Mindset · Society

Middle-Class Income Differentials Are Almost Inconsequential

The other day a friend of mine sent me a video that discusses the significance of radiant and muted Christmas lighting in the movie Eyes Wide Shut, a movie I wrote about three years ago. The hypothesis presented in that video seems plausible, but that is not the point. Instead, my mind got stuck on… Continue reading Middle-Class Income Differentials Are Almost Inconsequential

Meeting Women · Relationships

Young Men are Easy Targets for Destructive Women

As an addendum to my article Destructive Relationship I am going to discuss the problem of young men and their susceptibility for outside influence, with a particular focus on women. In the aforementioned article I describe how women can ruin a guy’s life. Now, let us look at why this happens. The problems of young… Continue reading Young Men are Easy Targets for Destructive Women

Mindset · Relationships

The Many Facets of Love (Guest Article By Lucretius Carus)

Lucretius Carus left a great comment on my article, How to Use Money to Get Girls, in which he details the understanding of the Ancient Greeks on “love”. In contrast, modern languages do not have the same level of differentiation, leading to a lot of misunderstanding if not downright confusion. I warmly recommend reading his… Continue reading The Many Facets of Love (Guest Article By Lucretius Carus)

Men vs Women · Relationships

There Are No Fuckbois: Power Asymmetries in Fuck-Buddy Relationships

Feminism tells women that they are just like men, but better. Even when it comes to sexual relationships, they should behave like caricatures of the men they idolize, i.e. shun commitment but instead have have lots and lots of casual sex. According to feminist doctrine, it is empowering for women to get railed by a… Continue reading There Are No Fuckbois: Power Asymmetries in Fuck-Buddy Relationships

Clown World

Clown-World Careers are Ultimately a Dead End

I have written a few articles about the economy, in particular the tech industry. Among others, I presented arguments that tech is a clown-world career. The bigger question, though, is whether it is worth pursuing clown-world careers. There are ebbs and tides in the culture wars, and clown world has persisted for a long time.… Continue reading Clown-World Careers are Ultimately a Dead End

Clown World · Entertainment · Subversion

Man of Steel (2013) is Pro-Immigration Propaganda

This year I have spent a bit of time on watching movies, but not just as a means to passing my time. Instead, I consider them lenses through which to view the Western zeitgeist. Indeed, if you think a bit about the action on screen it is often quite fascinating how crude the metaphors are.… Continue reading Man of Steel (2013) is Pro-Immigration Propaganda

Clown World · Economics

Was the Recent Housing Boom a Scam to Benefit Boomers?

While the United States there is a bubble of everything, i.e. housing, healthcare, and education are more expensive than ever before, Europe has been faring a little bit better. Only housing is completely out of reach for the vast majority of non-boomers whereas healthcare and education have not gotten that much more expensive. The sudden… Continue reading Was the Recent Housing Boom a Scam to Benefit Boomers?


Methylphenidate and Cognitive Performance Improvement

It is unfortunately very difficult to get unbiased information on seemingly anything in today’s society. Everybody has an agenda. Of course, sometimes there is also a lot of incompetence at play. A good example is the discussion surrounding methylphenidate (MPH), not just in society but also in science. A fair amount of college students use… Continue reading Methylphenidate and Cognitive Performance Improvement


Methylphenidate and ADHD Meds in General: Dosage and Intensity of Side Effects

I was aware of ADHD medication in the past. Friends and acquaintances have told me that they take it, some of whom were self-medicating in an attempt to get an edge academically, and there was also the occasional weird kid around in school that was on all kinds of meds. However, I find difficult to… Continue reading Methylphenidate and ADHD Meds in General: Dosage and Intensity of Side Effects

Entertainment · Men vs Women

Movie Franchises Cannot be Built Around Female Characters

In my recent article on the Fast and Furious franchise, I pointed out that one of the main female characters, played by Michelle Rodriguez, aged a lot worse than the male lead, played by Vin Diesel. The same is obviously true for all female characters in this franchise, and all male characters. There are, however,… Continue reading Movie Franchises Cannot be Built Around Female Characters

Entertainment · Men vs Women · Relationships

The Fast and The Furious Franchise and Differential Aging of Men and Women

Recently, I watched all movies in the entire Fast and Furious franchise, a staggering eleven movies. The latter movies were about as braindead as I had imagined but the first three were pretty good, and I liked where this franchise seemed to be going, i.e. stories centered around the street racing theme, with changing main… Continue reading The Fast and The Furious Franchise and Differential Aging of Men and Women


Women Opportunistically Announcing their Relationship Status

I have written about inappropriate female behaviors in the workplace in the past. Here is another behavior I have encountered a few times, i.e. women talking about their sexual availability. I work in an office environment. My area of work used to be male-dominated. Technically, it still is, but a lot of the men behave… Continue reading Women Opportunistically Announcing their Relationship Status

Politics · Social Justice · Society

Why Would People Protest Against a School in the Neighborhood?

I recently heard of a most curious incident in Germany. I have verified it but I want to keep the exact details for myself as that is not relevant for the point I am going to make, and the people involved probably do not need further attention. Anyway, there used to be an iron-clad law… Continue reading Why Would People Protest Against a School in the Neighborhood?

Books · Elites · Subversion

Why Parents no Longer Let Their Kids Play Outside

I recently skimmed Jonathan Haidt’s book The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness. In case you are not familiar with him, this guy sucks up to Jordan “Benis” Peterson, is a “public intellectual”, and part of the “intellectual dark web”, whatever that is. It also happens… Continue reading Why Parents no Longer Let Their Kids Play Outside


Request: Methylphenidate Experiences

I am asking for a friend: does anyone of you have experience with taking methylphenidate? I am not interested in anyone’s adventures in recreational off-label usage (in Minecraft), though. Instead, I would like to learn more about the performance-enhancing aspects and experienced long-term effects, based on typical therapeutic dosages (10 mg). Common brand names are… Continue reading Request: Methylphenidate Experiences