Men · Women

When Beta Providers Get Laid, It Is Not Real Sex

We have been having an interesting exchange on the post, “The futility of wanting to impress with money.” I’d like to start with a humorous question Shawn asked, with regards to the observation that throughout history, most men did not procreate. He wrote:

“Why didn’t Aaron just take one for the team and impregnate a shit ton of hoes to raise the health of the population?”

This brought back some memories, because the connection between being the Alpha Chad who gets laid a lot and having the chance to have a lot of kids is downright shocking. When I got really good at pickup, meaning that I routinely banged chicks in bathroom stalls within a few minutes or had effortless pulls from the club, my entire view on women changed. The difference between getting laid every once in a while and getting to the point where you look at a woman, know whether she is into you or now and, most importantly, if she’s into you, how receptive she will be to your sexual advances, is downright staggering.

In the latter case, I made the experience that women are completely floored by you. They end up making all kinds of bizarre backwards rationalizations why she ended up with your dick in her that quickly. The first time it happened that a chick begged me to cum inside of her, without a condom, I thought I had come across a complete freak. However, I ended up encountering quite a few such women. To quickly go through a few instances:

– One chick who blew me noticed I was about to cum, stopped, and said she would like to feel my cum in her pussy
– Several chicks insisted on not using a condom. Quite a few of them tried pulling the condom off. One even threw a tantrum over it.
– Chicks slipped my dick in in a surprise move, and acted offended when I pulled out right afterwards, insisting on using protection. One amused me by accompanying her sleight of hand with an “oops” and a mischievous smile. She got mildly offended when I did not play along.
– One woman I had pulled home from the club after less than an hour told me during sex that she would rather do it without and that she wouldn’t even mind if I got her pregnant. I would not have to worry about anything because she would not go after me for child support if it happened.
– I also got the, “I’m on the pill, we can do it without” line a few times.
– Some women claimed that they could not get pregnant, which, they claimed, meant that I had nothing to worry about.

As far as I know, I have not fathered any children yet. Also, I have to clearly point out that I gave no indication during my heydays as a seducer that I had the wherewithal to financially support a kid. I did not have a proper job back then and I dramatically downplayed my education and even cultivated a somewhat dumb facade, after realizing that a few of the chicks I banged thought I could be groomed to be a reliable meal ticket.

Most of the women I’ve banged must have assumed that I’m a broke loser. Yet, even that did not keep plenty of them from trying to reel me into a relationship. I found this utterly mind-boggling. Of course, this is all curtesy of the socialist welfare state. If you knock them up, either some simp will play Captain Save-a-Ho, or the taxpayer will pony up the cash.

If you have a hard time believing anything I wrote, I’d like you to think about single motherhood, which is primarily the result of a woman’s own poor choices. In hindsight, it is not at all surprising, but when I cleaned out my Facebook account some time ago, I came across the profiles of a few women I was acquainted with or have banged for a while. A few of those did turn into welfare queens. One girl who relentlessly hit on me for about a year — she hung out in the same clubs as I — ended up with two kids from two guys. I remember her bitching about some guy she was fucking that he didn’t really care about her. Had I been fucking her, she would have bitched about me to some random dude in the club she had the hots for. Funnily enough, one of my friends, “Byte” from Sleazy Stories, banged her for a few weeks after I essentially offered her to him. Once he was done with her, she tried telling me that he had a small dick and was really bad in bed. Sure, that must be the reason why she was happy to be his side chicks until he discarded her.

Who are the guys that knock up those women? Some blue-pilled cucks among you will proclaim that those are feckless men, or some bullshit like that. No, that’s not it. If a woman does not want to get pregnant she will not get pregnant. Instead, it’s irresponsible women with poor decision-making ability who think it’s a great idea to see if a guy who is able to make them dripping wet, unlike their provider beta at home, manages to knock them up. This now leads to another incident, in which a young woman explained to me that — wait for it — there is absolutely no problem with me cumming inside her because “if you get pregnant, it’s meant to be, and otherwise it is not.” The logic is earth-shattering. Women’s liberation has been bringing out the worst in women. Yet, if you have never been in situations like that, or if you do not reflect much about society, all of this may be completely foreign to you.

This now leads to a comment Alek Novy made when ripping some troll on this blog a new one. He pointed out that for most of human history, getting laid meant that you would have kids. Today, though, you can get laid and not leave kids, due to contraception. Let me add to that that in earlier times, a sane woman would not have fucked Tyrone from the ghetto because a pregnancy out of wedlock would invariably have led to her having a miserable life. Yet, today, due to the double whammy of feminism and the socialist welfare state, there is a shower of money waiting for that kind of woman. What is more, they may even get celebrated for “being heroic”.

Said troll claimed that any man with a job can get laid. Alek Novy jumped on that statement and rightly pointed out that this is not how men think because to us, “getting laid” does not mean being some woman’s beta provider and getting to enjoy sex once a month in exchange for our copious resources. Instead, a man who gets laid manages to get women to spread their legs for him quickly and easily. It costs him nothing, and she will happily do all the things she claims she does not like or has never done when her meek boyfriend or husband gets a bit frisky. For her beta provider chump, she’s “not really a sexual person”. For Chad, though, she’s the biggest slut she can be, hoping that this will tie him down.

If women had their way, they would all bang Chad. Yet, Chad is a bit picky and just does not seem to want to bang most women. He may even decide to go his own way. Make no mistake, though, because that is the guy they want to fuck and have kids with, no matter how much of a loser he should be. As long as he makes them horny with his mere presence, he could have them, if he wanted to. What I find so incredibly off-putting is that blue-pilled cucks and dishonest women not only know about this. Their language also gives it away. Suddenly, Stacy is “settling for” a safe guy. Stacy, however, never settles for the kind of guy who really gets her horny. If she secures that kind of alpha guy, it would be described much differently.

As a consequence, if you, dear reader, happen to be the kind of guy women “settle for”, I would advise you to stay single instead. Rest assured that even though she may tell you she loves you, in order to manipulate you, of course, you are the one she needs fifteen minutes of foreplay with to get a bit wet, and that is on the one out of six times she does not pretend to have a migraine. On the other hand, Chad could shove his hard cock right into her pussy when he pulled her. As a “provider” you are not only taking Chad’s leftovers, you also don’t ever get to taste as much as a small fraction of what he got to enjoy. With a beta provider, sex is a duty for her. It’s a chore she will gradually try getting out of. With Chad, on the other hand, sex has been animalistic and primal. Had it led to a pregnancy, she may just have gone through with it.

Did you like this article? Excellent! If you want to support what I am doing, then please consider buying my excellent books, the latest of which are Sleazy Stories II and Meditation Without Bullshit or donating to the upkeep of this site. If you want tailored advice, I am available for one-on-one consultation sessions.

159 thoughts on “When Beta Providers Get Laid, It Is Not Real Sex

  1. And again this is what I was saying on the previous post when I was pretending to be an ex convict on the online dating sites. Gentleman all I can say is get buff and have a job that gives you money but don’t try and live above your means or kill yourselves for a woman it’s not worth it. And I know your pain I was raised to be a good guy in the United States but it doesn’t pay and you will finish last in the marriage and dating market. And until social and political revolution happens in the west we are fucked. Thank you playing the sleazy game. Lol

  2. You’re welcome hehe.

    Given that your girlfriend is short and Asian, your children are likely to turn out shorter and less masculine than the average caucasian. If they end up fitting into the provider category, is this the same advice you would give to them, i.e. to stay single?

    1. That is indeed the case. However, I’d like my sons to date Asian women, and my daughters to date white guys. I’d expect my daughters to be quite competitive on the dating market. While my sons would maybe not ticklet the fancy of some woke Western feminazi or your average thot down the street, they most likely would stand a good chance to be taller and more masculine than your typical Asian man. Thus, they should do quite okay in the competition for prime-caliber Asian women.

  3. and she will happily do all the things she claims she does not like or has never done when her meek boyfriend or husband gets a bit frisky. For her beta provider chump, she’s “not really a sexual person

    And they have the perfect excuse for this. I had a chick tell me her beta provider whines about the fact she never did anything kinky with him and never tried anal with him.

    She told him “that’s coz you never bother to do the work to turn me on properly”… But said in a tone like as if this was a task he failed at coz he’s a lazy buffoon unwilling to do the work.

    Not because he’s someone who can’t actually turn her on due to not being Chad.

    1. This was in a convo where she was discusssing trying anal with me coz she never tried it and wanted me to introduce her to anal… But she spent her entire life telling betas she doesn’t do that kinda stuff.

      Takes her 0,1 seconds to get dripping wet when she meets me. I don’t have to do the “turn her on” procedure. I just say hi.


      I don’t see myself as a Chad. But i do have plenty of these Chad experiences. So in that sense I do think we oversimplify sometimes by dividing the world in betas and Chad’s.

      Perhaps there is a third category called “notbeta”? That’s where I’d place myself.

    2. @Alek
      “Perhaps there is a third category called “notbeta”? That’s where I’d place myself.”

      I read somewhere,and I think it was on an Incel discussion forum,of people like this being referred to as “Chadlite/Chad-lite.”


      Could someone do me a favor and tell me how to blockquote on this blog? thanks

    3. @Maou: These terms are thrown around often without much thought. Often just describing if a guy is getting her pussy or is paying her bills.
      In nature it’s often simple.
      The Alpha is the leader and the one breeding.
      The Beta’s join in for the hunt but are not allowed to breed. But might be lucky some day when the alpha isn’t looking. Or they might one day rise in ranking.
      The Zeta is there so the beta’s can vent their frustrations by picking on him.
      That’s how i view this hole picking on incels thing. It’s mostly frustrated beta cucks who pick on these zeta incels. Just to feel better about themselves. It’s often fascinating to see how much of this behaviour is also displayed amongst animals. From frustrated beta’s picking on zeta’s. To young males leaving the pack/pride and forming brotherly hunting packs refining their hunting techniques searching for new females and territory to conquer. Reflected in the pickup scene.

    4. @Alek

      I think a good description would be “good-looking escalator”.
      Describes the two necessary traits: Looks good. Knows how to escalate.

    5. @Neutral
      That is actually a good description. I’m not a Chad, but

      1) The chicks I’ve been with did find me good looking

      2) I escalate and ask for a Chad treatment

      That’s kinda why I wanted to say I’m a notbeta… My approach to chicks is “I will not take the beta treatment, I only take chad-like treatment.”

      Most chicks go “ughh you’re not hot enough to get the Chad treatment”, but a percentage of them do find me hot enough to give me the Chad treatment.

      In a sense, all my experiences with women have been Chad like. I’ve never been in a beta arrangement, never waited for sex… Never been on a single date in my life… I only accept fast escalation scenarios.

      The difference between me and the Chad is the percentage, which much is lower in my case I guess.

  4. It is funny how 99% of red pill bloggers (PUA/MGTOW/whatever) still think that evo-psychology is correct in its central tenant that women are mostly sexually attracted to power. If that was the case someone playing a dumb broke guy would never get laid with attractive women.

    1. And they obviously have never experienced being banged due to physical attraction so that they’d compare it to being banged due to power/status… it’s not the same.

      A guy “getting laid” due to status/power is nothing but a glorified provider. Even if he’s not providing… he’s still getting banged by her trying to get access to his status and power… not because she’s lusting after him physically… the sex is just not the same passionate porn-like sex as when she’s attracted for your looks.

      If you have a lot of power and status (and just that)… the kind of sex you get is of the same quality as the beta provider, you might just get it more frequently… or however much of it she deems necessary to get access to some of your status and power… and yeah she might try to put on a better performance than she bothers with the beta… but it’s not the same lust-driven sex you get as a chad.

      – kind of like how pornstars put on a performance… all porn is basically the “performer” acting as if though she’s banging a chad, even if her costar isn’t a chad…

  5. I would imagine that lots of couples sex lives in an LTR devolve into the woman just supplicating the man enough to string him along. Even if the guy was Chad as fuck in her eyes at the beginning. Once she has him in the bag so to speak it just becomes a matter of doling out sex like doggy treats. Hence the article about married men banging hookers.

