Open Thread

Open Thread #74

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109 thoughts on “Open Thread #74

  1. Look forward to a few posts this weekend. I’ll finally have a few hours for writing, after an incredibly busy period.

    1. Lmao, good one. But yea, pretty much. I’m not positive, but I believe the trans character is the one that manhandles Joel to death. If so, very sad.

      The game is getting great reviews so far. We know better than that, though. These are either payed for, virtue reviews, or perhaps some diehard morons thrown in the mix. There is plenty of negative coverage popping independently, however.

    2. Aaron, I had to look it up. It’s so disgraceful how they take Joel out. People are obviously not happy. Look at the like to dislike ratio.

      Okay, I’m done posting about the game. I think this is ultimately a good thing, btw. We need more public outrage by this kind of thing.

    3. Incidentally, I looked into this as well. As others online have pointed out, this setup doesn’t make any sense as Joel and his buddy would not just let their guard down like that when meeting strangers, which I agree with, or not even have used their real names, so Abby would not have known whom she (?) is dealing with. The story seems to have quite a few weaknesses. Of course, the woke writers were able to shoehorn in SJW themes. You’ve got to have priorities, after all.

    4. The sub-reddit for that game is quite something:
      The people hate the game. What I find noteworthy is that the first game also shoved SJW garbage down your throat, it just didn’t go into overdrive. This seems to have gone completely unnoticed. I wrote about it on this blog in passing but there was not a word in the mainstream about the SJW agenda of this game. Joel is simply the bitch boy for a bunch of strong, empowered women, at least one of them black, on top. Even on gamer forums people weren’t clued in yet and just swallowed it. A few years later, we’ve hit critical mass and now the public is calling out companies for their b.s.

    5. Shocking twist: The Last of Us, Part II, features male-to-female trannies with the muscle mass of a professional bodybuilder. Also, the title is pretentious. It’s also misleading. The first game told a complete story, not the first part of a bigger one. Of course, the title is the least of the problems the sequel has.

    6. That’s right. It isn’t feasible that Joel would be so careless as to reveal his identity under uncertain situations, as someone in the subreddit pointed out 14 year old Ellie was more wise than this in the first installment. Also, in the clip I linked to, you can see a relatively small female knocking out Joel’s grown man partner with one or two blows of a hand gun (can men do anything in this game besides rear-end trannies?). What’s more implausible is that you have a tranny leading a pack of men in a post-apocalyptic setting. And this years into it by this point. Pretty fitting that this game takes place in Seattle, though.

      I enjoyed this reddit post:

      “The writing was on the wall.”

    7. I thought this comment was a joke. Finally clicked the link. Welp. Now I know why this game is so popular on Resetera. Don’t care, either way, but this definitely explains why this game is so controversial.

  2. I matched with a young black chick on Tinder yesterday. She has the BLM icon fist as one of her profile pictures. For the lolz I chated her up with a black emoji fist. She replyed tonight with a brief “hello”.

    I am too scared to move this interaction further, although I am intressted what sex with a black supremacist might be like, lol! (She looks quite hot, too.)

    1. Some blacks are very erratic in their behavior, which is something you may now want to expose yourself to. Furthermore, blacks have are more likely to be HIV positive. To top it all off, you’re dealing with a political activist. I’d say you’re asking for trouble. If you really can’t resist, then pump and dump her and cover her tracks, i.e. she should not be able to track you down, neither online nor in real life.

      I have had very few encounters with black women in my life, but most were quite negative. I’ll mention two: I once confronted a female black student with irrefutable proof that she has cheated on an exam. She blew up in my face, screeching, shouting, and screaming as if she was possessed by a demon. She also made some rather confused threat. Nothing happened to her in the end because it presumably would have been racist to flunk her and for cultural reasons her behavior needed to be excused as well; on top, the professor teaching that course was your typical doughy soy-faced limp-wristed left-leaning cuck. The other black woman I cherish my memories of falsely accused me of having “raped” her in a club. She hit on me. I was quite turned off by her as I found her rather repulsive to look at so I walked away and just so happened to meet another girl, a white blonde. Minutes later, I was escorted outside by two bouncers and told that I could either leave and “we’ll forget about this” or they would get the police involved to get to the bottom of it but warned me that what the girl accused me off, i.e. forcibly inserting my fingers into her vagina, was rape. My enthusiasm for club game waned afterwards. Well, you learn your lessons. Overall, I must have interacted with hundreds of times many more white women than black ones. Yet, those few black ones were an enormous pain in the neck compared to the average white woman.

    2. Thank you very much for the feedback and the warning, Aaron! I was 90% sure ghosting her would be my best option, now I am certain that is the way to go.

      “Overall, I must have interacted with hundreds of times many more white women than black ones. Yet, those few black ones were an enormous pain in the neck compared to the average white woman.” Yeah, I believe you at once. Crazy folks! (Must be the melanin, lol!)

      “The other black woman I cherish my memories of falsely accused me of having “raped” her in a club.” I rember you mentioning this before. What a fucking bitch!

      Fun fact: I actually turned down a black hooker offering me a semi-FWB-ish deal. I think I might write this anecdote down somewhen this weekend, just wanted to quickly respond to you before hitting the sack.

    3. Wait this black women allowed you to attempt to finger her but then accused you of rape afterwards?

    4. No, that’s not what happened. She walked up to me, turned around, and started grinding her ass against my crotch. I immediately rejected her, which probably embarrassed her in front of her friends.

  3. Over the years a lot of dating coaches have gotten exposed as frauds.

    But what about the man who started it all, Erik von Markovik, better known as Mystery.
    He has been quite these last years but apparently he is still providing coaching, costs about 3k last I heard.

    Unlike the coaches that got exposed for frauds who never get laid, Mystery was apparently successful with women.

