Dating · Relationships · Women

How Women Try to Gradually Milk you For Money

Arguably the key element of seduction is sexual escalation. If you don’t push the interaction from hello to sex, with various steps in between, you will hardly ever get your dick wet because women just won’t do the work for you. Exceptions to the rule exist, for instance if some gold-digger targets you for your… Continue reading How Women Try to Gradually Milk you For Money


Another Note on Women Who Nag their Partner

After posting my article “Women don’t nag Chads who can provide for them”, I had another relevant insight on that very topic. In the previous article, I wrote that because women can’t nag a short but economically successful guy, in the hope of making him grow, they’d rather nag an economically less successful but tall… Continue reading Another Note on Women Who Nag their Partner


Women don’t nag Chads who can provide for them

A common observation that has become a cliche is that wives and girlfriends do not like that their men play video games. This starts early in the dating process. Some women even state on their online dating profiles that they “don’t date gamers” or even that they “hate video games”. Quite frankly, women are pretty… Continue reading Women don’t nag Chads who can provide for them

Dating · Relationships

How Your Fuck Buddy Deludes Herself

I recently read the Korean high literature manga “H-Campus”, which is short for “Hentai Campus”. It’s reasonably entertaining but I can’t recommend it fully, so there won’t be a proper review. The story is irrelevant, but for context I’ll add that it’s about a new degree program at a fictional Korean university that teaches you… Continue reading How Your Fuck Buddy Deludes Herself

Dating · Relationships

Men are not the Gatekeepers of Relationships

One of the dumbest pieces of supposed wisdom relating to the sexes that are floating around is that women are the gatekeepers of sex, but men are the gatekeepers of relationships. Women often say that crap. It has very little to do with reality, however. Here is what is going on: Your typical uncritical woman… Continue reading Men are not the Gatekeepers of Relationships

Relationships · Society · Technology

Are DNA Tests Tearing Families Apart?

I received a long and very well written email by a reader recently, who shared his thoughts on an article published by the BBC, entitled “The Christmas present that could tear your family apart.” In short, it points out that doing a DNA test with the entire family could very well be that family’s end… Continue reading Are DNA Tests Tearing Families Apart?

Dating · Relationships

The happy couple you see may hate each other’s guts

If you want to be happily married, the odds are stacked against you. The divorce rate is around 50%. On top, you can safely assume that not all the remaining marriages are happy ones. Just read up on issues like dead bedrooms, marital infidelity, or, for a perhaps unexpected twist, the fate of guys who… Continue reading The happy couple you see may hate each other’s guts