One of you sent me an email with some thought on the female orgasm, suggesting it as a topic for an Open Post. He was interested in getting some feedback from others on my blog. He wrote the following:
The female orgasm is a puzzle for evolutionary biologists. It is unclear why women should have orgasms at all. According to Elisabeth Lloyd, the female orgasm is an evolutionary accident. Like male nipples, it persists simply because there is no good reason to get rid of them. If orgasm is supposed to be about enhancing reproductive fitness it should occur during intercourse. If a woman is orgasmic without intercourse is strange since it’s designed to be adaptive- that is, to solve evolutionary problems, thus increase a man’s paternity certainty of having an offspring. The sole function of a female orgasm is to trap sperm to increase the fertility rate, yet there are women who are able to conceive without orgasm. Female orgasms are likely to occur during the most fertile period of the menstrual cycle. Orgasms are linked to the status, wealth, and physical attractiveness of their male sexual partner(s). One can’t, of course, randomly assign women to have sex with males differing in status and attractiveness to see if they orgasm or not (those pesky university ethics review boards). Unlike men, women don’t need to have an orgasm in order to propagate their genes. How a woman reaches an orgasm has nothing to do with her mental health or emotional maturity. Women need to stop obsessing over orgasm and ignore media gossip about how she’s inadequate in achieving orgasm if her boyfriend, husband can’t deliver the goods.
To add a few points, in order to kickstart the discussion:
1) I’m unsure the orgasm is an evolutionary accident. I’d argue that men prefer having sex with women who visibly enjoy sex. Thus, it is a reproductive advantage.
2) The female orgasm helps with pair-bonding. It signals that the woman trusts you. If she was all tensed up, she would not get an orgasm while you work your magic on her.
3) Women who enjoy sex probably have more sex. Thus, women who can have orgasms have more sex, and thus have a reproductive advantage over other women.
4) There have been studies purporting to show that women orgasms more easily if their partners are more successful. If I recall correctly, it was based on a survey of two different demographics, i.e. women with successful partners and women who shacked up with Tyrone. You could find different explanations, such as successful men having higher levels of testosterone, which influences her ability to orgasm.
5) There is probably a link between mental health and orgasm. I have a hard time picturing some angsty teenager who is convinced that the world will end because some Swedish retard told her so on social media having earth-shattering orgasms. Heck, take Greta Thunberg herself: do you think this chick has an easy or a hard time getting off during sex?
6) For a woman, having a partner who is able to make her orgasm arguably provides valuable feedback. If she’d be disgusted by him, e.g. she’s only with him for the money, she won’t get off and won’t enjoy sex. Thus, her body tells her to find someone else, which many such women do, overtly or covertly.
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I would be surprised if Greta was having any sex at all, let alone orgasms… I cant imagine someone less sexy than the finger-wagging Ms.-Shame-on-you.
I don’t think so either, but let’s assume, for the sake of the argument, that she does. Just by looking at her, I’m quite certain I can tell that she’s not the most responsive woman in bed. It would also be quite a challenge for Giga Chad to get it up in front of her, so hats off to whoever gets to claim that prize. I’d salute that guy’s virility.
Like my mum always says: “Anybody can do it with beautiful women”
Somewhere out there are guys desperate enough…
I hope that whoever hits Greta Thunberg does an ask-me-anything session on Reddit. To be perfectly clear, I’m using “to hit” in the sense of “have sex with”, albeit I would also be inclined to learn more about how the mind of someone who whacked Greta Thunberg works. Obviously, I profusely distance myself from any kind of physical (or verbal) violence. On that note, what’s that bitch up to nowadays? With the Covid-2019 hoax going strong, the man-made global warming hoax has been relegated to the sidelines. Let’s hope that Greta isn’t going to kill herself, and in case she’s pondering it and you want to bang her, you better get going because there is a non-zero chance that this window of opportunity will close forever in the foreseeable future.
“On that note, what’s that bitch up to nowadays? ”
She was jumping the Covid19 bandwagon, too for a while and now has doubled down and donated 100k. “Let’s Move Humanity for Children in the Fight Against Coronavirus”
Yawn, this chick is done. Ain’t nobody got time for this shit.
She went from being on the front page of newspapers to almost complete obscurity basically overnight. Given that her entire movement was manufactured to begin with, that outcome was to be expected. Yet, the timeline was unpredictable. Normally, such movements disappear only when the successor organization has been designed and is ready to be deployed, which could be beautifully observed in the case of Black Lives Matter, which was replaced by Antifa in the US seemingly within a matter of days.
