I have been following the currently ongoing Palestine war with great interest, and can’t help but notice some rather pertinent real-world parallels, the kind you will not find anywhere in the mainstream. As of now, the Israeli army is preparing to enter the Gaza strip, and has been for well over a week. Meanwhile, Hezbollah is ready to strike from the north. There other neighboring countries are not exactly great admirers of Israel, and for absolutely no reason at all. Ready to pour more gasoline into the fire, Uncle Sam sent part of its navy to the Middle East.
If you take a step back, all the problems with Israel have one blatantly obvious real-world parallel. Perhaps you have met people in high school who had quite a big mouth, but could not really back it up. However, they had a strong personal connection to someone nobody wanted to mess with. A typical example is the dipshit little cousin of some alpha-jock bully. I do not think that those bullies encourage their hangers-on to act above their station, but those people do so anyway as they lack long-term thinking. Eventually, the jock will graduate, and their little cousin will be in for a pretty bad time for the rest of his time at school.
The alpha-jock in this example are the United States. However, they have been getting pummeled over and over, so there is a bit of a problem with projecting power. Granted, the US military is still strong on paper, but it has not really been able to live up to its reputation in years. Afghanistan was an utter debacle, and the disaster in the Ukraine was yet another slap across the face, in particular since Judeo-US propaganda has been trying to paint Russia as some third-world backwater. The entire world has been witnessing that the United States are no longer able to act as its military leader, and there consequently is a sense of panic among the elites.
Israel as a country has as pretty bizarre history. The only reason this country has been able to exist for the last 70 to 80 years is that the collective West, i.e. the United States and its vassals, have been pumping untold sums of money into this country and handed over a lot of technology and weapons. I am not sure if support for Israel is as particularly popular case in Europe, but considering that the United States have many dozens of military bases there, it does not take much to figure out that there has been some strong-arming going on behind the scenes.
Unfortunately, for Israel, Uncle Sam is about to graduate high-school, to follow the aforementioned metaphor. The Israeli leaders, however, seem to not quite be aware of it, just as they do not seem to grasp that people are getting pretty sick of their country. Support for Israel only exists among boomers in meaningful numbers, and the younger the generation, the more based and red-pilled it is. All this talk about “America’s greatest ally” does not carry an awful lot of water for anyone born after 1980s.
I am not quite sure what big plan Israeli politicians have. My take is that the Israelis are afraid to enter the Gaza strip. With a bit of bad luck, they will end up having to fight a war on five fronts, and I am not quite sure how their army will cope with that. Israel is a very small country, but they have been behaving as if they are untouchable. Their self-imagine is in dire need of revision, though. Also, if they do not enter the Gaza strip, they will come across as weak and indecisive, considering their deranged bellicose rhetoric, referring to Palestinians as “animals”.
Acting like a rabid dog may be a fine strategy if you can yank the world’s leading military around at will but not if said military force consists of 3/4 obese men who are unable to put up much of a resistance, and is no longer the global leader in military technology. There is a good chance that the Arab world will eventually have enough of Israel and just wipe that country off the face of the earth. Doing so would be a complete and utter tragedy for the world, considering the endless list of Jewish contributions to modernity, but it is what it is. We survived the Late Bronze Age collapse, and we will surely also survive the disappearance of Israel, as difficult as it may be to imagine.
You forgot to mention,The 25% of young Americans that can actually fight are the ones that that tend to hate Washington.
Filter bubble?
While your description of Israel/USA is accurate, your description of the Arab world is not. These doctors and engineers are good at destroying societies once they are let in the country, but are not capable of wiping out countries in a military encounters.
To continue your analogy – the dipshit little cousin is fighting a bunch of midgets.
Overall it’s a conflict where it’s difficult to pick sides. In the west, the establishment, including Biden and van der Leyden, is on Israel’s side. On the Palestinian side you have BLM, Greta Thunberg and the newly imported doctors and engineers.
@One time poster
I am in favor of being on Israel’s side. Israelis are smart civilized people, around them lurk millions of stupid IQ70 barbarians who praise a primitive child fucker. Allahu Akbar.
Israel are smart civilized people – but wouldn’t care to screw Europe and the US over.
Case in point – Israelis wouldn’t mind just sending all those Palestinians to Europe and thereby screw Europe.
@One time poster
Europe has only itself to blame if it lets itself be screwed by other powers. Europe is a continent with sovereign nations and can protect its borders and limit unwanted migration. If Europe is so stupid as to let Israel impose Palestinian refugees on it, it is due to the stupidity of Europeans. We cannot blame Israel for this.
This is the dumbest normie-take I have read on my blog since I kicked out Ubermensch after his incessant vaxx shilling. Europe is essentially a collection of vassal states of the USA. Germany certainly does not make autonomous decisions where it matters. We have had the US bombing of the Nordstream 2 pipeline and Germany just sitting by idly. Furthermore, the USA blatantly spies on the German government. Also, look up how many US military bases there are all over Europe, and what happens to politicians who do not play ball. Perhaps you have read of Olaf Scholz’s mysterious sport injury that led to him covering his shiner with an eye patch.
I don’t care who is to blame. Why would I support an “ally”, who then screws me over? Just the intention of the ally screwing me over is enough to withdraw my support.
I feel like one of the first things you can do to test if a person is worth trusting your back to is their ability to keep a secret.
A cousin-in-law of mine who I actually thought was on my side,I told a piece of information to that’d be a little embarrassing to go around,but not to any major extent. I’d like to say I was testing on purpose,but I wasn’t. I just don’t give out any big/major secrets until I’ve known someone long enough. But before I know it,he definitely spilled the beans.
Lets just say he has forever cemented himself to me as someone to keep at arms’ length. I’m oftentimes astonished with these sorts of folks. They don’t seem to realize at all that their inability to keep their mouth shut (like a grade schooler..) gatekeeps them from making really valuable friends. I don’t consider myself the most social type of guy around,but I’ve definitely made some real good friends just because people know they can trust me not to yap.
Not being able to keep a secret is also a great way to ensure that someone will never advance in his career. This may also be one aspect of the supposed glass ceiling women find themselves unable to breach.
Yeah. the better way to word it is that being untrustworthy robs you of valuable opportunities. What you said is spot on because that guy I speak of has always been stuck at a low level of employment all his life. actually,he’s had trouble keeping a job and out of trouble in the past. These coinciding character traits probably aren’t a coincidence.
Taking Religion/Spirituality out of the equation,I feel like the fundamental value of Ethics/Moral codes is that it allows us as humans to not only coexist peacefully,but also effectively work together for advancement. I’m sure we would never have gotten out of the caveman age had we been too busy being paranoid and distrusting of each other to have the time and peace of mind to innovate.
