Open Thread

Open Thread #379: Women/Dating

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96 thoughts on “Open Thread #379: Women/Dating

  1. @Sleazy,
    I am working on a sticking point. What is your view about asking a girl out on date too early during your interaction. This seems to be my main sticking point. Since last time we spoke over Skype, I have asked 3 girls out this way. 2 of them do not reject me directly, but point to the fact that they are not available. (they are Vietnamese), 1 of them is a Russian and states directly (in an admirable manner) that she so far has had no romantic feelings for me despite being amazed at my courage.

    It seems that this is not a problem of looks, personality or “game”, but more about asking women too soon before they can decide for themselves whether I am a good candidate for a relationship.

    I have read your book Minimal Game and it seems to be shaped around your own personal experience, who is very high on the totem pole of attraction.

    Assanova has a post in the closed blog which stated “Women can be romanced and won over”.

    It seems that my environment calls for a kind of slower game, which ensures that girls get to know me first before I reveal my interest.

    1. There are cultures in which you cannot move quickly. Even a Chad would have to wait because women have had it hammered into them from an early age onward that they cannot be whores. If this really is the case, then act accordingly. Probably, this limits the number of available women quite a bit as you need to bump into them frequently to establish a connection. Of course, this does not mean that men in such an environment can overcome a lack of attraction.

    2. Probably, this limits the number of available women quite a bit as you need to bump into them frequently to establish a connection.

      You read my personal circumstance like a book. Yes, that is my dilemma. I am looking for ways to increase my chance of seeing more girls.

    3. QVC
      -“but more about asking women too soon before they can decide for themselves whether I am a good candidate for a relationship.”

      If you’ve read Sleazys book I believe at the start he points out the following “ womens primary interest in a man is sexual”

      This is 100% true.
      As every woman will be a Y/N/M to fuck a guy within about 1-3 seconds of meeting him. It will be decision ( moreso a reaction) in their body and brain.(** most women**) don’t think it’s only “ sluts” this occurs for.

      So in theory based on this fact it ought to be never too soon to make your interest known and ask them on a date. The sooner the better . Otherwise you are wasting time.

      It should be a quick display of you as a person “this is me – do you want it or not”

      Then the date to display your winning personality .
      Not vice versa.

      And 3-5 dates to get physical. ( thereabouts)

      It should, in theory, not matter much re cultures I would have thought.
      What is the’ Risk’ in Viet culture of asking for a date too soon? It’s only a date (?) a coffee date to start with. Girls go on dates all the time afaik.

      Don’t put the cart before the horse and invest time in a chick trying to win her over with personality first imo. Then you’ll have to make a move later and get rejected = waste of your time,

    4. “It seems that my environment calls for a kind of slower game, which ensures that girls get to know me first before I reveal my interest”

      Are we reading the same blog?
      I’m pretty sure at one point there was a post from the blogger which theorised that a guys personality does not matter AT ALL.

      That ‘personality’ is a projection from the woman based on his looks. I’m almost certain I read that and will now dig it up for you.

      Aren’t you Black Pill CQV? Isn’t that the basis of BP…

      This was October 28th 2019

      He seems to have changed his position in 4 years then. I can’t keep up with the chopping and changing here tbh, 🤷🏻‍♂️

      What’s the difference culturally?
      What’s the risk in Vietnam 🤷🏻‍♂️

      That blog post was pretty much correct and afaik still stands.

    5. James, rein it in a little. While it is the case that people indeed can and do change their opinion over time, the example you used is not a good one. If you are in an environment in which women need to spend a certain amount of time to feel comfortable with a guy, any guy, then this is one of the parameters you are going to have to live with. Of course, if you are good-looking you will do a lot better because the ugly guy with his supposedly deep personality is not even going to get a shot.

    6. Fucking dumbtard.
      Looks that is all that matter is for one night stand and short flings. Not all girls operate on that level.

    7. Hmmm 🤔 well You* may.* be right …but please help me out and explain further what u mean to this dumbtard – how sexual attraction works for these other girls and getting to know you over time then.

      link me to a post on this blog for further information or a summary if you don’t want to type it out. Help me understand bro

    8. @James,
      I don’t understand you.
      Why don’t you just focus on your life and stop poking your nose in other people’s business? Why not spending your time on working out or something like that?

      What Sleazy wrote in that blog post is absolutely true for one night stands and short flings. Furthermore, it is a reaction against some dumbtards (like you) who insists that personality matters.

      My environment is where a “college girl” (to use American parlance) do not go out at all, have never partied, don’t drink alcohols, study hard and maybe just get married a few years after graduation. There are NO BARS or CLUBS for students because the government forbids those place to operate near universities.

      In this kind of environment, having a good sense of humour, dressing very well, talking like a guy who could talk, befriend her friends are what will work. Of course, there is a huge risk of being rejected later but that is the name of the game. To counter this to some extents, you talk to as many girls as possible, asking for their contacts and getting to know as many as you can.

      Hope some pointers have been made!

    9. This is the old thread a reader reflects on “Minimal Game” in Singapore.

      This is a post of Assanova insisting on looks is all that matter to get consistent one night stand:

      I used to know a Kazakh guy who is 1m9 tall. He was the most successful guy with girls that I met. But even him, in China, in Shanghai, could only occassionally got one night stand. He played the dating game very well and was very smart. His advice to me was “to get to know the girls as much as possible, making a her feel like she had known you for ages.”

      I have mentioned him here a couple of times. All girls that were with him could not remove their eyes from him. Does looks matter? Absolutely, had he been a manlet, he would not get their attraction so deeply. But if he were an impatient bloke who forced himself onto those women, he would not be that successful.

    10. Sure thing CQV.
      I apologise profusely 🙏
      I dont understand Viet dating culture that’s clear now. For sure, Thank you for the correction 👍 I’ll stay off your posts .
      Pay me the same favour, if I’m posting about strategies for banging chicks that you don’t agree with ..keep your nose out also,
      Cheers CJ

    11. I’m posting about strategies for banging chicks that you don’t agree with ..keep your nose out also,

      If you post about strategies for your online game and how to sleep with women, directing at Sleazy, sure, I will not step in uninvitedly.

      However, if you keep posting about dumb shits like Mystery method, short guy who has tons of tricks method, broke guys getting laid like kings via Green’s books method, pimp guy’s method, then I will poke fun at ya.

    12. Sure thing CVQ.
      I concede defeat in the face of your superior and mighty all-knowing wisdom of Pickup.

      Hear ye
      Hear ye!

      The Virgin wins !I admit it to the world here forth on this day.

      The Virgin knows what REALLY works in the field of picking up women and relationships.

      This truly is a sad day for Seduction 😞

      Don’t worry about calling Oxford English to tell them to take the word ‘Seduction’ out of the dictionary now as it’s irrelevant, I’ll do that for you. And also call Robert Greene to tell him his book is bullshit as QVC has ruled so. And printing of it to be stopped immediately.