    I saw this video about him a few days ago

    Now, obviously he had things going for him, he was tall, attractive face. Apparently some stage experience from Canada where he worked as a magician.

    Was he a con artist or just a man who believed his own bullshit.

    Do any of you have personal experience with the man. Was he the greatest of all time, a man actually capable of creating attraction out of thin air.

    1. How important is intent when it comes to con artistry? A scammer is a scammer whether he believes his own bullshit or not, no?

    2. Mystery didn’t get laid because of his PUA nonsense but because of his looks. Isn’t he 6’5″? He probably believes his bullshit. That doesn’t mean that he isn’t a snake-oil salesman.

    3. well, the myth surrounding him is that he could work the room in a way that he would be the center of attention. Almost like a celebrity. Did his method allow him to do that even if he necessarily didn’t create any attraction per se.

      Has anyone seen him live?? What was he actually like in real life.

    4. I haven’t seen him in real life, but I’d say he’s a pretty good looking dude, and very tall, too. He was banging chicks despite game, not because of it.

    5. I’ve always thought that he was legit in the sense that he found what worked for him, and more importantly, he laid out the logistics for guys who don’t naturally understand how to get a woman from the nightclub to the bedroom. You can’t really deny that his whole image and whatnot worked wonders for his social circle and gaining access to lower-rung celebrities.

    6. It was a genius idea to market seduction as some kind of OCD videogame. A lot of men ate it up, even though Mystery Method is ludicrously complicated. I’m not sure about the cause and consequences of him hanging out with low-tier celebs. After all Mystery was a minor celebrity himself for a while so that may well have come first.

  4. A white teenage girl NPCing it up by parroting lib shit talking points and lecturing her poor waicist parents with a barrage of SJW brain farts. She “was watching political stuff”, so even if you work in the ghetto (as her poor father does) just shut up, listen and nod your heads, y’all!


    1. Forgot to mention: the video starts quite squeaky so better turn down the volume first.

    2. Might be a good exercise in “negative visualization” for MGTOWs, lol! I would assume, this dip shit just ratted out her parents and thereby fucked up her own life in the process. Fucking Orwellian!

      Let’s hope they all get their acts together after all (especially that she gets hers together), so she will not end up in some rough neighborhood being surrounded by violent retards the system refuses to lock away:

      (Funny coincidence: their surnames are almost identical.)

    3. Wait, so that guy can go around beating up women and breaking into people’s home but because his IQ is 49, he’s not accountable for it? That’s complete nonsense. Then again, the rioters in the U.S. also had their charges dropped en masse.

    4. I mean, declaring this guy not accountable for his actions and thus unfit for prison is one thing (although highly debatable, I would say). The other thing is in consequence just letting this fucker roam totally free. FFS, can’t they just lock him away in some other kind of facility, e.g. an asylum? He clearly poses a serious danger to his fellow men. Now this poor woman is basically faced with the choice to move (i.e. to engage in white flight) or to live in constant fear of this animal.

      I have to admit this story was somewhat eyeopening to me as I still considered the US just a little above this level of cuckfoolery. This is Eurofag level nonsense straight outta $haremoney or Swedistan.

    1. Damn and meanwhile twitter sees fit to block content posted by @zerohedge… But murder, is a-ok.

      Do people still want to “de-fund the police, bro”???

      Maybe time to look into a relocation to singapore.

    2. Looks like a hit to me. I dont think it was random, murders rarely are. Victim was black, and I suspect the shooter too (at least its statistically very likely).

      Victims name was Kenneth Singleton. Lets check back in a few weeks, if any further info comes out on the case, I predict that he probably had some kind of connection to the perpetrator.

    3. To me this looks like a completely casual murder. I’d imagine a (semi-)professional hitman to act in a somewhat more composed manner.

    4. Your image of hitmen seems to come from Hollywood movies. In ghettoes and slums, hitmen are more or less common thugs, perhaps with a little more of brains and balls. We got plenty of those in Latin America. Not many in my country, comparatively speaking, but Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia and Mexico… very different story. Most murders in the world happen in Latin America, and most of those take place in these four countries.

      Random murders are statistically very unlikely. Most people kill for a reason (doesnt mean a good reason), and have some sort of connection to the perp, or to the person who hired the perp. Also notice he did not steal anything from him. Also, looks like he does a double tap, but the new stories I looked up dont mention how many times he was shot.

    5. I imagined how I’d do it if that were my job. First, I would not act in close proximity because you expose yourself to danger. Second, I’d use a setup that would maximize success. Even though this guy was shot at close proximity, this wasn’t a guaranteed success as the victim could just have turned his head while he was working on his car. If killing people were my job, I’d probably use a partner to distract my victims and then shoot them in the back. As we’re talking about the third world, I’d probably get a hooker to lure my victims into an alley and as they’re giddy, expecting to get laid, I’d show up and shot them in the back like a coward, er, a professional who is eager to have a long and fruitful career in his chosen field. (Those are all just speculations, so I may be wildly off the mark with regards to industry best practices.) Also, after the deed, an experienced killer probably wouldn’t be giddy like that guy in the video either.

    6. Keep in mind, those guys are low iq. assassinations are very often casually or done by kids. The Intention is not just to kill somebody but also to show off how casually they do it.

  5. Heilig’s Blechle! Germany has joined da cool kids club, yo!

    The “party and event scene” went vibrant as fuck!

    Funny how the newspaper DIE WELT felt it had to emphasize that the subject of the police control that started all this was “17 y/o German citizen of white complexion”. (Can’t find the article now, unfortunately.)

    1. I read a book by a guy from the old loveshy forums that was very well written.
      One of the saddest books I have ever read.

      It was basically him documenting every encounter with a women in his life. And all the ways he had tried to fix his incelness.

