
Women who claim they “want to have it all”, a career and a family

One of the more ludicrous claims of feminist-minded women is that they “want to have it all”, by which they mean they would like to have both a career and a family. Of course, the issue is that this is only possible in a very limited interpretation of “career” and “family”, namely, it only works… Continue reading Women who claim they “want to have it all”, a career and a family


Guest post by my girlfriend: An educated female’s conundrum

Earlier today my girlfriend surprised me with another article for my blog. It is on the futility of wanting to “have it all”, i.e. wanting a family and a “career”. In the West, the vast majority of women have been brainwashed to think that they have to get e-duh-cated, and end up with dried up… Continue reading Guest post by my girlfriend: An educated female’s conundrum


Guest post by my girlfriend: Seeing Western women for what they are?

My girlfriend, who sometimes comments on my blog under the pseudonym Sleazy’s Gal, was eager to share how her perception of Western women changed over time. When we first met, she seemed to almost idolize them, but I have a hunch that that may no longer be the case. Here is what she has to… Continue reading Guest post by my girlfriend: Seeing Western women for what they are?

SJWs · Social Justice

Equifax leaks 150m private data sets; CIO is female diversity hire

By now we know that women are better than men when it comes to tech. Meg Whitman has turned Hewlett-Packard into one of the most valuable tech companies on earth, Elizabeth Holmes discovered new and very imaginative ways of administering blood tests, which turned her into the richest person on earth, and Marissa Mayer has… Continue reading Equifax leaks 150m private data sets; CIO is female diversity hire


Cringe-worthy PUA is proud of picking up land whale

While the PUA industry as a whole has gone bust, there are still a few stragglers around who prey on moronic men. One such PUA is “Johnny Berba”. I wasn’t familiar with him, but Alek Novy posted a video of that guy on one of the recent Open Threads. Watch the video first, please: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyTvar6Qd5c… Continue reading Cringe-worthy PUA is proud of picking up land whale

Gender Politics

Hillary Clinton thinks that women should make at least the same as men, no matter what

This post is very late to the party — you guys should see my backlog! —, but it will ruffle some feathers nonetheless. I wrote it in September last year, but then my move to a self-hosted blogging platform got in the way. Ignore the historical context as the content is still relevant. You’ll find… Continue reading Hillary Clinton thinks that women should make at least the same as men, no matter what


There are no “alpha women”

When I researched what YouTuber “Blonde in the Belly of the Beast”, a faux-conservative wall-hitting reformed slut, had produced, I came across material of hers in which she talks about “alpha women”. Presumably, in her post-wall faux-conservative mind, an “alpha woman” is the mirror image of an alpha male. I’m fairly certain she didn’t use… Continue reading There are no “alpha women”