      Many thanks for all your wisdom so far QVC.
      Looking forward to hearing more of it oh PussyMaster. 🙏

      Thanks and regards,

    13. Just keep posting dumb shits, you will be exposed, if not by me, then by the god almighty Alek Novy.

      You seem to have that sense of superiority for having “the experience” when in actuality, in your writing, all you have ever done is to uncover how much of a liar you are.

      Frankly, guys getting tons of girls usually find a way to relaunch themselves into the dating scene, if they are not burdened by kids and alimony. You just portrait yourself as someone you have never meant to be, or wish to become but never could be.

      That’s how tragic and delusional you are.

    14. To be fair, both of you share the blame for this discussion escalating. On the one hand, you have CQV, who’s still a virgin trying to give advice (you can’t. Trust me, I’ve been there just 6 years ago). On the other one, you have James who, if it weren’t for the fact that Sleazy himself has more or less vouched for him that he’s not a troll, I’d still be convinced that he indeed was a troll.

      No offense to either one, seriously.

    15. @Manuel –
      And @CQV
      We are all strangers posting on the internet afaik. If I were to post my face and pics of all the chicks I’ve hooked up with – that still would not prove to anyone here what I’m saying is truth(?)
      Because you’d still claim as the ‘other side’ I must surely a fraud using fake pics.

      I am not lowering myself to the position of ‘proving’ I am Legit to a virgin on the internet to get “approval’ from strangers , I’m not interested in being a somebody on the Blog.

      I’m of the opinion that sales psychology/ psych manipulation works and has been proven to work . And works on women to get sex. That’s basically it.

      CQVs position is that of a younger virgin(!) jumping on telling me It does not, and the proof of this is that I am a liar and a fraud, and that sleazy and Alek have already debunked this. ( they didn’t )

      Regardless of this I don’t need to prove I am legit. As sales psychology is already proven itself , observable in use IRL ( everywhere ) and used extensively in the field of sales and marketing to drive sales. it’s based on manipulation of psychology , which all human beings operate on . Male and female.

      To me I’m not here to talk to virgins I came to debate people with actual experience with women. I’ll stay off QCVs posts no problem.

      Alek won’t debate me – I’m pretty sure I already caught him out with his “ Chad Lite” label ( this is The Game re -expresssed in another form – getting Chad like sex even tho he is not a Chad?)

      If sleazy wants to give me rules for posting to not shit post I’ll stick to them no problem.
      He may ban me again soon who knows.
      I’ll cool it with the posts.

      I’m a good-faced 5’10 guy ,, close to 6’ in good heels .mid 40s. Ex -corporate. Travelled. Extensively read on PUA lit . Etc etc this is all true. as are my stories.

      CVQ is a virgin with zero experience throwing Assanovas blog at me and calling me a liar every other time I post something,

      Fucking hell 🙄

      I’m wondering what it is about my story that is triggering him so badly tbh. 🤷🏻‍♂️

      Was it when I stated I fucked hookers in HCMC QVC?
      How would I know of Apocalypse Now bar .. if I wasn’t there? Rediculous.

    16. CQV- here’s some factoids for u off the top of my head about your country.
      I came into Vietnam via Cambodia on the bus.
      I stayed in HCMC formerly known as Saigon.
      I went to apocalypse now bar and took hookers back to my hotel. I visited the Chu Chi so see the awesome war stuff and the clever Viet Cong tunnel network and deadly jungle traps they set for the GI’s. I visited a firing range and shot an M60 machine gun (awesome).
      I went to see replica guitars being made in the workshops in the suburbs. I drank Viet coffee with the sweet milk. bused it up to Na-trang and saw pick pocket thieves operating on the beach. I went across on the cool cable-car to VinPearl island and the water park there.

      I stopped at Hoi-An to see the clothes being made.

      I ended up on Hanoi drinking $1 home made beer on the street corners from plastic cups and observing all the bicycles.

      I did a motorbike Trip to the tea and coffee plantations with a bunch of euro chicks . I fucked a Dutch chick. I saw the floating markets of Halong Bay.

      Traffic is fucking crazy in Vietnam.
      The ‘national beer’ is called Ba-Ba-Ba (888) if I recall correctly.

      I’ve probably travelled more of the country than you have tbh.

      Tell me I’ve googled all this I am a fraud go on…
      I’ll pop up a pic, but it won’t matter.

      Vietnam is a fantastic country with sexy ladies and I’ll be going back some day.

      And when I do , I’ll make to find you , say hello then slap you around the ear for your impudence also. 👍

      Thanks CJ

    17. If I may interject…


      I think it helps to not just parrot things. In one of our earliest conversations, I’ve mentioned that every plan needs to be improvised based on our own unique personal circumstances. You can see in some of Assanova’s old writings that, while the fundamental realizations between him and Sleazy are the same (“Personality” does not make up for not passing a woman’s LMS threshold, etc.), there are definitely differences. See for yourself whose experiences align more with yours.

      For example, since we’ve been talking about self-defense and violence on another thread, I’ve mentioned in the past that self-defense instructors preaching De-escalation, and being willing to lose face/swallow pride to avoid trouble will go a long way to ensuring you neither get in trouble with the law nor deal with the long-term repercussions of violence. This is very valid advice.

      But I’ve mentioned there are definitely life circumstances where those same recommendations is the same thing as committing social suicide. I know this because I’ve lived in such circumstances in the toxic environment I was forced into in elementary and high school: (See my conversation here with GLAS)

      Which is why it annoyed the fuck out of me when I witnessed ignorant normies in the other places of the internet parrot the “just run away” advice as if its some sort of miracle cure-all. How do you deescalate a school bully? Unless you’re ok with being his literal punching bag and bitch all throughout your stay in school, you don’t.

      People who really understand the subject (and not just relying on lazy soundbites) know that there are indeed times when violence is not only a viable option, but even the best option.

    18. Regarding the second link, a very important point raised by the author is that society has a completely distorted view on violence. The context is that the kid who defended himself against the bully was suspended. I heard of equally bizarre approaches, such as making the victim who punched back apologize to the bully. All of this just goes back to the dominance of women in education. Their model of a society consists of pretending that we all get along and bad-mouthing each other behind his or her back.

    19. CQV-
      It’s between 5’10”-6’ 0,
      Depending on what heels I’m wearing
      You annoying little dickhead.
      If haven’t figured out shoes can make u taller,
      Please just go to the mirror right now and punch yourself in the face,

    20. @ Maou

      You may. You seem like a rational man and not a virgin telling an older experience guy he is “green as grass” on the subject of laying women.

      “I think it helps to not just parrot things“
      I don’t understand what you mean by this.