    2. I’d be curious to have a look. Would you mind tracking down this book? There is probably still a PDF floating around somewhere.

    3. Probably every book worth reading written by an intelligent male outcast. I quite like reading Schopenhauer who also happened to have been part of the FA crowd.

    4. Regarding the ricecel guy:

      Prime example of a guy with the potential to do better. He seems to have good facial structure and a decent IQ. If he lost all his extra weight, put on 15 lbs of muscle, got his money up, went to an asian country, and got involved in some cool social hobbies there, he would do alright. He mistakenly applied statistics predicated on certain assumptions that would not have held had he changed his environment to one in which the average height and majority race are much different.

      He wouldn’t get the highest quality girls even then, but I don’t think he had high expectations anyway.

    5. The title effectively sets the scene! This book is called “VIRGIN TERRITORY: 50 Years Without Sex”. I’ll have a look at it sometime soon.

    6. @Whatthe

      Given his focus on interracial relationships, as well as his interest in Western cuisine and culture to the point of documentation, it’s safe to say that what he sought was a relationship with a non-ugly white woman. I too have seen his photograph; he is average at best for an Asian male. I concur with his conclusion of his likelihood of success.


      Thanks for finding it. I look forward to reading it when I have the time.

  6. If you’re a guy our society is a double edged sword, you can hook up with loads of women but don’t expect all of them to stick around long term. Then again I’d prefer it this way vs previous generations when you’re stuck with the same women for life. I’m 35 so seeing some girls age makes me happy that most of us aren’t getting married.

  7. Anyone think Trump gets re-elected?

    I watched a bit of his “rally” on the weekend and he sounded like a complete moron. He’s classless, immature, an extreme narcissist and loves conflict. Sure, maybe the economy in the US was rocking before this pandemic but I think it had little to do with him and he was just in the “right place at the right time.”

    I think if he’s in the reins for much longer, we will experience World War 3!

    1. I don’t think trump will win if they can pump up Biden with some adrenaline before his debates and mask his extreme senility.

      I don’t think WW3 hinges on trump or Biden winning though.

    2. I get the impression they will make Biden’s VP mate a womyn, particularly a woman of color. Then Biden gets elected and impeached for being mentally incapicatated. Boom, America finally gets its first female president.

      By then, America has already lost to China and will be a collapsed empire. Blame will go to Trump and not the female president though.

    3. This is not just your impression. This is indeed the plan, and has always been. Here’s an AP article from May (“Biden pressed to choose a black woman as his running mate”):
      Today, we read “Biden campaign vetting Congressional Black Caucus chair Karen Bass as potential running mate”:

      Andrew Anglin makes the point that we need to push the left to get ever-more bizarre, like instigating them to campaign for putting Lil Wayne on the 20 dollar bill. In the end, the government went for some completely unknown black woman, replacing Andrew Jackson (!):

      You’ll get a black, female president who will be wholly unfit for office, and the mainstream media will bombard you 24/7, telling you that you have to like her because otherwise you’re a bigot and Antifa can burn down your house or kill you with impunity.

    4. It’s really hard to tell. I would not be surprised if Trump calls martial law and postpones the election. We’ve cratered our economy because of the flu, so the former doesn’t quite sound so outlandish. I can see the war rhetoric ramping up. I also believe that the U.S. is deluded enough to think they can take on China, while they haven’t been able to subdue those goat herders over in Afghanistan in two decades.

    5. Maybe not World War 3 but he sure loves wars and feuds.

      I should also add that I may be a bit “salty” over his decision to cancel all H1/L1 visas for the rest of the year. I really have a hard time understanding his reasoning to fill skilled roles with unskilled Americans. I see there’s some uproar by the Silicon Valley tech companies as they rely heavily on immigrants to drive their businesses. This won’t “make America great again.” It will overall hurt the US economy, though.

      I also wasn’t a fan of him before this covid thingy and he keeps proving more and more each day how clueless and poor of a leader he is. He literally acts like a 7 year old throwing a temper tantrum.

    6. Complete moron, classless, imature, narcissist…. He already was all that when he got elected the first time. He is politically astute, I give you that.

      Also notice that unlike Bush and Obama, he has not started any new wars, nor made the existing wars worse by any measure.

      Hard to say at this point how it will go down, I think he still has a decent chance at reelection. Biden & Co. aren’t exactly the strongest candidates either.

    7. I think the US lack charismatic and well-learned leader like Abraham Lincoln. When would we be able to have such a leader again

  8. For the nerdy type that love mental masturbation and speculation I advice to watch this interview to Joscha Bach about artificial intelligence and reality

    1. I looked up this guy. He sounds like a total bullshitter. Also, I tend to get amused when those bloviating Germans with their poor English-language skills make unintentionally humorous statements. Joscha Bach writes, “Marvin Minsky has passed away from us last night. Nobody else in the 20th century has influenced our work and our way of looking at what makes us human like Marvin did. I bet he meant to say, “has had a bigger impact” or “influenced us more”. Instead, he wrote that Minsky influenced us in his own special way, but because we’re all unique human beings, we all influence anything else the way we did, even if we had no influence at all in the end. Obviously, only X can influence you like X did, but it says nothing about the quality of that influence.

  9. Akif Pirincci, the enfant terrible of the german right, who got booed off the stage during a PEGIDA ralley several yeras ago – not by Antifa, but by the PEGIDAs themselves (as he was to radical and vulgar for their liking), has provided me with the following food for thought:

    “There is no doubt that the extent of the echoes of the violent death of a black man, and a black man at that, who was the diametrical opposite of a good, innocent citizen and who, according to criminalistic probability, would have died violently at some point anyway, would not even have been a tenth of the present one, if Corona had not brought the white affluent societies completely out of step within months and made them at least a fifth poorer.

