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Our Provisional Lives

A while ago I chanced upon a book I had read as an early adult, “Fabian” by the German author Erich Kästner. It was written at the time of the Weimar Republic, before the peaceful revolution of the National Socialist party happened. As any student of history is well aware of, Weimar Germany was a period of utter chaos. National socialists, communists, and many other groups openly fought each other in the streets. This is one reason why the National Socialists had built up a paramilitary organization. It was only a reaction to the hyper-aggression of the Left. Meanwhile, there was hyperinflation and a shocking decline of public morals. There are reports that some foreign sex tourists coming to Berlin were most interested in whores operating as mother/daughter pairs, but this was not even the worst. If you thought that visibly pregnant whores were not repulsive enough, then you may want to look into the work of Magnus Hirschfeld, a pioneer of “sexual research”. In his “Institute for Sexual Science”, he conducted the world’s first sex-change operations. As you can see, history does not repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes. Hirschfeld’s books, as well as many others of that kind, were removed from libraries and burned in the 1930s, just like today’s leftists are eager to remove, ironically enough, books like Orwell’s Animal Farm or Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451.

Weimar Germany was a chaotic time. Today, it seems we are going through a rather similar phase. I would not call it Weimar on steroids, but some aspects are definitely a lot worse, like the rampant sexual mutilations of children or the complete (selective) disregard of the law. You did not have millions of third-worlders flooding into Europe in the 1920s. However, in the 2020s there is no hyperinflation. True, there is rampant inflation, but we are not at a point where we need to push a wheelbarrow full of banknotes into a bakery to be able to buy one loaf of bread. However, government-backed bullshit “fed-coins” are a much bigger threat than hyperinflation ever was.

In the aforementioned book there is a phrase that stood out to me when I picked it up again. In German, it says, “Wir leben provisorisch, die Krise nimmt kein Ende!“. This translates roughly into, “Our lives are provisional; the crisis never ends.” I put the book down afterwards for a bit to reflect on this sentence. About two decades ago, I do not think I paid any attention to this phrasing at all. In the chaos of the 2020s, however, this sentence could serve as the motto of our time and much of our generation. If you were born in the 1980s, perhaps late 1970s, I am sure that you can relate to your life being provisional, and the younger the are, the more provisional it surely feels.

Let us recap some of the crises we have gone through. Probably until the late 1980s, life was pretty great, from a European perspective. The first time I noticed that things are going sideways was in the 1990s. Yes, there was the Internet, which fundamentally changed society, but the 1990s was also the first time I recall than genuine technological breakthroughs were actively sabotaged by politics. There was large resistance against high-speed Internet in Germany. The Green party just did not like that people could use the more advanced ISDN standard, which was superior to dial-up modems. They also sabotaged maglev train technology, which had been developed in Germany over decades. Development in Germany was shut down in the 2000s, only to be continued in China, in the form of a German-Chinese joint venture. From the 2000s onwards, things just got worse and worse. Let me just run through a few crises. I am sure there are many more, but the following stand out:
– the fake and gay Y2k panic
– the dot-com bubble, which burst in 2000
– the likely engineered 9/11 attacks
– the “war on terror”
– countless US “regime-change” operations
– the introduction of new air travel regulations, which makes air travel a horrible experience for anyone not enjoying diplomatic immunity or having access to a private jet
– the engineered global financial crisis of 2007/8, which led to the collapse of several banks, such as Lehman Brothers in 2008
– the totally fake swine flu panic in 2009
– the bizarre low/zero-interest-rate policy from 2008 until 2022, with concomitant large-scale money printing
– the post-2008 stock and housing bubble
– open borders and letting millions of third-world rocket scientists into our countries from 2016 onwards
– forced diversity in the workplace, which was pushed hard after Trump’s election victory
– peaceful Black Lives Matter riots in the 2020s and beyond
– the deep state stealing the 2020 US election
– the Covid scamdemic from 2020 to 2023, which ushered in government tyranny on a scale probably never seen in history
– the mass-vaxx campaign, including the extensive government misinformation campaign
– Russia’s special military operation in the Ukraine and endless faggotry from Western politicians
– kindergarten tranny story hours
– the attempted normalization of “pedophilia”, which got a heavy push in 2020 as well
– energy insecurity from 2022 onwards, in Europe
– high inflation, from 2020 onwards, in much of the Western world
– domestic terrorism conducted in the name of “climate change awareness”, which got a heavy push in 2023
– sky-high mortgage rates in 2023, leading to home-ownership being out of reach for the bottom 90%
– the world being at the bring of WWIII, as a consequence of Israel’s carpet bombing of the Gaza strip