      What exactly am I parroting ? I’m basing my opinions from own experience cross referenced against what’s on this blog and bloggers books and also cross referenced against traditional PUA / Dating lit. What CQV is outlining re personality seems to me to be Blue Pill, That Quality girls somehow have another sexual attraction ‘mechanism’ Vs Slutty chicks looking for a one night stand in Bars and Clubs.

      He seems to be outlining the Lover Vs Provider dichotomy theory of Red Pill no?

      Looks are Looks. Looks + Behaviour will be assessed by a woman in parallel in the first moments of the interaction (? Timeframe) . Let’s say 5-10 minutes for argument.

      So this “getting to know a guy over time “ traditional dating process that CQV is outlining above. What is the proposed theory of what is happening Re attraction – can someone explain to me please. Aaron has opined she is sussing out that guys Money & Status, ( it’s in the discussion within that link from 2019 post)

      has this opinion changed?
      Sexual attraction is growing in the traditional dating scenario is that the new proposal?

      I thought this Blog and group was BlackPill-leaning as it’s basis 🤷🏻‍♂️

    21. Maou –
      Here is a question for you

      What is the ONE thing that makes a man most attractive to women?

      Just pick your bet for the #1 thing from a woman’s perspective (the horror) from when she first sees or interacts with a man.

      Just pick the top one thing. Let’s not muddy the water to start with.

      I have my answer and it’s well thought out .

      I can answer that question with 2-4 sentences .

    22. @James,
      You have to believe in yourself. Routines will work no matter what. Trust yourself. Just say this to girl:

      + Big dick routine
      + Big car routine
      + Big job routine

      Then just hold their hands and take them out of there.

      You will be fine. Trust yourself

    23. “What CQV is outlining re personality seems to me to be Blue Pill, That Quality girls somehow have another sexual attraction ‘mechanism’ Vs Slutty chicks looking for a one night stand in Bars and Clubs. He seems to be outlining the Lover Vs Provider dichotomy theory of Red Pill no?”

      You should look up the Short Term Mating/Attraction vs Long Term Attraction/Mating subject discussion here by AlekNovy. Its a real thing, confirmed by scientific studies. People sometimes do eventually “fall in love” with further time and exposure to/familiarity with one another, even if they didn’t feel that initial “spark” on first meet. That’s not just a blue pill/movie thing.

      This doesn’t mean that quality chicks’ inner sexual mechanisms are different from a slut’s. They both lust over hunks. Quality women KNOW that there are long term social consequences for recklessly acting on cavewoman impulses though, so they’re limited to looking at traits for long-term criteria for choosing a partner. That’s probably the issue CQV has to deal with in his area.

      Tbh, if CQV is looking to “gain experience”, he might be better off moving elsewhere (at least temporarily) where women are “less inhibited/conservative”. I don’t know if that’s a practical option in his case though, or if that’s even his goal. (is your goal getting into a relationship?)

      CQV, if you still have plans to take a vacation in Thailand to get your first sexual experiences, I think you should do it.

    24. @Maou,
      It is practical. All I have to do is just tell my mom that I want to go Thailand and that is all that matters. Heck, I can even go to Germany for a trip. All I have to do is just ask.

      I don’t mind dating conservative girls. They will, hopefully, be fantastic girlfriends. I desire compassion and care more than sex, really. When I was in the US, I used to ask a Korean girl out for Sushi at our school’s canteen. The episode where she put the riceball in my bowl was when I realised I loved that warm feeling more than orgasm.

      Time and fate took away 2 girls whom I really want to be with. 1 Russian and 1 Korean. I used to have quite many opportunities to have sex in college, but my instinct told me to stay away from those girls because they were messes.

    25. People sometimes do eventually “fall in love” with further time and exposure to/familiarity with one another, even if they didn’t feel that initial “spark” on first meet. That’s not just a blue pill/movie thing.

      This is essentially true. However, even for the girl that experiences that slow-burning flame of love, he must be her type, that is his facial similarity is still there, or some other qualities that she deems attractive. If a girl doesn’t find the guy her type, no matter how long it takes, she will not like him back.

      Facial similarity may not be the only criteria. I have seen couples who do not have facial resemblance. On seductionmyth, it was mentioned clearly that some patterns in human mating have not yet been discovered.

    26. @CQV

      Re your reply and “Routines”

      This is sarcasm obvs.., but the funny thing is,
      you don’t even realise how close you are to the actual truth.
      All that’s required is to switch the word “routine “ with “Vibe” and restate the above .
      Then stand back and think about that word.
      Maybe look up the dictionary definition.

      “ Routines will work no matter what“
      Again … you are so close to the truth that you could nearly touch it there.

      But again switch out the word “routines “ for “high status communication”.

      Meditate on that and let the brain figure it out,

      Routines were meant to be examples for learning only. then substituted with other things in a similar framework.

      The only caveat is remove “no matter what”
      Nothing works on ALL chicks. As chicks have types and preferences.
      You’re welcome.

    27. @Maou

      “People sometimes do eventually “fall in love” with further time and exposure to/familiarity with one another, even if they didn’t feel that initial “spark” on first meet. That’s not just a blue pill/movie thing.”

      hmmm… 🤔 I thought that was the very essence of the Blue Pill tbh, fairly sure of it,
      That’s the basis of Blue Pill and spread by the movie industry to support this fallacy. 🤷🏻‍♂️

      It CAN happen sure.. but it’s a *very* unreliable and *super low odds* mating strategy . That’s for sure. 🤷🏻‍♂️

      “This doesn’t mean that quality chicks’ inner sexual mechanisms are different from a slut’s. They both lust over hunks.

      Ok that first part is agreed ,this is good 👍 phew, I was worried there for a minute! 😮‍💨

      Re the next paragraph

      Now this is the fun bit,
      This is the biggest fallacy of this belief system.
      Re **they are limited to looking for traits for LTR,**

      Ha ha. Oh this is funny,
      No buddy. They are not .

      They are just much much better at protecting their reputations than a Slut is. They understand social consequences much better and they grew up in “quality environments”.
      A slut is too dumb and grows up in another environ.

      Doesn’t mean in the slightest that “Qualify Women” they don’t ho around. They are just secret agent level of discreet about it.
      And of course lie about it to prospective Male suitors.
      Plenty do on holiday when no one is watching for example. Believe it. It for sure is this way.

      I argued this point with Sleazy and Alek months ago. A guy can never know for sure a “Quality Woman’s” woman’s sexual past, it is a mirage really. Especially if you hear it from the woman herself! 🤥

    28. @James,
      Alright, just:

      + Vibe big dick
      + Vibe big car
      + Vibe big job

      All 3 you don’t have, but let’s just vibe it, they’ll get it.

      Now just be confident and be yourself and vibe, ladies are yours to take!

    29. Ha ha. Oh this is funny,
      No buddy. They are not .

      They are just much much better at protecting their reputations than a Slut is. They understand social consequences much better and they grew up in “quality environments”.
      A slut is too dumb and grows up in another environ.

