
Big Tech is Collecting Iris Scans to Set Up Total Surveillance

Last week I received emails from multiple headhunters trying to sell me on a new startup, Worldcoin. It is funded by the gay Jewish (Jewish gay?) multi-millionaire venture capitalist Sam Altman, and promises to hand out units of a new crypto currency for free. Yes, really. In exchange, you only need to let this company… Continue reading Big Tech is Collecting Iris Scans to Set Up Total Surveillance


The Strange Disappearance of Vaxx Campaign Data from Mainstream News in Germany

For the last few weeks, Covid had to vacate the top spot in the news, which it had held for two years straight. Now it is all about neocon warmongers wanting to provoke Russia into attacking the Ukraine, with bullshit news like pro-Russian forces shelling a kindergarten, because that is obviously what you would do,… Continue reading The Strange Disappearance of Vaxx Campaign Data from Mainstream News in Germany

Prostitution · Women

Netflix’s “The Tinder Swindler” and Female Romantic Delusions

A few years ago I came across an article of a scammer who managed to milk women for a lot of money. He pretended to be rich, the chicks got dollar signs in their eyes, and when he pretended that he was in dire straits, they happily wired him tens of thousands of dollars, sometimes… Continue reading Netflix’s “The Tinder Swindler” and Female Romantic Delusions


The Deluded Plans of the Elites Will Invariably Fail

I began to get more interested in politics in 2016, as the Great Flooding of Europe occurred. During that time, I read plenty of political commentary in the mainstream press and even watched a few political debates and interviews. As you can imagine, in terms of wokeness, Swedish politicians can compete with anyone. I thought… Continue reading The Deluded Plans of the Elites Will Invariably Fail