    The unproductive people in these wealth-generating societies, to which no small part of the white people who wanted to be paid fat for their political or humanistic babble alone belonged, were simply dragged along in monetary terms, like an annoying but harmless chronic disease. The Floyd case, however, is a landmark for a turnaround and a catalyst for the mass psychological fear that there may soon be nothing left to distribute.

    On the pretext of racism, therefore, a hypermoral preventive measure is being staged, so that the unproductive and those mostly white people who have built a humanist economy around them for self-enrichment may continue to be fed as if in blissful days, if they do not want to be considered racists or worse. All of this is beautifully staged by the left-wing media, whose employees now fluctuate between the two industries anyway, as a kind of modern Spartacus uprising.”

    (Translated with the free version of DeepL)

    I have yet to read his whole post “On the Moor”:

  10. Hey long time reader first time poster. I am a 30 year old male soon to be 31 and have never been in a relationship with a woman before; I have been seeing prostitutes since I was 26 roughly once a month. I have tried online dating and have gone out with some women from online dating who I found very attractive, but generally after they meet me they don’t seem to want to go out again. I had social phobia for a lot of my early twenties and teenage years and although I have gotten a lot better in other areas of my life since then I am still find dating very difficult
    I don’t think I’m that bad on paper I am 183cm (exactly 6ft), work as an actuary earning over 6 figures and considering those women from online dating went out with me I mustn’t be that unattractive. As covid clears up where I live and people begin interacting again its becoming clear to me I can probably start dating again and this fills me with anxiety.
    I wanted to ask whether it is worth it? I enjoy seeing prostitutes (Its legal in my country), I am much more relaxed around them and in between that and using porn to satisfy my needs don’t really see what more a woman could contribute to my life. I find the main reasons I am interested in dating are a mixture of curiosity, everyone makes such a big deal of being in love and having something to talk about with my friends when the topic comes up.

    1. I bet your problem is simply that you don’t escalate. If those women weren’t interested in you, they woulndn’t meet up with you. There’s of course the possiblity that they viewed you as a meal ticket, but women who do that tend to come back for more (more free food, that is). If you don’t want to have children, I’d say the benefits of a relationship are somewhat limited.

  11. @diogenes – thanks for tracking that down. I never heard of the love-shy forum although thx to irrational wiki, they deem it as some incel forum.

    Thanks to you all @AaronSleazy readers for commenting and providing all these links, anecdotes, perspectives.

    1. Yes, I read that about him too. It’s quite sad, given his intellect and talent. However, I admire his courage and conviction. I cannot in good faith argue against his suicide.

  12. I was addressed as “Sie”, i.e. the formal form of you (Du) in German, by a cute chick in the gym today. (Maybe somewhat equivalent to being adressed as “sir” in English.) She might be 10+ years younger than me, i.e. somewhere bewteen 18 and 22 I would guess – and had an amazing ass. (I am pretty bad as guessing peoples age, especially women’s.)

    Generally speaking, can I now consider myself “disqualified” or is there still some possibility I could end up banging her? Maybe a more theoretical question as I am quite inhibited to hit on chicks in these rather cold or semi-warm scenarios and furthermore just wanna finish my work out and get on with my schedule. Would still be interesting to know.

    (For context: We both approached the same machine at the same time and she asked me: “Would you also like to use this device now, sir?” (“Möchten Sie jetzt auch hier ran?”))

    1. Tough to say given the language differences. I wouldn’t feel disqualified if a young hottie called me “sir.”. I honestly don’t think girls hold it against you about how many years older you are, unless it comes to LTRs.

      Plus I think that as long as she thinks you’re hot, she thinks you’re hot. Men don’t age like women. If all you want out of it is sex, I think you’re good.

      There are some societal bullshit social norms that get in the way. But in general, if a girl wants to fuck you, she wants to fuck you.

    2. Based on that alone, i would not say you are disqualified.

      I have banged chicks who were +10 years younger than me who adressed me as “Sie” (in spanish, of course) even while i was fucking them. There are plenty of teenage chicks who like sleeping with guys much older (in our 30s and 40s). One even used to ask me to treat her as a minor (she was legal… barely) and tell her how i like to fuck little girls like her (I swear it doesnt sound like paedophile when you say it in spanish 😅)

    3. I met a few such girls myself. Once I was on a date with some 18 or 19 year old when I was a solid 15 years older than her. I thought it was going really well until she stone-faced me and said, “You’re so old. You’re way too old for me. I think I should call you uncle.” I chuckled. Then she cuddled up to me and asked, “Or do you want me to call you daddy?” She was really into that and later even told me that she likes fucking older guys but that it was “kind of an exception” with me because she thought I was only in my mid-20s when she met me. (As I later learned, she apparently always had an excuse to fuck yet another dude as that was her way of getting back at her parents who didn’t like her having fun when she was in her mid-teens or some crap like that.)

    4. To me, it sounds as if she was aggressively flirting with you, considering that her question is a double entendre and can also be translated as “Do you want to have sex with me?”

    5. “tell her how i like to fuck little girls like her (I swear it doesnt sound like paedophile when you say it in spanish 😅)”

      You mind sharing the exact wording in Spanish?

    6. “To me, it sounds as if she was aggressively flirting with you, considering that her question is a double entendre and can also be translated as “Do you want to have sex with me?””

      You might be right, but with us not knowing all other fifty gazillion components of the conversation, that one over time becomes a maser at reading in real-time (non-verbal clues), the sentence alone might mean “I’d like to proceed with my workout”, or “please fuck me in the bathroom, like NOW”.