      Doesn’t mean in the slightest that “Qualify Women” they don’t ho around. They are just secret agent level of discreet about it.
      And of course lie about it to prospective Male suitors.
      Plenty do on holiday when no one is watching for example. Believe it. It for sure is this way.

      I argued this point with Sleazy and Alek months ago. A guy can never know for sure a “Quality Woman’s” woman’s sexual past, it is a mirage really. Especially if you hear it from the woman herself!

      So all women are sluts according to you?

    30. @QCV

      Exactly mate.
      Now we are getting somewhere
      A guy can either

      a) be a great guy and work hard to get all those M&S things – and then give of this vibe ‘naturally’


      B) give off a very believable *impression* that he has all those things – without doing any of the hard work to get them. And give off this vibe ‘unnaturally’ but believably.
      He just puts the work into giving off the very very good impression.

      So…. This being a fact.

      Ask yourself – which is easier and requires less work.

      And if being “Alpha” is the least amount of effort to get from A to B ( as your big reference point Assanova stated correctly in his own blog )

      Which one of those above a) vs b) is the most “Alpha “ way?

      Alek argued previously in his DeBunk of Game that time to success using path a)
      time to success using path b)

      That’s the fallacy in my opinion.
      No it’s not.

      It depends what a guy wants to do.

      The DeBunk ‘data group ‘was a bunch of i calibrated , obviously incongruent socially awkward Geeks and Austistics also and a large scam industry that spawned to take advantage of this group of idiot men.

      Those men mis-applied and jumbled up everything , in a pretty Autist kind of way. And the Scammers were deliberately sending them down that road.

    31. __________
      hmmm… 🤔 I thought that was the very essence of the Blue Pill tbh, fairly sure of it,
      That’s the basis of Blue Pill and spread by the movie industry to support this fallacy. 🤷🏻‍♂️

      I think the essence of Blue Pill is taking women’s virtue signaling at face value (leading to the Disney thinking that Character trumps LMS and the “Just World/There is somebody for everybody” fallacy in dating, and the perpetuation of this false idea in mainstream media. Its a vicious cycle.), not that Long-Term Mating isn’t a valid (and even scientifically proven) concept.

      It CAN happen sure.. but it’s a *very* unreliable and *super low odds* mating strategy . That’s for sure.

      No one here is recommending chasing/”working on” a chick for months (or even years) on end, like what bitter friendzone orbiters do. That IS a bad (and sadly commonly employed by dudes who don’t know any better and have been fooled by women’s virtue signaling) strategy.

      What is recommended is more like what Alek describes here in his conversation with Novicious:

      You find a niche that you like (ideally something you love and has personal meaning to you, but that’s not necessary), socialize and become a familiar face in it. And with enough time (doing your own thing that is, not “working on” any particular chick in the niche), some of the women may start throwing hints at you, if not outright hitting on you. etc.

      This happened to me in the gym I used to go to near my grandfather’s. As far as I can tell, she was an employee there, whom I hadn’t seen all that much, but she seemed to have become familiar with my presence after my 1 and a half years of consistent training. She began doing things like hovering, finding reasons to stay longer in the area I’m in, walking slower when going past me, etc.

      Too bad I was too much of a pussy to do anything about it at the time though. I really should have. Especially given that she was an employee at the place. (what was she going to do? be a rude to a regular patron for starting a conversation?) so this is definitely an aspect I need to improve on.

      Oh yeah,before I forget to address this. (thanks for the time to edit, Sleaze!)

      Doesn’t mean in the slightest that “Qualify Women” they don’t ho around. They are just secret agent level of discreet about it.
      And of course lie about it to prospective Male suitors.

      I mean, what exactly are you suggesting we do about this? I don’t disagree with you, btw. People have skeletons in their closet.

      and tbh, a woman like this, may still end up a better choice of a partner than some irresponsible slut with 12 kids from different men. there is still a level of self-control and responsibility being exercised here.

    32. @Maou,
      Not all girls are slut, although this culture predestines them to be.

      I think you live in the US. This is a land of waste for love and family. However, my friends who have all middle class background in Kansas were all happily married according to their Facebook. There are a few hamlets where you can find conservative women.

      If you are looking for girlfriends, in Asia, Koreans are not bad because they are well-mannered. Chinese are much less so, Taiwanese are fine.

    33. The DeBunk ‘data group ‘was a bunch of i calibrated , obviously incongruent socially awkward Geeks and Austistics also and a large scam industry that spawned to take advantage of this group of idiot men.

      Oh so you think you are conversant and savy now, don’t you? I am sure you are very calibrated and well-spoken. Chicks drop their skirts or pants by just talking to you.

      We are grateful for such a conversationalist to stop by and teach us a few things to oil up our conversation with the ladies.

      Absolutely astounding.

    34. @CQV

      I do actually 😀

      Mate I could recommend some key books to read and key shit to focus on that would probably align with the Pareto 80/20 principle.

      But I’m reminded of a very wise old adage dealing with someone here.
      It’s this ;

      “Never give advice,

      Fools don’t heed it.

      And The Wise don’t need it.”

      So obviously I’m talking with a very wise virgin here.

      All good buddy. Somebody ought not to worry so much about what I’m writing
      All nonsense and lies.. of course.

      Don’t know why its triggering someone so much either tbh 🤷🏻‍♂️

    35. @Maou

      Great response ! 👍

      That’s an excellent post by Sleazy. I agree with most of it, haven’t gotten down to Aleks writings yet but your example is enough.

      Tbh I really want to cut out this LTR side of things as I’m not really interested in that. I understand that and have been in many LTRs now. It was just a clarification re sexual attraction and how that works. We’ve agreed on that now pretty much.

      I want to focus on fucking chicks /short term mating ie pickup.


      In reply to your last point re past sexual behaviour. I don’t want you do anything about it. Just recognise this is the situation re a chicks past and how they all behave ( except the outwardly Proud Sluts that don’t care about having a reputation ) .

      Just sayin this – Re your example for instance – for hypothetical purposes, let’s say that in that scenario you succeeded in dating that Gym chick and it progressed into an LTR .

      You have no real way of knowing for sure what exactly she was up to before you.
      What she did in college or on her girls holidays. Etc etc. just pointing that out as a fact .
      Cos chicks be covering that shit up goodo – cos she’s spotted you as a good catch at the gym.
      You were to her a “hidden gem at the gym” so to speak. And she wouldn’t want to fuck that up.

      That’s all. Tis fact.

      Re Short and Long term.
      A guy could be attractive enough to consider a one night stand ,but she holds off on that cos he’s a “nice “ guy , a quality guy.
      But there is something missing there .
      About why she really holds off.
      That’s the difference that makes the difference for getting more lays short term,


      Some more good stuff in Sleazys articles re Game ;

      His case of average Joes min/maxing with Game and thinking they can bang hotter chicks this way ;

      “ Yet, instead of improving his position in life, he focuses on learning “game”. If you now think I’m making this up, you should have been around when Mystery-style “pickup” was in its heyday. Someone should have grabbed those suckers by the shoulders, shaken them and asked them whether they are stupid. Many, quite frankly, were.”

