Politics · Society

The Bohemian Berlin Lifestyle of the 2000s and its Subsequent Disappearance

In a recent comment I mentioned how little economic pressure there was in Berlin in the 2000s if you wanted to get out of the rat rate or not even enter it. Looking back, it was really a quite remarkable windows of opportunity. For context, after the German reunification, politics and investors had high hopes… Continue reading The Bohemian Berlin Lifestyle of the 2000s and its Subsequent Disappearance

Men vs Women · Mindset

On the True Power and Beauty of Men (Guest Post by Lucretius Carus)

Even before I managed to be able to deal with women in an effective and more satisfying way (kudos to Sleazy for his work, by the way!) – and being the chauvinist, misogynist pig that I am –, I already held the opinion that men were greatly superior to women in almost all aspects. This of… Continue reading On the True Power and Beauty of Men (Guest Post by Lucretius Carus)

Society · Subversion

Sexual Awkwardness and Further Reduced Fertility is the New Normal

As I am man of culture, I consume a bit of smut here and there. I have come across quite a few seedy mangas and visual novels that had surprisingly well thought out characters and also believable situations, and I found them to be an adequate reflection of certain real-world aspects involving horny women who… Continue reading Sexual Awkwardness and Further Reduced Fertility is the New Normal

Men vs Women · Society

Upper Body Strength Differences Between Men and Women

The mainstream has been brainwashing women so much with the message that they are as strong as men, if not stronger, that some of them really believe it. I do not quite grasp how women cannot understand that muscles on a man are not just for show, and that someone with arms multiple times bigger… Continue reading Upper Body Strength Differences Between Men and Women

Gender Politics · Society

Anything a Man Can Do, But Better: Females in Physiotherapy

As we all know, women can do everything a man can do, just better. This was demonstrated to me yet again when I got a prescription for physiotherapy. It’s not a big issue, but during working out I noticed that my left shoulder joint seems to have a reduced range of motion compared to my… Continue reading Anything a Man Can Do, But Better: Females in Physiotherapy