All of this is just off the top of the head. Some of the dates above can probably be debated, but what cannot be debated is that all of this either has happened or is still going on. There is total faggotry everywhere you look. Of course, one reason why all of this is happening is to keep you in a state of fear and uncertainty. The elites do not want you to be happy and content. This is not some bizarre conspiracy theory. There is extensive research linking stress with a decline in cognitive function. In short, humans, alone as well as in the aggregate, are much easier to control if they are afraid. Thus, you need to be afraid and insecure, so that Daddy Government can show you how caring he really is. Daddy Government only abuses you because he loves you! It is for your own good.

The high-frequency of engineered crises, and absolutely everything in the list above has been the result of social engineering, has only one goal: moving you from a reflective state of being to one of pure reactiveness. The elites want to be able to issue a command, and you are expected to blindly follow. Covid was a large-scale test run. There was a disease, as a well-known meme went, that was so dangerous that you needed to be tested to know that you have it, and forced to get a vaccination against it.

In the past, you could plan your life. You could make actual life plans and just go through the motions. This ability has been taken away from most people nowadays. Some government officials may still enjoy this luxury, but all it takes is the wrong party taking over and forcing you out, it seems. The boomer generation really had their bed made for them. Just looking at my parents, I see a life trajectory that would be out of reach for most people today even though this was simply the norm back then. My parents built a house in the early 1970s. Land was so cheap then that it was basically free. The mortgage was paid of within a few years, as was normal in those days. Afterwards, my father bought a fancy new car almost on a whim, a Mercedes 280S, because that is apparently what you did once you have paid off your mortgage. I looked up the numbers, and the inflation-adjusted equivalent today would be close to 70k euros. Today, the equivalent model would either be the entry-level S-class, which cost over 100k euros, or a mid to high-end E-class. Yet, neither of those are the kind of cars middle-class families buy with cash or with limited financing. Back then, I saw a lot of fancy cars in our village. Today, not so much.

Unlike men of the generation of my father, I cannot make any plausible projections at all about the future. I can mostly work remotely, but this could be taken away on short notice. Secure employment is more or less history. I would love to be able to buy a house that costs perhaps two or thee times my annual pre-tax income, and not 15 times as much. I also do not even dare to make any assumption about the next five or ten years, or even retirement. There is a good chance that the government will just decide that the new retirement age is 80, or that inflation will remain between five to ten percent for years, eating up your savings as a consequence.

I do not want to conclude this post on such a glum note. While the status quo is dire, I do not think that all is lost. For one, Clown World can only ever be a temporary condition. In the past, some societies lasted for many decades, but the pace of societal change has also ramped up. I do not see us going through an equivalent of 70 years of a communist rule. The communists are currently going all out, and this is most certainly because they feel that their power is dwindling. This is why they are clamping down so hard on dissenting views, starting from suppressing vaxx-skeptics on Facebook all the way up to trying to prevent Trump from running for president again. Please do not interpret this as implying that Trump would really turn things around. His first presidency did not really deliver, but it arguably was a lot better that he got into the White House than Crooked Hillary.

If I were to give some advice for getting through this phase, it is to limit your “risk surface”. This is a term used in cybersecurity, but the concept applies to your life as well. I think the best decision you can make is to get the government out of your life as much as you can, and avoid most of the bullshit they try to throw at you. No, you absolutely do not need to live in a cabin in the woods, like Uncle Ted did. However, my quality of life skyrocketed once I managed to get out of the city. Yes, there are imported rocket scientists here as well, but compared to Berlin or Stockholm, I am living in paradise. Also, on my hikes I have not once seen a vibrant enricher. I am able to seek refuge in nature, and I enjoy it very much.

Some guys have approached me to discuss the issue of reducing their hours or even drop out and live off welfare, perhaps supplemented with a bit of black-economy labor on the side. My view is that you do not want to depend on the government for your survival at all. Sure, they may house and feed you for now, but what if the ruling socialist tyrant decides that you now have to house an African family in your living room, or that you need to move into Judge Dredd-style Section 8 housing? Sure, the government tries to impoverish you both with taxes and inflation, but if you cannot provide for yourself, you are in a bad spot. I can still get up and pack my things, and I can start over in some other country quite easily. This is not some lame wishful thinking; instead, it is based in the fact that I have moved between countries in the past, and I also have a reasonably in-demand skillset. I have also seen people work in my industry even after their official retirement. Of course, the world economy could completely collapse, but you better try to be as resourceful as you can.

