Open Post · Society

Open Post: A Theory on Modern Feminism

Frequent commenter GoodLookingAndSleazy made an excellent remark on modern feminism recently, which I’d like to give more visibility to. The full comment is below. Here’s my theory on modern feminism. Like all political movements it is grounded in legitimate grievances. The grievance is exploited by political opportunists, which is also very common.  The anger is… Continue reading Open Post: A Theory on Modern Feminism

Society · Women

The Horrible Life of Spinsters Then and Now

The word “spinster” has an interesting etymology. Today, it is a mildly pejorative way to refer to an unmarried women. Surely, in some circles it is considered politically incorrect as it is “hetero-normative” or “patriarchal”, implying that women need to get married. As we all know, wahmen need no stinkin’ man to be happy. Yet,… Continue reading The Horrible Life of Spinsters Then and Now


“Game” and The Black Pill as a Mirror of a Fundamentally Broken Society

Recently one of my readers remarked that “game” just as the more romantic notion of wooing a woman are relatively recent phenomena. In particular, the idea that you would need “game” is highly artificial. Of course, game is b.s. as your success with women primarily depends on looks for short-term hookups and money as well… Continue reading “Game” and The Black Pill as a Mirror of a Fundamentally Broken Society

Meeting Women

The Relative Importance of Looks, Money, and Status, and a Strangely Fitting Analogy

We have talked repeatedly about the idea that your level of success with women is primarily determined by your looks, with money and status also having an impact. Of course, this is a bit of an oversimplification as there is another big L, namely location. You will do a lot better if you live in… Continue reading The Relative Importance of Looks, Money, and Status, and a Strangely Fitting Analogy