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Open Thread #294

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48 thoughts on “Open Thread #294

  1. Do you guys think many girls find a slightly muscular but skinny physique like Robert Pattinson in Batman attractive [physique specifically, not his handsome face]? I imagine the leanness is attractive but I don’t know of he looks weak/not masculine.

    1. For my personal reference, I am 6’1. I know different heights affect how physiques may be perceived.

    2. I think the best idea is to train as if you’re trying to get as huge/muscular as possible. Unless you’re taking “supplements”,you’re just not going to run into the problem of being too muscular. The work ethic behind this mindset is likely to get you where you want to be. In the unlikely event that you DO get too muscular,you can ways just lose it. Its a thing I’ve had the experience of trying to explain to female friends/acquiantances. Very common worry among them. haha.

      >I don’t know of he looks weak/not masculine.

      I hope finishing my weight loss and losing all the fat in my face is going to result in me looking more masculine. Unfortunately,the extra flab on my face does result in me looking baby faced. (often get jokes about it,lol)

      That hasn’t stopped me from getting attention from some women in the past (I dunno what they see in me right now,lol),but I imagine it can only get better from there. haha.

    3. “I think the best idea is to train as if you’re trying to get as huge/muscular as possible.”

      I found this approach to be too time consuming. I think if you’re a skinny untrained dude then a generally good approach is to start slow for the first little while until you get passed the initial stages of extreme soreness, then go kind of moderately (focus on compound movements mostly) for 6-12 months (like 2-3 times a week) and get a lot of your newbie gains while only being in a slight caloric surplus. After that you can just maintain what you’ve built quite comfortably and also kind of sculpt out lagging areas with isolation exercises for while—then coast. That is, unless you find that you genuinely really fucking love it or you become a fitness youtuber or something.

    4. > After that you can just maintain what you’ve built quite comfortably and also kind of sculpt out lagging areas with isolation exercises for while—then coast.

      Yeah,was only referring to the temporary initial period of one’s life where one is making weight training a major focus in their life to build up the foundation. I’m definitely not suggesting one to make this a long term major focus/time sink (unless this turns out to be your passion). Once the foundation is built,just do enough work to maintain those gains then feel free to focus on something else.

      Right now,I’m both lifting and doing Martial arts again. I’m currently prioritizing the lifting (i.e. sometimes I have to devote less energy to MA training in order to allow for recovery for lifting on the next day,etc. It just so happens that the combat sports training allows me to get my cardio/conditioning in a much more fun way than more typical forms of cardio which benefits both my health AND the lifting.) but I expect to reverse this at some point later on in my life and lifting will take a backseat.

    5. I’ve already got my noob gains. I’ve been training seriously/consistently for about 1.5 years, with some ok but inconsistent lifting before that. I’ve defintiely gained some muscle. My (non lifting) guy friends and some male relatives have mentioned I put on muscle. Luckily normies are impressed by fairly meager results. But I don’t think I’m jacked enough to make girls panties wet. And even though I’ve put on muscle I’ve also gotten a bit fatter than I’d like.

      However I’ve had a tough time getting to extremely mediocre numbers. I know people who take it way less seriously than me but are stronger and more jacked.

      What I’m saying is based on the effort I put in vs what I see others put in I think it’s likely I’m below average in muscle building potential. I know everyone shits on the genetics excuse but just like IQ, muscular potential/athleticism falls on a normally distributed graph. I’m questioning whether it’s worth it to keep trying to be jacked and instead just focus on more fun forms of exercise while accepting a leaner but weaker looking physique, which is why I ask if a body like Robert Pattinson in batman can be attractive or not.

    6. “…which is why I ask if a body like Robert Pattinson in batman can be attractive or not.”

      If that’s where you’re at I think you’ll do just fine lol. I think that going too much beyond that is to impress guys more than women. The exception being niche gym rats that go for those super jacked dudes, but most women would probably prefer the Pattinson physique, I think.

    7. Barely any dude gets to the level of Pattinson. Just talk a walk and have a look around yourself.

    8. >I don’t think I’m jacked enough to make girls panties wet.

      Remember that women in general aren’t initially upfront of whether or not they find a guy attractive. Very possible that they might find you attractive already,but actively hide it.

      Have you had a girl squeal that they think you’re attractive (or comment on your physique) at least a few times? If so,then you’re probably in a good spot. My first ever clue into learning that I’m attractive was having had a much older (average looking too for her age although that might be a generous estimate on my part. either way,she woulda been an easy lay but I just wasn’t into her at all unfortunately) chick squeal that I’m so cute while in college class. (kinda embarrassed me,but it was flattering,haha) Another instance was a girl acting overly happy for greeting her for her birthday and seemingly making an excuse for us to hang out. (this one,I outright blew. I wish I knew this stuff at the time. haha)

      Mind you,I can count the number these have ever happened in my life on one hand,but if they HAVE happened to you at least few times,that might be a good indication that you’re in a good position already.