You can say being a Man of Character and Integrity is its own value,but even from a selfish/self-interest perspective,if you want to be surrounded and be friends with these types of folks (and who doesn’t want that?),you best set that standard of living for yourself. Birds of a flock thing and all..
Yes, for civilization to advance, we needed to trust each other and cooperate. The problem, however, is that this makes Western societies exploitable by outsiders who are not well-meaning. In contrast, societies with very low levels of trust did not even manage to invent the wheel, or if they did, someone else may just have come along to steal or destroy it.
@One time poster
How exactly is our ally Israel screwing us over?
I don’t see hoe Israel being wiped off the map would be bad, Aaron unless that was just sarcasm.These people have been a scourge on White people’s, and have done untold damage to the West, an example are the holocaust denial/hate speech laws ,and weaponised 3rd world immigration pushed on Europe by these demonic creatures. The Jews don’t have any mercy when some white girl is trafficked by Muslim gangs or when some ape runs over pedestrians in a van. Good riddance to Israel, I just wish every one of its people would move there before it gets incinerated.
I just hope these bastards don’t come to the United States. We already have gotten Afghan and Ukrainian refugees.
Israelis are high IQ refugees. They will enrich your society.
You should not believe the b.s. claims about Jewish high IQ. Whites have higher IQs on average. The explanation for Jewish success is not high intelligence but gatekeeping. Jews have been enriching Western societies for hundreds of years already. Go to the center of any Western city and marvel at the result of their work.
Well, western societies are the most civilized and most rich societies. Maybe Jews helped shape those societies. ;=)
This comment made me laugh. Jews did not build Western civilization. If they did, what changed that made them systematically work towards undermining it?
What makes you think that Jews are systematically working towards undermining western society? Do you read too much conspiracy theories regarding Rothschilds, Lyndon LaRouche etc.?
Instead of going durr anti-semite durr, you would probably benefit from looking into various questionable ideologies and progressive causes, and reading up on the people behind them. It could be a total coincidence but it seems that Jews always happen to be front-and-center in them. You can have your pick: usury, fractional-reserve banking, socialism, communism, Bolshevism, “democracy”, “civil rights”, trannyisim, “gender reassignment”, cultural enrichment, Brutalism, abstract art, 12-tone music, pornography, etc. I am really glad we have all of that because I could not even imagine how shitty society would be otherwise.
I find it quite amusing that one of the most iconic videos embodying “tikkun olam”, seems to have mostly been scrapped from YouTube. I am referring to none other than Barbara Lerner-Spectre’s open admission that Jews need to work together to destroy the homogeneity of European nation states. Snippets of this now infamous interview are towards the end of this short clip:
Israel is the only civilized country in that region. We need to help them fight a war against Islamic barbarians.
Israel is so civilized that they want to genocide two million Palestinians, referring to them as “animals”. The most outlandish claim of a prominent Israeli in the last few days is that Palestinian children “have brought this on themselves”.
The US has way too many problems here at home to spend a red cent on Zionists. Ukraine as well for that matter.
I think that US politics have become extremely feminized. Instead of rational thought, the current modus operandi is to look for short-term solutions that “feel good” and lead to some perceived short-term gain, with a complete disregard of long-term consequences. It also happens that the short-term gains are completely imaginary. In some corners of the Internet, Jews are claimed to have acted like this throughout the centuries, e.g. by using usury to enrich themselves in the short-run but ignoring the fact that they are only a small minority and may end up getting run out of the country. I know very little about Jewish history, so I do not know if there is any truth to this.
@Aaron “Sleazy” Elias
Yes, seriously.
Palestinians are refugees from Jordan, Libanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt etc. They have no God-given claim to these territories. They are allowed to live in Israel as equal citizens, but rather would like to create their own theocratic shithole nation.
Israel annexed some territories, true, but only after those arab desert dweller countries declared unprovoked war on Israel after Israel’s foundation and after the Jom Kippur surprise attack.
Israel doesn’t genocide two million Palestinians. Their mulim brothers in Egypt are free to open the borders to the Gaza strip and provide them with relief goods. Egypt could reintegrate the Gaza strip into its territory (with Israel’s goodwill), but they (the Egyptians) don’t want it. Why is that? Meanwhile Erdogan declares holy war on Europe. Why is Turkey still in NATO?
Who is referring to them as “animals”? The opinion of some backbench politician does not matter.
The Israelis are the only civilized people down there and deserve our support. They must be protected from the Islamic low-IQ cavemen.
There is no alternative, truly. It’s time to get rid of the Palestinian problem.
Just an observation, but the behaviour of the settlers that Israel have been illegally establishing in the West Bank is certainly not what I would define as civilised.
They seem to very much enjoy throwing rocks and bottles at Palestinian citizens. Dumping rubbish on their doorsteps. Vandalising their property.
This is not how good and honest people behave. It’s got me wondering where Israel got these people. Are they lower class criminals that have been banished to West Bank to further drive out the Palestinians?
Ben Shapiro is not the kind of person you want to use to support your position. This guy only gets his reach due to ethnic nepotism, and his takes are most certainly not what I would consider unbiased. How about you also link to a video where someone explains that Israel is in fact an apartheid state, or maybe just look at the UN vote I recently mentioned, which showed that the US and its vassals are isolated on the world stage.
@Aaron “Sleazy” Elias
Yes, seriously.
Palestinians are refugees from Jordan, Libanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt etc. They have no God-given claim to these territories. They are allowed to live in Israel as equal citizens, but rather would like to create their own theocratic shithole nation.
Israel annexed some territories, true, but only after those arab desert dweller countries declared unprovoked war on Israel after Israel’s foundation and after the Jom Kippur surprise attack.
Israel doesn’t genocide two million Palestinians. Their mulim brothers in Egypt are free to open the borders to the Gaza strip and provide them with relief goods. Egypt could reintegrate the Gaza strip into its territory (with Israel’s goodwill), but they (the Egyptians) don’t want it. Why is that? Meanwhile Erdogan declares holy war on Europe. Why is Turkey still in NATO?
Who is referring to them as “animals”? The opinion of some backbench politician does not matter.
The Israelis are the only civilized people down there and deserve our support. They must be protected from the Islamic low-IQ cavemen.
The Israeli defense minister called the Palestinians animals, not some “back-bench politician”:
How about you take that Jewish dick out of your mouth?
He was referring to Hamas terrorists, not to Palestinian civilians.
