
Having Fun while Waiting for Mr. Right is a Losing Strategy

A common life trajectory of empowered women is that they chase their career, believing they are climbing the corporate ladder when, more often than not, they only tread water. Some rise up a few rungs in the hierarchy, often due to quotas, but there are relatively few such jobs available. As those educated women produce their PowerPoint slides while warming comfortable office chairs, their biological program gets executed nonetheless, which is where a disconnect will eventually appear. Deep down, probably most women want to be taken care of. They would much rather be homemakers than office drones. In fact, surveys show that the percentage of women who would like to drop out of the workforce remains quite stable, despite all the efforts in getting women into corporations. There is of course the problem that diversity hiring leads to there being fewer well-paying jobs available for men, so the number of eligible men is much smaller than it used to be.

The problem that Becky is facing is that she would like some millionaire Giga-Chad to put a ring on her finger, but that person just does not show up and if he does, he loses interest after a romp in the sack. This inability to lock down those prime-caliber men is probably the key frustration of the empowered woman. The way those women reframe those experiences is quite interesting, however. You may have heard variations of the following statement yourself:

“While I’m waiting for Mr. Right, I’m having fun with all the wrong guys (tehe)!”

This is a downright bizarre statement. Sure, such self-delusions may keep women from trying to kill themselves with sleeping pills and half a bottle of vodka, but if they use such justifications for their poorly thought-out actions, they are never going to reach their goal. Unlike what some women seem to believe, you do not live each day for itself. Actions have consequences, and what’s in the past is not strictly in the past. Instead, the present is the result of the past. Consequently, a woman who has sex with 40 Tyrones will not be appealing to Mr. Right.(Article continues below.)

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I once heard a cuck proclaim that it does not matter to him how many men a woman has had sex with him because “pussy does not wear out”. (He probably only says that because he has only ever seen roasties.) Yet, a woman who casually engages in sex does not merely raise a red flag. Instead, she is a walking red flag. Her pair-bonding ability will be severely limited. Those are the women who want to get married at all costs, yet get bored one year into the marriage and tear it all down. Note that I am not kidding. Women file most often for divorce within the first two years of marriage and given that this is historical data that includes boomer couples, you can bet that the share of marriages who get divorced in the first two years will only go up in the future.

It’s one thing to enter a losing proposition while being fully aware of the bad odds. Apparently, some people enjoy gambling at the roulette table as much as on the stock exchange and they don’t care much about the fact that they are pursing a losing strategy. The game is its own rewards. There are guys out there who put two thousand bucks into bitcoin almost as a joke but are now millionaires, just like there are guys who have gambled away everything they owned. A fully rational actor would probably not have put any money into risky bets at all whereas someone who is YOLOing in the style of r/wallstreetbets may gamble with one or two years’ worth of income. Women who chase after fun and excitement instead of looking for a provider in their early 20s are firmly in the latter camp. Yet, they are probably a lot worse off than gamblers because while you can strike gold with speculative investments, similarly happy outcomes are a lot less likely for a woman who spends her college years on her back. Mr. Right may even come across such a woman, but he would pump and dump her like the rest because to him, she is not Mrs. Right and cannot ever be.

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13 thoughts on “Having Fun while Waiting for Mr. Right is a Losing Strategy

  1. The vast majority of women prefer to be homemakers. This is so evident it makes her head spin. Yet they are all droning away.

    So the plan must be……. Go to college, get fucked a lot. Graduate, do a job that will make a living…… Get fucked some more. Buy a house, keep trying to meet Mr Right.

    Once they hit 29……..Settle for Mister Almost Right. Sell the house. Lose the job. Stay at home with babies that are hard to deal with in your 30s.

    I’ve actually heard a feminist argument that women who follow this path have lower incidents of infidelity. Cause us know…..they already fucked everybody else I would say they opposite is true. And that has been consistently backed up in surveys.

    Wouldn’t it make more sense if they married when they are prime for making babies. Not jaded. Beautiful. Closer in age to their children.

    They actually sold this lemon to Western culture. Fuck almighty……..

    1. “I’ve actually heard a feminist argument that women who follow this path have lower incidents of infidelity. Cause us know…..they already fucked everybody else I would say they opposite is true. And that has been consistently backed up in surveys.”

      The science is pretty clear that the fewer sexual partners, the happier the marriage. It’s only correlational research for obvious reasons, but I think the correlation is pretty reliable in this case.

    2. Indeed. It is just correlation, but at bare minimum it shows that the high lay count theory promoted by feminists is utterly without foundation.

    3. It’s incredible that something can be believed without a shred of scientific data to back it up. That’s pretty much the MO of Jewish inspired social sciences. I have a feeling the Frankfurt School is behind this one.

  2. Aaron,
    “While I’m waiting for Mr. Right, I’m having fun with all the wrong guys (tehe)!”
    1. Wrong guys – is that a reference to Chad or men who are broke/loser with tattoos with no future prospects? When I hear the word “wrong guys” I often associate that word with guys who are involve in gang activity.