      >I’m questioning whether it’s worth it to keep trying to be jacked and instead just focus on more fun forms of exercise

      Do you do Calisthenics? Might be worth your while. learning neat tricks like doing backflips while also working to maintain a good physique. Not that I’m really qualified to talk about this topic,but when I’m done losing all the flab,I do have some interest in trying this stuff out for myself. haha.

    9. Maou I’ve had girls attracted to me in the past but not due to my physique, unless you count simply being not fat as a physique. I used to be slimmer and probably had a more attractive face due to being more defined. But that was back in high school and college when i was able to interact with a lot of women regularly, ive been in the workforce about 4 years now so I’ve not had as much regular interaction with girls I’d want to date. I’m not even really looking currently, but I want to make sure I don’t “let myself go” and improve if possible for later.

    10. “… been in the workforce about 4 years now so I’ve not had as much regular interaction with girls I’d want to date.”

      Sounds less like a looks problem (in shape dude at 6’1’’) and more like a logistics issue. Not saying you should uproot or anything.

    11. Assanova used to advise guys who have a thin frame and who doesn’t look bulging in shirt. He even said that I was not a jacked dude, though very tall.

      So what did he say? He said try to look toned and invest a ton in fashion. If you live in a cold country, use that to your advantage, buy nice jackets and jeans in order to complement your looks. He calls this the “pretty boy illusion”. You could even buy a suit or two to impress ladies.

      I don’t have the answer for summer, but you could certainly look into summer fashion for skinny man, though with much workout within 1.5 year, you should not look small in shirt, I suppose.

      Understand that building muscles have never been easy. Most guys who look should be at it for 3-5 years, so just focus on your how much weight can you lift and don’t give up.

    12. “ He even said that I was not a jacked dude, though very tall.”

      I mean He even said that HE was not a jacked dude, though very tall.

    13. Do you do Calisthenics? Might be worth your while. </blockquote
      I fully endorse calisthenics. It is a very safe set of exercises and is superior yo weightlifting in terms of preventing injury.

      I really love to death pull ups. There are few exercises that can work on many muscle groups. I even intend to buy a pull up rack to practice at home.

  2. Did you guys see Brook Kelly lately? She has ballooned into a fake boob monster.

    I was watching an old interview in 2006 between her and Russell Brand, and that is quite a devolution.

    That should shatter your illusion about a hotty. You never know who she would evolve into.

    1. I did not even know this actress. Here is the interview you mentioned:

      She certainly looks a lot different nowadays.

    2. I searched images of her in “2023”, not sure if I found relevant pictures to what you’re referring to but I expected her to look way worse. She could easily follow the one meal a day rule with some light to moderate aerobics and get thin again within a year without any long term damage (aside from maybe some ass and thigh cellulite) from what I saw.

  3. I am confused by something that I just noticed. So I have these acquaintances who are players. I was surprised to learn they are 36 and 40 respectively.

    The reason I was surprised is that they still act like a brand new PUA who just discovered the idea of shotgun approaching 50 girls to bang one. They still do it… And they’re banging mostly 2s and 3s.

    For one of them can get why he’d still be insecure and trying to prove to himself something (he’s not handsome), but the other one has banged tons of chicks based on looks alone. Almost chad-tier, maybe even chad. He spent like a decade in my niche banging all the 8s and 9s.

    I have no idea why he’s still as driven to spend so much effort and time for the reward of banging random twos and threes.

    This might seem hypocritical to anyone who’s misread what I’ve been saying about me and my plans “but alek you said you wanted to do the same”. No, I’m looking at doing stuff that brings me money, status and (as a bonus) some easy lays. I haven’t found the idea of pursuing pussy appealing in over 10 years, that’s when I got it out of my system. I did a bunch of hookups and made it a priority for a few years, just to prove to myself I can get them… And after that it was “never doing anything except easy lays for the rest of my life”.

    I don’t get these guys who’ve banged a ton of chicks and still are just as driven as if they were in that “got to prove to myself I can get laid” stage even if it means spending untold hours playing the numbers game.

    1. If they are banging 2’s and 3’s my guess is they are genuinely horny rather than trying to prove themselves.

    2. Yeah, but there’s this thing called jerking off. Hornyness would explain why they wouldn’t turn down a two if they were going about their day, and she threw herself at them.