According to Israel, every Palestinian, no matter the age, is a future Hamas soldier, so killing them is justified, just as every civilian building can rightfully be demolished as it could serve as a base for Hamas. Oh, and let’s not forget about those ancient Christian churches that surely housed the most weapons and terrorists. Schlomo would have loved nothing more than sparing those Christian churches, but he really had no other choice but to bomb them to smithereens.
@Aaron “Sleazy” Elias
>>According to Israel, every Palestinian, no matter the age, is a future Hamas soldier, so killing them is justified<>just as every civilian building can rightfully be demolished as it could serve as a base for Hamas.<<
Civilian buildings serve as bases for Hamas. Hamas uses civilians as shields.
“According to Israel, every Palestinian, no matter the age, is a future Hamas soldier, so killing them is justified”
Do you have a source for this?
“just as every civilian building can rightfully be demolished as it could serve as a base for Hamas.”
Civilian buildings serve as bases for Hamas. Hamas uses civilians as shields.
Alright, so “winning a war” means “genociding two million Palestinians”. I wonder, though, if we can apply the same reasoning to WWII. As we all know, precisely six million Jews were gassed to death. Could you not just as well say that Germany should have been “allowed to win a war”? I mean, surely fighting-age Jews would have been able to put up much more resistance than Palestinian children. I find this Gaza conflict really interesting as it exposes leftist hypocrisies and inconsistencies. Right now, it exposes Israel as the most insane and genocidal country on the planet. The US and its few remaining allies are furthermore getting more and more isolated. According to the current score, the US and Israel have only 12 allies left. On that note, I really wonder how fucked up one’s moral compass must be to be opposed to a resolution on the “‘protection of civilians and upholding legal and humanitarian obligations’ on the ongoing Gaza crisis” (for: 120, against: 14, abstained: 45). The global system of US tyranny is coming to the end of its rope.
It’s interesting how Jews have worked to destroy the US while simultaneously supporting Zionism which is dependent on the US.
I thought they were supposed to be smart.
Gaza strip’s population is growing. High fertility rate and 50% of people under the age of 18.
Is that genocide for you?
Carpet-bombing civilians is genocidal, in my opinion. I don’t quite see how one could have any other opinion. Even Israel is aware of how unpalatable this proposition is, which is why they engage in horrific rhetoric in order to distract the world from their crimes against humanity.
@Aaron “Sleazy” Elias
Israel is carrying out targeted surgical strikes against Hamas. It’s not Israel’s fault that Hamas is holed up in schools, hospitals, mosques and stores. There will always be collateral damage.
What is Israel supposed to do? Watch Hamas mass rape and behead young women? Should Israel condone its own extermination? Should Israel cease to exist? Should all Israelis leave Israel and go into exile? How should the conflict be resolved in your eyes?
You are absolutely ridiculous, Gerd. There is nothing “surgical” about the strikes Israel has been carrying out against the Palestinians. It’s Dresden all over again, and the same bullshit propaganda was used back then as well. Dresden was a civilian city, yet after the fact it was declared of “strategic importance for the Third Reich” or some nonsense like that. Israel is also creating the most bizarre atrocity propaganda, e.g. the alleged beheaded 40 babies, for which there is no proof. They have been following the same playbook for centuries.
If history repeats itself, they’ll go into exile again. It’s almost like they don’t belong anywhere. I mean, who likes them as a whole? They should have taken Hitler’s Madagascar proposal.
“Nationalism for ME, not for thee.”
For the “far” right, picking sides on Israel boils down to – who you dislike more Jews or Muslims? We can actually see it in the thread.
Let’s be real:
Gerd – if Israel would be carpet bombing a European country you would be pissed at Israel. So why give Israel a pass against Muslims?
Aaron – if Muslims would come and start killing, raping and kidnapping 200+ European civilians on a day you would be pissed at those Muslims. So why give Palestinians a pass against Israelis?
If the US government wasn’t insanely biased to one side I probably wouldn’t even care.
If Washington cared about the US half as much as it cares about Israel we’d have one fine country.
Yes totally valid point.
As I wrote before: the establishment, supports Israel (though the US much more than Europe).
However, the Palestinians are supported by the new doctors and engineers in as well as the radical left (antifa, BLM, etc.) Talking about the latter just lol at the LGBTQ for Palestine movement. That is some of the dumbest stuff I have seen.
I’m not going to support either side.
if Muslims would come and start killing, raping and kidnapping 200+ European civilians on a day you would be pissed at those Muslims. So why give Palestinians a pass against Israelis?
Universal human rights aren’t really universal. This concept only exists in European culture (and forms its foundation). Israelis and Palestinians do not share this culture, so its norms are not necessarily applicable to them.
But you can’t judge one group based on your European norms and the other one not on those norms.
You can’t say : Israel is bad because of their bombing while ignoring what hamas is doing.
You also can’t say: Hamas is bad because of their slaughtering, but ignore what Israel is doing
Isn’t this a false equivalence? You assume that both sides are equally bad, ignoring scale and intensity.
Correct. My message was a bit unclear since I only cited one part of your message, but I also said that both Israelis and Palestinians do not share the western values. Which means western morals are not applicable to them.
And where morals are not applicable practical considerations still have power. And practically speaking, I think the civilized world will be better off without Israel. Palestine is not a great country either, but it doesn’t have influence in the west, so I don’t care about its fate.
I think the outcome (“scale and intensity”) is less important than the intention.
Israel wants to get rid of Palestinians and Palestinians want to get rid of Israelis. But in contrast to leftist, I don’t judge Israel as being “more evil” just because they are capable of inflicting much greater damage.
Take the rockets. Hamas is launching rockets the whole time at Israeli citizens and Israel does the same in Gaza. I’m not giving Palestinians a pass because they have worse rockets and less rockets.
As an analogy: if a big guy fights a smaller guy and wins, the big guy isn’t the bad one just because he is stronger.
@cycle path:
Fair point. I wouldn’t look at the influence of “palestinians” but of all middle easterners/North Africans. Collectively they have a massive impact on the west and especially on my daily life, as you have a lot of them in the west.
I wonder if Israel would even exist without the United States.
If so, then all the more reason to spend that that 4 billion a year right here.
I think it is safe to say that without the hundreds of billions if not trillions the US and its vassal states have handed to Israel, that country would not be able to exist. It would probably collapse within a few years without external support.
Exactly. We should still spend the money here though. FUCK Israel. We don’t even update our infrastructure in this damn country. No bullet train. Shitty airports. Jesus Christ…….. oops, didn’t mean to offend any Jews.
Gaza is toxic – nobody wants it. Because Egypt doesn’t want it. During the negotiations for the Israel-Egypt Peace treaty Israel actually asked the Egyptians if they wanted Gaza back and they didn’t. The whole thing was a costly burden. Even today, Gaza is now an a Islamist fiefdom run by Hamas, which has had issues with Egypt, which already has its hands full fighting Islamists in the Sinai.
