Elites · Entertainment

Schizo Thinking and the Schwarzenegger-Kennedy Connection

I just finished reading Schwarzeneggers’s autobiography Total Recall. Overall, this book appears quite dishonest. Basically, you read about him winning for four to five decades straight. He talks about a second place at some international bodybuilding competition being a setback at a time when he was undergoing his rapid rise to the top. In the… Continue reading Schizo Thinking and the Schwarzenegger-Kennedy Connection

Black Pill · Society

The Parable of the Boomer Scammers at the Hotel Breakfast Buffet

During a recent business trip I made a most curious observation. I stayed at a typical business hotel, meaning that you get functional, clean rooms, and a perfectly serviceable breakfast buffet. As is common, before entering the breakfast area, the service staff asks for your room number to check whether your stay includes breakfast. If… Continue reading The Parable of the Boomer Scammers at the Hotel Breakfast Buffet


Wokeism in Early-1990s Schwarzenegger Movies

Imagine you binge watch Schwarzenegger’s 1980s movies, and walk away thinking that those movies were even better than you remember them — only to come to the completely opposite conclusion when watching his 1990s movies. Originally, I had planned to watch all movies in which this guy was the lead actor, but this is not… Continue reading Wokeism in Early-1990s Schwarzenegger Movies

Gender Dynamics

The Evolutionary Aspect of Women Telling Men to “Man Up” (by Alek Novy)

Alek Novy left an excellent comment on the evolutionary reason behind women telling men to man up, and why it made sense in the past but not today. The text in block quotes is from me. The rest is his comment. 1) I think there was a lot of competition in the past as well,… Continue reading The Evolutionary Aspect of Women Telling Men to “Man Up” (by Alek Novy)

Society · Subversion

Coudenhove-Kalergi and the Misunderstanding of the Role of Ethnicity in Society

Quite recently, the formerly great country of France was set ablaze by its millions of foreign-born doctors and astrophysicists. This wave of destruction had probably not even been seen in the second world war, considering how quickly France submitted to Germany back then. Of course, millions of non-French French getting a bit rowdy and, among… Continue reading Coudenhove-Kalergi and the Misunderstanding of the Role of Ethnicity in Society

Gender Dynamics · Social Justice · Subversion

Do Not Find This Woman Attractive!

As I am currently on a Schwarzenegger binge, I watched Conan The Destroyer (1984) today. This movie did not get a particularly favorable critical reception, perhaps because it did not contain high-brow Nietzsche quotes, unlike the first one. Yet, if you have liked Conan the Barbarian (1982), you will most likely also enjoy its sequel,… Continue reading Do Not Find This Woman Attractive!


The Effects of Propaganda: “This girl likes the black boy!”

A quick Google image search for terms like “white couple” shows a surprising number of mixed-race couples, including pictures of white couples with a black baby. Of course, if you search for “black couple”, nothing like that will happen. I am sure this is a total coincidence, just like all those white woman/black man pairings… Continue reading The Effects of Propaganda: “This girl likes the black boy!”