      They proactively waste a huge chunk of their life approaching girls and going to places to approach girls.

    3. “I have no idea why he’s still as driven to spend so much effort and time for the reward of banging random twos and threes.”

      He’s an addict.

    4. @Pickernanny

      Perhaps this is legit sex addiction we’re seeing in action (pun not intended) here. I thought about the possibility of this also being a desperate need for validation,but I don’t think any sane man gets validation from banging bottom-tier chicks. (I mean,usually dudes dumpster dive,typically don’t go into detail about it and try to keep the specifics a secret from the bruhs)

      I think we all agree that its normal for guys to want a variety of hot chicks. If “sex addiction” really exists,I’d say this is a good display of it in the real world.

    5. It’s the only logical explanation that comes to my mind. Either that or he’s like some sort of Chad Jesus sent down as a sexual martyr on a mission to bring orgasmic salvation to all the skanky land whale feminists of the world.

    6. I mean,usually dudes dumpster dive,typically don’t go into detail about it and try to keep the specifics a secret from the bruhs

      Depends. The biggest player I know bangs everything from twos to nines. He’s a tall Chad (and now also built a great physique). Has banged hundreds of chicks and will brag about each and every single one of them. He’ll pull out his phone and show you vids of him fucking them.

      He genuinely convinces himself the twos are super hot. And there’s a trick to it. Like if she has big boobs he’ll focus on the size of the boobs at exclusion of everything else, hence she’s hot. If she has a hot ass made for anal, hell hyper focus on it and ignore that the rest of her makes her a three.

      From what I’ve been told from friends across the world (I met them back in the PUA days), all their friends who have hundreds of lays are like this. They all have this ability to hyper-focus on a single bodypart and get super horny for girls across the looks range.

    7. Oh, okay. I think the assumption here is that we’re dealing with a rational actor. If that were the case you could just be like, “dude, why not just bang hot escorts and save your time (thus money) and not have to stick your dick into a genetic defect.” However, it sounds like we’re dealing with someone who is irrational and has the ability to completely delude himself. Also, I think it’s fair to assume you’re exaggerating the ugliness of these chicks for effect. Maybe more like 4-5s because I imagine a two as a chick that’s either a Jaba the Hut stand and has no redeeming qualities, or like a chick with downs syndrome.

    8. I imagine a two as a chick that’s either a Jaba the Hut stand and has no redeeming qualities, or like a chick with downs syndrome.

      I didn’t say they only or primarily bang twos and threes. Just that they go down to threes (and even twos) with no issue.

      Perhaps my rating system over-emphasizes fitness. I guess other guys need a chick to be deformed to call her a three. For me all fat girls are twos and threes. If she has a cute face I can refer to a fat girls as four (but no more, remember that FIVE is supposed to be normal). I can’t refer to fatness as normal

      – Five => average face, not fat, not skinny
      – Four => Chubby with average face
      – Three => Fattie with average face, or chubby with cute face
      – Two => Fattie with ugly face

    9. Correction

      – Five => Average face, not fat, not skinny; (or maybe) Chubby with cute face
      – Four => Chubby with average face; (or maybe) fattie with cute face (maybe)
      – Three => Fattie with average face
      – Two => Fattie with ugly face

      I do realize a lot of guys refer to average girls as six, but that would be accurate if the scale went from 1 to 11.

    10. Like if she has big boobs he’ll focus on the size of the boobs at exclusion of everything else, hence she’s hot

      Let me expand on this. I purposefully chose this example as it is very illustrative. Noticed I didn’t say “great tits”. He’ll say something like BIG tits, so he’ll focus on the SIZE at exclusion of everything else (even other factors of the tits themselves, like shape, firmness, etc).

      He’ll fuck a fat chick and keeping show you pics of her “big boobs”. And you’re thinking “dude that’s a lump of FAT, it’s not breast tissue”. Doesn’t matter, he banged a chick with “BIG” tits, and that’s “hot”.

    11. @Alek I suppose that would be depending on how people conceptualize that scale? Some guys seem to think of the female population as on a normal distribution, and what one would consider average would be shifting depending on where you are mentally situating the median. Probably varies by country, some (western countries, India) are more likely a pareto distribution skewed to the ugly side.

      I always looked at it like a grading system. In our university system, students pass with 4, so 4, 5 and 6 are passable but still mediocre. Hot would start from 7 to upwards. I view 10 as a top model caliber.

      In my exp, I have no problem going down to 6, perhaps 5 if I am bored and there is no one else available at the moment. Im not gonna pretend I am banging models on a regular basis, there are a few 9s and 10s in my roster but by and large Id say I move in the solid 7-8 range.