      I mean, imagine the clues were indicating the latter. What would’ve been a good response?
      “Ehm, ja” – Pause, leicht versautes Grinsen, in die Augen schauen – “ich möchte jetzt hier ran”. Then take it from there. If there’s too much of discomfort, either abort, or stretch out your hand out and say “Hi I’m XYZ”. Handshake, test the waters, bla bla bla and so on and so forth. Literally a billion of options from here.

      Sorry for the non-German speaking readers. Her opening sentence lends itself to a shit ton of options, which in many cases derive from a play of words and she might more might not have consciously handed these options to us. Not that it matters, I’d pretend that she did consciously hand them over to us and see how she deals with the pressure of being accused of suggesting a fuck.

      That’s the cool thing about flirting. It’s a freakin’ IQ test on steroids. You have to take a decision based on a multidimensional set of options under time pressure and you often get no warning as to when the IQ tests even starts. It’s a big game, isn’t it?

    7. Thank you very much for all your answers, guys! Glad to hear this!

      @GoodLookingAndSleazy: “If all you want out of it is sex, I think you’re good.” Yeah, I am done with anything serious/long-term when it comes to women. To go on a little tangent: I recently met up with a friend I had not seen for almost a year. The last time I saw him I was ca. 1 our 2 months into my first relationship that fell apart several months ago. One of the first things he said to me during our recent meetup was something like: “Wow! Am I stupid or has your hair gotten much grayer?” And indeed, this relationship was by far the most stressful endeavor I had ever partaken in. (I would however say, my ex is no bitch per se, just a highly damaged, highly neurotic nut case. I honestly wish her well.) Lol! So no more long-term relationships for me.

      To go on yet another tangent (kind of): yesterday I read your comment on OT #54 and the discussion that unfolded. I benefited immensely form it. So thanks to you and everyone involved!

      Just rest assured that you are really not alone with this problem and not all is lost 😉

      @Yarara: “There are plenty of teenage chicks who like sleeping with guys much older (in our 30s and 40s).” If I am lucky I end up like my old man, who could have slain legions of women in their twenties and thirties during his 50-ties and 60-ties. I remember how when I was out and about with him every waitress etc. completely ignored me and flirted with him although I am at least one head taller them him. He also is a blunt motherfucker (no pun intended) with the looks of a Neapolitan mafia Don (face like a killer) and not afraid to make salacious comments all the time. I remember vaguely how he complimented my Kindergarden teacher on her huge breasts as if there was nothing to it, lol. He has a very good fashion sense, too.

      “One even used to ask me to treat her as a minor (she was legal… barely) and tell her how i like to fuck little girls like her (I swear it doesnt sound like paedophile when you say it in spanish”
      Lol! Sounds like fun. Don’t worry, I believe you 😉

    8. @Aaron and Neutralrandomthoughts:

      I fear that were not her exact words after all. (Still I would not even noticed the double entendre had you not pointed it out to me.) If I recall correctly I already had my water bottle “parked” at this station and left to get a disinfection spray nearby (fuck rona, but I am a hypochondriac). In the meantime she brought along some dumbbell to this station then noticed me as I came back, and then she looked at my bottle. I think her words were more something like: “Oh, you already started working out here, sir?“ However, she wore a big smile during our brief interaction. She was very friendly and I even think she leant in a little towards me. Maybe she had been watching me from the corners of her eyes and even “staged” the whole thing as we had been making eye contact with 5 to 10 mins prior at a differnt corner of the gym? After she left to continue her work out at another station she got changed and did not even return to “my” station after I finished so she maybe did not even really plan to work out there in the first place. I should just have offered her to take turns and then chat her up, but at the time this thought did not occur to me. Now that I think about it a disintressted woman would have given me completly different vibes than her. Fuck, I am dense at times, lol! I should learn to pause before answering questions. In any case I could and I should have tested the waters. It was at least worth a try and I had nothing to lose. (I just wrote you an email regarding a coaching session basically on how not to fuck up potential lays like that, Aaron. This shit is getting at me.)

      “That’s the cool thing about flirting. It’s a freakin’ IQ test on steroids. You have to take a decision based on a multidimensional set of options under time pressure and you often get no warning as to when the IQ tests even starts. It’s a big game, isn’t it?”

      Damn right. I just would not refer this as a cool thing for I am just piss poor regarding anything on the fly. I can be quite dense when taken “off-guard”. Too lost in thought, head in the clouds. I am also a bit inhibited in public and feel like I am in the spot light (nonsense, I know). (Luckily at the gym I am a quite bit more relaxed than in a club or shop etc. as sport really helps to cool me down emotionally.) My failed random cold approaching attempts from my old PUA days do not help, too. Luckily, I never overdid it even back then, but still.

    9. “I can be quite dense when taken “off-guard”. ”

      I know that feeling. What helped me, was simply to slow down the conversation. Literally talk slower. Think of “Entschleunigen” in German. You take out the speed. As long as you maintain friendly eye-contact it won’t be an issue.
      You will pick up speed over time, like with anything in life. Those fast onion-cutting chefs started slow, too.

      If the little guy in your head is too much of an issue, you can look into trying out Phenibut just a few times, so that you understand what it feels like for him to shut up. I personally was able to recreate the peace in my head even without Phenibut after a while. I think the reason is that I realized that the little guy in my head is not necessarily right, so I can let him talk and ignore him in future interactions with women. Over time, he just shut up all by himself after being consistently ignored by me.

      That, and then obviously meditation helps. Aaron has a great book on the topic, so yeah, what can I say… get the book if you haven’t already 🙂

    10. @Neutralrandomthoughts: “What helped me, was simply to slow down the conversation. Literally talk slower.” Thanks, man! That seems like a simple, yet brilliant solution! I generally have the problem of talking too fast and therefore unintelligible, especially when I am anxious or excited. My father often states it reminds him of that weird staccato (I hope that is the right term) of Herbert “Keinen Millimeter nach rächtz” Gröleschreier, lol!

