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The Divorce-Industrial Complex

I recently heard about a divorce involving a colleague. The guy is in his 50s. His wife is quite certainly of a similar age, and they have a child who recently moved out due to attending university. He spoke about his wife being in the process of getting a new place, and himself wanting to downsize as well. In addition, he sighed at the prospect of getting lawyers involved as well as the problem of splitting their, i.e. his, assets. As I nodded and listened, I thought of something else. As you may be aware, one ranking among countries is the gross domestic product (GDP), which is the aggregate of all goods and services consumed in a country. This is a highly imperfect measure that is often mocked, but as long as dim-witted politicians use it as the one figure to increase, they will do whatever it takes. Your quality of life may nosedive due to an excess of illegal immigrants. However, GDP balloons as a consequence because more money is moving around in the economy. If the government takes 10,000 dollars from you and three others, and uses this money to house and feed one illegal immigrant, GDP goes up by 40,000 dollars. Granted, all of you are worse off, but this is irrelevant from the angle of GDP, assuming that you would have saved the money and not spent it recklessly.

If you look at divorce as a driver of GDP growth, you realize that there is a lot of money being moved around as well. You need two households with their own furniture and equipment, they cannot share a car or even more trivial expenses like a TV or streaming services. Basically, a divorced couple spends about twice as much as a married couple. Thus, if you are a politician who wants to optimize your country’s GDP, you are incentivized to pump up those divorce numbers. The money that goes to lawyers also increases GDP. The second best solution is if people never move in together at all and instead sit in their own apartments. You can sell this to women as “being independent”. Furthermore, without a family it is much harder to build up resources. In fact, after a divorce you may be less inclined to save up money in order to support your soon-to-be ex-wife or spend a lot of money on your estranged children. If your leftover money goes into consumption instead, perhaps in the form of a luxury car to celebrate your three-quarter-life crisis, GDP increases again. The effect on the destroyed family is similar to inheritance taxation. Tax money goes to the government so that it can be wasted on illegal immigrants or clime-change bullshit, which also increases GDP.

If you put on your schizo hat firmly, you could also wonder if one of the primary goals of the government is complete and utter demoralization. They tax you up the wazoo in order to spend it on everything that makes your life more miserable. Promoting the divorce industry has the same effect. Mass immigration, as mentioned above, drastically lowers your quality of life. The same is true for all the people affected by divorce. Even women, the main initiators of a divorce, normally wake up at some point and realize that they have messed up their lives. All of this is just baseless speculation, of course, but if the goal of the government was to keep you down, using excess taxation and promoting divorce or single households in general would be an excellent way of increasing dependency on the state. There is even a positive aspect because GDP numbers increase, so everything is apparently fine.

9 thoughts on “The Divorce-Industrial Complex

  1. Most of the things you listed don’t increase GDP – one example:
    „ If the government takes 10,000 dollars from you and three others, and uses this money to house and feed one illegal immigrant, GDP goes up by 40,000 dollars“.

    Private spending and investment goes down by 40,000 (you and the three others), while government spending goes up by 40,000 (on illegal immigrant). Net effect is -40,000+40,000=0

    And if you look at GDP per capita – this measure has been flat for some while now in European countries.
    Germany 2019: 43.3k
    Germany 2024: 43.1k

    France 2019: 38.8k
    France 2024: 39.2k

    The politicians are failing to grow gdp per capita.

    1. In my understanding, private savings do not increase GDP. Thus, if your taxes are increased, which lowers your savings rate, and the money is spent on housing for illegal immigrants, GDP should increase. It would be different if the effect of taxation was to lower your private consumption. If GDP per capita is static, but you increase the number of people in the country, then GDP for the country increases. It is quite astonishing that GDP per capita is static, despite there being millions more people in France and Germany than there were in 2024 compared to 2019. This shows you how much money is being redistributed.

    2. You are right that private savings do not increase GDP directly, but indirectly it normally does. For example, you invest by buying a company‘s stock, and the company then invests your money into new machines. These investments by the company increase GDP.

    3. GDP should increase with a higher population (immigrants) because you have more producers.

      GDP per capita should not automatically increase with a higher population. That’s why GDP per capita is much more meaningful than GDP.

      However, normally both GDP and GDP per capita should increase due to technological improvements. It is shocking that we see no GDP per capita growth and I blame bad government policies, including redistribution.

    4. You should look into how many of these immigrants really are “producers”. In most of Europe, they are living it up on the taxpayer’s dime. GDP is up overall because of inflation and the government paying for these people to be housed and fed. On top, they get welfare money, which they either spend or send abroad. More spending equals an increase in demand and thus rising prices, i.e. inflation.

    5. I’ve felt for a long time that GDP is very overrated for measuring economic health of a nation. That and the stock market. In the US it’s always “soaring.” Politicians love to brag about it. Yet hardly anyone seems to feel it. Same with “low unemployment.”

    6. GDP is a really poor measure.

      GDP per capita and GDP adjusted by PPP are, while still flawed, much more meaningful.

      GDP per capita is hardly rising because politicians have resorted to “stimulating” the economy non stop via inflationary policies for decades now. But whatever monetary or fiscal stimulus you make up runs into hard physical resource bottlenecks (mainly energy availability) that restrict all that moneys ability to actually produce things that improve peoples lives.

      Thats why it ends up being channeled into stocks, financial instruments, cryptos and real estate, making the 1% ever richer and our housing ever more unaffordable.

      I recently read somewhere that for every 100usd in stimulus that the govt injects into the economy, it generates a paltry 20usd in growth. Nor sure if that is accurate, but it does not sound implausible to me.

    7. I agree that most recent immigrants are not producers.

      I also agree that (real) GDP and (real) GDP per capita are flawed measures. However, real GDP per capita is the best measure we have and real GDP per capita shows that governmental policies are failing.

      Real GDP per capita is flat because immigrants are not productive and Europe has anti-growth economic policies.

      If Europe had no immigrants, then real GDP per capita would be growing.

      If Europe had high IQ, culturally compatible immigrants (so other Europeans) and pro growth policies then real GDP per capita would be growing even more.

      To sum up: I agree with the conclusion but not most of the specific analysis (for example; I don’t think government spending grows inflation adjusted GDP).

    8. I tried to post links but it didn’t work:
      – GDP per capita (in USD) is flat in Germany
      – total real (inflation adjusted) GDP is flat in Germany
      – total nominal (not inflation adjusted) GDP is growing in Germany (this is the effect you describe Aaron – government spending leading to inflation)
      – GDP per capita has been flatter in France for a longer time

      I think the data is consistent with reality – the economy of Europe has been doing poorly

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