      Now just gotta point out 2 obvious success stories that contradict the above.

      1. Erik The Magician was a tall lanky geek.
      He worked out his ‘method’ , gave himself a makeover of Looks and Persona (status) actually pulled some hotter chicks that he would have previously as just an average Joe nerd. Strippers and Hired gun type chicks. This is true. There is evidence of this in his early days.
      He was 6.5” and dressed like a rockstar. -and he could manipulate well and had bags of charisma being a magician and street performer etc. i believe the evidence for that guy. Makes total sense to me that the accounts in Neil’s book were factual of his sex life.

      Also no 2 is Neil Strauss. Neil had something like 2 chicks before he got involved with Erik . He counted about 20 m-30 lays in his book over a few years which I also believe to be true. There is also evidence .

      So that’s exactly what the above two guys did – used Game to get access to hotter chicks out of their league previously. before they saw a business opportunity. It was still an underground thing then as laid out in the book.
      So the evidence for Game working is in the 2 most famous characters.

      And there’s plenty of other evidence.
      In that their style of Game was rooted in sales psychology and influencing methods to increase closes and sales. Which is proven. and used widespread in that sector to drive more sales.

    36. I think you should pull a dildo out of your magic hat. Chick will be kittens to you.

      Don’t forget to vibe or say routines like you said above, it double kills chicks

      Oh, don’t forget about doing NLP, say “I love your neck” and she will be mesmerised by “I love you naked”. It works fantastically.

      This technique of NLP works with different languages too, just say to a Russian hot 10 blonde:

      Я люблю русские сиськи ( I love Russian tits)
      сиськи will be heard as сыки, which means (sons). Instead of getting offended by your handsome face, you would get her to have children with you. Really.

    37. Ah QVC, QVC….

      You are missing or deliberately misinterpreting all the valid points in making. And also refusing to answer basic debate questions .

      You’re also constantly Cherry Picking 1 thing out of each of my posts – either a typo or some other bullshit.
      Cherry picking and trolling is forbidden under the debate rules of the blog afaik . So you’re disqualified on above grounds really tbh. 🤷🏻‍♂️

      Just answer the question – do both men and women have a psychology and can that psychology be manipulated and influenced or not? That’s the basis for my argument,
      I’m sure you won’t answer tho. Cos everything else flows from that.

      Ps And LOL at ur Russian example .
      I will actually note that and use it thanks 😂

      I just know Previet and Das Vandenya atm,
      That will come in handy 👍

      Pps – look up the word “innuendo” in the dictionary u fucking idiot !
      That’s been used for hundreds if not thousands of years … LOL that u don’t know of it. Must not exist in Viet… 😂

      No wonder u are so triggered by the mere idea words can cause a profound effect on a woman.

    38. @Maou

      -what u are describing this “social circle “ ‘game’.
      This is the most basic ‘game’. In fact it shouldn’t really be called ‘game’ at all that way. The man is not playing any game. Thats actually woman’s game and the most basic game for her. As men are a piece of piss to figure out for most women. but often they say we are stupid and don’t pick up the most obvious signals . As in your case at the Gym ( Soz but true u admit urself 🤷🏻‍♂️)

      That’s her running her most basic ‘seduction’ game on a guy at the Gym. Hover, walk past, flick hair .. yada yada ( she’s also thinking “FFS when is this idiot going to make a move on me “ during all of this ongoing activity her side 🙄 )

      All you had to do was lead . No matter how clumsily .and she’d have helped u along in baby steps all the way into her knickers dude,

      Sheesh ! But u can see this now etc etc
      just don’t do that again !!

    39. and women have a psychology and can that psychology be manipulated and influenced or not? That’s the basis for my argument,

      This is the only form of manipulation I have seen with my own eyes and read online:

      You court a girl, you gave off a great boyfriend impression. She has sex with you, then you cut your ties loose. Instead of intensely pursuing her via texts and in person, you loose up your texts and phone calls. She later realised that you weren’t serious all along.

      That’s it! That is how my Kazakh acquaintance plays this game. That is how the polish member Milroh, an old member on Sleazy forum, played this.

      Pps – look up the word “innuendo” in the dictionary u fucking idiot !
      That’s been used for hundreds if not thousands of years … LOL that u don’t know of it. Must not exist in Viet…

      That is not innuendo. That is magical pussy unlocker.

      You know what? You are the best player I have ever seen. You succeed where even Sleazy, Novy and Assanova failed. What could those guys do? They all rely on their looks and social status. Only you, a man of humble height and mighty muscular, could make chicks blow you with just words, routines, vibes, magics and other great innovations. You even deceive God and lend him to your side as an aid. You are unstoppable, unflinching and absolutely courageous. I mean, who am I to stay in the way of a king to his conquests?

      And when I do , I’ll make to find you , say hello then slap you around the ear for your impudence also.

      See, I love this. This is a dominant routine and powerful NLP command. Imagine how this is going to be devastating on a chick! Her butts are yours!

      “Just better hit me and watch me burn, that’s all right b’coz I like the way it hurts.”


    40. @Maou,
      I have to confess that I want to learn some forms of contact sports. I am heavily myopic and intend to cast away my glasses so I could wear head protector and start practicing. I am just afraid of being able to see things clearly.

      I like to learn footwork first as it is the most important aspect. But I don’t want to aim for unprofessional boxing match, but self-defence and street fights. I have always been worried that I don’t know how to handle myself when violence arises. It tears an absolute black hole in my confidence.

      Like you, I used to be bullied in Vietnamese school too. I don’t want to enter a game where “oh ho I was tougher because I got beaten more than you were.” But Vietnamese kids beat you up in groups, not just in one person. I did fight back and I could throw a contemptabe punch and missed. They all crushed me and kicked me on the ground. I learnt to give up easily by rising my hands and that was the best option because all those kids just left me alone.

      But I was bullied only 2-3 times in all my life. No scars left in my psyche, but I’ve always felt vulnerable to violence and confrontation.

      Perhaps I should join a boxing club somewhere. Most clubs here in Saigon are gay as shit. They are all about “cardio”. Yeah, for that, I enjoy jogging and running. I am looking for a club that teaches basics.

      Would like to learn from you about resources for self-defence.

      I know learning boxing cannot be self-learned. You must have a sparring partner. You will learn reflexes to dodge punches that way.

    41. @cQV

      Wow look at you – displaying some repartee and Wit there finally. I didn’t know you had it in you!!
      Round of applause for CQV. 👏

      You are so close to getting what works mate in our exchange now.

      Re this

      “ You succeed where even Sleazy, Novy and Assanova failed. What could those guys do? They all rely on their looks and social status”

      Womrrrongggg! Ding ding!
      You clearly did not read up on Sleazys progress in the game and his stories brah.