    1. I’m also confused by the alpha/beta sex thing. I get the concept. I’m definitely far from being alpha, but until recently I wouldn’t even be considered proper beta material. I’ve had to rely on attraction to get any lays and such and have had to do the things that maximize one’s attractiveness.

      What makes more sense to me is that so long as you meet baseline or above attractiveness levels for any particular woman, she’s going to be more enthusiasric about fucking you. You don’t necessarily have to be Chad. But sure, your girl may like your looks and enjoy fucking your above average cock, but she’d still rather be fucking Chad with his well-above average cock, height and looks. And she probably already has. So I guess I’ve actually been getting a lot of leftovers now that I type this. But at least they’ve always gave it up on the first date, swallowed my load and generally offered up their asses.

    2. That describes me as well. That’s kind of like why I describe myself as a nonbeta… I’m not an alpha, i’m not a chad… but I don’t accept the beta shit either.

      My whole approach is “I will only accept the chad treatment”, “I don’t do beta dating/providing in exchange for passionless sex shit”. So I’ve only ever gotten the chad treatment… no dating, porn-like sex etc.

      So most women go like “You’re not alpha/hot enough to get the chad treatment”, and I’m like that’s fine, coz I don’t do the beta shit… So my percentage of women accepting the deal is probably much lower than a chad’s… but I’ve never had to resort to the beta providing, dating, wining, waiting for sex shit…

    3. @Alek Novy

      What do you do when you’re banging a chick pretty regularly on your terms and she starts in with wanting random affection. Like for example, a common one is getting a text saying she needs some spooning. Sure, it may just be code for come over here and seduce me, but it could be her way of easing you in to being more and more compliant.

      I’m not necessarily talking about post-coitus cuddling, but when a women you’ve been banging like she’s your personal little slut starts in with the whole, “I need held and told I’m special and beautiful” bit. Do you start to think it’s time to drop her?

    4. I just say no. They start dropping off when they quit.

      I don’t actually have to tell them to dropoff. I just say “no, i’m just the pornosex guy”. They will keep trying until they finally accept i’m not the guy they can turn into something more.

    5. “no, I’m just the pornosex guy.”

      LOL. I love that line haha I’m pretty sure most chicks wouldn’t put up with that line for very long if at all with me, but I don’t doubt that it works for you.

      I was just thinking of another tactic that women like to use to reel a guy in. If I didn’t know any better I’d probably fall for it every time. It’s when they start to pretend that they’re developing unconditional feelings for you. They can be so convincing about it too. Most guys will eat this shit up, but I know it’s comeplete bullshit. Especially when they can’t name any specific virtues or personal characteristics as to why they are feeling this certain way about you. It’s usually something like, “I can’t explain why, there’s just something about you. You’re not like other guys.” Pft, okay. So if I was the exact same personality wise except homeless and busted-looking then you’d still be attracted to me all the same.

    6. I don’t actually say “i’m the pornosex guy” XD I mean that’s the “frame” of the communication.

    7. “I don’t actually say “i’m the pornosex guy” XD ”

      Actually, I’m pretty sure that after a solid fuck you could get away with literally saying it.

      Guy: “I’m the pornosex guy”
      Girl: *chuckles* “you’re such an asshole/a player”

      –> Win.

      To be honest, I actually thought you do really say that on a regular basis.
      I think it’s a fantastic line.

    8. ” It’s usually something like, “I can’t explain why, there’s just something about you. You’re not like other guys.” ”

      There’s a gazillion ways to deal with that, for example: “Yes, it’s not the first time I hear this. (pause). I must be special.”

      Just bullshit them. Get up from the bed, grab yourself a beer and give her a bit less attention, like, sit down in front of the computer and watch some guy-stuff, like a RDR2 walk-through video 😀

  6. An update about my friend, Clark Kent, whom I wrote about in a previous guest post (

    I recently found out that in the last 5 months or so, he’s only had sex with his gf once (they meet a few times a week). I’ve tried over and over to tell him that it’s a bad deal for him and I explain red pill concepts, female nature, highlight the double standards, etc. He listens, he’s cognitively aware, and he thanks me for telling him the hard truths. But at the end of the day he says he still wants to try to work out the problems because he really loves her a lot. There’s nothing more I can do but to wish him well.

    1. Just shows us again.
      Most INCELS are not teenage computer nerds who cant get laid.
      Most INCELS are guys who are already settled/married.

      Why do that to yourself?
      Either you can be the lonely guy who jerks off at internet porn.
      Or you can stay single.

  7. I still dont understand why so many guys try to fuck with damaged women like this? Why would you want to waste your time on club sluts and thots? Why not just go for high class escorts instead?

    1. It’s an inability to do math basically. It’s why people suck at making financial decisions in general.

      Like an escort “seems” a lot more expensive coz the price is upfront. Whereas you have to actually sit down and crunch the numbers to figure out that your cost per lay is higher with non-escorts.

    2. Because prositutes have high percentages of STDs dude there’s a much bigger risk. And some of those diseases are pretty bad and for life.
      That’s a massive risk to your future sex life?
      And it’s just a fuck . Its a fake situation and it doesn’t lead anywhere.
      Prostitutes or Escorts fake that they enjoy fucking you in exchange for your lovely money. Just like porn stars fake they love getting railed up the ass for $2,000 a scene.
      They don’t love it. They all hate it . And they hate you too. It may be fun for the John but it ain’t for most escorts I’d imagine. They got home at night and shoot heroin to numb how much they hate themselves, or try suicide again. But that’s an aside.

      Most people are looking for companionship /relationship after a certain amount of fucking around . You may fuck a super hot escort but know she wouldn’t spit at you without that money baby… it’s not gonna do great things for your self esteem. If a guy has low self esteem it’s gonna really crush it to nothing fucking hookers in exchange for cash. it’s a fake delusion of the mind and it will wear off pretty quick imo.

    3. Dude, if a prostitute is into you, you will get much better service and perhaps even freebies thrown in whereas she will try to be done as soon as possible with a guy she finds unattractive. Furthermore, it is not the case that prostitutes fuck any guy for money. It is not uncommon that they turn down would-be johns they find repulsive. Among escorts it seems to be a standard procedure that they vet you first. Thus, hooker-john dynamics are not all that different from what you can observe elsewhere in society.

    4. Aaron
      I thinking your first line and presime here is flawed . “ if the prostitute is into you “ .

      Hate to break it but.. the 99.9% of prostitutes are not “into” anything . It’s a job. the sell their bodies for the MONEY. That’s a complete delusion. But women can be fantastic actresses and make guys believe that for sure.
      Do a YouTube search for “ ex pornstar tells the truth about porn” or similar and listen to the women speak honestly about how they for into the porn industry and their lives doing porn . They all hate themselves.
      Porn is filmed prostitution so it’s exactly the same situation ,lots of porn stars come through the channel of stripping and brothels .
      No prositutes love their John Aaron they all hate him.

    5. There are plenty of stories of porn actresses either requesting to work with a particular actor or refusing to work with others. Of course they get paid for sex, but this does not negate that they are still women. Surely, they would prefer to get railed by some giga-Chad for money than by Average Joe #736.

    6. And if any prositute throws in a “freebie” it’s not because she loves having sex with the guy.. it’s because she wants to keep the money flowing. Repeat business.
      In the situation you described , the prositute is manipulating a sucker into thinking she likes him/likes the sex. Every hooker wants repeat Busine$$. The more the merrier . I’m betting most prositutes have relationships outside of the brothel with other women . Because they all HATE men. If they don’t work in a brothel they all have male Pimps , who beat the shit out of them on a regular basis for all their M-O-N-E-Y.

    7. Stories of porn actresses requesting to work with Joe vs John only illustrates they have a preference. It doesn’t show they are “into the sex” with either . Joe is respectful and sticks to the script . John is an asshole that anally raped her and punched her when it was not previously agreed in the script (or whatever ). She’s showing a preference for one Actor over another. It still remains they are all ACTORS.
      It’s not real. They don’t enjoy it. It’s filmed prositution . It’s a fantasy and a delusion. There is no Chad or Beta in porn because they are all ACTING. Hence the title “actress / actor “.

    8. Research “ex pornstars tell the truth about porn” those girls are not making it up.
      Porn is a multibillion dollar business the industry wants to keep a tight lid on what is really going on. Drugs , rape, sex trafficking , and lots and lots of severely damaged women putting on a show for money. ( and not even that much they get severely screwed on the money side too) . 99% of those girls on camera do NOT love getting railed by massive cocks up their tight assholes on a daily basis. (And all the rest !) They all live in degradation and hopelessness and most want to die because they are stuck there. Perhaps a very small percentage say 5% will say they enjoyed it eg Sasha Grey. Outliers and even then highly debateable because there is money involved for them to say that.
      Don’t believe the delusion of porn and extrapolate that to the real world . It’s a pure delusion and fantasy preying on men and causing rampant addiction and warped thinking about women and sex. (Imo obviously 🙂 )

    9. Re <>

      Absolutely not.
      I agree with most of what you wrote in ‘Minimal Game’ and ‘Debunking..’
      I believe that there is an epidemic of free online porn and it’s warping mens minds on women and sex. Because young men get their sex education from porn now. And they think that’s real and how women actually are or want . Porn is 100% not real? It’s a complete fantasy and delusion . It’s still filmed prositution and has no reflection on reality and real women. But the actresses and how it’s portrayed are very believable. Some women like rough sex all their lives , some explore it for a phase , some like anal now and again. Some like getting railed now and again etc etc real life and real women and relationships and what women like are not reflected in porn. Porn is like crystal meth for the brain nothing more. It’s designed and presented that way. It’s not a reflection of real life .. at all!

    10. I don’t quite understand point re Margot Robbie and Brad Pitt .. maybe Margot Robbie has had a crush on Brad Pitt since she was a teenager .. she finally got close enough and took her opportunity to turn a fantasy into a reality ?? What woman wouldn’t ?!! It’s Brad Pitt !
      I’m not asserting she faked it .
      They are both actors yes , they do occasional sex scenes in movies with other actors . They are not having real Sex! They are acting the motions as if .. ? Can they enjoy kissing their co stars .. a percentage sure. Do ALL? Absolutely not. But it’s a different kettle of fish , porn girls are getting railed up the ass by massive cocks and then turning around and sucking a shitty dick that’s just been up their ass. Etc etc etc
      They all do it and smile on camera afterward because then they get their check for $2000 and can pay rent and buy more drugs to kill the pain inside them and the hopeless lives they live day to day.
      It’s a complete fantasy and delusion ro think any of it is “real” and the women are “into it”
      Seriously watch those YouTube videos of ex pornstars. They are not making their stories up. That’s the reality.

    11. Do you seriously want to make the point that porn whores lose their ability to get aroused by a man they find highly attractive, or that they do not find men attractive at all anymore? Following your line of reasoning, if Margot Robbie has a crush on Brad Pitt, why can’t Debby Deepthroat be Chad-struck if some 11/10 guy appears on the set? She would fuck him for free IRL, so getting to bang him for money on the set surely is not any issue for her. Also, there are plenty of examples of porn actors getting into a relationship after banging on the set.

    12. For the most part , yes. By all accounts from former porn stars now out of the business. The vast majority of pornstars HATE men . Because most have been sexually abused from a young age, maybe teenage runaways ,got into drugs ,then stripping and prostitution and then into porn . They have been abused all their lives by men. But they are great at acting otherwise for money.
      Your example scenario the 11/10 guy I would say for the most part no . Why ? For the same reason. the majority hate men. Regardless of looks. They hate and fear all men . The same as prositutes hate all men. It’s all about the money. Hey they wouldn’t do it for free would they? even for an 11/10 guy . Porn stars are seriously damaged goods.
      Porn relationships ? Doesn’t mean they necessarily enjoyed their first scene with the dude on camera. Something could have developed afterward. Whatever they do on camera is not their real sex anyway. It’s acting .
      Think about it . Even If an established porn couple does a scene together how much could they enjoy it .. .they have to keep stopping every few minutes to take pictures and switch positions . It’s not their “real “ sex even if it’s a porn couple. It’s a job. It’s an act.

