocated husband turns his attention to sex provided by prostitutes he has in all relevant aspects to be very secretive about it, since this could trigger his wife to cast him into divorcentration camp hell. And on top of all the money which he has to provide for his family anyway, he still has to pay the fee for a whore – if there is even any money to burn left for him.

In contrast a non-married man has to invest comparatively small(-ish) amounts of money to guarantee him somewhat regular, varied, hassle-free (!), often highly satisfying and more often than not highly inspirational and exciting sexual activity. Even if I had spent three times more money for whores overall it would still have been a ridiculously low sum compared to the costs of a regular marriage, divorce and the stale sex life provided by your regular “empowered” wife.

This just goes on to show what a complete travesty modern marriage has turned into for men! And boomer men in particular were so brainwashed that they allowed it all to happen to them. Is it any wonder then, that marriages among people in Germany are at an all time low (4.3 marriages per 1,000 people in 2023, compared to 11 marriages per 1,000 people in 1953)?

If for a red-blooded healthy man the main objective in male-female relations is sexual satisfaction and enjoyment of variety and many different sexual styles and practices – then marriage (or a long-term relationship for that matter) turns out to be a costly and disastrously disadvantageous arrangement. In that sense the perks of pay sex (at least in European Countries) appear to be quite a steal.

8 thoughts on “Pay Sex vs. Standard Marriage – a Ten-Year Empirical Evaluation (Guest Post by Lucretius Carus)

  1. This is an excellent post! Are you familiar with Advocates Diaboli? He is a Canadian IT guy from India who went too prostitutes because everyone was racist towards I’m and mad fun of him. His blog was really good but then he got into ranting about politics and it was no longer good before it as cancelled.

    1. Yes, I remember his blog from years ago. The plight of the Pajeet! But living in Canada does have its downsides after all. I recall having read some field reports by another Indian, “PUA Johnny”, who wrote at length about the terrible dating dynamics of a city like Toronto.

      I find some of his musings amazing! For instance: You are working your magic on some young attractive girl in a club situation. You like her and want to bang her, because you’re a good, horny man. You’re smooth and know what you’re doing. Yet she’s still sabotaging the progress so you decide to eject. But you’d still love to paint her face with your hot cum, well because it would be aestetically highly pleasing! And have it then drip onto her tits as well. (Good for her cleavage skin!) Wouldn’t it be really nice if you could pull the “pay sex life hack card” in such situations to just decisively turn the ship around and say: “Look baby, I have some really good things in store for you. Stop bitching around, ok? Here’s 150 bucks. Now let’s go and get this done for good!” And cut the entire process short and get right to the goooood stuff.

      I also remember stories about veteran German film producer, the late BERND EICHINGER. Like many people in the film & TV industry he was quite a horndog. So after he got his break into commercial success with Wolgang Petersen’s WW II submarine movie DAS BOOT in the early 1980s he apparently performed some nimble social experiments: He used to walk through the pedestrian zones of downtown Munich with a few thousand Deutschmarks in his pocket (a huge amount of money at that time) and asked hot women randomly whether they want to go to a hotel room with him an have sex with him for 1000 or 2000 marks. And who’d have guessed it, I was told he wasn’t unsuccessful…

    2. At the height of his fame, plenty of women surely threw himself at him but that was apparently not enough. He surely put his money to good use. I just looked this guy up on Wikipedia: His entry lists three “partners”, with which he has only had one child, a daughter. She is in her forties and apparently “childfree”, so Bernd Eichinger’s line has ended. This is not a great outcome, considering the enormous level of success he has achieved, both as a director as well as an entrepreneur in the movie industry.

  2. Aaron,,
    “Still many married men I personally know live in sex-less marriages where the wife has completely emasculated her husband.”

    “Apparently many wives move their husbands into the friend zone and are quite content to not have sex with them any longer. ”

    Is this because women did not find their husbands physically attractive to begin with? Thus, they ended up settling down with their husbands.

    1. I know this is directed at Aaron, but I think he’ll agree. I think that is exactly what’s going on. The Chads these women fucked in their 20s were either not interested in these women for long term, or did not make enough to be providers. At about 29 they settle for an average looking Cuck with a decent career. And many fuck Chads on the side.

    2. @ Chris: That’s certainly one reason for this female behaviour in marriage.
      But it could also be the case that the marriage simply lost its sexual tension, because both partners let themselves go, or because of too much “everyday familiarity”, which does breed some sense of “contempt”.
      But many women have a standard protocol of betaization running anyway and it is not easy for the regular guy to resist its pernicious long-term effects.
      And do not forget the poisonous effects of feminism in all of this as well: Most women of today have been programmed to thinks that men per se are their enemies and subjugators. And that they must in turn subjugate their men in order to set the record of history right.

  3. Felt the urge to leave a comment on this great post. I basically have transitioned to full p4p over the yrs with escorts/sugar babies. Occasionally, I will do the civie route of taking a normal girl out, only for it to feel like a job interview. These experiences only help to reaffirm my p4p lifestyle, as I can pay for guaranteed sex with a girl much better looking/younger and usually more enthusiastic than I can get with a civie arrangement. I am 40, white, good shape and live in a major Mexican city and have a 1%+ salary for the area. I have no kids/wife or desire for either. I came to a realization some years ago the ROI with P4P was far better and ultimately left me happier and less stressed as a result. At most I have 10- 12 intimate dates a month usually for 2hrs at rates ranging from 150-300usd depending on the girl/exchange rate. I spend $2500 a month on average. While this may seem high, I also spend fuck all on rent $800 and maybe $1000 for transport, food, going out. I end up with extra money every month so this is more than sustainable. I figure the cost of maintaining a wife/kids not even considering the cost of divorce/child support would be more than what my P4P hobby costs.

    As Looks Maximus has talked about before the life affirming sessions with young cuties really are such a peak high that nothing compares. At this point I have a body count of hundreds of all shapes/skin tones and have enjoyed this hobby all over the world. I owe a debt of gratitude to Advocates Diaboli, which P-Ray mentioned, as his blogs posts some 15 years back on escorts helped shaped by views on this subject. But experience is the best teacher and my years in the P4P trenches have further cemented by views that 90% or more of what I want from female interactions is the hot sex. I may be missing out on some deeper connection, but every time I venture into the civie dating I feel as though these women don’t really care about the real me (it’s crazy how little they will try to get to know the real you) and only see me as some accessory to their life where sex within the relationship still is transactional based on to her whims and meeting her expectations.

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