Meeting Women · Women

Hot Women are More Aware of Their Fading Looks than Less Attractive Women

I think that most men are aware by now that single women in their 30s can get quite desperate. They urgently need a guy and even consider lowering their standards. The reason is simple. On one hand, they have “baby rabies” because nature asserts itself one last time, trying to get a selfish woman who only cared about herself all her life to procreate, and on the other hand, these women are also aware that men almost completely ignore them. What is perhaps not so well-known is that the women most attuned towards their fading looks are the more attractive ones.

When you meet a new women and experience unexpected behavior, you may at first chalk it up as her being erratic or perhaps just nervous. However, once you notice similar behavior in other women, however rarely, you invariably muse about there perhaps being a pattern. I recall a few encounters where women most guys would consider to be in their prime made statements that seemed baffling to me at first. Imagine you undress a hot twenty-five year old, and she coyly asks you if you think that she is “still hot”. Compared to other women her age she may very well be. However, she compares herself to her past self, a few years ago. Some are also very concerned that their tits have started to sag. To you, her tits may look perfectly fine. Yet, she has memories of her tits being round and with firm skin, and when she is looking at herself in the mirror, she notices subtle changes in the spherical or ellipsoidal geometry of her breasts.

I can once again bring up my late ex-wife. She probably killed herself, in her mid-30s, because she could not deal with getting older. She went from randomly getting propositioned for modelling shots, club promoters giving her free tickets, and guys basically lining up to try their luck to simply being a bit less attractive as she aged. At 24 or 25 she was still very good-looking, but she had a really hard time dealing with the presence of younger women who were in their physical prime when she no longer was. She was used to basically being the most attractive woman anywhere she went to merely looking great for her age. A key moment was when she took a module at university in which there was a 19 or 20-year-old Danish woman who talked about a recent photo shoot and her being on the cover of some magazine. This affected my ex-wife so much that she skipped classes for a while. She was really upset about the presence of that woman.

Obviously, all women age, but the effects of aging on very attractive women are much more significant. To mention one of the most talented actresses of the 1990s: Denise Richards also got older and when she was 40 she surely looked fantastic for a 40-year-old. However, the difference between her at 40 and at 25 is like night and day. In contrast, an average woman who hardly ever got any attention will simply keep hardly getting any attention. These women are often quite delusional about their looks. However, reality is  a lot kinder to them. She never experienced ten, fifteen decently good-looking guys hit on her in one night, a photographer asking her if she would like to do some modelling shots, or rich, older guys offering her a few hundred euros for sex. This is perhaps not unlike comparing a bodybuilder who ruined his health and who went from benching 500 lbs. to benching 200 lbs. to an average guy who may have benched 150 lbs. at his peak and now, fifteen years later, struggles to bench 100 lbs. The latter is probably not even bothered that much about it whereas the former most likely built an ego around physical fitness.

2 thoughts on “Hot Women are More Aware of Their Fading Looks than Less Attractive Women

    1. Damn, her raspy voice used to make her even more sexy. Now it makes her even worse. Young Kathleen also had a speech impediment IIRC, but it was kinda cute because she was. Looks like she’s had some botched plastic surgery too.

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