Society · Subversion

The Limitations of Humiliation Rituals

Some of you may have come across news regarding the new Miss Germany. If you were expecting a young, slim, hot blonde, you would be sorely disappointed. Instead, the winner was a 39-year-old and very unattractive Iranian. If the winner of a national beauty contest looks worse than the average 18-year old in your country… Continue reading The Limitations of Humiliation Rituals

Society · Subversion

Vice Media, Paragon of Journalistic Integrity, is Shutting Down

We truly are living in the end times. The other day, I read that Vice is shutting down. Vice has been integral to the Western way of life in the last two decades and shaped culture like no other journalistic outlet. Not even a multi-million cash injection by our favorite Jew investor George Soros could… Continue reading Vice Media, Paragon of Journalistic Integrity, is Shutting Down


High-Quality AI-Generated Videos Have Arrived

OpenAI recenty announced “Sora“, their video-generation tool. The landing page contains a few video snippets. (I particularly like the clip showing two battling pirate ships in a cup of coffee.) While this and the other clips may seem whimsical, the implications are quite staggering. Let me walk you through a few. First, OpenAI heavily hamstrings… Continue reading High-Quality AI-Generated Videos Have Arrived

Meeting Women

Picking Up Women and the Question of Social Rank

I do not think that anybody seriously questions that your level of success with women is primarily a question of looks, status, and money. This is the well-known LMS formula. Obviously, for a one-night stand, money and, perhaps, status are not the primary factors. If you are a broke Chad with very few future prospects,… Continue reading Picking Up Women and the Question of Social Rank