    12. @Yarara, I think that makes it too subjective. I prefer this objective scale where you go up or down based on 1 thing.

      So to continue my scale:

      – Five => Average face, not fat, not skinny; (or maybe) Chubby with cute face
      – Four => Chubby with average face; (or maybe) fattie with cute face (maybe)
      – Three => Fattie with average face
      – Two => Fattie with ugly face

      Six => Has at least one thing above average, either hotter ass than average, a cuter face, better boobs than average, more feminine body parts/fingers/torso than average etc.

      Seven => Skinny/lean/fit (or) has a very pretty face; Nothing else is exceptional

      Eight => Skinny/Lean/Fit AND pretty; But more than a few things are not “as perfect as possible

      Nine => Only a few things are not as perfect as possible

      Ten => Everything is as perfect as possible

    13. Seven => Skinny/lean/fit (or) has a very pretty face; Nothing else is exceptional

      Eight => Skinny/Lean/Fit AND pretty; But more than a few things are not “as perfect as possible

      Nine => Only a few things are not as perfect as possible

      Ten => Everything is as perfect as possible

      I find a lot of guys distort this part of the scale, where they refer to eights as nine or tens, to the point where there aren’t points for actual nines and tens lol. If you look at what most guys rate as nines and tens, then there are women you’d have to rate as elevens and twelves.

    14. Eight => Skinny/Lean/Fit AND pretty; But more than a few things are not “as perfect as possible

      I realize this one probably needs clarification. Should have done proofreading, lol. By this I mean:

      – An eight is a girl who has both a lean body AND a pretty face. Yet, you can identify multiple things that aren’t “as good as they can be”. For example her breasts aren’t 9/10 breasts, or her body-fat distribution isn’t 9/10, or her ass-shape isn’t 9/10 (etc).

      – If you can look at her ass and think of a girl you’ve been with that had a “better ass”, then it’s not “As good as it can be”.

      – A nine only has a few things that aren’t “as good as possible”.

    15. With regards to the biggest players banging all sorts of girls from hot to ugly, this has also been my experience. The guys I know personally who have banged the most girls get with hot girls, but will also have bang fat chicks. I think when your sex drive is that high you’ll just take anything.

    16. “He’ll fuck a fat chick and keeping show you pics of her “big boobs”. And you’re thinking “dude that’s a lump of FAT, it’s not breast tissue”. Doesn’t matter, he banged a chick with “BIG” tits, and that’s “hot”.”

      Assuming he’s more than just an acquaintance I would suggest to him that he do a 12 step program. He probably never would, though, but at least you could have mentioned it. Maybe it’ll sink in one day.

    17. Wait, isn’t most of the volume in any average (or above) breast comprised of fat tissue? Of course, there are women who are lean with big breasts. My favorite body type, LOL.

      About the guy, I’ve never been convinced of the existence of “sex addiction”, but yeah, if it does exist, he sounds like a probable case. Still, I think some guys just have a combination of two factors: high sex drive, and an unwillingness to masturbate if they can find a hole to blow a load. Any hole. I’ve known guys who will bang the trashiest of whores or a geriatric lady before jerking off. I cannot relate, honestly.

    18. “Perhaps my rating system over-emphasizes fitness. I guess other guys need a chick to be deformed to call her a three.”

      Being excessively fat is technically a deformity.

    19. @Manuel S
      Found this for you:

      What Is Breast Density?

      Breast density reflects the amount of fibrous and glandular tissue in a woman’s breasts compared with the amount of fatty tissue in the breasts, as seen on a mammogram.

      Women in the first two categories are said to have fatty breasts. Women in the second two categories are said to have dense breasts.

      Generally, you’re more likely to have dense breasts if you—

      – Are younger.
      – Have a lower body weight.

      I once banged a skinny chick with these fatty breasts. They looked and felt so weird. They were almost like moobs. It was like looking at a dudes moobs. Unless you’ve seen an extreme case like that I don’t know how to explain it, but percentage matters.

      Part is genetic. But part is overall fatness. The fatter a chick gets, the higher the fattiness of her breasts.

    20. Alek: yes, I was aware of boobs getting bigger with the woman getting fatter. But speaking of the skinny chick you banged, are trying to say they were saggy? Are saggy breasts less dense? Boobs in women who are lactating get saggy, so I would think the opposite is true.

    21. No, saggy isn’t the right word. Hard to explain, you have to see and touch it. But they weren’t shaped like tits, just like if you have extra lumps of fat on the chest. The opposite of perky. Not saggy, more like shapeless, formless.