      I’m talking *pickup only *in Bars and Clubs .ONS /SNL and FWBs, Pickup/ Game/ Seducfion Not social circle or LTRs.

      Stick to Pickup/ Game and short term mating.

      Sleazy did not rely on social status to bang chicks in bathroom stalls .

      He was a ‘sniper type ‘ of gamer as his old wingman Teevster called him in his descriptions.

      He relied on his looks and his height and something else that was very key. That someone in this exchange is missing in their understanding quite clearly, go back and read his early stuff and progress.


      LOL at your example of manipulation .
      This is the worst game . This is chickenshit Game. And “ Nice Guy Syndrome” . This is why chicks hate “ Nice Guys” bro! as it’s the most common and lowest most Beta form of manipulation.

      This is the guy playing in the boyfriend frame to get sex, leading on the chick , getting sex and then really fucking her over and dumping her.
      It’s the very definition of “being a Beta man”

      Holy shit where the fuck have YOU been? How did u miss all that pointed out in Red Pill land over the last few decades ? 🤷🏻‍♂️

      Just grow a set of balls bro. And tell the chick u want a “date” from the get go – “make the Qualify Ho say No “ to restate Gunwitch.
      Sleazy has recommended Gunwitch method btw pretty much.

      Jesus wept! 🙄 where have u been…. 🤷🏻‍♂️

      Kinda pointless trying to enlighten you now tbh.

    42. Where do I “recommend” Gunwitch Method? Even back in the days I did not extensively study his writings but I was familiar with him because he was an active contributor to the now-defunct forum mASF.

    43. @Cuong
      I’m just gonna call u Quong . QVC was an old television shopping channel in UK I cannot stop getting it confused with CQV haha. 😆

      This below –

      [And when I do , I’ll make to find you , say hello then slap you around the ear for your impudence also.]

      “See, I love this. This is a dominant routine and powerful NLP command. Imagine how this is going to be devastating on a chick! Her butts are yours!

      “Just better hit me and watch me burn, that’s all right b’coz I like the way it hurts.”


      Oh mate seriously – someone here should screen shot or copy paste their replies into a text document. And meditate on their own lampooning statements .
      Someone is inadvertently so close to the answer they could reach out and touch it right in front of them in their own words. That’s the irony.

      I’m loving that 😆 keep going Cuong.
      The answer is right there in front of your face in your own words.

    44. @Sleazy
      Here on the Jeffries post

      “They were all pretty much bullshitters. I also read that book, out of curiosity, but that was about two decades ago. Is Gunwitch mentioned as a minor character? If so, that is one guy who is credible.“

      Btw – I’ve been wondering why do u still use the Blog format ?
      It’s so inefficient and unproductive which is ironic considering ur field of work(!) and your books etc .. German efficiency and all of that. 🤷🏻‍♂️

      I mean u have the blog posts – but it’s about 50% or more a discussion forum.

      Wouldn’t a closed forum be better and more useable, functional and efficient?

      Is there a lot of setup and admin required to run a forum .. I have no idea tbh just throwing it out there.,,

    45. This is an off-hand remark. I think it is a bit of a stretch to construe that statement as a general recommendation. You can be credible, yet pursue highly questionable methods, for instance. I also pointed out that Gunwitch belongs to a social stratum, i.e. criminals and low lives, probably few of the people on this blog have any connection to.

    46. @CQV

      I am nearsighted as well and wear glasses on my regular day to day. Not having the glasses isn’t a barrier to me in being able to train/spar effectively. Though I personally hope to get PRK (Requires more recovery time from what I’ve read, but better for you long term if you intend to participate in contact sports) one day. See for yourself in training if its an issue. If you can hit pads just fine, you should be good.

      Perhaps I should join a boxing club somewhere. Most clubs here in Saigon are gay as shit. They are all about “cardio”. Yeah, for that, I enjoy jogging and running. I am looking for a club that teaches basics.”

      – Yeah. Unfortunately, Boxercise/Cardio Kickboxing is what commonly sells. People don’t like getting punched in the face. It wouldn’t be such an issue if they at least taught solid basics and mechanics. (Like a great boxing/kickboxing gym that taught solid basics, but just didn’t do sparring. the vast majority of boxercise places don’t even come close to that though)

      I suppose all I can advise is to check out your local gyms. Hopefully they offer a per day session so you can quickly assess if they are worth working with. (if not for the long term, then at least for awhile) I’d say a big red flag is if they only offer long contracts. I’ve talked before of a terrible experience with my first Muay Thai instructor, who tried to get me to lose 30 lbs in 30 days. This was another one of the red flags I saw coming and should have listened to my instincts.

      Its been my experience in my local area that good, legitimate gyms/places (That aren’t the best, but at least are places you can get real value from) typically aren’t making a lot of money. Its the fancier places that seem to be plagued with Boxercise/Cardio Kickboxing type of classes.

      Again, its probably the result of having to market to the average joe and jane who hardly knows anything about martial arts outside of Hollywood, and thinks they can become the next Bruce Lee without experiencing the discomfort of actually fighting. If you run into such classes, you can maybe ask the instructor if they know a place where real fighters train. Boxercise instructors in my experience are at least honest, and probably know places with real fighting instruction.

      Hell, maybe there is a Gracie Academy/Certified Training Center near you:

      They teach grappling rather than striking, but the grappling they do teach is very relevant for self-defense. Not a bad place to start.

      As for online resources I can recommend, I already mentioned Wim Demeere and his Patreon here. Some others: (This and Wimsblog are great places to read about the subject in general. But of course, know that reading and training aren’t the same things)

      That’s off the top of my head for now. If you still have plans to visit Thailand, you might want to check out this place: (I don’t know that much about this place, but they’ve trained a few UFC fighters if I’m not mistaken.)

      Hopefully the next time I visit Thailand, I can give this place a shot myself. Looks very promising.

      You seem to have more flexibility with being able to travel than I do. If you can travel to the places I recommended and get in-person training, you’d be living my dream. haha. Hope my response here was helpful. 🙂

    47. @sleazy
      So your saying
      ‘Credible ‘
      able to be believed; convincing.

      Is me making a big stretch to-

      ‘Recommended ‘
      advised or suggested as good or suitable

      Ok then.
      I thought it was a logical and rational link.
      Hey I’m not trying to twist anyones words….
      It’s your Blog,

      His method is pretty much the same basis as yours. Don’t see the big issue myself making that stretch. It irrelevant that he’s an American white trash criminal.and you’re a European academic (or whatever). It’s the same principles more or less- fhat a woman’s primary interest in a man is sexual – so put the sexual and being a sexy masculine man firstly as the basis. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    48. Dude, I am hardly familiar with this guy but based on what I know, over a decade ago his material seemed okay. I have no idea if he is still around and I do not care enough about him or any other “guru” to look them up online and read up on their current views. Also, there is obviously a big difference in accepted behaviors in the various social strata. I consider this self-evident, as it should be for anyone who ever dipped his toes into a dating pool above or below their own socio-economic level. How well do you think Gunwitch would be received at, for instance, an evening reception of alumni of a particular university working in the same field, e.g. Finance?

