Health · Mindset

The Philosophical Case for and Against Methylphenidate

In a recent comment, Yarara raised a philosophical question about taking methylphenidate (MPH), namely the position of not wanting to expose oneself to anything artificial, such as processed foods. The extreme position is to not consume anything that is not naturally occurring in nature, which is not a position he holds. MPH is an artificial… Continue reading The Philosophical Case for and Against Methylphenidate

Mindset · Society

Rule-Following vs. Rule-Defining as the Quintessential Middle/Upper Class Distinction

I recently wrote a few blog posts on the middle and upper class distinction recently (cf. income differentials, status trap, elite socialization). In this article, I want to tie together some of my observations. Thinking more about middle/upper-class issues, I came to the conclusion that the defining characteristic of the middle class is adherence to… Continue reading Rule-Following vs. Rule-Defining as the Quintessential Middle/Upper Class Distinction

Mindset · Society

Middle-Class Income Differentials Are Almost Inconsequential

The other day a friend of mine sent me a video that discusses the significance of radiant and muted Christmas lighting in the movie Eyes Wide Shut, a movie I wrote about three years ago. The hypothesis presented in that video seems plausible, but that is not the point. Instead, my mind got stuck on… Continue reading Middle-Class Income Differentials Are Almost Inconsequential