Lastly, there is the problem of financial slavery. The government loves to, figuratively, fuck you in the ass, stealing your income via taxation and wrecking your savings due to inflation, but don’t complain because you would be a horrible nazi if you did not want the government to take half your money to import the third world. Government is bad enough, but banking is even worse. Banks try to really fuck you. If you think that taxation is bad, wait until your friendly neighborhood banker pulls out his granite dildo to ram it down your throat, your tooth be damned. Of course, you willingly signed up for your education and car loans, and you happily took out a mortgage, so don’t complain if BlackRock now buys your house for pennies on the dollar! The official line is that you only have to blame yourself, not the government who set up society in a way to make it almost impossible to get by without debt. If you can, do not have any debt at all. Thankfully, education is free in Europe, so I am not saddled with student loans. I would also not recommend getting a car loan or leasing a car. Just get an old used one. It may not be your dream car, but at least it is yours. Also, a mortgage can really screw you over. The oldest trick of the banking system is to expand money supply and enticing you to take out loans with cheap credit, only to then suddenly contract money supply and foreclose you. This is done like clockwork. Currently, a lot of people who bought overvalued houses in the last few years do not sleep so easily anymore. This is probably the kind of headache you want to spare yourself.

Given the increased tension in society, it is also advisable to not be a target. There was a time when I liked to wear dress shirts in an office environment. This is not completely uncommon. Today, though, I wear T-shirts, and not even particularly fashionable ones. I do not wear a watch either. This also has the side effect that if you spend less on some bullshit you only bought for your ego, the size of your nest egg increases. I should add that none of this is mental masturbation. A friend of a friend, for instance, almost died in a robbery. A rocket scientist hit him in the face with a broken bottle to knock him down, so that he could get a hold of his watch. This may sound extreme, but I have seen a lot of dangerous situations in large cities, not just in clubs, but in broad daylight. Some people behave in shockingly naive ways in such situations.

Sooner or later, Clown World will collapse. In the worst case, there will be a war, or a few assassinations. While politicians, faggots in “think thanks”, and business executive can twist the fabric of reality, eventually there will be a backlash simply because it is not possible to run a stable society that is built on utterly bizarre premises. Today, our “elites” are pulling out one block after another from a Jenga tower. This tower may collapse, but it is also possible that they realize that the tower is really shaky, and then they run off, pretending that they were not involved in its ongoing destruction, just like Henry Kissinger, one of the biggest actors behind the destruction of Europe, recently lamented that Germany’s immigration policy was a “gave mistake”. I think we are seeing the start of the pendulum swinging back already, but this will be a long process, and it also will not be automatic as the left is putting up resistance wherever it can. Don’t give up, bro, we are going to make it!

10 thoughts on “Our Provisional Lives

  1. “The oldest trick of the banking system is to expand money supply and enticing you to take out loans with cheap credit, only to then suddenly contract money supply and foreclose you. This is done like clockwork. ”

    Struggling to understand this mechanism… can you link to a video of some kind, or expand? Keep up the great work!

    1. Are you aware of the fact that we live under an economic system based on so-called “fiat money”? Money is created out of thin air, and money supply can be controlled at will by the financial system. For instance, if you want people to take out mortgages, you make money cheap, i.e. increase money supply. Suddenly, a mortgage comes with a fixed interest rate of 0.6%; it is only fixed for a certain number of years, though. Such a low interest rate makes it even possible for people earning at best an average salary to buy a house, and it seemingly makes economic sense because interest payments are less than their rent. Unfortunately, excessive money supply leads to inflation, and because they system looks out for you, they only want your best. Thus, the interest rate gets raised, and if you need to roll-over your mortgage, you may find out that you are unable to service your mortgage. Consequently, you will end up in foreclosure. This game is played out every few years. It is the so-called boom-and-bust cycle. Mainstream economics speaks of “animal spirits” as an explanation — I wish I was making this up — whereas the Austrian school of economics rightly points to manipulations of the money supply as the root cause of recurring boom-and-bust cycles.

  2. Aaron,
    “One reason why all of this is happening is to keep you in a state of fear and uncertainty. The elites do not want you to be happy and content.”

    1. When I was kid, I met stranger who taught me an invaluable life lesson that always stuck with me. Its better to be scared than to panic because when you’re scared, you’re able to “think” and problem solved. When you panic all cognitive function goes away. As we have seen over the years, your typical normie reacts and panics losing complete cognitive function.