      “If the little guy in your head is too much of an issue, you can look into trying out Phenibut just a few times, so that you understand what it feels like for him to shut up.”

      I tried this a few times – actually because I read your reports on it here and at Illuminatus’ old forum. But I went about it the most retarded way two summers ago: just consuming it and then heading off alone to the river side of my city where the party people meet at the warm summer nights. I knew nobody there and was still too much inhibited to chat up any strangers, so I just wandered around a bit and headed home soon after. Lol, how pointless! I also had some paradoxical effects once or twice, where I felt more tense at social gathering under its influence. (Probably due to misdosage, I assume.)

      But at least on one occation it worked as intended: at the date I and my Ex became a couple it helped me physically escalating. (However, I should have not rushed things so with her or probably better yet just should have let the whole thing fizzle out before it even really started, but that’s a different story. Some inhibitions exist for good reasons, lol!) Right now I am on medication so Pheni is off the table.

      My “relationship” with the little guy in my head has gotten a lot better, but overall he still has a too hard grip on me. Have to keep working on this.

      “That, and then obviously meditation helps. Aaron has a great book on the topic, so yeah, what can I say… get the book if you haven’t already 🙂”

      Yeah, I have been meditating on-off for something like 12 years now. Quite the challenge with my ADD, but I get something out of it. I really enjoyed “Meditation without Bullshit” as well as your Amazon review on it, which was decisive for me to pursue it:

  13. I would be very interested in and grateful for your opinion, guys: I have done a little research on what kind of precious metals to pursue and how to go about this. I was told (by a guy I consider somewhat competent): “In case of gold go for larger bars as the spread should be lower, in case of silver go for Maple Leaf coins as they are produced with a nice coating since 2020 and thus less likely to oxidate.”

    Do you know any good and reputable products and addresses you could recommend?
    (Of course there are tons of resources to be found online, but a noob like me is not competent enough to sort the wheat from the chaff.)

    1. I wouldn’t overdo it. Sure, having a few silver coins and maybe even a few 1/4 ounce gold coins can easily be justified, but if you want to store a significant amount of wealth, I’d say it’s absolutely the wrong idea. What would you trade your gold bars for? Better get a bunch of goods you can use as barter, like packs of cigarettes, coffee, sugar, or canned food.

      The Canadian Maple Leaf for silver is a good choice. For gold, the South African Krugerrand is quite popular.

    2. I see. I think I will buy Minimal Game from you. Do you receive any extra money if I bought a used copy?

    3. How would I receive money for a used copy? That doesn’t make any sense, so it is baffling why you would think so and the only plausible explanation is that you want to troll me. Indeeed, such statements are the reason your comments are on the moderation queue.

    4. Forget silver.

      The Short version is: It is “easy money” as it can be produced very easily in the face of growing demand. To put it differently, Silver has very low Stock-to-Flow ratio. In yet other words, Silver commands a very low monetary premium.
      Gold has a higher Stock to flow ratio and no matter what we’ve tried in the past, over the last 100 years humans haven’t been able to increase the stock of gold by more than 1-2% per year. Gold also commands a much higher monetary premium than silver.

      Long version: Read Saifedean Ammous’ book “The Bitcoin Standard”.

      Given the Stock to flow ratio of Bitcoin doubles every four years and is at 50 as of May this year, and given Gold’s Stock-to-Flow is at around 55-60, it is worth asking if one should not drop precious metals at all. BTC will have a Stock to Flow ratio of 100 in 2024 and will be the hardest money that ever existed.

      Also, do you like owning something as a store of value, where you cannot say how much the supply is? Like, how much gold will ever be mined? Nobody knows. We do know that there will only ever be 21mio BTC.
      Oh, and before the “but what if electricity goes down” argument starts: If that really happens, don’ t think for a second, that your PM Coins will be of much value either. If electricity going down is your concern, then get a gun and some ammo, some canned food and water first, because once the earth goes really dark at night, things will get very very ugly.

    5. Thanks, guys!

      Yeah, bitcoins did not even occur to me, but I will look into them. Maybe a dumb question to ask without context, but how much of ones savings should one invest in BC or PMC (if ones savings amount to only a few thousand Euros to begin with)?

      “Oh, and before the “but what if electricity goes down” argument starts: If that really happens, don’ t think for a second, that your PM Coins will be of much value either. If electricity going down is your concern, then get a gun and some ammo, some canned food and water first, because once the earth goes really dark at night, things will get very very ugly.”

      I am under no illusions regarding this. I would only like to be somewhat less fucked in case of a “mere” financial/economic crash. A complete collapse of the power grid and the infrastructure etc., i.e. a total worldwide civilisational collapse, is a completely different story. If I had a gun in this scenario I would probably rather soon use it on myself rather then on (potential) looters (maybe take a few with me before I go) – at least after some weeks or even months have past. Not much sense to stick around for too long in this kind of environment and risk to die a much more gruesome death than necassary IMHO (especially if there are no signs of a fast recovery), but this decision everyone has to make for himself of course.

    6. I don’t know why you got upset over that. I mean that if you don’t receive any copy, then I will buy a new one, just like I bought your meditation book.

      And stop getting into the habit of calling others trolls when they criticize your worldview. It is annoying sometimes.

    7. I didn’t get upset. I’d be curious to learn why you think any creator would get paid if you bought a used product.

    8. How the heck do I know. I just use amazon as a buying platform and thought that if I pay by cards then some percentage will go to the author, some to the seller, and some to amazon.

    9. This is how it works when you buy a book listed by Amazon. Amazon takes its share, and so does the publisher which will, later on, pay a (small) share to the author. However, in the case of a listing by a third-party seller, the author is cut out. Amazon still takes its cut, though.