Israel has no interest in taking it back.
Palestine hasn’t even been formed yet.
Egypt could have had it in 1978 when Israel returned the Sinai. Israel tried to make it part of the deal. It almost blew up the negotiations. Egypt doesn’t want it.
Every country the people who identify as Palestinians entered, they have caused trouble and wars. No sane country would want to take that on.
How many sheckels do you make per post? Or can you do this instead of your mandatory National Service because you’re too afraid to hold a rifle and get your hands dirty?
I wonder if you could have written a very similar post about a different people. Its a complete hypothetical, of course.
I make no money of this. I am from Poland. Catholic. My father is German.
The problem is that many of the posters here are fans of national socialism and therefore have no clear view of the order of things. They’ve inherited their hate for the jews.
Please refrain from deflecting. You are clearly shilling for Israel and you demonstrate a rather impressive narrow-mindedness. I would not dare to make claims regarding the political leanings of any of my readers and surely nobody on here “hates” the Jews. As far as I am concerned, I am really fond of them. I still would like you to elaborate on your claims that Jews are responsible for the prosperity of Western countries.
@Aaron “Sleazy” Elias
I am not deflecting, I am just objective and I am not letting the hate flow through me.
How are you fond of Jews? Most of your posts and articles criticize Jews and Israel. Look at the stats: During the 20th century most of the scientific, economic and artistic geniuses were Jews. They are the founders of western prosperity. Now you can say that they were gatekeeping their positions of power, but that argument seems too simplistic. That would make them some super-competent conspirators….
You have to learn to be able to pick up Aaron’s sarcasm. 😉 I know it’s not always the easiest thing to pick up through text, but it’s not that hard, either.
I don’t share Aaron or others’ belief that there is some vast, Jewish conspiracy of evil. But neither do I share your belief that they are “responsible for the prosperity of Western countries.”
Traditional western culture, with its focus on Christian values, hard work, truth/science, and so on is the foundation of western prosperity.
I exaggerated when I said that the Jews have created the prosperity of the Western world, but they have at least partly contributed to it
It is quite interesting that the tribe that created the prosperity of the Western world also came up with usury and fractional reserve banking. Obviously, there is a chicken-and-egg problem if you assume that one depends on the other, and if there was no prosperous society to financially exploit, then why did Jews move to it to set up banks there in the first pace? This does not make a lot of sense, so please elaborate. Note that criticism of the international banking system is commonly framed as being “anti-semitic” by the mainstream, so even the ultra-vaxxed accept the connection between Jews and banking as uncontroversial. It is there, but you are not supposed to talk about it.
Bist Du Deutscher?
The founders of Western prosperity?
Was Sir Isaac Newton a Jew or something? Galileo? Copernicus? Kepler?
Nah, I’m not German, though I am Germanic. 🙂
The Jewish connection to banking isn’t very controversial in itself. Charging interest on loans (not just usurious interest rates, but _any_ interest rates) was prohibited for Christians at the time, so there were really only Jews who could engage in money-lending at the time.
I would recommend reading up on economic history, as usury originally referred to charging interest of any kind (!). Even the ultra-faggy Wikipedia acknowledges this fact:
There is of course a whole theory on why interest on money is good, and why we need inflation, but my view is that this is all just a bunch of nonsense. You can show this trivially, i.e. all the debt in the world cannot even be paid off. Assume someone borrows 100 units of money and is expected to pay back 105 units of money next year, and now remove all the distractions and imagine a small island-sized economy where there is only one creditor and one debtor. Do you notice something? This fundamental problem does not disappear just because there are many more actors in the economy. On a related note, you can use the same approach to show that socialism cannot work. In Sweden, a lot of people tell you that their kind of socialism benefits everybody, but then you ask them to imagine a society with only two people. Someone has to pay more into the system than he gets back out, so how is he going to benefit from it? (Protip: don’t bring this up when you are on a first date with a Swedish slut and want to get your dick wet.)
“The Jewish connection to banking isn’t very controversial in itself. Charging interest on loans (not just usurious interest rates, but _any_ interest rates) was prohibited for Christians at the time, so there were really only Jews who could engage in money-lending at the time.”
LOL. Cheeky JK Rowling, who is tainted now in the eyes of Wokeanda, not only because of being a staunch TERF, but by small details like making the goblins in her HP universe long-nosed and into banking.
BTW, Gert exhibits the typical evangelical boomer worldview about Jews and Israel. Even here in my shithole country, there’s a meme that taxis in the capital city must all have their little Israel flag or sticker, and the more boomer/evangelical they are, the more likelihood of hearing them spout the “People of God” nonsense.
I would argue that you benefit tremendously from “socialism” in Germany. You received great education in Germany and won scholarship in the UK. Instead of thinking hard and long about improving your chance in Europe or building a long-term plan to move to the US, you squandered your youth in nightclubs and used up the money being spent on you. Such an act would be ruinous in the US because tuition is extremely high in the US.
My view is if you receive tax-payers’ money for funding my education, I would study the best in order to repay in kind.
CQV, do you realize that you are making an argument against socialism? I surely would not have made the choices I made had higher education come with an explicit price tag. Arguably, I managed to get quite a lot out of my 20s. It is only that I made questionable decisions from a purely economic point of view, but even this is turning out to no longer be the case, at least not to such an extent, as there have been a few rather unforeseen payoffs as a consequence of these experiences.
Should I have a son, he would not even remotely get the kind of leeway my boomer parents gave me. I will pay for a bit of sex tourism, which he can engage with during part of his school holidays, but yolo-ing for about a decade will not be in the cards for him.
What I want to say is socialism gives you that opportunity to study in excellent institutions for free or at a minimal cost. This is the benefit of socialism in Europe. Your actions that deviates from this trajectory was your responsibility, you could not blame that socialism induced you or young students to be lazy and waste their times.
I don’t want to say that I support free education and high taxes in Europe on one hand, or the explotative system in the US on another. In my opinion, universities should adjust tuition according the prospect of the degree. If a history degree does not realistically provide you six digits income, you should reduce its tution accordingly.
On the last note, I don’t want to blame you for your past. By choosing what you have chosen to do, you have imparted great knowledge to us. We directly or indirectly benefit from your insight and experience, and we should be thankful and grateful for that.
What I want to single out is you should use all your times in colleges to study, get good grades with little distraction. This is especially important if you live in a country where tuition is very cheap and provided by the government.