  8. Aaron, have you ever thought about posting a picture of yourself, so your followers can have a visual representation of how you maximize your looks?

    1. Posting your own photo on a site with this kind of content would be a remarkably bad idea in this day and age.

      Also, I can’t speak for Aaron, but my impression from what he’s written is that he’s not a looksmaxxer.

  9. Aaron – a necro post I know , but some thoughts on this thread.
    When it comes to relationships we all “settle “ mate in some respect mate don’t we?
    Everybody settles in the end for the best “all rounder “ they can get.
    Shit, I wanted Elle MacPherson but I had to settle too.
    Women are amazing . Really. Guys can get hung up on their irrationality, applying man logic to a woman’s thinking. It won’t make sense.
    I read in some “seduction book “ (J Shark I think was the author) once that women love a “fixer- upper “. So true imo.
    In your case of the Bad Boy or the Chad or Alpha guy or whatever .. a woman doesn’t care he’s broke she’s not gonna size up his finances or his job first .. all women innately knows she has the amazing capacity to “better him” .. ie fix up the rest anyway. he’s got good genes and has dominance. that’s massive potential. she can work on the rest later using her equally amazing nagging skills . And boy will she ???? . But most if not all of these guys will be major players of course. After a while women give up cos they can’t date a player he’s too busy fucking around. And most will “settle” for the best all rounder she can get. Nothing wrong about that.
    Same with a man.
    Do you think a woman can still choose a less alpha guy ,more of an “ all rounder” and not be happy ? Only if he’s completely unimaginative in the sex . Or a massive needy negative whinger with no drive at all. As you said in Minimal Game they want great sex and on the regular .. (well at the start anyway ????) a less alpha guy can learn to be better in the sack if he applies himself and keeps it on his radar his chick is as dirty minded as he is.
    Even a chick who has the #1 best Alpha guy will still watch sexy Netflix series and read romance novel fuck books and fantasise about other situations and other dudes when she’s alone with her big purple rampant rabbit…. ???? ???? true?
    If most chick are satisfied and have novelty at home with a decent all rounder ,the odds are she won’t have the need to seek out an alpha for a hot fuck. It’s not worth the risk.
    If the guy at home is super beta super but there’s degrees.
    It’s not as black and white as that.

    1. Alek
      Ok maybe that is a bit delusion, fair point.
      Re your precious comment above to Aaron’s post
      “the sex is just not the same passionate porn-like sex as when she’s attracted for your looks.”
      Can you please expand to this Beta on what exactly is involved in these “porno-sex” experiences. What sex acts is the Chad or Chad-Lite having that the Beta is not ? I’m gathering she’s easy and willing for anal on the first lay ? Hard anal ? What else detailed as possible for the uneducated such as myself . Would be much appreciated thanks

    2. James,
      it seems that you lack the experience of having sex with a woman who really wants you to fuck her.

    3. Aaron
      Perhaps you are right .
      but still can you indulge me just this time
      As per question to Alex
      Can you please expand to this Beta on what exactly is involved in these “porno-sex” experiences. A quick list of bullet points would suffice Ie
      – Anal on the first Lay
      – strangling

    4. It can just be a cold and unenthusiastic love making session, or the girl just lays on one side and wait for the guy to finish, or let he have sex only in vanilla position.

      Whereas with Chads, it may not be anything particularly kinky but she may be willing to go down on him, or stroke him passionately and ride him, is willing to change positions and act really submissive to him, even act in an inviting manner.

    5. The question itself confirm you don’t have enough experience. It can’t be quantified like you asked. You can’t say the difference is “x number of poses changed per hour” or anything like that.

      It’s just a difference in how visceral it feels. Its almost like her entire life’s mission has become to squeeze every last drop of cum from your body and become impregnated by you. Versus the opposite extreme where it feels like she’s just doing it to be nice or go through the motion.

      Obviously its a spectrum, so saying only chads can experience “non-bland sex” and everyone else gets “going through the motions” sex is wrong too. But to say it only is related to “time of the month” is downright insane.

    6. I just realized that even beta providers report experiencing a difference in the types of sex.

      Initially I was going to add that the reason I experienced the different kinds of sex was because I went from being in great shape, to not so much. So I experienced a difference in both how much effort it took to get sexual, but also in the nature of the sex.

      But THEN I realized that most married betas say the same thing. They report how much more porn-like the sex was in the year before they proposed. So yes, women can perform it with betas as well.

      The difference is that chad gets all the time, from day one. Not just when a woman decides to procure a ring-proposal.

    7. “The question itself confirm you don’t have enough experience. It can’t be quantified like you asked. You can’t say the difference is “x number of poses changed per hour” or anything like that.”

      Alek-Not necessarily.
      I’m reading descriptiors ‘porn-style sex’/porno sex’ and just want to know exactly what is meant by that term. To me It could range from ‘Ass-To-Mouth’ to ‘upside down throat fucking ‘ to just ‘hard fucking in the missionary position’ and all points in between.

      I have plenty of experience.
      One example – 7-8 quality Girl from tinder, quick coffee date ,same night lay , doggy style sex , very hard fucking , hair pulling and ass slapping, finished with a cum in mouth she ran off to spit it out as she was not a swallower.
      Next day text from the girl- “ just had to tell you, last night was one of the most intense orgasms I’ve ever had in my life”.
      I do not identify as a Chad or have an exceptionally long penis. I am pretty good looking . Not tall. Not super alpha but can turn it up a bit when required. (As in that situation)
      The girl was very, very into it as far as I can tell.
      Please comment -is that porno style sex and am I still a blue pilled Beta provider -whatever given that information. I am definitely not a Chad or Alpha.

    8. No, you are definitely not a Chad. Also, if you are so good-looking, how come you ended up only banging her doggy style? This does not add up. Also, read your description again. Presumably you pulled her hair and slapped her ass. You do not describe what she did, only what she did not do, e.g. swallowing.

    9. “But to say it only is related to “time of the month” is downright insane.”

      Alek- The research shows the level of enjoyment and perceived quality of the sex for a woman is absolutely linked to her time of the month and hormones related. Every month for a period of time she is literally “in heat”. her body changes and appears “ripe”. Tits get bigger , pussy starts enlarging /throbs and she’s hanging for a good hard fuck. Mother Nature wants her to get pregnant , every month, and her hormones do the talking and tricks her in a sense. She absolutely has a preference for the best guy she can get or her ideal archetype at that stage. So she goes out with her friends to hookup. Wears less clothes / dresses sexy and gets the tits out for the lads.
      Now , she meets an attractive guy and takes him home and fucks his brains out with the” porno sex “. It’s due to her hormones and ALSO his looks / cock / situation/ story (of course). A few days later her phase is over she may regret her choice blah blah. The Chad gets many, many more opportunities than the Beta of course , but the quality of the sex is a high % part due to where her cycle is at when she fucks him first.
      Even with taking a Chad in a short term relationship, the quality of the sex he gets will peak with her “heat phase “ throughout the relationship. he’ll get the best “porno sex “then.
      So the cycle really determines the woman’s behaviour and can explain why they are so irrational in Aaron’s post above. They are not in their rational mind at that point . And it explains that it’s not so much about the Guy completely per se ,there could be a situation where there’s no Chad available and the Beta can be aggressive enough to fuck and he can experience wicked sex too.
      Which kinda explains my prior example of the tinder girl. Hope this makes some kind of sense understanding the cycle really helps understanding womens behaviour it’s invaluable.

    10. “No, you are definitely not a Chad. Also, if you are so good-looking, how come you ended up only banging her doggy style? This does not add up. Also, read your description again. Presumably you pulled her hair and slapped her ass. You do not describe what she did, only what she did not do, e.g. swallowing.“

      Cmon Aaron. You should know the answer if you are as big a player as you say. 😉
      I may have fucked her missionary first but can’t recall it was a long time ago .
      The answer to the Why Doggy question is in in my favourite pickup line of all time
      “Hey let me ask you a question, what’s your favourite position and why is it doggy style ? : D ;D”
      I’m pretty sure Doggy is in every girls top 3 cos it’s deep and animalistic. So I usually spend a lot of time there usually for the big finale.
      What she did ? She tongued me down, she undressed herself, she panted , she put her nipples in my mouth she got hella wet , she took the D like a champion.. oh yeah she blew me at the end for a great finish ..?? I wasn’t missing anything else .
      I did all of the above in the description I have given. 100% ,gods honest, scouts honour.
      Yes no Chad but no ‘Blue Pilled Beta Provider Simp Cuck Whatever’ either ..

    11. Also I stated it was ’ doggy style hard fucking w/ hair pulling & slapping ‘ because I want to know is that “porno sex “ or not??
      That was my question. Because I want to know what I’ve been missing out on back in my single player days !! 😛 I’m mean what else should I have tried to get it to “porno sex”/ Chad level sex? gimme some tips Im feeling regretful here of missed opportunities ! 🙁

    12. How about this: the girl you left the club with got so horny that she ends up playing with your schlong in the cab already. As you enter the elevator in her apartment building, she goes down on her knees and sucks on your dick for a while because she just cannot wait any longer. As you enter her place, you do not even make it to the bedroom. She kicks off her shoes and drags you over to the sofa, pulls her pantyhose down and puts your hard cock in her. None of you even took the time to undress. She is so horny that she does not care about any kind of foreplay, and now that she is riding you, she wants to get you off as soon as possible because she is dying to feel your hot cum inside of her. She may even tell you that you can cum in her all you want and if she gets pregnant then so be it. I have heard similar lines surprisingly often. I believe that most of those women were attached. Some even mentioned a husband or boyfriend or at least hinted that they were not unattached. Experiences like this completely change how you view women.

      We are not done yet, though. After you have blown your load, she keeps cuddling up to you, caressing your body, but she also keeps one hand on your cock to make sure that as soon as you can get hard again she will get another fuck out of you, and she will repeat this until you are completely exhausted. She wants to get the most sex from you that she can, in the time that she has with you. After such an encounter you probably need a day or two to recover.

    13. “You sound like a PUA shill.“

      I’m not even sure what that means . Something like a “mole” or “spy” I gather(?) .
      No but I was deep into PUA for many years, back in the day. After I began to realise it was getting stupidly complicated , I found your DeBunking, JJ and MG. Since then I’ve been reading a ton of books on “the science of ..” by people with actual qualifications** in the field. That’s where all I’ve spouted comes from. ( that’s a diss to the PUA’s) Women’s behaviour makes much more sense to me now, combining the minimal outlook and science.

      My Tinder example is legit.
      Thanks for expanding on the “porno sex” . I’ve had variations on all of that personally. And other examples of my own. I would call those “ hot hookups” or “hot sex” .
      Porno- sex to me brings ideas of “ass-to-mouth” , hard anal sex, 3 girls giving me a sloppy blowjob whilst gagging.. yknow the typical degrading porn garbage that used to ro hardcore but now is mainstream these days that kids are watching and thinking is normal sex.
      That’s why young men and women are having less sex. Because their idea of normal sex is so warped.

    14. “Experiences like this completely change how you view women.“

      Not necessarily Aaron.
      Perhaps they do if the following conditions are met;
      A guy didn’t bother with girls until he was in his late 20s to start with.
      A guy got a LOT of eye opening sexual experiences with women after that in a Club environment (including girls on drugs with lower inhibitions that’s a factor too ) . He got this through learning to be progressively more and more aggressive + following PUA type advice and assuming an archetype to max his speedy success as he had the fundamentals already.
      The guy is an outlier with an massive cock .(“ horse cock” guy) *** (very important relating to his sexual experiences and reactions of girls)
      The guy extrapolated this experience to “all women are like this”.
      The guy possibly thinks porn is real and the girls are into it which enforces the above opinions re women.