    10. That is rather fucked up don’t you think? The author should receive enough reimbursement, yet the middle-man and Amazon get the lionshare.

    11. That’s capitalism. On the plus side, I get my share on the first sale. Without the platform Amazon provides, that selling anything would be a lot more difficult. Then again, I do not know how many of the sales I make are due to random shoppers on Amazon. I suspect that it’s only a minority.

      By the way, I’ve restored your previous posting privileges, by the way, as I think that your behavior has improved.

    12. Well, I think I am still the same. What changes is that we understand each other more.

    13. “Maybe a dumb question to ask without context, but how much of ones savings should one invest in BC or PMC (if ones savings amount to only a few thousand Euros to begin with)?”

      Whatever your risk tolerance is. I can only guarantee you one thing:
      Your and anybody else’s time preference is positive, because everyone dies at some point.
      Will Bitcoin be the best store of time for future consumption or will it be something else? Nobody knows.

      Such questions are deeply personal and risk tolerance are a very individual thing. The only thing that I would say is that not owning Bitcoin, i.e. not owning the most asymmetrical bet against the fiat-printing madness would be outright stupid.

      So, my somewhat useless answer to your question is: “Own more than zero”.

    14. “Such questions are deeply personal and risk tolerance are a very individual thing.” Yeah, I thought so. Makes sense.

      “So, my somewhat useless answer to your question is: “Own more than zero”.”

      Not useless at all. You gave me some keywords to keep in mind and base my further research on so I soon hopefully will understand a little more about finances as I currently do – i.e. about as much as your average tinder thot (not as much an understandment as you might think, I have to admit).

      So thanks! I very much appreciate it!

    15. @Simplicissimus

      You’re more than welcome.

      I’d suggest you listen through a few of the below podcasts:

      These two are brilliant:

      Then this 5 piece series is a must. You need to understand these concepts:

      Further, some great insights on what inflation did to the world as we know it, i.e. pull forward a lot of technological progress, severely increase competition and is now coming to an end.

      After that: A podcast on why deflation is great:

      Last but not least, Stephan Livera interviews Saifedean and PlanB on the Stock to Flow model and especially at the end, there are some fantastic comments on the Bitcoin vs. Gold debate.

      I have listened to all these and many more, but I’d say that these couple of pdcasts will bring you up to speed in half a day. So on a week-end, take the time and listen through it.

      I understand that Bitcoin can be a scary topic because it can be presented from a very technical angle. All these podcasts will help you understand the economic aspects of it. Once you get to actually buying Bitcoins, you will have to think about proper storage and I recommend a hardware wallet like the Ledger. (
      But really, don’t rush into buying some today, I don’t think the price will run away over the next few days, but I suggest you do hurry up with getting an understanding of these concepts, because the halving happened in May this year and price will go up from here. Ideally you get into BTC below USD 10k, but I also appreciate that you need time to digest the stuff I posted above.

      If Aaron is the red pill for dating, Bitcoin is the red pill of finance and all the bullshit we’ve been fed as being normal.

      Anyway, if you have any questions, I suggest you ask Aaron to send you my email address, you can hit me up there directly, as I only somewhat infrequently visit the blog and might miss a time-critical question.

    16. @Neutralrandomthoughts:

      WOW! So much detailed information! Thank you very very much for sharing! That’s very kind of you, man!

      Although I am technically still on vacation I have quite a lot on my plate next week, but I will try my best to absorb all the podcast asap. I would bite myself in the ass if I miss this opportunity, lol! (Darn it that I only saw your comment as of now!)

      “Anyway, if you have any questions, I suggest you ask Aaron to send you my email address, you can hit me up there directly, as I only somewhat infrequently visit the blog and might miss a time-critical question.”

      Thanks a ton! Very kind of you indeed! (I just asked Aaron about your email address and will likely you within the next couple of days. )

  14. Have we reached peak insanity?

    My favorite part:

    [quote] Mitchell Erickson’s fingers began dialing 911 last week before he had a chance to even consider alternatives, when two black teenagers who looked to be 15, at most, cornered him outside his home a block away from the park.

    One of the boys pointed a gun at Mr. Erickson’s chest, demanding his car keys.

    Flustered, Mr. Erickson handed over a set, but it turned out to be house keys. The teenagers got frustrated and ran off, then stole a different car down the street.

    Mr. Erickson said later that he would not cooperate with prosecutors in a case against the boys. After the altercation, he realized that if there was anything he wanted, it was to offer them help. But he still felt it had been right to call the authorities because there was a gun involved.

    Two days after an initial conversation, his position had evolved. “Been thinking more about it,” he wrote in a text message. “I regret calling the police. It was my instinct but I wish it hadn’t been. I put those boys in danger of death by calling the cops.” [/quote]

  15. @Aaron

    Interesting comments by Haus @ zerohedge again.

    Here’s the article:

    Here the link to his comment(s):

    and, in particular:

    “I disagree. A great example I have is a reflection on the inter-war period in Germany:

    – German military is disbanded after WWI (a institution highly respected and a much sought-after career path) – Germans don’t give a ****;

    – Prussian monarchy (which had vast approval of the population after the war and was an institution here for centuries) is decapitated and sent into exile – Germans didn’t give a ****;

    – 10% of the German territory and 12% of the population is carved off and given to Poland to be abused by that government (cities and towns that had been German since the 12th century) – Germans didn’t give a ****;

    – Media is openly controlled, staffed and censored by the victors after WWI – Germans don’t give a ****;

    – Filthy degeneracy is pumped into the German population by the victors after WWI (the beginnings of psychological warfare) via the controlled media, where homosexuality, pedophilia and transsexualism were encouraged (at a time when 70%+ of the German population went to church every week) – Germans didn’t give a ****.