    “There is extensive research linking stress with a decline in cognitive function. In short, humans, alone as well as in the aggregate, are much easier to control if they are afraid.”

    2. How important is it for a man to be able to control and regulate his emotions and not be easily provoke when he’s criticized, disrespected, or etc? Too many people are very reactive.

    “The high-frequency of engineered crises, and absolutely everything in the list above has been the result of social engineering, has only one goal: moving you from a reflective state of being to one of pure reactiveness.”

    3. Was the collapse of the Roman Empire, British, Spain etc the result of social engineering as well?

    “I would love to be able to buy a house. I am able to seek refuge in nature, and I enjoy it very much.”

    4. Come to Wyoming. Its very beautiful out here. I fell in love with it when I was out there on vacation. Just tell our Tyrants that you identify as a future doctor or engineer. Lol

    1. In the past, some societies lasted for many decades, but the pace of societal change has also ramped up. I do not see us going through an equivalent of 70 years of a communist rule.

      5. In short, one world movement will not work out in the long-term like the elites have planned. Its going to be a bitter feud over power and control.

      “I think the best decision you can make is to get the government out of your life as much as you can.”

      6. Refraining from consuming endless propaganda and to focus more on one’s hobby and interest?

      “My view is that you do not want to depend on the government for your survival at all. Sure, they may house and feed you for now.”

      7. Have you looked into canning which preserves food for a long time?

      “Sooner or later, Clown World will collapse.”

      8. How would you go about rebuilding society once it has collapse?

    2. 5) I don’t think that the planned one-world government will even work out in the short run. There is an incredible amount of bickering between the elites, thanks to technology as well as cultural differences. Had they been better aligned, we would still be living under full-on Covid tyranny. Back in the olden days, you had a bunch of guys of a very similar ethnic, cultural, and educational background hanging out at the Council of Foreign Relations, which made it much easier to reach consensus. It is ironic that not even the elites are able to shield themselves from the negative influence of “diversity”.

      6) This is part of it. You are also less under the control of government if you do not live in a city, and even moreso if you manage to grow some food yourself. The government, of course, only wants the best for you and therefore allows industrial farmers to use copious amounts of carcinogenic pesticides.

      7) I am familiar with it. My mother cans home-grown fruits.

      8) The end of WWII in Germany provides a good example. Many of the cities were destroyed but on the countryside, life basically just kept going on and there, you did not need to rebuild anything. I think that the big Western cities will cease to function and subsequently collapse. We are arguably close to this point anyway, when I think of San Francisco, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York City, London, Paris, or Berlin. Most of the harm and suffering will likely unfold there, not in your little hamlet where you grow your own foot on a quarter-acre.

    3. 1) This is a great observation. It generalizes to being in control of your emotions vs. letting your emotions control you. For instance, I have noticed some women completely losing it at work because they cannot handle stress at all whereas many men simply prioritize, focus on the most important tasks first, and keep going.

      2) I think a man needs to be able to control his emotions. If a man cannot do that, he will quickly lose respect and simply not be taken seriously at all.

      3) I have not thought about this, but I think an argument could be made that all empires collapses due to a loss of cohesion. Even back in the Roman empire you had people trying to actively undermine mainstream society. I even recall reading about bizarre arguments for multiculturalism. Today, we get told about “ethnic food”, because we obviously would not be able to cook anything ourselves, and in the past, some people praised varied architecture, due to foreign influences.

      4) I wish it was as easy to get into the US for Europeans than it is for the third world.

    4. 4) I wish it was as easy to get into the US for Europeans than it is for the third world.

      This is not true. Millions of Vietnamese want to go to the US, legally, or illegally, yet they can’t

      It is harder now for Chinese students to attend the US universities, especially Chinese middle-class students. Those from upper-class shall get in.

      It is only easy for Hispanics to cross the border and enter the US.

    5. @CQV: but not every kind of Hispanic. It seems Biden’s handlers want to import only the very worst. More people are noticing this shitty trend here.

  3. Aaron,

    There was a TV show back in the 90s called The X-Files. It contained a lot of subliminal messages as to what the elites were planning back then. You also had the song Californication by the Red Hot Chili Peppers that also provided subliminal messages about our world.

    1. I have not watched the X-Files, but I am familiar with the elite signalling in it. Apparently, one of its episodes seems to have predicted 9/11.

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