      I’ve had those experiences and still believe there are a ton of quality women still out there , but hey I’m Gen X and an old fella maybe it’s totally different these days. (!!)
      No disrespect , that’s how I see it , just my 2 cents ymmv etc etc
      I’m not making up my experiences buddy I promise ya 🙂

    15. Dude, there was virtually no influence on PUA advice on me. I began challenging that crowd almost from the get-go because what they taught seemed to completely contradict reality.

    16. You coming to this blog and educating us how the cycle increases or decreases desire for sex, it’s like me going to a bunch of university professors and explaining to them that 2+2 is 4.

      They know.

      The day of the cycle is only a major factor if all else is equal. She will bang YOU harder than she bangs YOU on other days of the cycle.

      But guess what, she’ll bang her favorite celebrity even harder than she bangs you, on the same day of the cycle.

      Aaron did an amazing job illustrating it to you above. Though I don’t know why he even bothered when you just glossed over it. Just like you glossed over the marriage example.

      Many guys who get married will tell you that they got this kind of sex in the year leading up to the wedding. And suddenly it was gone after the wedding.

      Her hormonal cycles didn’t start working any differently after getting a marriage certificate. Her motivations did.

    17. Alek –
      Umm but I don’t think they know?
      The professors are categorising men into 2 camps Chad and Beta. They are saying all women with a Beta will leave him for the Chad for the “real sex”.
      Look, from my experience only ,a large percentage women when they are young will be on the lookout for “Mr. Big” and the big cock experience . I’ve often seen women watch guys walking and say “he looks like he’s packing” . Just by the strut.
      But Mr Big is rare . (2% of men have over 6.8inches is a stat I’ve just quickly googled) . So they meet Mr Bigcock and of course they bang the shit out of him and have the porno sex. They wanna keep him around for a bit, until they move on to another kind of guy . The alpha, the Muso , the cute guy, the romancer ,whatever.
      Sex is like ice cream mate . All different flavours.
      None better than others. Only preferences.
      Girls have the sexual choice and want to try a few flavours before they settle down , same as men (if they are smart).
      Later they will categorise him as “Big Dick X” and move on . It was just a phase, it was just sex .
      He was a player. She found him boring after a short while but the sex was great sure . Not compatible. Whatever.

      That’s life.
      Advising guys that basically if they are not alpha Or don’t have a massive cock (15% of men?) to stay single because she’s had one of those in the past is rediculous. All women have a past . It don’t mean shit. Deal with it. All women go through phases in their lives. You never can tell what works in a relationship anyway, there’s too many variables.

    18. And you guys seem to forget every woman on the planet has a “magic drawer” in her bedroom.
      If she wants the “Mr Big” experience again she only has to pull out the 10” purple one she has stashed in there, close her eyes and fuck her own brains out. Women cheat for many reasons fellas. And sex is like ice cream.

    19. “Aaron did an amazing job illustrating it to you above. Though I don’t know why he even bothered when you just glossed over it. Just like you glossed over the marriage example.”

      No I didn’t .. I said I’d had similar experiences to his example. Plenty. But apparently that’s not possible , because I’m not a Chad. I’m just getting his leftovers. (!)

      “Many guys who get married will tell you that they got this kind of sex in the year leading up to the wedding. And suddenly it was gone after the wedding.”

      Indeed I’ve heard the same many times hence not yet married. 😉 Have you heard any evidence from the Chads that is any different for them??
      What about you Sleazy same level of sex post marriage or..?

      Maybe better advice would be just don’t rush into marriage based on the sex .. hold off as long as you can and get as much porno sex as you can ! make hay while the sun shines. Hard to tell how they go after the ring goes on by all accounts . Across the board, including Chads.

    20. “And you guys seem to forget every woman on the planet has a “magic drawer” in her bedroom.
      If she wants the “Mr Big” experience again she only has to pull out the 10” purple one she has stashed in there, close her eyes and fuck her own brains out. Women cheat for many reasons fellas. And sex is like ice cream.”

      This is not even comparable. Pulling a gigantic black dildo out of a drawer and getting herself off with it is not even remotely as satisfying as having Chad. The amount of chemicals that flood a woman’s brain when a big dick alpha is clenching her throat, pulling her hair, smacking her ass and telling her how sexy it looks bent over in front of him, having him tell her how tight and wet her pussy feels etc. is many multiple times more addictive than the orgasm she gets by merely fantasizing about him (not betas) while utilizing an oversized (or gimmicky) dildo. Not to mention there’s the biological angle that she can extract Chad’s DNA only from Chad, making the experience inherently much more meaningful than simply plunging herself with a synthetic cock.

    21. I think Sleazy’s example is very illuminating in that the girl is trying to get him to cum in her. This is very primal and shows little influence from porn.

      I am inexperienced so I have to rely on porn. But I guess inexperienced guys, when they hear Novy speaks of “porn-like experience”, interprets it as something like swallowing, anal, or any of such things. These things, may be wild, are actually not conductive to pregnancy.

      The gist is that a woman wants to receive the seeds from Chad, thus let he come inside her. It is very primal.

    22. CQV, the reason I don’t focus on the acquiring cum part only is because it doesn’t capture the whole picture.

      A woman could just ride you super hard and focus on begging you to not use a condom if it was just about the “getting your cum” part.

      The reason I call it porn like is because of how much of a super-exaggerated display of horniness there is. It’s almost like she wants to display how much she just has to have sex with you and it’s the best thing she has ever had in her life.

      It starts in the cab ride home and long before any clothes have dropped. It’s the way she looks at your bulge as if it is the tastiest meal that she simply must taste at all costs. It is about the level of sexual enthusiasm. In porn the chicks are paid to act it out. They’re literally acting out “sex with a Chad”.

      I’m sure you’ve seen lesser performers who looked bored with the sex and that look like they’re just going through the motions or “letting a dick be stuffed into them.” It can be the exact same poses and angles, but look completely different.

      They’re called performers because they perform. And it is the same when chicks decide to perform in real life. They perform for chads almost all of the time. And for betas they can decide to perform for a year or so to extract an engagement ring.

    23. CQV, I just realized another important distinction re-reading Sleazys illustration.

      The other reason I call it porn-like is because of no foreplay or warm up needed. Everything just moves faster.

      When you’re not in that “will have porn-like sex with you” category, chicks ask you to slow down and move between steps slower.

      The reason I forgot about this is because I’ve been pretty stubborn about this for years. I’m like “Well either were going to have the kind of sex you have with chads or not at all”. So I just eject if she gives me that “slow down, I’m not a slut, I need more foreplay” bullshit.

      Every girl on the planet can move faster with the right guy or with the right motivation.

    24. @Alek Novy,

      Yeah I see your point now. I may have a bit too much into Sleazy’s example.

      What I want to say is that James doesn’t have real experience and rely on porns to support kinky and wild sexual acts. I don’t mean to say that none of that have ever happened to you and Sleazy.

    25. “Dude, there was virtually no influence on PUA advice on me. I began challenging that crowd almost from the get-go because what they taught seemed to completely contradict reality.“
      I should have written PUA **Journey** there but still some influence no doubt.

      From what I understand , your story was you started on the forums , found somewhat of a Mentor there , took some advice, did some reading , got a makeover , created a persona “the asshole rockstar”, wrote Field Reports, worked out through trial and error a method that worked for you etc
      There’s a lot of parallels there to the classic PUA ‘journey’ (eg Neil Strauss) excluding the semantics of ‘The Method’.

      MG is basically a fast escalation , like the old Gunwitch stuff, that was on the forums, back in the day.

    26. Yes, I did use trial and error, and this was in stark contrast to PUAs who dogmatically clung to their beliefs. The same applied to the average sheep on those forums. I recall people talking about nonsense like approaching from a 45 degree angle. In hindsight, my common-sense approach may sound self-evident but this would massively downplay the negative impact of PUA doctrine back in the days and the outright hostility I encountered by the incumbents, who have all disappeared (they were all just hucksters who moved on to trying to sell something else). Also, from what I gather, guys like Neil Strauss never really got good. He managed to leverage his money and status, for instance. I skimmed Gunwitch’s material but did not find it very helpful.

    27. Re Neil Strauss – really? I thought he made the transformation from loveless Nerd to somewhat of a player ( according to his lay reports in the book at least 20-30 lays it seemed). He did turn into a Fraudster tho and (and a millionaire )from his StyleLife business (what a name !) .. perhaps the book was just step 1 in his grand scheme and all bullshit anyway.
      Hey whatever happened the “Bad Boy” type anyway, is he now included in the “Chad??

    28. Maybe my memory is a bit hazy, but was it not the case that at some point Neil Strauss began waving around his money by renting limousines, talking about his real-world fame due to the book he had written about the Motley Crue singer, and taking women back to his mansion in the Hollywood hills? In any case, this guy is short and scrawny. There is no way he could have gotten Chad-tier sex anywhere even in his absolute prime. Considering what his divorce must have cost him, he would have been much better off with paying prostitutes.

      It is also open for debate if Neil Strauss would have achieved much without his ethnic connections, and the same is true for fellow scammer Tim Ferris. Those people have been propped up by the mainstream. Mystery came up with “Mystery Method”, but he surely only made a rather modest amount of money compared to Neil Strauss.

    29. Probably yeah ..I did read limousines were involved in his “boot camp’ excursions anyway .
      You forgot to mention his rehab in later years for his “sex addiction” and revelation he was enmeshed to his mother as a child and the burial service of his player avatar “style”. Check out the pics, very funny stuff.
      Poor old Mystery that dumb fucker got ripped off by everyone ..and is Still doing bootcamps in his drag around Europe probably hitting 50 and flat broke.
      Would love to see you do a retrospective piece on those PUAs and what they are doing now. Especially the RSD crew , they were some fucked up sociopathic freaks.

    30. Are you sure he was in rehab due to “sex addiction”? Neil Strauss is clearly not a high-T guy, so I find it much more plausible that he had severe drug problems and was simply lying about it.

      I have not kept tabs of many people for long, but there are very few who ended up not fucking up their life: Gunwitch went to jail, Mystery essentially turned himself into a pariah, some of the day-game PUAs got into trouble with the law, etc. Amusingly, one line you heard back then was that bootcamps are so expensive because the coaches possess a skill set that is so rare that they could easily make six figures somewhere else. As it turned out, this was not quite the case. I would argue that the PUA industry was a consequence of the US’s zero-interest-rate policy, which led to high salaries in tech, and the influx of H-1Bs. Probably most of the people who dropped a few grands on a boot camp were Indian gentlemen in search of “bobs and vagene”.

    31. Yeah sex addiction, according to his follow up book “The Truth” where he detailed his cheating on his spouse, breakup , sex rehab and poly adventures.
      Then at the end he figured it all out and got back with his wife. Soon after the book came out they divorced in real life haha.

      Bobs and Vagene 😀 man that whole scene was a fucking circus at the end .

    32. Pickernanny
      Reading over all these posts ur reply below re chicks using dildos made me LOL hard.

      “..Pulling a gigantic black dildo out of a drawer and getting herself off with it is not even remotely as satisfying as having Chad. The amount of chemicals that flood a woman’s brain when a big dick alpha is clenching her throat, pulling her hair, smacking her ass and telling her how sexy it looks bent over in front of him, having him tell her how tight and wet her pussy feels etc. is many multiple times more addictive than the orgasm she gets by merely fantasizing about him (not betas) while utilizing an oversized (or gimmicky) dildo“

      Hahaha Ah Sorry mate but exactly how the fuck do u know that for a fact!? Did u do some surveys and questionnaires or something.

      Have u ever come up close to a ‘Rampant Rabbit’ buddy ? Do u know the engineering in that fucking thing?! how many different ways it works a chicks pussy??