On a related note, mainstream relationship advice and convention wisdom has always affirmed that men and women differ in sex drive and frequency, and that women can easily go for months, sometimes even years hardly thinking about sex or having sex. There’s no shortage of mainstream relationship advice that highlights this theme. Psychological literature also claims that women’s sex drive is often influenced by social and cultural factors while dismissing basic biological principles, and thus, claim that women place a premium on emotional connection.
Many men who are in relationships often complain about the lack of sex (frequency). It’s a very common theme that mainstream psychology affirms the following:
1. Men have a higher sex drive than women
2. Men want more sex all the time than women
3. Men are more open to casual sexual encounters than women
4. Men want more sexual partners in their lifetime than women
5. And the list goes on…
Many people often ask how often or how many times should couples have sex on a daily or weekly basis. The conclusion to draw from is a two-fold. It all boils down to the following.
1. Average Looking Guys vs Good Looking Guys.
You have emphasized over the years that women do not lust after average men and looks trumps money. Furthermore, women do not find 80 percent of the men attractive.
Based on this, can we deduce and argue that “average guys” will not get laid as much as they want since women place a high premium on male looks, and thus consider sex with their beta male provider a chore?
On the contrary, if a woman is in a sexual relationship with a Chad, it is clear that she will provide him with as much pussy as he desires and be his nymphomaniac since humans want to have sex with the most desirable/attractive person?
Ultimately, the lack of sex that men often encounter and complain in their relationship can be attributed to their lack of looks that women do not find attractive and lust after?
Yes, sex with a provider they don’t consider attractive is a chore. Also, in modernity we seem to have forgotten that sex has a clear biological purpose. It doesn’t exist without a reason. Now, let’s talk about couples who once sexually desired each other. In those cases, the dead bedroom due to lack of sexual interest of a (childless, non-pregnant) woman is a biological response: this dude has banged her for years, she hasn’t gotten pregnant, so she starts looking elsewhere because she subconsciously perceives him to be infertile. In order to find another man arousing, she first has to lose her desire for the current one. Real-world observations seem to confirm this. We seem to think that we can trick mother nature by using contraception, but that just isn’t working out.
Also, women are normally only horny when they are fertile. If she’s pregnant or nursing a child, her sex drive plummets because there is no need to have sex: no ovulation, no horniness, no sex. Interestingly, there are also scientific studies that have found that the male sex drive plummets when his partner is pregnant. Sex as a recreational activity is one of the biggest lies ever promoted by the mainstream. It is women who mostly suffer from it because they hop from relationship to relationship, wondering why no guy can ever make them happy, and not realizing that women have a sex drive because her biological purpose of life is to give birth. If you go against biology, you end up unhappy and miserable. In contrast, for men this is much less of an issue because we can find happiness even without procreation.
“Also, women are normally only horny when they are fertile.”
(if you can take the Schwiitzerdütsch, lol)
That was quite something. I’ve heard more pronounced Schwiitzerdütsch during my rare visits to Switzerland, though.
“I’d argue that men prefer having sex with women who visibly enjoy sex.”
Yep, I start to find sex awkward if the girl doesn’t seem to enjoy it enough. This has been a contributing factor towards me breaking up with a girl even though the frequency of sex was fine. It starts to creep me out after a while if she seems to act like the sex is just for my enjoyment.
Aaron, are you one of those such as Athol Kay who believes that women can pheromonally “smell” men who have had a vasectomy and instantly judge/read them to be worthless omega men?
I don’t know who Athol Kay is and that statement sounds like complete bullshit. How are women supposed to “smell” this? On a related note, I have a few clients, and some acquaintances in real life, who have had a vasectomy and who have been doing phenomenally well with women. An interesting observation is that some of them got even better at picking up women after their vasectomy, presumably because they now know that they can’t accidentally knock up some chick. Women enjoy getting fucked raw, and if you’re a Chad with a vasectomy, you may just raw-dog her with vigor, which she’ll enjoy so much that she happily comes back for more while a Chad without a vasectomy may be a bit more restrained. Just think of the occasional random lay you could have had but didn’t because you didn’t have condoms on you, the chick was fine with raw-dogging, but you felt uneasy about it.
My worry was never pregnancy; it was incurable STDs.