      Hard to explain. But basically tits aren’t just fat. If they were, they would be moobs. The text I copied is from a resource that distinguishes dense vs fatty tits (those who are mostly made of fat).

    22. Alek: yes, I was aware of boobs getting bigger with the woman getting fatter.

      That wasn’t my point. The point is that tits aren’t “just fat anyway”. The percentage of fat in the composition determines whether they’re “fatty breasts” or “dense breasts”. The fattier the breasts are, the less attractive they are.

      The composition is determined by genetics, and overall fatness of the chicks. Some chicks have fatty breasts even if they’re skinny and young. I’ve only seen that once. Unlucky in genetic lottery I guess.

      The fatter that chicks get, the more the composition shifts towards fatty breasts. So no, it’s not accurate to say “Oh well breasts are just fat, so fatter chicks just have more tit”.

    23. Being excessively fat is technically a deformity.

      But the reason I had to create this scale was because you assumed I was “exaggerating” when I talk about twos and threes, and the chicks must be like Jabba the hut or have some disorder.

      If we don’t place fatties at the 2-3 range, where do we place them? And no, I don’t mean morbidly obese. Just fat.

      – Should a fattie with an average face be a 4?
      – Then where does the fattie with a cute face go? Is she a 5?
      – Then where does a chubby girl go? Is she a 6 (and a 7 with a cute face)?
      At that point the scale needs to go up to a 12 lol…

      I don’t think fatties need to be that high up the ladder. They belong down there at the 3 level (and 2 if ugly faced).

    24. Hmm, I can see your reasoning. Back to your friend, though. I don’t know much about that looksmaximus guy except what I’ve read on here (I’ve seen like maybe 30 mins of his content in total). But what people were saying is that he took out a Canadian loan and fled to Eastern Europe where he would spend his spare cash on pros. Apparently he kept roiding so that he could “level up” his service received from pros and eventually ended up with leukemia or something (not too sure on this). Get this, though—he had a fatty fetish! The whole series of events sounds pretty irrational when you think about it. One can assume that such people aren’t in control of their impulses.

    25. Contrast this with a buddy I have back home. He’s a pretty tall and nice looking guy, as in people used to always comment on how handsome he was. He honestly looked sort of similar to Burt Reynolds. However, he kind of remained financially stagnant and neglected to take care of his oral health and it caught up to him in his 30s. He used to show me pictures of all the cuties (some hot) he was banging, but now when I talk to him he’s been celibate for the past three years or so. The reason being is because he can no longer really get the cuties these days. Below average chicks will still make it known that he could fuck them basically with low-effort, but he can’t even be bothered to get out of bed, shower and drive ten minutes down the road to service them. Meanwhile, this guy you know is going out of his way and putting thousands of dollars worth of effort into banging so-called twos and threes.

    26. Meanwhile, this guy you know is going out of his way and putting thousands of dollars worth of effort into banging so-called twos and threes.

      They’re 3 different guys. The one I mentioned who always has a way to find something hot about a girl; he was my best friend for a couple of years. Drifted apart since I actually want to get shit done on my life. But since he was my best friend for a while I have deeper insight into his thinking processes and how he viewed girls, getting laid, etc. He’s also the most attractive one (tall, and now has a fitness model physique to boot).

      The other 2 are acquintances (one is average, the other is a chad). They are friends of a close friend. So I mostly observe what they do from the side, and my friend parlays things. My friend actually hates one of them, because it IS like a irrational addiction.

      Like they will be out and about with him (the average dude), and he’ll just stop to go and approach some random three in the mall, and spend like 20-30-40 minutes to get something out of it. Success rate is ABYSMAL. So my friend often complains how he’ll just have to sit and wait around as the dude (the average one), is hitting on some group of threes and fours, and he knows the success rate is pathetic.

    27. I take it the guy with the fitness model physique and the Chad that hangs out with the annoying average dude have much better conversion rates concerning the 2-3 chicks at least?

    28. I’ve never hung out with the average looking guy in order to know that.

      Conversion rate has to be smaller based on looks alone, but to me all 3 are insane. If the chads have less horrible conversion rates, it doesn’t change anything for me. I still put it them in the same basket of “logically challenged retards”. Imagine what they could accomplish with their lives if they invested that time and effort into something else.

  4. That fucking animated show “Family Guy” has tons of subversive shits in it. In 1 episode, Santa Claus was intimate with the daughter of the family. I stopped watching this thereafter.

    This reminds me of a blow job scene in front of Jesus in Californification.

    Fucking sick bastards!

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