Have a look at Vietnam, its education is in shamble, yet tuition cost in relation to household income has increased tremendously. It follows the idiotic American model yet its economy fails completely to match…well…America.
The problem is that socializing education leads to resource allocation issues and has severe economic impacts. Technically, you can say that I optimized my 20s for personal enjoyment, but I do not think that this provided a net benefit to society. If this is done by just a few people, it is not a problem but nowadays we sent more than 50% of an age cohort to university, and many of them do not even get anything out of their education. They literally waste their time. In contrast, I was an academic high-achiever, which is why I won scholarships. I just did not care about making money. I think that tertiary education should be severely scaled back because the issue not socialism or capitalism but that there is no demand for a very large number of graduates. By slimming down university administration, you can also reduce tuition fees significantly. This is a key driver of the increased costs, by the way. Today’s universities are basically large-scale criminal enterprises. What are Al Capone’s crimes to having government-supported institutions charge people $200k for a piece of paper that states that they have spent four years in some grievance-studies program?
I would appreciate it if you can post some articles you have read about the resource allocation problems in Europe. I have never set foot to European continent so I am blind to the current education landscape.
As this is followed from “maximising personal enjoyment”, I understand it as “trading studying time for personal gratification and entertainment”. This is, again, personal responsibility. Between the age of 18 and 22, kids are observed to easily lose aim of what they want to achieve in colleges, and what they want from a life after college. It is thus imperative to remind them of why they are in college and why they are pursuing a degree. At this age, their mindset are diluted by distractions and their thoughts are entangled with unrealism.
From the perspective of a Vietnamese, European kids are given free education while attending prestigious universities. It follows thither that they ought to make good use of their times in order to hone their practical skills, as well as intellectual growth.
I place the blame squarely on advertisements and Hollywood entertainment for glorifying sex and alcohols at colleges. These help to sway kids from true aim of entering higher education establishment and impress in them a world of wanton desire and self-destruction.
My view differs in that education itself cannot be viewed as vocational training. The reason why colleges should charge various degrees according to their returning rewards is that students who want to major in less desirable fields might still reap the benefits that a rigorous education may provide. It may be argued that if you want to become educated at a basic level, colleges aren’t necessary because our forefathers have bettered themselves by just borrowing books from libraries and train themselves in the art of writing and speaking, or enlarging their knowledge in fields such as history or geography. However, I may counter such an argument by stating that modern knowledge has become much more complex, so much so that if you want to keep your knowledge up to date with modern standards, you need instructions from qualified teachers.
In writing this, I keep in mind that if you want to be a competent programmer, you may skip colleges because you can learn almost everything from the internet. But if you want to become a historian or a history teacher, going to college without being penalised for high tuition fee, is a necessity because historical methodology cannot just be learnt from books, and linguistical training is best absorbed by structural instructions. The same can be said about mathematics.
In the end, my view is not to scale back tertiary education, but even to expand it to incorporate a larger population, while maintaining a reasonable level of tuition fee.
The high tuition fee in the US cannot be placed on any single cause. It must be explained by multiple factors. The cut in federal and state fundings is just one, and one that the media loves to expound. I don’t know what administrators are doing so I don’t understand why they are needed.
Have you ever walked into a seminar at a typical university? Easily 2/3 of the people should not even be there. You have people who barely made it through high school study Journalism or History. There are not future world-class writers or scholars of renown but a bunch of clowns that merely postpone their inevitable career at Starbucks by four or five years.
There is not one European society that functions better with Jews.
Spain, Russia, Germany, Britain, France, the United States have all been ruined and/or brought to the brink of extinction by them.
If Europeans deported all Jews to Israel, European civilization would explode in prosperity, stability, order, social happiness, and technological advancement, not to mention the benefits to the world situation: total de-escalation in Ukraine, in the Middle East, etc.
If Jews are so smart and capable, they should be able to establish a state without aid from a world-encompassing diaspora/mafia that sucks nations dry and uses their own ethnostate as a haven for scoundrels and a school for budding crooks.
Europeans can do this. Why can’t Jews?
Spain, Russia, Germany, Britain, France, the United States have all been ruined by Muslims, not by Jews.
I wonder if there were any far-left NGOs operating behind the scenes that may have influenced immigration policy. George Soros comes to mind. It could all just be a total coincidence, of course.
Russia was ruined by Jews when the communists took over. A whole civilization had its head cut off.
America was ruined by Jews when the Jewish diaspora took power from the WASP elite. Now it’s a shell of nation, so brainwashed it has no longer any concept of itself. The head of the American nation is being cut off as we speak. Dark days will come, Americans have no idea.
The foundational myth of the fall of Western civilization is Holocaustianity.
Holocaust education has panned out exactly as planned. “Never again” is not about looking back, but looking straight ahead, stopping and stomping the present-day “enemies” of a hate-filled Jewish establishment that despises the West, its traditions, and anything White, Christian or European in origin.
God damn it, Western Europeans can’t even say they care for themselves these days! Instead, they must frame their self-interest as fighting for some protected minority. Colonized by 3’rd world Islam? Naturally their first duty as Europeans is defending the Jews! You see, the Jews that keep telling them to open their borders are suffering from ill effects because of Islamic colonization and that’s the most important thing, not their own people.
And the American conservatives are doing the same thing. Instead of arguing for the interests of White Americans they croak like losers about how immigration hurts the Holy Black minority. Build the Wall to defend Black people from unemployment!
What can I say except as a White man if you believe in Holocaustianity your children deserve what’s coming for them.
Although in the case of the United States it’s not Muslims, but Mexican and South American refugees.
„From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free“
What does this mean, exactly? If a free Palestine stretches from the sea to the river, where does that leave the state of Israel?
Looking at a map of the area before 1948 may give you the answer.
That is not possible. It’s home to Israel now. We can’t relocate all the Israelis and we also can’t exterminate all Israelis.
“We can’t relocate all the Israelis and we also can’t exterminate all Israelis.”
Hä? Aber die Eself*cker nach Deutschland verschiffen, damit Shlomo ein bisschen “Lebensraumerweiterung” (ja, ich bin in Bayern ins Gymnasium gegangen) hat, das geht dann, ja?
Scheisse, hast du einen an der Waffel…
After the Zionist boomers die and it becomes undeniable to all Americans that they have lost their country, Americans will look for the people who denied them America.
Jews spent so much time and resources denying America to the Americans that Americans will deny eventually deny Israel back to the Jews.
Without American support, Palestine will be turned into an UN protectorate where Israelites will fully integrate Palestinians, promote race and cultural mixing with their Semite brothers – a lot less radical than promoting race mixing among Whites with all the races of the world.
The globalist solution for peace in the Middle East.
