As an addendum to my article Destructive Relationship I am going to discuss the problem of young men and their susceptibility for outside influence, with a particular focus on women. In the aforementioned article I describe how women can ruin a guy’s life. Now, let us look at why this happens.
The problems of young men are probably both societal and biological. There is little doubt that fatherless homes and a heavily feminized educational system, as well as the increasingly feminized workplace, have a negative effect on men. They simply do not feel welcome no matter where they go as something feels off. Guys want to solve problems and get things done, not talk about their feelings, do group projects, or endure pointless meetings.
Obviously, boys mature much slower as girls. Once a girl hits menarche there is not much else going to happen for her. She will grow a few more inches but that is about it. Girls normally also reach their intellectual peak at that time and from then on it is all downhill. They are fine doing arithmetic and basic geometry but anything beyond that often poses an insurmountable hurdle for them. On the other hand, by virtue of evolutionary necessity, girls are masterful deceivers and adept social manipulators. Such skills come to guys about as naturally as Calculus II does to girls.
A 14-year old girl is a woman. In the past, girls were married off at that age. Today, though, we send them to high school and university, partly in an attempt to suppress reproduction. They are around guys who lag behind years in their social development. Sure, there is the occasional high-school Chad who gets plenty of action but the average guy may at best get lucky every once in a while at some house party.
As guys lack a father figure, either because mommy divorced daddy or because daddy is working a bullshit office job away from home, they may not really know what to do with their lives. Some just pick a trade or a degree program because their teachers suggested it. They are merely going through the motions, though. As you can imagine, this makes them easily manipulable, not just by women. Something in their life is missing. They just cannot put their finger on it.
Women are a particular danger for young men, though. Not only does the average guy not know how devious women can be, having been brainwashed all his life about the supposed virtuousness of women. In addition, the elevated sex drive of a young man makes it easy for them to be led astray. This is the prime reason why women are so dangerous to young men. I should explicitly mention that this is quite independent from looks. Even a distinctly average woman can cause a lot of havoc.
I am not sure that there is an easy fix. Society wants men to be weak and cowardly, and easily manipulated by anything, be it inane government propaganda or women. The absence of a competent father cannot be easily compensated. Thus, at best some luck can help guys not to get sidetracked. On the other hand, a concerned father could easily fix this problem. A well-raised son should know that a man needs to set goals for himself and pursue them. It is also a good idea for any young man to spend some money on hookers, just to get some sexual experience under his belt and become inoculated against female manipulation. If you have banged half a dozen sexy Thai hookers, a local 6/10 dangling her pussy in front of you will not so easily lead you astray. While such a trip may not be cheap, it surely is a lot less costly than a woman ruining a man’s life beyond repair.