Old Anon. Generally for men chances of getting incurable STDs is low. Generally woman would easily get the STD from the guy. But it’s harder for the guy to get it if she does.
Plus HIV is rare to get unless ur having gay sex which I’m sure none of us are. So I’m not too stressed about getting STD even when not wearing a condom. It’s more so getting the woman pregnant and being stuck with her especially if you don’t like her. She’ll always be in your life.
It’s a highly unpopular opinion as it opposes mainstream fearmongering (at least that was the case years ago) that STDs are not nearly as big a deal as they are made out to be. HIV is basically a non-issue if you don’t have sex with black women. This is what a doctor said to me, by the way.
Nowadays, it seems that STD fearmongering has taken a backseat. You even have states like Commiefornia making it legal to knowingly infect others with HIV.
Aaron, Athol Kay is a “red-pill lite” relationship coach from New Zealand who teaches men in stable committed relationships how to up their SMV so their wives/girlfriends will be more into them. He is vehemently against vasectomies, to the point where he has an almost comically extreme reaction to even the notion of them–he pushes the idea that women can “smell them”, I kid you not.
Anyhow, I was not at all saying that I buy that idea, but it’s (sort of) an outgrowth of your notion that women eventually tire of non-fertile sex. I’m not sure how I feel about that theory just yet, albeit I totally buy it that the Pill is completely throwing off their chemistry and insidiously poisoning them.
Personally I think that a truly alpha man/Chad would be able to pull whoever the hell he wants, even if “vasectomy” was tatted across his forehead, and that a desirous woman would gladly give up on having children in exchange for having a Chad as her partner for life (assuming he stays a Chad and doesn’t let himself go physically or turn into a pathetic beta wimp mentally). Any schmo could knock her up, but a 1% male is priceless.
What’s the point in having a Chad if he can’t father her children?
It doesn’t seem likely that the average Stacy is specifically thinking of kids when she hooks up with an alpha guy (unless she is trying to get him on the hook for child support). She just thinks he is hot, no? Physical attraction is the instinct that reels us in for procreation. Typical Stacies do not have great foreplanning/future time perception skills.
It seems to me a whole lot of women with kids are miserable, and rises to just about all of them who had unplanned kids. Likewise it is my observation that a disproportionate number of the happiest marriages I know don’t have kids.
With all due respect, the more “Occam’s Razor” answer to childless women wanting to move on from their longtime boyfriend is the old hypergamy game, no? They want to trade up because they are Empowered Womyn and think They Deserve Better. Women who don’t want kids are probably more likely to do this since they are generally diehard feminazis who believe they are above men in the first place.
Interesting topic that’s never really been discussed anywhere, and you may be right, but there just seems to be a simpler explanation than “instinctively they feel that not having kids equals being with an impotent beta sissy”.
The subconscious reason behind horniness is the desire to get pregnant. Sure, as Stacy is hopping from cock to cock, that is not on her mind, but her body craves cock because it wants to grow a child in her womb.
I think the problem with women with kids who are miserable is mostly due to them thinking that their life would magically improve if they had kids. Then they pop out a kid and realize that they are the same miserable pieces of shit they were before. It’s just like women spending money on clothes and trinkets to make them forget about their pitiful existence. This wears off quickly and then they are back at square one. I met plenty of such women.
I think hypergamy would be a lot less of an issue if we didn’t have effective birth control. A woman who is pregnant or busy taking care of a child isn’t likely to look for another man.
“The subconscious reason behind horniness is the desire to get pregnant. Sure, as Stacy is hopping from cock to cock, that is not on her mind, but her body craves cock because it wants to grow a child in her womb.”
I don’t know if it’s subconscious so much as that’s just how the sex drive works, it is how our instinct is designed. Every organism wants to get laid because that’s how the species replicates. I don’t think a jumping spider or even a spider monkey is thinking ahead of its offspring when it’s in heat. The hottest partners are the most genetically fit but that doesn’t mean that men or women are thinking about kids even deeply down when they want to bone. When the new lion running the pride kills the cubs from the previous lions, is he specifically thinking about siring cubs or does he just want his lioness harem to be ready for action?
“I think the problem with women with kids who are miserable is mostly due to them thinking that their life would magically improve if they had kids. Then they pop out a kid and realize that they are the same miserable pieces of shit they were before.”