These statements are simply observations of an individual. It cannot be used to form an argument. I have stepped into a seminar at Ohio State as well as the most prestigious university of my country as a non-credit student. It is true that many students keep looking at their iphones instead of listen attentively to their professors. But it is again a case of personal responsibility. Once you enter college, you must be totally in charge of your study and allocate your time and resources so as to achieve the maximum result.
I don’t consider them clowns because I don’t view them as totally abandoned cases. I think they are misinformed and misguided, aimless and inexperienced.
If 50% of an age cohort attend university, you get people with an IQ of 100 or less. This is an utterly ridiculous proposition. Imagine what universities could be if we went back to the olden days and only let the very best in! A consequence of “widening access”, as it is euphemistically called, instead of “drastically lowering standards” is that university degrees carry a lot less weight. What is worse, because so many people have degrees, they become a new minimum standard. Today, many jobs that you could have gotten straight out of high school decades ago, require a degree, sometimes any degree. Nobody really benefits from this, except universities and banks, in countries where tuition is expensive and students normally need to take out loans.
It is not ridiculous because you view human value being defined squarely on an IQ scale. I don’t. Education is important to all segments of population. Have you ever actually lived in a society where the population cannot even read and write? That was Vietnam in the post-colonial period. The effect of intellectual retardation of the general population affects them even in this year and time. Vietnamese are not known to be critical thinkers and disciplined debaters.
Lowering standards of education is indeed a misguided policy. But students are also judged by factors other than grades. The elitist schools in Vietnam or France simply select students based on grades and this leads to the tragicomedy where a “genius” knows all the way to differentiating very involved algebraic functions, but could not recite in succinct form the definition of a derivative.
In the US, there are jobs that require only 2 years associate degrees. However, the good news is you can even bypass by starting at low positions and move up the ladder. Come to my mind now are pharmacist technicians and medical coders. There are, however, jobs that necessarily require at least an associate degree, such as paralegal.
“Should I have a son, he would not even remotely get the kind of leeway my boomer parents gave me. I will pay for a bit of sex tourism, which he can engage with during part of his school holidays, but yolo-ing for about a decade will not be in the cards for him.”
1. Is this something a man should hide or discuss with his wife that he’s going to take his son to Thailand or Las Vegas to bang hookers?
2. How would you explain to your daughter that she cannot have a hoe phase because it will ruin her for life? Yet, I can imagine having a daughter telling me “well plenty of hoes get wife up and have kids… so what’s wrong? Why does my brother get to have fun and I can’t?”
1) I recommend discussing this openly. Maybe my wife will even chime in here.
2) This problem has a straightforward solution as we should raise boys and girls in a role-appropriate way, and this includes that girls learn why it is not a double-standard that their brother gets to spend weekends in Eastern Europe or vacations SEA to whore around freely. Obviously, a guy who has banged a ton of women is not a worse husband, but for a woman this is not the case as promiscuity significantly impairs their pair-bonding ability.
I actually think guys should be discouraged from being promiscuous, including brothels. Among players that I have read over in the internet, you are among the few exceptions that do not get involved in messes surrounding promiscuity. The reason to discourage promiscuity in males is that those who work in prostitutes are suffering from all kinds of dangers. The profession is considered dishonourable and is arguably born from male insatiable desire for sex.
I have seen guys who are successful with women as well as guys who are active cheat on their wives constantly. We don’t want to repeat the injuries caused to women by allowing men a free reign in releasing their sexual desire.
Pornography should be allowed to some extents.
Blackdragon has talked about this point before. That after being used to sleeping with multiple women,you as a man will never acclimate again to Monogamy. I don’t think its the issue of pair bonding,its that you’re going to crave for variety. that’s just our nature.
Having a main girl and renting 10’s on the side I imagine should bypass the issue however,if you can manage to get that kind of arrangement.
That being said,many boys make terrible mistakes at this stage of their life that can potentially stop them from reaching their full potential in life. I have mentioned former colleagues of mine who have gotten tied down really early in life because they got the girl pregnant and it is not an enviable position.
Having access to whores whenever the urge arises allows one to satisfy those needs without putting themselves at risk of getting oopsied or falling in love (inexperienced men have the issue of falling in love too quickly before being able to truly assess the character of a woman) with the wrong woman. I’d say that outweighs whatever disadvantage you may think of using whores as a young man.
I am not surprised that Blackdragon writes something like that. It is complete nonsense. Having a ton of women around is genuinely exhausting and you will not do it for long. Even guys who don’t really want to settle eventually end up preferring one or two steady girls, even if they are just fuck biddies, over sexual variety at all costs.
Much of the disadvantages of NOT having sex with prostitutes can be overcome easily by widely disseminating information regarding unfit women for long term relationship and marriage. Knowledge extracted from this site is an example.
My view on this issue is that modern societies must surpass all societies in the past in terms of curbing sexual drives. Past tragedies happened when a society encourages men to be promiscuous while severely restrict women’s options. I urge you to obtain a copy of the eminent sinologist Patricia Ebrey’s “The Inner Quarter” to learn more about fates of countless women being born in a male-centered society. We do not want, to any degree and at whatever extent, to revive such unjust societies in the present times.
It comes forth naturally that if you require your women to be chaste and loyal, you should understand your responsibility as a boyfriend or husband, and that includes absolute loyalty and fairness in treating her.
I don’t think Blackdragon is wrong on this. Even Assanova once wrote on his now defunct blog that he missed the freedom in his young times. He said he loved his wife, but still wanted to relive those great experiences he had.
It is arguably true that guys would crave for variety eventually. To a guy who is a virgin, he knows nothing of sex, whereas a guy around the block has smelt the scent of women and, like a covetous rat, would be led astray by his delicious prizes.
There are diminishing returns. Some guys bang five random chicks and move on, others go through a few dozens. Only extreme outliers rack up triple digits, which is only possible under particular circumstances anyway.
“Some guys bang five random chicks and move on, others go through a few dozens. Only extreme outliers rack up triple digits,…”
Is this a validation issue with men trying to rack up as many sluts as they can or more of trying to demystify the whole process of pick up and sex? For the extreme outliers what is their issue?
This can have many causes. Validation is a big motivator, but there is also the dark-triad motivation of exerting your sexual power and reveling in being able to get random women to have sex with you within a relatively short amount of time, i.e. a few minutes to an hour or two. To some extent, it is also a somewhat intellectual challenge as you need to be able to think on your feet and overcome obstacles. It can also be interesting to see how far you can push an interaction.
Demystifying pickup does not go very far. After you have banged two or three women, you should have a pretty good idea of how it works. This is even true if you stumbled through these interactions.