      I fear no man. But I do fear The Rabbit !
      If vibrators were made illegal I bet a LOT more betas would be getting action. I’d bet serious money on it.

    33. Women brag to their friends about fucking Chad. They do not brag about shoving a dildo into their goo hole.

    34. Sleazy – that’s just’ bragging rights’ in chick land.
      “ I can pull hotter dudes than u bitch”
      “The sex was amazing “
      “ he was so gorgeous 😛 “ blah blah
      There are no ‘facts ‘ that the power of the orgasm she had with Chad is better than the Orgasm from her sex toy. That’s conjecture.

      I’ve seen a rabbit . I’m arguing for the rabbit.

    35. Keep coping, Jamesetta! If a guy like Jason Momoa, or just any guy above 6/10, was ready to pound your front hole, you would not care about your “rabbit”.

    36. I can smell through the screen that the though of a Giga Chad pounding you got your goo flowing. Jamesetta, in case you did not notice, my site is a male space. I am a patient guy, but my patience has limits.

    37. Aaron – hard for me to tell when you’re joking sometimes and I thought alternative opinions were welcome here but anyway..maybe go into your email and check for a certain email address ,when that person signed up for your forum and what else that person was maybe talking to you about.

    38. We had a brief email exchange about three years ago. Is that what you are referring to?

      You are welcome to voice your opinions here but I do not like when people do not argue in good faith. Don’t worry, I have banned only a very small number of people over the years, and only after repeated warnings.

    39. I had to google “arguing in good vs bad faith” 🙂

      My main points and questions are laid out in this post below. I guess I’m trying to determine if my rationale of what’s going on in a pickup is completely incorrect and if I need to be further deprogrammed and whereabouts in my thinking at the ‘meta -level’. I understand it as involving ‘frames of communication’ and similar to a ‘sale’ basically.

  10. I’m simpler terms
    If Elle MacPherson came up to me in a nightclub stuck my hands on her tits and started grinding on my cock , then pulled me to the womens toilets and whipped down her g string and said “I want you to fuck me RIGHT NOW big boy” and I gonna pause and ask her “wait how much have you got in the bank right now”…” or wait a second , what do u do for work btw”?
    No. She’s super hot and wants to fuck me. I’m gonna be 100% thinking with my dick.
    It’s no different for women right? What’s the point .. Alphas are better looking and have better genes than Betas? That’s obvious that’s why they are Alphas plain and simple.

  11. “With a beta provider, sex is a duty for her. It’s a chore she will gradually try getting out of. With Chad, on the other hand, sex has been animalistic and primal. “
    Nonsense Aaron. It’s degrees and depends on the guy. If a chick hits her horny phase of her cycle it doesn’t matter who is fucking her as long as he’s got a normal sized cock ( even that’s debateable) as long as he’s putting in the effort and can last and has reasonable skills in the bedroom (also debateable) It’s not even all up to the guy anyway. She can take over and get herself off and have a big orgasm. It’s her physiology. No problem for her..she can turn off the light switch anyway she don’t care. She can enjoy it just the same. That quote above is a fear and anxiety based mindset and black and white thinking imo.

    1. Well the point might be made too strongly, but you’re going to the opposite extreme.

      Let’s start with the pert where you are correct. Yes it is true that it is exaggerated to say only a Chad can see porn-like sex.

      I myself have exaggerated in this way. I used to say you can only get porn-like sex if the chick is into you for physical reasons. When I was in my best shape I got this kind of sex. Then I got fatter.

      However once I gained enough status for chicks to pursue me because of the status I did get porn-like sex as well. So yes, it’s not just for chads.

      I’ve never been a provider though so I don’t know how that will work. But I am guessing it’s not as bleak either.

      In either you are going to the opposite extreme by saying any guy will get that sex if it’s that horny part of the cycle. Even the simpiest of most beta betas? C’mon now, you’re doing the opposite exaggeration now.

    2. Tl; dr

      You’re correct that “only a Chad will ever experience this kind of sex” is a bit of black and white thinking.

      However saying “anyone, even the most simpish of super beta pure-providers can get it” is also an extreme.

    3. Alex –
      Imo the reason the chad gets porn like sex is because he has a shit ton of experience with various women (because of his looks/status/money or whatever ) so he knows how far he can take things and he knows he has to take the lead. The “Beta” does not have experience, is most likely too timid to take the lead or “offend” the girl. He may go along thinking she’s not that ‘kind of girl ‘ and not get more adventurous when she’s gagging for him to take things to another level. He doesn’t know how to approach things.
      It’s not that the girl becomes suddenly different for the Chad per se it’s that the Chad is sexually confident , dominant , leads and goes for what he wants. That turns a woman on massively because she knows he knows the score and will give her a great time.
      A more Beta guy could get just as hot sex if he was more assertive in the bedroom and had more of a clue about women . And took more of a lead from the start and just went for it. But he does not because he doesn’t have the experience and confidence and the balls to have a crack.
      In that situation the girl may cheat with a guy she knows she can have better sex with because she’s bored of vanilla sex with Beta guy.
      Either way , she’s gonna get hella horny once a month naturally wether the guy is Alpha or Beta. If Beta steps it up , leads and goes for it he can have hotter better sex, no bother 100% in my experience. He just has to know when she gets horny in the month and then go for it.
      All women get horny regardless of a guy even being around , it doesn’t matter about the guy.
      When it comes to attraction of course looks matter so the Chad has the huge advantage.
      In a relationship Beta isn’t making the most of it simply he’s waiting for her to lead and doesn’t even realise she’s up for it.

    4. Ok, you’re now starting to sound like a PUA. I didn’t read past the first 2 sentences. Too insane. The ONLY reason for the difference is experience? Fuck that’s delusional.

      Why is it that in this area we only have extremes, that’s sad. Either the PUA extreme or the black-pill extreme.

    5. Because we get a lot of people who are prone to black and white thinking here for some odd reason.

    6. I am quite certain that women would rather forego having sex than banging a guy they do not find attractive. If that was not the case, we would not observe that fewer and fewer of younger men do not have sex anymore. Women want top-shelf guys, and they are happy to wait for their turn, even if her turn never comes. Women’s standards only really drop in their 30s.

    7. I am quite certain that women would rather forego having sex than banging a guy they do not find attractive. If that was not the case, we would not observe that fewer and fewer of younger men do not have sex anymore. Women want top-shelf guys, and they are happy to wait for their turn, even if her turn never comes. Women’s standards only really drop in their 30s.

      Aaron- this is true for a *percentage* of women in a certain age bracket. The remaining percent may be quite happy banging a guy who is not AS attractive as the “Chad” but has other qualities . More of an all “rounder” guy. I’ve seen this everywhere. Women naturally get horny because of the female physiological cycle and hormones peaking during the month. They generally get tired of their sex toys after a while. They still want a man and a relationship. Almost all of them. The Chads they’ve fucked with are never interested in a relationship , there’s too much competition. They give up and can’t be bothered trying to “date a player” . they move on from chasing the Chads and reset their expectations. They may try different types of guys over a few years . They learn that “you never can tell” what works in a relationship. ( the truth of it). That’s why 50% of marriages end in divorce . Because it’s a coin toss.
      So yes they may end up with a “non-Chad” but many can still be very happy with that and it works . There’s degrees to everything, if the non -Chad is smart he can be more assertive and take advantage of the situation , he can see the truth of it and get plenty of hot sex from the woman . He can “Make hay while the sun shines”. He doesn’t need to worry she’s fucked chads in the past he just needs to focus that he’s got her now and maximise the opportunities.

    8. You presented an excellent summary of the blue-pilled worldview. These are men women settle for after they have been ran-through by every 8/10 male, and above, that was up for it.

    9. Aaron re your conclusion in the post “if you, dear reader, happen to be the kind of guy women “settle for”, I would advise you to stay single instead” ..
      I’m asserting the realist opinion to understand that the reality is “everybody settles, in some respects”.
      Hardly anybody gets their dream girl or dream guy. Even the Chad may find himself in the position post marriage of providing for 3 kids and getting sex once a week when she feels like it . That’s the reality of an LTR and desire fading after a few years of fucking like rabbits for the majority of relationships. Even Chads.
      That’s why there is a whole sector of relationship counselling , sex therapists , etc etc all advising “how to bring back sex in LTRs” , because it’s a problem across the board. Chad or not. There’s many many reasons why women and men cheat in relationships. Fundamentally it’s because having sex with the same person for years eventually gets routine even if it’s Brad Pitt and Anjelina Jolie. Or Margot Robbie.

    10. Re Womens standards only drop in their 30s

      So women reset their expectations in their 30s and go for a *less attractive* guy than Chad.
      So..,? So what? This is GOOD NEWS for less attractive guy in this case, he gets more choice of better looking women in his 30s . This does not definitively mean she will not enjoy the sex with less attractive guy. There is degrees and variables. Will she be thinking of Chad she fucked 5 years ago when she is fucking “less attractive guy”? 5 years is a long time and Memories of one night stands and hookups fade for sure. Maybe she’s thinking of Brad Pitt or a scenario from some show she’s watching on Netflix. Who knows for sure? You’ll never really know for sure what’s going on in a woman’s head. Unless she keeps a daily journal of thoughts and you read it on the lowdown every night while she’s asleep.
      Should less attractive guy be worried he’s not as top shelf as Chad from the past? Absolutely not, Less attractive guy has got her now. He just needs to make sure he’s getting plenty of sex and the kind he’s happy with. She will like it sometimes and more others that’s just her hormones and the way it is. Great sex for her isn’t always about the guy it’s where she’s at in her cycle (for one thing , and that’s a fact) . Lots of hormones = better sex for her.
      It’s still the same dick as it was last week, going in and out the same way, the same position and the same setting and the same day of the week.. but the sex was better for her. go figure.

    11. ”You presented an excellent summary of the blue-pilled worldview. These are men women settle for after they have been ran-through by every 8/10 male, and above, that was up for it.“

      And someone here has presented an excellent summary of a condition known as “retro-active sexual jealousy”.
      I.e. the fear the woman you are with has been with many, many better guys than you in the past and that you don’t measure up.(!)

  12. Nope? Why? Maybe I’m just not keeping up with current events around here tho, it’s been a while : ) So are you’re suggesting my thoughts are that clueless to the reality or something ..??

  13. Even Chads or alphas or bad boys great cheated on. Desire fades in LTR’s across the board there’s a whole industry on how to ‘get back desire’ in every LTR. Because it fades naturally for the majority couple regardless of “Alpha-ness”. Even top Chad #1 on the planet could get cheated on . Maybe even with a Beta! Why not?

  14. I have just reread some old posts of Sleazy Gal.

    Courtship in Singapore still has its innocence, at least in my experience in my undergrad days. Girls highly value a guy being polite, caring and chivalrous. Simple but thoughtful advances are like surprising a girl with a note and some food, wishing her all the best with her mid-term or something like that. I hope it stays that way. When I think about the innocence in Asian dating, Taiwanese dramas come to mind for their portrayal of it (albeit exaggerated).

    I am currently chatting with a Vietnamese girl. I am not sure but my friends told me to behave the above way. I am not sure if what Sleazy wrote in this post applies to the East, or is it just the West.

  15. “You presented an excellent summary of the blue-pilled worldview. These are men women settle for after they have been ran-through by every 8/10 male, and above, that was up for it.”

    To that I would say
    Paranoia, will destroy ya 🙂 and every woman has a past. So what. Maybe it was “just sex” for her . That can’t be extrapolated to ‘every woman across the board, will absolutely cheat in her relationship at the drop of a hat risking everything she currently has, just because she has fucked hotter guys / had wilder sex in the past than you”.
    Not a chance. Too many variables.