    49. Hey fucking 40 virgin, you are putting words into Sleazy’s mouth. I remember Gunwitch said “make the hoe say no”. This is his moto. It may sound like a male bravado, but it is shit. Why don’t you carry a gun out, put it near a female temple and whisper: “Have fun with me or I blow your brain out.” Or even better “Either a kiss or brain liquid on this pizza”, and see if you get anywhere with chicks.

      Fucking dumbtard!

    50. @ Aaron
      When I mentioned him it was in the context of “ making a Ho say no “ an Gunwitch quote, is good advice regardless of the location and wether he wants an LTR or a ONS.
      Ie showing your sexual interest upfront, to get her to reveal hers. At a alumni reception I’d just do it indirectly but I’d still do it with my tone of voice, I’d want her to know what’s up ?

      I’m not suggesting he run some direct and sexual physical escalation game in front of a bunch of people. Or pull a gun out as he’s just taken it to now.
      Just that he has to “get his dick out” metaphorically speaking from the start interacting with a chick,

      I was wondering why CQV can’t just grow some balls and ask for a date sooner . It’s just a coffee date ffs.

      They are either into him from the get go or they are not?

      What’s the waiting for exactly.. these “flames of love to grow”. Sounds like Blue Pill.

      In Vietnam does having coffee with a man = “being a Whore” in 2024.? It’s not India.

      What’s the downside risk? Will he get beaten up by her brother or something 🤷🏻‍♂️

      I’ve asked him a few times , he won’t tell me

    51. CVQ & Sleazy.

      This bit in the OP from Quong
      “ It seems that this is not a problem of looks, personality or “game”, but more about asking women too soon before they can decide for themselves whether I am a good candidate for a relationship.”

      So basically it’s waiting for the chick to start Leading CQV is wanting to happen after a period of time of her getting to know him.

      Which is Beta and Blue Pill.
      He ought be leading not her,
      This is the whole problem with this idea – it’s passive.

      Hey CQV – do u think after X period of time of knowing u .. this chick is suddenly going to start flirting like crazy with you to give the signal it’s a goer ,, or does she just tell you directly “ I have made the decision I like you and now let us progress to a physical relationship tonight”. How are u gonna know when she’s made her decision .

      Is this how it works in Vietnam?
      Maybe it is. I dunno I’m just asking but getting nowhere getting a straight answer out of Quong.

    52. @James
      If you are from North America then ask relevant question on your location instead of poking your nose in my region, where you absolutely have no understanding.

      You are a clown who entertains the whole blog.

      Fucking virgin who loves baravado online to sound manly.

    53. @Quong

      I’ve asked someone in this exchange about 3 or 4 times to explain the dating culture in Vietnam and why going for the number too soon is risky .
      And he keeps avoiding fhe question.

      Because he knows it will be a piece of piss for me to point out that he’s just being a massive Pussy.

      Which he is.
      I can google Vietnamese dating culture buddy, and learn all about it in 10 mins.
      But I don’t have to .
      Cos I’m almost dead set certain you’re just being a pussy.

      Aaron’s basis for argument in the old days doing his debunks of Game was

      A) she likes you -so it doesn’t matter what u say of do ( just don’t have anti-game)


      B) she doesn’t like you – so it doesn’t matter what u say or do


      C) it’s a maybe – she considering u based on your resources and status only not sexual attraction

      So those 3 chicks in your OP just didn’t like you.

      What’s the point in getting to know them.
      It wouldn’t have made any difference

      Unless u like the idea of being a provider male,

      He also said in that link to post above re “MinMaxxing won’t work in Dating either “
      The following
      “ Heck, guys who were virgins told me about their “exact type”, when they should be concerned about getting laid first. If you only want to fuck your “exact type” you may end up like those old spinsters who are still waiting for that billionaire CEO in his early twenties with a square jaw and chiseled abs who is also a complete cuck. If you want a girlfriend, then go meet a few cute girls, and if there is mutual interest, and she seems like a reasonably good candidate, just give it a go. That way, you’ll get plenty of experience, and even if things don’t work out, you’ll have learnt a lot for your next relationship. ”


      And everyone is telling you the same to go and fuck a hooker also.

      But you’re too much of a pussy to do that either.

      He also replied to another blog poster on some thread re this “getting to know you to be more attracted to you time”was in reality the chick just assessing his resources and status.

      I can’t believe he’s changed his opinions that much in 4 years. Else this is now become a Blue Pill blog somehow 🤷🏻‍♂️

      Else he’s being a bit of a hypocrite tbh, plain and simply and flip flopping around.

    54. @Maou

      You mentioned in 2019 you were keen on the idea of getting coaching from Scotty F.

      Did u ever follow that up.. how did it go?
      If not how come..

      Maou seems to be a bit more rational and logical than the Viet Virgin,

      Being a virgin tends to make guys very irrational I find.

      Cheers CJ

    55. @Quong @ Sleazy @ Alek @ Maou

      Is this except below 👇 still your proposed strategy as laid out by Alek in that thread on ‘Min/amazing won’t work either’?

      Because I will quite happily pick this apart but by bit and totally ***Annihilate it *** to the 4 of you here on this thread.
      And I can do that in about 5 bullet point sentences. Try me . go on.

      Please review below and confirm or tell me how you’ve changed your position since 2019 and that this is now a Blue Pill blog. Cheers CJ.
      Alek’s post there laid this out re min/maxing Game. It’s your general strategy no?👇👇👇

      Guy B:

      – Invests 100 hours in studying minimal game type of information, i.e. the basics that are responsible for 95% of your results
      – Invests 400 hours in working out (that’s 3 times a week for years, enough to get you 90% of your lifetime possible gains if done right)
      – Invests 200 hours in learning to couple dance
      – Invests 500 hours in courses that double his overall income over those 3 years
      – Invests part of that additional income in better clothes
      – Invests 600 hours in a hobby/niche that involves lots of women or socializing
      (utilizes those hours to practice flirting skills, make female friends and build status in that niche, 600 hours is enough to get into the top 5% of niche, status-wise, especially if he invests part of that additional income there)
      – Invests 600 hours in carefully chosen venues that are related to his hobby or niche, or places where he can take the friends he made in that niche (where he has high status), meets more women there

    56. @Jame,
      You are not only a stupid fuck, you just dont know how to read:

      I have asked 3 girls out this way. 2 of them do not reject me directly, but point to the fact that they are not available. (they are Vietnamese), 1 of them is a Russian and states directly (in an admirable manner) that she so far has had no romantic feelings for me despite being amazed at my courage.