Agreed that oppression of women is terrible. But absolute equality is impossible. They want us to lead. They are begging for it. We should give them what they want. Women overall cannot lead. They are terrible at it. They are pushing us in the direction of patriarchy.
The segment of women which this blog concerns do indeed constitute terrible leaders, but there are also other congregations in which women are natural leaders. If you study history for quite some years, you will realise that these women came at crucial moments and irradiating strength and courage.
The premise that men are natural leaders is a questionable statement. Lots of men throughout history prove themselves incapable of being rulers or leaders. Men are just capable of being weak, indecisive, reckless, haughty or even moronic just like women. Follies of humans do not confine to just women.
The quality of leadership depends not principally on genders, but on the particular personality and temperament of an individual.
A good society does not discriminate humans based on genders.
Forcing men to be accountable for his loyalty is not a demand for some illusionary equality, it is the basis of justice for both genders. The feeling of being betrayed is intensely consuming in both men and women. If we know that cheating is a morally condemned act, why should we permit men to do as they please while restrict women from doing the same?
CQV, your takes are so ridiculous.
This is not going to work. Emotional response a virgin gets when falling in love completely shuts down his ability to think rationally. This response has to be removed to solve this problem, and the only way to achieve that is by having sexual experience.
Then there is a second reason: you cannot trust information you receive from other people. There are arguments pro and against everything. In the end, you still have to try it out in practice
You don’t, and never will, have any influence over society. Why are you talking as if you do? And who are “we”?
This is just your opinion. The opposite happens all the time: a guy doesn’t want to settle down with his first sexual partner because he wants to try more women, and is afraid of selling himself short.
How about you study real life instead? All the news around us are fake to some degree, and so all almost all official versions of anything. Even in business, the people who are rewarded for a project’s success are rarely the people who actually delivered it. Sure, we can learn some things about past from history, especially by reading between lines of the real documents, but rarely from textbooks. The point is, if a book says “this thing was accomplished by this guy/girl”, in reality it was very likely accomplished by someone else.
You seem to be under impression that morals are objective and unchanging. They are not. Societies behave in practical ways. Smart people understand the mechanisms behind those ways, stupid people just accept them as morals. But either way, those are just best practices. If sleeping around for men, but not for women, turns out to be beneficial for society, then that’s the behavior which will eventually become moral. Natural selection will see to that.
@QCV: I’m sure you mentioned a source at some point in the thread and I’m sorry I haven’t read it before asking but, what is “oppression of women” exactly? Geisha or Giraffe Women style cultural torture? Female genital mutilation and child brides? Or simply the milenary Western style patriarchy of women knowing their place and their fathers having the power to ensure that?
BTW, I can see your point that allowing men unrestricted promiscuity is harmful but, don’t you think Aaron’s idea might point towards preventing that, precisely? To get it out of your system early so that lust can’t enslave you later, and potentially ruin your life if you conflate lust with love as is often the case with young, inexperienced men. Besides, the price tag and the social shaming have also contributed to making it an occasional practice for most men throughout history, I would think.
@Cycle Path
I am not gonna read your pile of garbage. Shove all that to your throat.
You should show a bit more respect, considering that he responded to you with a well thought-out comment. You instead dismiss it with a rather juvenile attitude.
The book doesn’t explicitly condemn “women oppression” or anything, it is just a study from Chinese sources of the 12th century about the inner lives of women. Throughout the book, you will see that many women still played an active role in Chinese society at the time. They were small shopkeepers and managed small businesses, including Chinese herbs and medicine. The main point is that Chinese women were barred from entering the imperial examination, which enabled them to directly participate in court politics. They were also sidelined and could not choose to do what they want. Many are intelligent but are not educated.
There are also great female literary geniuses whose names are little known but were detailed in the book. Among the more well-known ones are Li Qingzhao.
Herein lies the conundrum that women have always faced, which Sleazy Gal detailed here in her post: whether to devote yourself to an occupation or a career path that satisfies your desire, or become a devoted mother who takes domestic matters behind the curtain.
I just think proper education allows you to be more well-prepared when it comes to women. Herein lies the role of blogs such as these. You don’t need to have sex with prostitutes or sluts in order to be more well-informed. I have seen guys in this age concerns themselves with women only, or that how to become attractive to women plays a huge role in their lives. It is just a waste of time and energy.
I come from a society in which males’ promiscuity is the norm, while women even till now are generally chaste or have low partner counts. The general courtship is much less in haste, and enables male and female to learn about one another at a much slower pace than in the West. In yet, in such societies, you can still hear the wailings of women whose husbands cheat on them, sometimes even in their family’s bedrooms where their children sleep. Such a horrendous act goes unpunished and women were forced to come to terms with it to preserve the family intact. That’s why I oppose both brothels and sluts.
I am still now a virgin, in the sense that I have not had penetration. I don’t plan to get married soon, nor do I want to even have a girlfriend because my passion for intellectual pursuits just suit me more. I have thought of visiting Red Street in Amsterdam but eventually decide not to because I don’t want my life to be tarnished by the act.
For a strange reason and cause, I become much more conservative after reading this blog.
And also, I don’t mean to say that guys should totally marry their first girlfriends or women. They may have lots of sex in a committed relationship, move on to the next girls after things doesn’t work out, that’s fine. They may even taste the sluts’ cunts for a couple of times, given that they are generally attractive to women. I am not jealous of guys who can take the pussies easily and see that they can do what they want to utilize their sexual power.
But men, for the majority, should refrain from having sex wildly. For the time that they spend on searching for a fertile woman to breed, they might want to focus on their passions or their careers.
Read back what he wrote and tell me what was so thoughtful about his comment? He seems to be a fanatic who would rather die in the name of Sleazy.
Proof that women want us to lead:
When’s the last time a woman approached ANY of you and tried to get your number?
This happened a few times to me, albeit rarely. Unfortunately, ugly women can be pretty persistent. With more attractive women, though, you sometimes hear her spout out something like, “we should hang out some time”, which translates to, “please take my number; I want to fuck you so bad”.
I am gonna respond to this part only because it is pertinent to what I am saying.
The answer you want to do is postpone sex. It is just that simple. It is you, man, who insists on having sex quickly. By having sex, you trigger your body to produce hormones for bonding. It is your fault. If you have enough courage to be aware of your sexual arousal and snap out of it, the woman who pursues you would do no harm. Sexual abstinence have the effect of preventing you from committing to the wrong women.
Learn from this site what you should know about unfit women.