    Then suddenly after 1923 when the economy collapsed – Germans started caring again and within 15 years everything had reversed.

    We are (if I could come up with a similar analogy) living 1920 all over again in Berlin. We currently have a demoralized, defeated population whose media is controlled by foreigners and is pumped with all kinds of filth as a means of demoralization and control.

    What will change Germany is poverty. Germans (like most Slavs) function better as a society socially when they are poor. The single best thing that could happen to Germany and Germans is a good decade of poverty – but the victors of WWII and the cold war (specifically the Americans and the British) are doing literally everything in their power to retain and maintain the post-war order they created.

    Once this order fails and every gets really poor for some time, the Germans will come back around – however – the longer this process takes the more painful it will be. Perhaps if this printing machine can continue for another decade or two it will be too late and the Germans will fade into history much the same way the Bohemians did. Time will tell – but I keep coming to ZH hoping one day to see the collapse of a major western currency or a political revolution somewhere that makes such collapse immiment. “

    1. This is a great comment. I thought about the similarity between Germany today and the cesspool that was Weimar Germany quite a bit. I’m not too hopeful that there will be another uprising because the gene pool is too diluted. You had a lot of young men willing to rise up and fight back then. Today, non-adult ethnic Germans are already the minority in many cities. Also, it has only very rarely happened in history that a great empire has had a comeback. The fact that the Nazis were able to temporarily restore Germany’s glory was already a miracle. I’m not sure there are any signs of a second such miracle happen but if it did, it would probably last quite a bit longer than last time because the Anglo-Zionist empire is in no position to start another war. Seeing Germany being backed by the Russian military, say via a Putin-Hoecke Pact, and shaking off the yoke of U.S. occupation would be a beautiful sight to see for sure.

    2. “The fact that the Nazis were able to temporarily restore Germany’s glory was already a miracle.”

      The US financing the entire German economy via “money printer go brrrr” is hardly a miracle. Didn’t the story go that Ford produced the engines for German military vehicles?

      ” Seeing Germany being backed by the Russian military, say via a Putin-Hoecke Pact, and shaking off the yoke of U.S. occupation would be a beautiful sight to see for sure.”

      man… can you imagine the glory? German engineering getting a revival and being supported by Russian resources, in particular gas. I mean, everybody knows that oil has reached peak demand, even the Rockefellers got out of oil business. Russia has loads of gas. There is this conspiracy theory that all the shit that happened in the 20th century was to divide Russia and Germany, since a union of those would just dwarf anything.

    3. Ford was an ardent National Socialist. He even published a newspaper that frequently ran stories on Jewish meddling in world politics. Sure, the Nazis got some help, but that wouldn’t have amounted to much if they hadn’t had brilliant leadership and an excellent workforce. How many trillions has the West pumped into Africa and what have those people achieved?

      The US still doesn’t want Germany and Russia to get any closer. A recent example is Trump threatening sanctions for the Nordstream 2 gas pipeline deal:

    4. “This is a great comment. I thought about the similarity between Germany today and the cesspool that was Weimar Germany quite a bit. I’m not too hopeful that there will be another uprising because the gene pool is too diluted. ”

      Weiman republic was a cesspool because the Second Empire sought a great war to end all wars. Had Wilhelm II was a more perspicacious ruler and avoided war at all cost than how much powerful Germany would be. How could you win a 2 fronts war, and later with the assistance of a fresh beast like the US?

      Germany could have everything, yet lost almost everything. Hitler promised so much, just to take back so much more.

  16. I have a question that if Sleazy could answer:

    I have read the website seductionmyth on wayback machine. I must say that I am deeply impressed with its content. Very high quality posts and discussions. The most significant thing I learn from it is that women selected men based on their types. All couples in this world pair due to similar facial features. I was given art lessons when I was young so I am a bit familiar with facial ratio. This means that the authors of the website have successfully reduced human mating pattern to mathematical certainty. There leaves little chance for random selection. In other words, we come together for a reason. So my question:

    1) Given that women select men based on similar facial features, is it a viable strategy for me to look at the faces of most girls and find out whether their faces resemble mine? This sounds a bit comical since most guys pick up women from reading her signals. But I wonder if it is a good strategy.

    2) Is Sleazy also the author of seductionmyth as well. I saw Alek Novy, a regular here, there, but I haven’t seen Sleazy posting there.

    1. 1) Attraction works subconsciously. Also, you won’t get any signals if she doesn’t find you attractive anyway, and if she’s signaling sexual availability, you don’t need to analyze why. Sure, you can conclude that she banged you due to similar facial features, but what would that be good for?

      2) That site was created by Alek Novy and someone else who was not part of the wider seduction community, if I recall correctly. I was never involved in it.

    2. “1) Attraction works subconsciously.”

      But aren’t men attracted to different kinds of women, including women who are not sexually compatible to them, while women are drawn to men whom they are matched with genetically?

    3. I meant to express that you can’t control whom you are attracted to, speaking, of course, only of sexual attraction. Also, plenty of men are willing to fuck women they are not particularly attracted to, but that is a different story. Similarly, some women fuck guys they are not sexually attracted to, for a variety of reasons.

  17. Aaron,
    “Some women fuck guys they are not sexually attracted to, for a variety of reasons”.

    1. How is that possible?
    2. Are you referring to regular women, or women who are sex workers (escorts, strippers, pornstars, prostitutes)?

    I understand that OK Cupid study that suggested that women didn’t find their husband attractive to begin with, and thus, only settle with them due to their provider ability. Second, the other logical reason I understand why women would fuck a guy they don’t find attractive would be an escort/stripper who is doing for financial gain. And of course, you also have a subset of women who exchange sex for drugs.

    1. Plenty of women use sex as barter, not just prostitutes. The average man just isn’t aware of it.

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