    But I’m still a big fan of your books 😉

    1. Dude, with so many posts on the subject, you sound like you’re trying too hard to convince people here.

      It’s not as if porn isn’t as sordid as you paint it, but not all of the girls enter it already hating the job and men in general. The ones who make interviews after retirement are usually attention seekers and doing the equivalent of the retired slut who makes all kind of excuses for riding the cock carousel all her youth. Some of them “find Jesus”, some of them feminism.

      Way too many words for a necropost. You should move the discussion, if you’re really not a troll, to the latest Open Thread.

    2. “Dude, with so many posts on the subject, you sound like you’re trying too hard to convince people here.”

      Fair enough. I’m enjoying the debate and will wind it up now .
      Last counterpoint though on what you said .
      “It’s not as if porn isn’t as sordid as you paint it, but not all of the girls enter it already hating the job and men in general“
      Agreed. Not all girls who ENTER porn. But they soon will, after a short period, from being degraded in a brutal industry. All the evidence points to that. From veteran ex porn actress and actors that have left the biz . There’s not much evidence that points to the contrary. If so it’s obvious the girls are being paid to say that on camera.

  16. Advising guys that basically if they are not alpha Or don’t have a massive cock (15% of men?) to stay single because she’s had one of those in the past is rediculous. All women have a past . It don’t mean shit. Deal with it. All women go through phases in their lives. You never can tell what works in a relationship anyway, there’s too many variables.

    My feminist-rader was getting tripped over a couple of times, but this kind of nails it. I’ve discussed this phenomenon before. For some reason all the feminists/chicks that come on here to pretend “I’m one of you guys, trust me, I’m a dude and I’m telling you to settle for hoes” have certain traits. The most common is having something lie “John”, “James”, “Bob” or “Richard” in their usernames, like “please trust me, I am a guy, just like all a ya”.

    1. How do you do fellow male guys. I am a male, a guy just like you. And I’m here to inform you that you need to stop thinking about chicks as merely “Chad’s leftovers”.

      This is very important and I am so passionate at trying to convince you in this for your own good. I’m just some guy who wants other fellow guys to see the light and understand that you should ignore a woman’s past. It’s for your own good.

    2. For anyone not following closely, let me summarize James’ position:

      1) Prostitutes do not enjoy sex, not even with the hottest guy imaginable.
      2) Porn actresses do not enjoy sex, at all. It is all just an act.
      3) The average girl can bang 50+ guys and it does not impair her ability to be a faithful wife.
      4) Porn-like sex does not exist for Chad, or for anyone else.
      5) Totally average guys can sexually satisfy any woman. It is just a matter of being around at the right time. Oh, and those women totally enjoy sex with Joe Average.

      I have to say that a few of his comments made me laugh quite a bit. We have not had anyone on this blog spouting bullshit of this caliber since Uber, but his area of non-expertise was Covid, not women.

    3. Thanks Aaron great summary and Im glad I gave you the lolz a few times!

      But I can request can you please edit #2) more precisely
      2) Porn actresses do not enjoy the kind of degrading sex they have ON camera for money, at all. It is all just an act.
      That’s my actual position on that one, cheers!

      And I never said 50+ partners was acceptable to me.
      It would depend on the age of the chick how many LTR’s in the number. Depends how smoking hot the girl is also, I’d prefer 20 or less but I’m a realist. In my mind a very low number of previous partners equals higher odds of her straying hence early 20s women cheating more in my experience. (Also would love to know your ideal numbers in this regard I’m suspecting it’s getting close to Virgin territory)

    4. James,
      Would anyone but a ran-through slut claim that virginity is overrated because even if you get to wife up a woman who has been with zero or at best one or two guys she will just cheat on you to get her numbers up? You sound as if there is some kind of natural equilibrium in which all girls are sluts. Amusingly, you seem to imply that it is better to pair up with the proven slut because she has had all the experiences she ever wanted whereas the virgin will only develop an insatiable desire for random cock after marriage.

    5. Wtf 20 partners is ok for you??? Wtf wtf wtf. That’s triple the average. So you really are a blue haired feminist here trying to get gets to go for hoes eh.

      About number 2, define degrading. I’m not sure what you mean. Most porn is just 1 man having sex with 1 woman the way chads and sluts have sex irl. I have no idea why you bring up the most extreme examples.

    6. Alek
      I’m gen X , I didn’t settle down until I was 37 .
      A figure of 20 is totally acceptable for me at that age. I said it was age dependant and also dependant on how how she was (!).
      So your comfortable number is approx 7 correct? But you are a player by your accounts I’m gathering so your lay count count be guesstimate 70-100(?) Maybe I’m underestimating even. I’m guessing Aaron’s even higher. What’s with the double standard here? I’m honestly baffled…

    7. “About number 2, define degrading. I’m not sure what you mean. Most porn is just 1 man having sex with 1 woman the way chads and sluts have sex irl. ”

      No it’s not? In most porn these days hard anal has become standard procedure. Throat fucking and gagging also etc etc. Its much more aggressive and explicit now. The old Hardcore has now become mainstream, the usual (plenty of research and studies show this). Younger guys just don’t realise cos they are the gens raised on free broadband internet porn from the get go. That’s the problem. It’s all free and free to explore harder and harder shit.

    8. Alek
      “Wtf 20 partners is ok for you??? Wtf wtf wtf. That’s triple the average. ”

      I’m gen X I didn’t settle down till I was 37, .20 is totally acceptable to me at that point .I’m a realist that figure does not make me feel insecure in any way.
      So your Ideal number is approx 7 then? Yet you are by accounts a player I’m assuming has a figure of perhaps 50-100 ? Aarons no doubt higher. Whats with the double standard I’m honestly baffled.
      Seem to be a deep seated fear of infidelity.. it’s OK bro she may cheat she may not you can’t control it or predict it. Just accept it and move past it. 😀

    9. I have written about this alleged double standard before, but it is quite simple: sluts are looked down upon because all they have to do is say ‘yes’ when she gets approached whereas for guys those lays do not, with rare exceptions, just fall into their lap.

    10. James,
      Would anyone but a ran-through slut claim that virginity is overrated because even if you get to wife up a woman who has been with zero or at best one or two guys she will just cheat on you to get her numbers up?

      It’s pretty obvious that “James” is a blue haired slut.

    11. There is no double standard because IT IS WOMEN who allows men to get away with high lay counts.

      What do you think would happen if women reacted with abhorrence once they found out about the laycounts of a Chad? Why didn’t women text, gossip and transferred info about high valued and good looking males so that their sisters could avoid them altogether? Do you think Chads could still be Chads if women COLLECTIVELY abandoned them and stayed away from then, never getting 10 feet close to them?

      But the reality is directly opposite. You have a giga Chad like Leonardo di Caprio who outrageously state plainly his terms that he have no desire for a family and his sexual history is out on open to the most reclusive Arizona tribemen.

      Don’t you see it is the nature of women that allow this “double standard” to occur and persist till modern times?

      Face it, there is no double standard!

    12. “I have written about this alleged double standard before, but it is quite simple: sluts are looked down upon because all they have to do is say ‘yes’ when she gets approached whereas for guys those lays do not, with rare exceptions, just fall into their lap.“

      But Aaron I’m confused.
      I’m your original blog post above you wrote re the Alpha Chad
      (I’m assuming of course you classify yourself as this type /equating to the experience)
      “The difference between getting laid every once in a while and getting to the point where you look at a woman, know whether she is into you or now and, most importantly, if she’s into you, how receptive she will be to your sexual advances, is downright staggering.” And
      “how women are floored by you. “
      I’m sure I’ve read in other entries in the blog of women “throwing themselves at the Chad” (or similar varieties on the above)

      So quite literally for the Alpha Chad, hot women are just ‘falling into his lap’ all over the place?

      So women are sluts because all they have to do is say ‘yes ‘, whereas Alpha Chads are studs because they have to do a little bit of work (sometimes) such as say “ Hi , what’s your name” maybe banter a little bit and then say “let’s get out of here”?
      But women are the sexual selectors as you rightly state in your book MG. So all they ever have to do is observe a man and say “yes” anyway .
      No amount of vetting the Chad first that night she meets him will change her chances of a future relationship with Chad.
      And the Chad has women all over him so she better act quick and “get in there” and try to impress him with the porno sex before another hottie basically throws herself at Chad or falls right into Chads lap tomorrow . Because all eyes are on the Chad and the competition for the Chad is fierce with the other hotties.
      It’s a shit strategy but hey they are in the Club they’ve had a lot of booze or drugs too maybe it’s “now or never , Chads love won’t wait”.
      What’s the alternative? Be chaste , don’t drink too much ,never do drugs, hit the books, keep her legs crossed and hope one day her Chad will come (because she is a good girl and has 1-3 LTRs and 0 hookups) . But he won’t cos all the competition are out in the clubs getting Chads attention every weekend. Chads too busy fucking around and has forgotten . Chads looking for the 10/10 himself and maybe she’s only a 9.(?)

      That’s the mentality as far as I can understand it. So what are you proposing the hotties do instead to win “The Game”?

    13. Even a Chad only gets a fraction of the options of a 7/10 or above woman. Also, there are more attractive women than there are attractive men as women focus only on the men at the top, i.e. 9/10 or above whereas men assess women much more realistically. Women don’t even notice a 7/10 guy.

    14. CQV
      Re this
      “There is no double standard because IT IS WOMEN who allows men to get away with high lay counts.
      What do you think would happen if women reacted with abhorrence once they found out about the laycounts of a Chad? Why didn’t women text, gossip and transferred info about high valued and good looking males so that their sisters could avoid them altogether? Do you think Chads could still be Chads if women COLLECTIVELY abandoned them and stayed away from then, never getting 10 feet close to them?“

      You seem to be proposing something akin to the Nash Equilibrium as per the scene from the movie “A Beautiful Mind” where the guys in the bar are competing for a Hot Blonde chick,
      Ie if none of the guys compete for the Hot Blonde they all win. ( roughly)

      So if none of the girls compete for the Chad because of his high lay count they all win somehow or some such. And all the guys win too.

      But at the highest level all of life on this planet is a competition . It’s a game.
      A competition for resources right ?
      Survive and thriving and all of that.
      Including the competition for the best mate.
      You’re saying ‘What If .”.the game was different .
      The question is irrelevant because it doesn’t matter What If because it never will be. it will always remain a competition . Women don’t give a shit about the guys lay count. if they do manage to secure the gigaChad / best guy they can get , his previous lay-count is irrelevant, because at that point they’ve won The Game. If they mate with the best guy they can get and have kids and he sticks around to raise them ,that’s it game over. They have won against the competition. Who cares he laid 500 before them , she won she has him and has his kids.
      If they are smart they will never opt OUT of that game. You gotta be “in it to win it” as the saying goes. You can’t fantasise and opt OUT of the real game and try to set up a new game on the internet. That’s delusional . The game is happening and continues regardless. And it always will (!!!) that’s the Game Of Life there for ya in a nutshell hope it clears it up.
      Get some plastic surgery, hit the gym , get a hair transplant , get a penis enlargement , pray for leg lengthening treatments . But you cannot ignore “The Game “!

    15. And the Chad has women all over him so she better act quick and “get in there” and try to impress him with the porno sex before another hottie basically throws herself at Chad or falls right into Chads lap tomorrow . Because all eyes are on the Chad and the competition for the Chad is fierce with the other hotties.
      It’s a shit strategy but hey they are in the Club they’ve had a lot of booze or drugs too maybe it’s “now or never , Chads love won’t wait”.
      What’s the alternative? Be chaste , don’t drink too much ,never do drugs, hit the books, keep her legs crossed and hope one day her Chad will come (because she is a good girl and has 1-3 LTRs and 0 hookups) . But he won’t cos all the competition are out in the clubs getting Chads attention every weekend. Chads too busy fucking around and has forgotten . Chads looking for the 10/10 himself and maybe she’s only a 9.(?)

      That’s the mentality as far as I can understand it. So what are you proposing the hotties do instead to win “The Game”?