To give you an anecdote: I attended a party with many Vietnamese-American. One girl seemed to be quite into me and liked my British accent. Later, because she was too eager to listen to me, her “boyfriend”/”lover” came to me and separated us. He introduced himself politely and drew her closer to me. She said: “We were just friends.” and a second later add “with benefits”. I didn’t know how to act, because being persistent would cause confrontation. But what troubled me was that what kind of a girl who would say so nonchalantly that her lover was not her boyfriend? She ought to be some sort of chick who did not respect her partner. Later, when I said good bye to her to come home, she rubbed my belly, but I had decided by that point to eject safely.
It is not sex that is the problem, it is your uncritical thinking that get you into trouble.
Women may not take the lead in mating dance, but can still be leaders in other respects.
They may take the lead to plan a trip with all details hotels and tourist attraction.
Women have different types and you cannot generalise them as a bag of clueless leaders.
There are girls who will be very active in letting you know they like you.
Do you have met women in real life who were great at planning trips or managing a budget? I am not saying that no such women exist but it seems they are pretty rare.
Women want the benefits of patriarchy minus the burdens. Here we are. They have what they want yet they are as unhappy as ever.
This state of affair is true in the West, especially in the US.
I share with you my intense hatred and utter disgust for modern third wave feminism. The academia nowadays could do nothing but produce “gender studies” stuffs. I am sick of it to the bone. Historians suddenly take an interest in defining genders etc. Some female scholars did indeed dig out the grave of oblivion a few noticeable female personalities, but for most, they have produced nothing of substance.
The world of academia in the West is strangled by wokism, and that is not the most forceful statement I can think of for now.
Lol Aaron, I definitely heard “we should hang out sometime.” Verbatim.
I know many of them. They usually graduate in Hospitality and Tourism. They work extensively in tourism as tour guides. They are from Vietnam, though.
I don’t know any woman in the West who can do so so I will refrain from commenting.
I want to respond to a few things.
Someone said that in ancient China women ran shops successfully. They cite this as proof that women can be effective leaders. But I don’t think it’s a good proof. It only proves that women have the intelligence to run successful commerce, which doesn’t say that much about women, because women belong to the Homo Sapiens species, it is expected that they have some amounts of intelligence.
They also mention that a lot of men make terrible leaders, which I agree with. But this does not prove that women are now the better leaders. I think what Aron is saying is that when you take a successful leader, 95% of the times, this person will be a man. Men have a greater tendency to excel in leadership roles.
Someone mentioned that women very rarely approach a guy and ask for his number. This is true but I don’t think it proves that women lack leadership skills. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I still believe that women don’t make good leaders, but this aforementioned lack of initiative in dating matters merely means that women are passive daters.
Also, on sleeping around. I don’t think it damages a woman’s pair-bonding ability (although I am not up-to-date on the science), but I just want to point out that sleeping around for a woman is looked down upon, because it does not help with maximizing her reproductive fitness. When a guy sleeps around, he can potentially father a lot of children, this boosts his fitness. But for a woman, it doesn’t do anything, besides giving her a lot of orgasms. In the past, it could actually harm her fitness because a slutty women was less likely to find a good provider/husband, and this harmed her fitness. Nowadays, such a reputational risk doesn’t exist as much, women are “empowered”, and men simply have no choice but to marry a woman with a slutty past, because pretty much all women are like that nowadays. But the reality still remains that sleeping around does not benefit a woman in any meaningful way. She just doesn’t get punished as much as compared to times in the past.
On universities, I agree with Aron that they make admission too easy, they admit too many students, there are too many universities, they also churn out graduates that don’t really have a lot of marketable skills. I believe that education should be accessible to all, but this applies more to primary education. You know, teach the masses the skills they need in order to navigate the problems they will encounter in their lives, but restrict admission to higher learning so that only the best and brightest can get in. Otherwise, degrees’ value will be watered down so much as to make having a degree meaningless.
On Jews and their contributions to the West: I won’t sit here and try to convince anybody that Jews do or do not contribute, however, I just have a question for those who insist that they do: why can’t Jews be awesome in their own country? Why do they have to come to the West and invent stuff and be awesome and then try hard to make sure white people know this?
Another thing, you will need to ask yourself whether you have come to the conclusion “Jews contribute to Western civilization” all on your own. In other words, is it from the research that you have done yourself, or is it something that you’ve been told? I have encountered many normies who don’t and can’t think on their own, who happily parrot this line, which is subtly put in their mind by the Jewish elites in all kinds of media, be it print, or newspaper, or movies, or TV shows. You need to realize that Jews have something to gain from this. They persuade you that the West benefits tremendously from having Jews around, this is so that white people will be less inclined to want to kick them out of the West. In fact, I would say that the need of the Jews to say this is proof that deep down, they know that their existence in the West is precarious. This is why they try so hard to convince you of their value. It’s kind of like, a black activist says to a black woman, “you have beautiful skin color”. This needs to be said, because it’s not true. No one ever says to a white woman her pale skin is beautiful, because it doesn’t need to be said, Everybody can see it’s true. In the same vein, “Jews contribute to Western civilization” needs to be said because otherwise, nobody will think it.
@Gerd Schmetjen
You said:
“Europe has only itself to blame if it lets itself be screwed by other powers. Europe is a continent with sovereign nations and can protect its borders and limit unwanted migration. If Europe is so stupid as to let Israel impose Palestinian refugees on it, it is due to the stupidity of Europeans. We cannot blame Israel for this.”
You are blaming the victim for being victimized, while totally ignoring the perpetrator’s reprehensible action. Yes, white people are indeed stupid to let Jews screw them over like that, but the key takeaway shouldn’t be, “White people are dumb”, but rather, “Jews claim to be the West’s best ally but they in fact try hard to screw it over”. For you to make it about white people and their stupidity, it tells me that you are unwilling to acknowledge Jews’ treacherous behavior.
You also said:
“Gaza strip’s population is growing. High fertility rate and 50% of people under the age of 18.
Is that genocide for you?”
You are trying hard to exonerate Jews. You are saying that if a people hasn’t been wiped out completely, that it means genocide hasn’t been attempted on them. This is completely false. Yes, the Palestinians’ population is growing, but that only means that Jews aren’t successful at killing them off. It does not mean that Jews aren’t trying. It’s like, it doesn’t matter what we say or what proof we present to you, you simply won’t accept that Jews can do wrong. I hope you realize that you are a huge Jew-apologist. You are hugely biased in favor of Jews.
It really is about our own stupidity, though. We make up well over 90% of the population of Europe, and before the immigrant waves of the past few decades we weren’t too far from 100%. Nothing political happened without our approval.
As for whether there is a genocide against Arabs in the Middle East: who cares? Let them kill each other down to the last man if they like.