There is some of that (we especially see this with teen mothers who get knocked up on-purpose), but mostly I just chalk it up to people with no future time planning skills or life ambition whatsoever ruining their lives.
“It’s just like women spending money on clothes and trinkets to make them forget about their pitiful existence. This wears off quickly and then they are back at square one. I met plenty of such women.”
It is pretty undeniable that women have far fewer dedicated hobbies/interests/life passions than men. This is mostly biological (if lots of women had such it would take away from their ability to successfully mother), but that doesn’t make them any less pitiful.
“I think hypergamy would be a lot less of an issue if we didn’t have effective birth control.”
I am going to say this is sort of true, but that it doesn’t directly follow straight from effectively preventing pregnancy:
1: Plenty of “happily married” mothers that seemingly have idyllic lives leave their poor beta husbands for Chad, or the hope of Chad, and ultimately they wind up as miserable as the guy or more so.
2: Women who religiously use contraception are likely to be less religious and have fewer principles of all kinds. Values generally translate out to life standards and, again, future time orientation.
3: Hormonal contraception poisons and mentally warps its users over time and thwarts normal chemistry.
True happiness and life contentment comes from truly knowing what you want and having the discipline and impulse control to successfully see it out. That’s true of men and women and people who desire kids and those who don’t. Lower-IQ Stacies and Chads generally lack that so of course eventually their lives will be a mess, even if for the time being they’re getting lots of hot sex.
1. “…she starts looking elsewhere because she subconsciously perceives him to be infertile.”
Studies have suggested that women who go off the pill perceive their partner to be less attractive. I remember reading studies where women’s body kept rejecting the man’s sperm. I can’t recall the details. Are you familiar with such studies?
2. “…women are normally only horny when they are fertile.”
“The subconscious reason behind horniness is the desire to get pregnant.”
Women who come from broken family homes (divorce parents etc..) tend to exhibit a high level of horniness/promiscuity. I believe that these women are using their horniness as a coping mechanism to whatever underlying issue they may have. I have met plenty of women ranging from 20s to 40s who keep on jumping from cock to cock as it validates their entire existence. It’s very common among sex workers (strippers, escorts) in spite of having sex for money, drugs, etc.
3. “If she’s pregnant or nursing a child, her sex drive plummets because there is no need to have sex.”
Wouldn’t this be more plausible if she got pregnant by her beta male provider? From personal experience, I have met a couple of women who were either nursing or pregnant who were still sexually active in spite of cheating on their partner who knock them up.
4. “Sex as a recreational activity is one of the biggest lies ever promoted by the mainstream.”
Wouldn’t one-night stands and friends with benefits be considered as recreational activity that both sexes enjoy? You see this with women in vacations and sex workers (strippers etc..)
5. “It is women who mostly suffer from it because they hop from relationship to relationship, wondering why no guy can ever make them happy, and not realizing that women have a sex drive because her biological purpose of life is to give birth.”
You relatively answered this question, but I have seen women who have already fulfilled their biological need to procreate. In most cases, what is the psychological underlying issue with these single mothers who are unhappy who have already procreated? They seem to use sex (promiscuity) as a coping mechanism to whatever underlying psychological issue they may have. No matter what guy they date or fuck they just seem to be unhappy.
Just briefly, as I’m pressed for time:
– Women who are on the pill find the safe beta provider more attractive. If they go off the pill, Chad reigns supreme again.
– Women from broken homes have their menarche sooner, which is probably mother nature telling them that they need to be on their own. Traditionally, a woman who could bear children was more valuable than one who could not (yet), so a poor family would be better off if they could pawn off their daughters to some man sooner.
– I’d assume that mothers who are not in a stable relationship will start menstruating sooner than those women who are in a stable relationship. It’s similar to the previous case.
– I’m not saying that sex isn’t enjoyable. However, promoting it as a recreational activity leads to all kinds of problems. Just look at the kind of society we’re living in.
– Some women will never be happy, no matter what they do. They use sex, drugs, anti-depressants, soap operas, romance novels, anything really, to fill this big, gaping hole in their life they just can’t seem to plug.
Orgasms are ‘mother natures trick’ for best odds of fertilisation and pregnancy . To ensure the propagation of good genes and survival of the species. Simple as that.
Orgasms and the contractions / vibrations of the female in the ‘pussy system’ help the sperm get up into the cervix and swim on to where they need to be.
Maybe ‘hotter temps’ help somehow also. Not sure about that one. Probably.