      That’s easy. It’s what smart women do: Just go for a 7/10 guy in looks. Since most women are dumb as fuck, there’s literally no competition at the level of male 7s; She can pick and choose and control the dynamics at that level. She won’t need to impress him with porno sex or bang him as quick as possible for a mere illusion of a chance at getting more than sex.

      The only thing women have to do in order to not be part of this crazy unwinnable competition is just lower their unreasonable sights. That’s it. And again, since most women are dumb in their 20s and trying to get something they cannot possibly get; At the level of guys who are 7s or 8s in looks, there is so much choice she can pick a rising star, or even someone who’s already very successful already in his 20s. Even succesful guys in their 20s are invisible to most sluts if they’re only a 7 in looks.

      At the very least she can pick someone who’s headed to being be mega-successful in his 30s. It only takes a moderate amount of assessment to tell who is ambitious and will make it in life.

      Instead women completely IGNORE these guys throughout their 20s while slurping endless cum from chads whom they have no chance in hell with beyond sex. And then in their early 30s they’re like “ooops, I need to go for one of those 7/10 guys”, and THEN they start noticing many of the 7/10 guys are quite successful.

      Except then its too late, and those guys are like “No sorry, you were too busy slupring chad cum when you should have been giving non-chads a chance, I’ll pass”.

    16. Alek -in reply

      “That’s easy. It’s what smart women do: Just go for a 7/10 guy in looks.”

      “The only thing women have to do in order to not be part of this crazy unwinnable competition is just lower their unreasonable sights. That’s it.”

      “Instead women completely IGNORE these guys throughout their 20s while slurping endless cum from chads whom they have no chance in hell with beyond sex. And then in their early 30s they’re like “ooops, I need to go for one of those 7/10 guys”, and THEN they start noticing many of the 7/10 guys are quite successful.

      Except then its too late, and those guys are like
      No sorry, you were too busy slupring chad cum when you should have been giving non-chads a chance, I’ll pass”.

      Everything you said about women in their 20s is spot on.
      That’s how it works for the most part 7 all the trying to get the guys in the tiers above .,
      That’s the nature of the competition in the mating market. And why? Because they are hardwired evolutionary to do that. Evolution. Millions of years. Just like men are hardwired evolutionarily to impregnate as many women as possible every chance they get (!) . Hence why we make a million sperm a day, getting ready for a chance.

      It’s almost like back to ‘nice guy’ thinking
      ‘It’s a crazy unwinnable situation for 7s they SHOULD choose me I’m good 7 on the up, Im a nice guy .’ They should see ahead and they should be smart . But they never will(!). How does a woman know a 7 at 20 is going to be successful anyway she doesn’t have a crystal ball? they can’t see ahead. It’s a gamble . nature tells them go for strength , go for potential , go for good genes and alpha qualities they will most likely succeed and provide. It’s ‘Honest Signalling’ theory etc.
      Mating and having kids is a massive gamble for a woman so in their 20s they all want to place their bets on the good odds they can see NOW. While the going is good. Not a maybe 10 years down the track. that’s the mating game. You’re railing against evolution with the “she should” and “a smart woman would”
      That’s the game of life on this planet .it will never change. It’s not blue pill thinking it’s the reality and in every evolutionary psychology / human mating behaviour researched by people with PHDs in science.
      Accept it or play any angle you can to increase your odds at 20. Become more of a “Bad Boy” maybe or a “Rockstar” (I think someone here did that in their late 20s and wrote a decent book about it btw ???? )
      You’re looking for unicorns that have had 1-3 LTRs and no hookups (in this day and age ?!) , applying a massive double standard and at the end of the day when you do find one there’s no guarantee she’s not lying to you about her chastity and good behaviour anyway.!! You’ll never know for sure buddy.

    17. The difference is that back in the days women could not really afford to be too picky as they had to find someone from a quite limited dating pool. Today, thanks to social media and dating apps, though, women have been deluded to think that their dating pool is global and that they have access to the highest socioeconomic strata. Consequently, a lot of women who would have happily settled down with a steady 7/10 guy nowadays “hold out” for the rare 11/10 male unicorn who could have any woman out there but for some reason only wants Jane Plain.

    18. The biological excuse has an issue: it’s only been like this for a couple of decades, and only gotten this extreme in the past decade.

      For millennia girls had well-meaning relatives teaching them to overcome these cavewoman impulses and go for the “nice boy from a good family” whilst still young.

      Problem only came when feminism came around and promoted the idea that such well-meaning advice is “oppressive” and that “liberation” is about following cavewoman instincts.

      The solution that you post-wall sluts recommend boils down to “Well, let girls slurp cum in their 20s and learn to be ok with taking chad’s leftovers when they turn 30”. Forgetting that there is an alternative solution that worked for MILLENIA.

      You’re not going to be succesfull convincing guys to take chad’s leftovers. It’s just not going to happen. I know for you girls that would be the “ideal world” where you get to have your cake and eat it too. But it’s just not going to happen.

      How nice it would be for girls eh, spend your entire 20s playing the chad lottery, for the off chance you might win one. And then still have a non-chad waiting for you when you’re done playing the lottery. That would be an ideal world for women wouldn’t it?

      Except you can’t fucking go that fucking extreme when negotiating a deal between two sides. Compromises have to happen in order for the other side to not feel the deal is too unfair and quit playing. That’s why guys are dropping out and not playing. The deal is just TOO unfair.

      Speaking of biological instincts: Jordan Peterson shares this anecdote about how they find this in all animals, and even in rats. If a game become too unfair between two rats (an alpha rat and beta rat), the weaker rat just refuses to play the game anymore. So even rats learn that they have to compromise if they don’t want the other side to drop out entirely.

      This “women get to slurp chad cum and completely ignore non-chads until they’re 29; then get a line of enthusiastic non-chads when done” – its not going to happen. No amount of shaming, sarcasm and arguing will get non-chads to accept this deal. It’s not going to happen.

    19. @James
      I don’t even care to read your poorly edited garbage. So I would say none more on this stuff. Sleazy and Novy have their own arguments. My argument is very simple, women actively adore Chads, that’s all. I would love to see two guys above disagree with me.

      The sexual behaviours of both sexes are just so different.

      In Imperial China, you even have an anecdote that the emperor sit in a cart drawn by goat, and women of respectable families dolled up in order to ingratiate themselves to the emperor. That shows enough the peculiarity of female sexuality. They are all hang on a tight rope, fighting each other to mount to the diamond on top.

      There is no double standard because women get attracted to men who can attract other women, they don’t find them repulsive. I find it is a very convincing argument. To argue otherwise is to turn reality up side down.

    20. You seem to be proposing something akin to the Nash Equilibrium as per the scene from the movie “A Beautiful Mind” where the guys in the bar are competing for a Hot Blonde chick,

      Do you even understand how sexuality of men and women work? Men will COMPETE that blonde in order to FUCK her, but if she is fucked by OTHER GUYS already, they contempt her and will only have sex with her in order to sate their sexual needs and their ego.

      When a beautiful woman keeps herself tight, she is the object of competition between guys because they want her to be HIS WIFE.

      As a woman, she can decide to control sex in order to find a suitable candidate for herself.

    21. @”Double Standard”

      As usual for your feminists. You guys define equality as getting AVERAGE women to enjoy all the benefits of TOP-TIER men. Not average women to average men.

      Wanna talk about double standards? How about the double standard that the AVERAGE GUY is INVISIBLE until he makes something of himself. So if he works super-duper-hard he can get SOME CHOICE in his 30s.

      But then you feminists go to these average guys and say “No no, you cant date younger chicks and have your own hoe phase, now that women finally want you, then you need to settle for the first single mome that shows interest.”

      How about THAT double standard? Average girls get to use up all of their peak and refuse to stop hoeing until the day they turn 29… But average guys shouldn’t be allowed to have a hoe phase when its finally their turn. You guys tell shame them for wanting to start banging everything in sight in their 30s (and even “gasp” younger chicks).

    22. CQV-
      “Do you even understand how sexuality of men and women work? Men will COMPETE that blonde in order to FUCK her, but if she is fucked by OTHER GUYS already, they contempt her and will only have sex with her in order to sate their sexual needs and their ego.“

      So you’re basically looking for a girl who is a virgin queen. Because If a girl has has 1-3 LTRs she already has been fucked by 1-3 OTHER GUYS already.. Plus the others she’s possibly not telling you about. Because you cannot know for sure her past count. Because she knows guys judge. You’ll never know for sure.
      That’s the biggest flaw in this kind of strategy and criterion. Women lie about it across the board . Even the unicorns.

    23. So it seems to boil down to a generational thing.
      The market of the last decade changing etc.
      Is it really that bad now ? Girls are having ‘more’ hookups because it’s easier now than ever for sure. Is there actual hard evidence that it’s as bad as you are painting it out. Ie The majority of hot girls just getting on the cock carousel for their whole 20s? There have always been sluts pre the Tinder generation. Always been girls who have run the mix of hookups and LTRs and settle later. Could it be possible girls have a handful of hookups off apps /online and then can’t be bothered anymore , it’s the old ‘same old’ experience, she felt used /whatever and wants to go back to dating ? But that’s not working cos men are too suss on them if they say they’ve ever used Tinder . She must be settling. It can’t have been “just sex “. Even if they’ve ploughed 5x times as many girls themselves and that was “just sex” also.

      So the new strategy is Opt Out. Stay single.
      Look for the 1-3 LTR girl (even tho you can never be sure anyway, and that’s a fact).
      Otherwise bang hot hookers (who only want your money) . Watch porn (that isn’t real).
      Maybe try fucking Ladyboys (and con yourself you’re not actually gay).
      And if you never meet that good girl ( who may or may not be lying to you anyway about her hookup past ) .. don’t settle . Just grow old bitter and childless.
      Great strategy.

      I still want to know the position on
      (1)how you can ever be dead set sure a girl only has 3 LTRs prior to you because she “told you so, I promise baby”.
      And 2) how this alternative solution that worked for MILLENIA. Ie The Rat example can result in a win in the game . Ie the male breeding and passing on his genes via children. Which is the game of all life on this planet, survive and thrive. It can’t? he doesn’t breed, he dies out. Bye bye Beta . Game over.

    24. CQV
      “ My argument is very simple, women actively adore Chads, that’s all. I would love to see two guys above disagree with me.“

      Some women adore Chads.
      There used to be archetypes in “my day “ . I’m older btw.
      I’m not sure where they have disappeared to in this new world of Black Pill .( I’m calling your position that, Not sure tbh,feel free to correct.)

      Alphas/ Chads, Bad Boys, Musicians/Actors.
      It’s possible to me that a Chad could be boring to a woman. Yes believe it. Even if he looked amazing.
      Eg a male model who is dumb as a plank of wood. A Personal Trainer who is ‘Boring as Batshit’ to a smart hot educated woman.
      I’ve heard that over and over from women all my life. They were not just lying.
      A woman who hooks up with such types may never rate them again in retrospect. He failed her, not the other way around. That is not a ‘FAILURE’ for a woman because she couldn’t make the relationship work. She didn’t want to. She was trying him on for size. Looks plus compatablity is necessary (usually )for a woman to have kids with a man. Because raising kids goes on for 20 years. She won’t suffer an Alpha Jock Chad if she’s not compatible. But she may fuck him for an experience.
      Women are not robots who operate on this kind of simple programming in their heads
      “Prime Directives
      #1. Must. Fuck. Chad… Musttt. Fuckk. Chadd.
      She’s not “RoboSlut”
      It’s a little bit more complex than that.

