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Have you ever had to deal with the awkwardness of meeting one of the chicks you’ve boned later in life, but not remembering them whatsoever, Aaron? With your laycount, (at that number, you definitely won’t remember everybody. Heck, I don’t even remember everybody I ever got into a fight with and my “fight count” is probably barely around double digits. lol) I imagine its bound to happen.
Now that I bring this topic up, I remember one guy somewhere on some forum (reddit? not sure) bringing up that if a guy is fairly experienced in both, who is he more likely to remember, a random fuck or a random fight? Maybe someone here (I hate to admit it, but my sexual experience is pathetic paltry compared to most of the rest of you, so I personally lack sufficient experience on the other sphere to meaningfully chime in. I still reminisce on the memories from time to time. One of them I almost certainly would have contacted again had I not discovered that she had meteor crashed into the wall, both in looks AND life circumstances.) can make an input, lol.
Randomly bumping into a girl you have banged is not that awkward. In fact, if this happens in a club, it is not at all unlikely that you end up banging her again. I recall a few interactions where some chick perked up when she saw me, we ended up making out quickly, and then she addressed me by my name, and casually chatted away as if I was an acquaintance. Well, that is what I was to them. They remembered me but I did not remember them at all. Really negative reactions I have only experienced when I ditched a chick who was really into, and ended up leaving with a different one.
Wow. Aaron, did u let off that u didn’t remember her, or did u play along like u did recognize her? I’m guessing it’s the latter.
Of course I did the latter. To be fair, some women are able to look a lot differently, depending on clothes and makeup. Add a different hairdo or heels instead of sneakers, and it is quite understandable that you may not immediately recognize someone.
I used to have this problem where I thought nobody recognized me. Even if I recognized them. I couldn’t believe certain people even knew my name. The invisible man. An inconsequential person. Oh well. Future therapy session.
Do we really have a reason to envy bluepilled men?
BTW, who wants to bet that chick complaining about “Forever Fuckboys” has probably cheated on a good man behind closed doors? The girls who virtue signaled the loudest pretty much always proved to be hypocrites in my experience.
Alek has talked about “Cavewoman instincts” a few times here before. It brings up the question if its fair to criticize women about it.
I personally think so. Sure, you’re entitled to having standards for mate choice, just like we are. (“Both Men and Women have a right to be Selfish” – Matingselfishness) But some instincts, like leading on a man to keep extracting resources and time from him without giving anything in return, when he could be using those same resources to find a girl that actually reciprocates (or at least a fair transactional type of relationship), is shit that needs to be shut down and deservedly shamed.
Just like bullying should be shamed and weeded out, even though that ugly behavior is part of nature.