    2. Studies have reported that women who earn a high income are very promiscuous. You noted that promiscuity destroys a woman’s ability to pair-bond. On the other hand, couples of a high-income bracket have the lowest divorce rate. Wouldn’t high income earners have a high divorce rate as well?

    3. I came across a study about divorce rates prior to the 1950s and including the 1950s. The author cited that divorce rates where high prior to the 50s and including the 1950s, but that the divorce rate was kept silent from the public. What’s your though about this?

    “Consequently, a woman who has sex with 40 Tyrones will not be appealing to Mr. Right.”
    4. I have often notice that Betas and Simps tend to be very forgiving for a woman’s sexual past. Yet, I often learned that once these betas learn about a woman sexual history, they seem to experience some kind of mental-anxiety break down. What’s this about? I guess they are happy with whatever attention they get from these used up sluts than nothing at all.

    5. Are women that deranged to believe that they are still a great catch after so many pumps-and-dumbs and even single mothers? I’ve often heard woman say that they are pickier than ever before, but I just don’t quite to understand what they are picky about since their whole life consisted of poor choices?

    6. I’m not one to follow pop-culture, but on a related note, celebrities like Kim Kardashian and J-Low have jumped from marriage to marriage. They have destroyed their ability to pair-bond, but they haven’t learned from their failures. Is this about capturing the elusive?

    1. Wrong often means “isn’t going to ever provide”. Whether because they can’t “broke ass loser”, or because they don’t want to (has money, but ain’t gonna give it to no chick).

    2. ” they seem to experience some kind of mental-anxiety break down. What’s this about? ”

      Speaking from experience, I think that deep inside everybody knows what they are worth. So, Betas and Simps as you call them get to feel in real life that somebody is superior to them and that makes them feel sick. Doesn’t matter if it’s a chick who gets lotsa dick or a guy getting lotsa pussy. It’s the beta/the simp who wants the sexual action but doesn’t get and he knows it.

      Man, it’s just like feeling the sting when everybody around you is rich and you aren’t, but you wanna be . It hurts.

    3. “Are women that deranged to believe that they are still a great catch after so many pumps-and-dumbs and even single mothers? I’ve often heard woman say that they are pickier than ever before, but I just don’t quite to understand what they are picky about since their whole life consisted of poor choices?”

      Maybe you should get off your high horse and stop claiming the moral high ground.
      You know the story about the old fish swimming by the two younger fish, asking how the water is. Later, one of the younger fish ask the other, what water is.
      Same with today’s women. That’s all they see, that’s all they hear and so they emulate.

      Don’t confuse the wisdom you find here with general knowledge. While pretty much everything we write about here is derived from rational thinking, it doesn’t mean that anybody can perform such logical conclusions. If the last 18 months have thought us anything, it’s that critical thinking isn’t an activity the masses engage in.

      To answer your question: Yes, they are deranged. It’s normal. Look around and ask yourself honestly if you can stay sane with the constant bombardment of bullshit there is.

    4. 1) The “wrong guy” is can be anybody who is not Mr. Right. Even Chad who only pumps and dumps her transforms into this archetype.

      2) I’d assume that couples in the high-income bracket may very well be a lot older, with the man being the main breadwinner.

      3) This does not sound believable but if you find a source, please share it. It used to be very difficult to get a divorce, so I can’t quite see how this claim can be true.

      4) I think even the biggest simp has a breaking point. Also, simps are generally the much weaker party in such relationships. Consequently, they will make excuses for their women until it is no longer possible to do so at all. In that case, those unfortunate men may rather kill themselves than admit that they have been complete idiots all their life.

      5) These are just illogical statements. If something a woman says does not make sense, then there is a good chance that it really does not make any sense instead of believing that there is an aspect you just do not yet understand. In fact, men commonly assume that women are as logical as they are, despite all evidence to the contrary. Some men then engage in the most bizarre mental contortions, and all just so that they can maintain a positive mental image of a particular woman.

      6) Past a certain point, I don’t think those people will ever learn. It could well be that they never had a chance anyway and all their relationships were doomed to fail due to personality defects. You mention another good point: some women chase after the feeling of being in love. The first few guys they fucked made them fall in love head over heels but as they got older, guys do not seem to have the same effect. This is obvious because nature intends women to pair-bond quickly instead of banging dozens of dudes. Instead of coming to the realization that they have lost the ability to fall in love, due to their incessant whoring, they jump from one cock to the next, desperately looking for another guy that makes them fall in love again. Such women are genuine human tragedies.

    5. @Chris: no offense but quite often you ask questions “someone said X, why are they like that?”. Does it never occur to you that what people say and what they do is often not the same?
      Don’t want to imply anything here, but I was like that in the past as well, but once I started to generally ignore what people say and instead just observe what they do, my understanding of humans improved a lot.

    6. @Ubermensch
      I’m just quite puzzle by illogical and irrational behaviour and mixed signals from women. I do understand that women will say something and do the opposite. I do pick-up on “subtle” body language that most guys arent good at noticing….

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