    25. We get it, James, women are smarter than men. Would you mind opining on blacks and other minorities, too?

    26. Aaron
      Today, thanks to social media and dating apps, though, women have been deluded to think that their dating pool is global and that they have access to the highest socioeconomic strata. “

      Global and highest socio-strata?
      No cmon they are not THAT deluded.
      Tinder is like Uber Cocks for a woman. Sure.
      Dick on wheels delivered to her door ,too easy .
      Doesn’t mean they don’t get sick of Tinder Hookups after a few go rounds to scratch their itch. It doesn’t lead to a relationship. They won’t all wait till 30 to have one. As for socio economics .Rich marries Rich most know that . Theyre not all gold digging whores. Even these days.
      They still want a “Romance” even now. That’s why they watch tv shows and read romance novels every month because that’s what they ALL want. The data backs that up.
      They all want the big love story and kids .
      not endless Hookups with Chad until they’re 30.

    27. You are denying reality. The number of people, men and women alike, who do not have sex and are not in a relationship is increasing. Zoomers and “alphas”, as in “generation alpha” are hit hardest.

    28. Would still like to see some hard data on this phenomenon of ‘The More Sexual Partners A Women Has =Less Her Ability To Pair Bond’.

      Btw wasn’t ‘Pair Bonding’ a term Mystery used to throw around ? Are we back to using PUA terminology again now..??

    29. No, pair bonding is an actual biological term. Mystery and some other early PUAs borrowed some terminology from biology.

  17. Another last question re the Chad’s.
    Scenario ;
    A chick has 2 Chad’s in a row and the hot porno-sex with both.
    Chad #2 starts a relationship with her and takes her out to a fancy dinner on him , he discovers during the meal that Chad #1 had a bigger cock and she did things with him on the hookup she didn’t with him. (Shock horror) . He is disturbed.
    Has he been “beta-ized?”
    Is he merely eating Chad#1’s leftovers at this point ?
    Or do two Chad’s just cancel each other out in this situation.
    What’s the advice now for Chad #2, Stay single and Just go to high class escorts now. And more great news Chad because as he is a Chad the prostitutes will be “into ” him sexually and even give him a special Chad loyalty card that reads ‘ buy 4 fucks and get the 5th one absolutely FREE ‘.
    Because he’s a hot guy and they enjoy that 5th one even more because there’s no money. presumably they can forget then they are not a prostitute who sells their Body and holes for money daily. To men who have to pay to get sex. She can forget that she hates men for this . Because he is is a Chad and looks overrule all that..?

    1. Definitely not a chick trying to sell guys on going for post-wall hoes. Not at all.

      The chads cancelling each other bit is hahah funny. But it’s a cartoonish representation.

      Chads constantly fuck sluts that were also fucked by other chads. They don’t however fuck a post-wall chick (leftover).

      A woman is a leftover after she hits the wall. Not when she’s hot enough to bang two different chads lol.

      We say that she’s a leftover of chads is because she spent her best years trying to secure one and failing. And then after chads don’t won’t bang her anymore she goes to guys she ignored when hot and asks them to ignore her past.

    2. Hmmm yes I understand all of that but
      Who does a Chad decide to settle down with then .. does he find a virgin or (??)
      If not , then by definition his super hot GF partner will have fucked other Chads than him in the past of course correct? And if one of those ex lovers was a gigaChad that she let blow inside her anus quicker than current Chad then he’s now been “Beta-ised” right ? Because make no mistake, gigaChad was the one she REALLY wanted to have kids with and still thinks about while she’s fucking current Chad who is a “less than gigaChad” Chad?
      Chad is eating GigaChads leftovers (now that poor stupid fuck).
      So is my logic correct does the rule still apply and what’s your advice to Chad re her past with GigaChad please cheers 🙂

    3. And if the GigaChad in above example was agreed to be say 2x the quality as the Chad , how much of a smaller fraction of her did Chad only get to taste in comparison.
      Half ?
      Did she have an orgasm twice as hard with GigaChad? Or is their some kind of multiplier at play ..
      wetness levels in ml of fluid per second?
      Orgasm force in Newtons per square inch?
      Please share with me , I have so much to learn.

    4. Why would a guy with choice settle for a slut who was with a bunch of other chada? That doesn’t make any sense.

      You accused people of black and white thinking, but you’re the one creating cartoonish inventing these extremes. So a girl is either a virgin or she just bangs 20-50 chads?

      If he were to settle he would probably pick a smart girl who was only in maybe 1,2 or at most 3 long term relationships before meeting him.

      That shows character and that she’s able to pick men well and secure relationships (more than sex) from guys.

      There is no way for a woman to still be at a fertile age and have had more than 2-3 relationships. To have had more than that, she has to have done slutting around.

    5. Ah I see , interesting.
      I’m simply putting figures out there because I obviously don’t know the criteria for Chads. But thanks for the answer.
      So 2-3 LTRs permitted but zero hookups tolerated is the answer. No slutting around.
      Wow ok, that’s pretty strict. 😮
      And what age would the Chad settle on average would you say?

    6. Chads normally settle when they have other priorities in their life, such as building their career, or when they wonder if they should have children. There are also Chads who miss the off-ramp. I had the chance of observing some guys taking such a descending path. They were very successful with women during their adolescence but unfortunate enough to pick up a drug habit, or became alcoholics. I know one guy who had banged well in excess of 100 women by the time he was 20 or 21 and today he is pretty much a total loser, stuck in a dead-end job. Another one ended up taking drugs habitually and got to the point where he was institutionalized for a few weeks. The last time I saw him, he looked a decade or so older than he was. While he claims that he only took cocaine, I had a suspicion that he also took plenty of crystal meth, judging from his appearance.

    7. So 2-3 LTRs permitted but zero hookups tolerated is the answer. No slutting around.
      Wow ok, that’s pretty strict. ????

      How is that strict? It’s easy for girls with intelligence and character, which is something you’re looking for in a partner.

      Also, we’re talking about sex. A girl could have had a bunch of make-outs in her teens, that’s fine. There’s a huge difference between a make-out and banging a guy you have no chance in hell to get a relationship from.

      Despite how some girls might rationalize it, deep down all girls, even the sluttiest of sluts are secretly hoping that the sex leads to something more. When girls lie about how they “also” just wanted attachment-free sex and didn’t expect more, it’s a cope for FAILING.

      If a girl has sex that doesn’t turn into anything more she FAILED, she is a FAILURE. Why would you want to be with a serial dumb failure of a girl? It’s really not a high-criteria.

    8. Alek Novy,
      I think you have done for us inexperienced men a not just mere miracle:

      3 should be the magic number, golden standard. Anything less is diamond standard.

      I have to admit that I thought 5 should be maximum, but I couldn’t wrap my head around that extra 2 when a girl has 3 boyfriends for 10 years straight, which implies, on average 3.3 years for each monogamous relationship.

      We have been much more opened than our male ancestors in the past who demand nothing but virginity to a woman before marrying them.

      In fact, we are already relaxing our standards compared to some modern societies such as India and the Muslim world.

    9. @CQV it’s just math. It’s not possible for a girl to have had more yea.

      It takes time to get to know a guy, and if she’s done a half intelligent job preselecting it’s not possible for the relationship to be less than 2-3 years before they find out they’re not compatible for even longer.

      There are just not enough years for a girl to have had more.

    10. @Alek Novy

      What about a girl who hooks up shortly after a breakup or who need a bounce-back sex to cope with a breakup?

      Sleazy told us once that these girls have low self-esteem and sleeping with new guy immediately is a red flag. This is still not within the grasp of my intuition, though I can see that she is indeed mentally or emotionally unstable.

      Put it on the scheme of 3 years, those bounce-back sexes might account for another 2, which makes a total 5 as I stated earlier.

    11. If a girl needs to have sex with a random stranger to “improve her self-esteem”, or whatever other bullshit excuse they may use, she is not suitable for a relationship. In the vast majority of cases, women end the relationship, directly or indirectly, so this kind of reasoning is incredibly flawed. It is only due to blue-pilled simps that women do not get derided for it.

    12. Alek-
      “How is that strict? It’s easy for girls with intelligence and character, which is something you’re looking for in a partner.
      Also, we’re talking about sex. A girl could have had a bunch of make-outs in her teens, that’s fine. There’s a huge difference between a make-out and banging a guy you have no chance in hell to get a relationship from.“

      That’s very strict indeed.
      Because you are ignoring the mating market and competition basics as I laid out in reply to Aaron.
      At some point the girl has to step up her “game” from make outs and fooling around to sex , because THATS WHAT ALL THE OTHER GIRLS ARE DOING AROUND HER. Her friends and the competition. They all “up the ante” to try secure the best they can get while the going is good. Younger and younger these days. If she sits on the sidelines and plays good girl what happens ?? One Day My Chad Will Come ?
      The majority of girls with 1-3 LTRs and 0 hookups will be the bookworms , the nerds the ugly girls . What reality are you living in?
      The major flaw in your criteria of the ideal girl is thus. You meet her . She tells you she has 2 LTRs and never ever had a hookup in her life . Yup She swears cross her heart it’s the truth the whole truth and nothing but.
      But guess what? HOW DO YOU KNOW?
      The guy will never know for sure . Maybe she did , maybe she’s applying the “ 3 times rule “ and her count is 6. Maybe it’s 20. Maybe it’s 100.
      Maybe she deleted all those messages from the Bad Boy she met in that club in Berlin who fucked her up the ass in a bathroom stall that one night she tried MDMA. (“Never again” she thought, that was some bad decisions and some wild slutty sex. OMG I’ll never tell anyone about THAT night!! : -O ). That one went into ‘the Vault’, even her friends didn’t hear about that one.
      So you get together, you never know and live happily ever after and have a great life and great kids…and you buddy are forever none the wiser.
      Here’s my tip – Better invest in a polygraph machine or buy some truth serum off the internet before you have that conversation maybe. cos that’s the only way you’ll know for sure 😉

  18. Hi Aaron!
    “There are also Chads who miss the off-ramp”.

    1. What exactly happened with these Chads that they choose the wrong path in life where they developed a drug habit, became alcoholics, etc?

    “I know one guy who had banged well in excess of 100 women by the time he was 20 or 21 and today he is pretty much a total loser, stuck in a dead-end job”.

    2. How did he accumulate so many sexual partners in a short amount of time? I understand he’s a Chad, but was he clubbing/partying six days a week, working part-time, or his parents were supporting him temporary, was he a club promoter, or had social ties to porn stars?

    1. 1) I think that Chads make the same mistakes as non-Chads when it comes to drugs and alcohol. An added issue, though, is that some women will tempt you to do drugs with them. This happened to me plenty of times as well, with weed being the most commonly consumed drug, but some women did cocaine. Also, at raves there are women who invite you to take MDMA with them. They demonstratively put one of those mystery pills that could contain anything on their tongue and want to pass it onto you with a kiss.

      2) This particular guy peaked early, losing his virginity at 14 or so. I met him when he was 16, and he looked like a fully grown man. As he lives in a major city and comes from a somewhat affluent family, he had plenty of opportunities to party and travel. On top, he had easy access to the club scene. I think his brother was a DJ; he also knew a bunch of promoters. Live really only caught up with him in his mid-20s.

  19. Alek –
    Your comments are interesting here re classifying as ‘Non-Beta’

    1) The chicks I’ve been with did find me good looking
    2) I escalate and ask for a Chad treatment

    That’s kinda why I wanted to say I’m a notbeta… My approach to chicks is “I will not take the beta treatment, I only take chad-like treatment.”

    Most chicks go “ughh you’re not hot enough to get the Chad treatment”, but a percentage of them do find me hot enough to give me the Chad treatment.“>>

    So in effect you’re changing your behaviour and playing the numbers , with that new behaviour right? And yes I know you mentioned you have a certain level of looks .

    So are you red – pill?
    You advocate for “game”? game has worked for you clearly right ?
    I thought I saw somewhere you picking apart every premise of it . I may be confused tho..

    The Game (of manipulation) via change of behaviour and image etc as a strategy to get laid more and playing the numbers with that.

    Before those fucktards came in with “Looks Don’t Matter At All! Game.” and other bullshit from about 2008 onwards.

    Is that was Neil Strauss was advocating in his book or what? Change behaviour and image and play the numbers for more and faster sex.

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