Society · Technology

The Curse of High-Definition Porn (No, it’s not about ‘addiction’ and women who look ‘too good’)

The other day, someone on Reddit mentioned that porn star Christy Mack got beaten to a pulp by her boyfriend after he found her in bed with another guy. The context was that not even the unarticulated threat of physical violence can keep damaged women in check (would you fuck over a guy who looks like a killer?). Note that the guy she was dating had his name legally changed to “War Machine” and was a professional UFC fighter. Somehow, though, Christy Mack thought War Machine would be totally cool with walking in on her fucking some other dude on his bed.

Damaged women are not the topic of this post, though, at least not indirectly. In order to brush up my knowledge, I read up on Christy Mack and learned that said event already happened in 2014. As you can tell, I clearly don’t watch enough porn. Otherwise, I would have known about that earlier.

Christy Mack is total trash. I watched a few clips of her because I was fascinated by how much of a trainwreck she is, ruining her pretty face and body with horrendous tattoos. I tried, but even back in the days I just couldn’t get hard watching her videos. However, as I did my research, I checked out the state of the art in, er, adult videos. Back in the days, when I occasionally watched porn, HD video was rare or it would take you too much time to download, so you did not bother. Today, I don’t care enough about porn, but I had a look anyway. What struck me was that HD porn is, in some ways, a deterioration to SD. Just do this experiment yourself: watch one of your favorite classic clips, maybe some nice vintage Jesse Jane, in standard definition, and then watch the same clip in HD. In HD, you suddenly see all the imperfections of those women. It’s quite an eye opener.

In SD, the resolution is too low to notice blemishes on the skin of women or even wrinkles up to a certain degree. Probably even the grannies in granny porn have amazing skin for her age in SD. In contrast, HD porn is like taking off your beer goggles. You sit there, dick in hand, ready to start — and then you chuckle and ask yourself what the fuck you’re thinking, and switch back to anime porn. At least the Japanese waifus are perfect in every possible way. Joking aside, it is really quite sobering to watch HD porn. Seeing how quickly the field of computer graphics has been progressing, I bet we will soon be at a point where we’ll use Unreal Engine to create a bunch of virtual chicks who really are as perfect as we’d like them to be.

Porn is no longer as profitable as it once was. Even plenty of porn starlets have branched out. Some do escorting, others let their tits hang out on Twitch while they pretend to play some video game. I bet some of them can’t even tell you what game they are running. The standard explanation for those women branching out is that porn is now so ubiquitous and the market so saturated that the financial pay-offs are no longer there. Yet, I wonder if one reason why the porn industry is struggling is simply that women look worse in HD than SD because we now see all the imperfections SD used to cover up due to the limitations of technology.

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9 thoughts on “The Curse of High-Definition Porn (No, it’s not about ‘addiction’ and women who look ‘too good’)

  1. when i read the title i started to wonder why i dont watch HD porn , you pointed out the answer.
    never really thought about watching porn HD for sobering experience

  2. In HD you can even spot the areas of the faces of some girls where they got make-up to cover their acne vulgaris blemishes. I particularly remember videos with August Amees where you could easily spot the make-up cover.

    1. I used to enjoy POV bj videos; with HD porn, that went away. I tend to find HD porn quite off-putting, to be frank.

  3. The worst is when you get that famed booty angle and discover that the ‘actress’ has inflamed shaving bumps within and all throughout the crevice.

  4. I dont think I ever watched Christy Mack, ill check her out.

    Looking up the news about it, i cant help notice several media outlets spoke of violent abusive relationship, domestic violence and what not, but carefully danced around the fact that she was cheating on the guy and that he quite literally found them in bed together. Dont wanna look like we are blaming the victim in any way, right?

    Btw i find it darkly hilarious that she had a red stamp tattoo on her shoulder that said “property of war machine”. While fucking another guy behind his back. Cant make this shit up

    1. Ok, on further reading it seems they had broken up a couple months earlier. Still, I just stumbled upon this other gem: Mack admitted to sending War Machine a topless photo of herself before the attack. He replied “I need that”, to which she said “Its all yours”. Really, what was she thinking

    2. Actually, I heard enough about the beat-up back then, but only now I’m learning that Christy was caught cheating red-handed. I guess I didn’t bother enough to look further in the news, but it’s pretty telling.

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