      You have given you a piece about Vietnamese gradualism, what are you yabbling about?

      You are the pussy who is hiding behind the computer, posting fake pics or posting your bloody pathetic body with some women whom have never slept with ya, yo show “pre-selection”. You are nothing but a cunt and a kike. A little more cunt than kike!

      Now go back to your corner and cry, you cunt!

    57. Hi CVQ

      Have asked 3 girls out “ too early in the interaction”
      2 went unavailable (It’s a No) and 1 russian chick said ‘No thanks’ .

      ( how early exactly did u ask them out how many hours into the interaction dickhead?)

      Your said your sticking point was asking girls out too soon

      “It seems that this is not a problem of looks, personality or “game”, but more about asking women too soon before they can decide for themselves whether I am a good candidate for a relationship.“

      “ It seems that my environment calls for a kind of slower game, which ensures that girls get to know me first before I reveal my interest.”

      I’m asking you – Why? Why a slower game .
      WHY do you think they need to get to know you first/ build this ‘connection’ with them before you reveal your interest?

      I’m pointing out attraction doesn’t work that way.
      There is no ‘flame burning more greatly over time’ as she gets to know you and you build a connection.?

      This statement of Assanovas that “ Women can be romanced and won over”. must be out of context surely.
      That’s pure Blue Pill thinking afaik.

      The girls just didn’t like you from the get go.
      No amount of time with you would have changed that – unless u pulled big amounts of money and status out of your pocket. Like a Rabbit out of a Hat.

      Ps those pics are me – I have that pathetic body IRL 😃

      I also gave u 10-15 facts about Vietnam 🇻🇳 from my travels there. u retard.

    58. Girls in Vietnam like to get to know you first. Instead of asking them too soon, you should let them slowly get attracted to you. Asking them out too early put them on defensive and makes the subsequent interactions very awkward and stuck.

      Girls feel like they are put on the spot and that you are too shallow when asking out too early. American Vietnamese are also shocked when they got rejected by asking girls out too early.

      For the other 2 girls, they were clearly not ready to meet up. 1 was not seeing anyone because she was very busy with building her own small business. We are still texting and she is friendly. 1 was, at that time, preparing to graduate and was very busy with works. She has moved to Hanoi.

      As for the Russian girl, she still said I was a decent guy and might in future had dinner with me. I don’t care, I am seeing and talking to new girls.

      Most relationships start with “let just be friend” first, with a lot of texts on phone before going on a casual date.

      Lots of women will reject if you force them to choose you. There is nothing “manly” about asking them out early.

      Here are 2 relevant posts by Assanova:

    59. @Cheeky
      “You mentioned in 2019 you were keen on the idea of getting coaching from Scotty F. Did u ever follow that up?”

      I haven’t. Unfortunately, until I can get out from where I am now (not even my grandpa’s place is a good position for any of this, and I’m not even sure I want to go back there anymore) and live by myself, these online coaching services won’t be of much use to me. (Including Wim’s patreon and other online programs. As I’ve said before, Knowledge is one thing. Being in a position to effectively to put that knowledge into practice/action is another. I can’t justify regularly paying for an online program just for access to knowledge alone. I have to be in the position to actually use the information.)

      Assanova’s written about it before, but once you’ve handled LMS, Logistics (and that includes being able to secretly set things up, because of women’s anti-slut defense) becomes the next most important factor for success.

      I remember in the past when my dad put a built-in second bed in my bedroom at home, so that in case I wanted to have a naughty night, I can take a woman home. This was back before I ever discovered Sleazy and didn’t know even half of what I know now, but even back then, I was already able to tell that, noble as the gesture may be, it is worse than useless.

      A woman who cares even a little bit about her reputation isn’t just going to agree to come home with me with several family members in the house, and to make it even worse, there’s no soundproofing here. Even I’M uncomfortable with the idea of having sex here under those conditions. Just imagine how much worse a woman would feel.

      A big part of why Sleazy accomplished what he did back in his heyday was as a result of his folks financially supporting him living out there, leaving him with all the freedom in the world to pursue debauchery. Unfortunately, my folks couldn’t provide to quite the same level. They were only able to provide enough for me to pursue the gymbro and diet life for awhile, but they couldn’t support me pursuing a variety of hobbies and niches.

      Not to take anything away from the Sleaze of course. the vast majority of men STILL wouldn’t be able to replicate even a fraction of his results even given the same life conditions. Most men probably wouldn’t be able to accomplish what I have either (losing 80 lbs, more than that if we account for muscle growth replacing fat weight.) in the same life conditions I was given at the time, but there is absolutely no denying the environment I was in played an absolutely crucial role to my success.

      god, I remember just how much difficulty I went through getting started on working out. I was in such horrible shape that I ended up giving myself fever FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK (no exaggeration, legit a whole week of being sick and weak from ONE WORKOUT. lol) doing a home workout I designed. I think I did around a few sets of 30 bodyweight squats, knee pushups, and some other exercises I can’t remember right now.

      and when I went to the gym the first few times, I remember my legs ending up absolutely wobbly from doing the barbell Squats. (I think it was just 120 lbs for 3×10) I ended up injuring myself at home when my legs gave out all of a sudden while walking at home and I landed full weight on my right foot! thank fucking god it didn’t happen in the gym under the barbell! (I was able to still go to the gym, and even do squats again, but I had to be driven there for awhile. Once my foot healed, I always walked to the gym.)

      A big part of the reason I was able to push through all that to achieve what I have today is because I was able to put myself in an environment where my fitness and weight loss were the ONLY responsibilities I had to worry about. Imagine if I had to worry about work issues and other such stressful responsibilities in the midst of me trying to dig myself out of the sorry pathetic physical shape that I used to be in? It almost certainly wouldn’t have worked out, I probably would have been completely discouraged from continuing to workout. and from this experience, I can tell why most average folk fail to absolutely get themselves out of that pit.

    60. @Maou


      For me , if I have a car I have logistics (?)
      The front or back seat.
      I mean, Quong is obvs going to scoff but realistically if a chick likes u enough and it’s been enough dates for her to be comfortable getting physical. She’ll have sex with you in the car. It’ll be a funny and romantic first time.
      For real.

      I’ve taken a slutty chick out of a club and around the corner and had her in the back of my VW 😆 Also took another slutty one from bar to underground car park ( at her suggestion that she wished there was somewhere we could go “ right now”) and fucked her behind a big SUV in the corner.

      For realz also.
      Never did a bathroom stall tho. It never occurred to me actually. Until I read Sleazys book. I could imagine it happening in Rave clubs tho easily with the drugs.

      Everywhere else tho pretty much, the middle of a park on a rock at 4am haha.

      Bragging stories but why not,

      The point is the car is logistics if you have one that has space, and she’ll laugh about it . If the time is right, it’s right,

      The chick may have logistics so I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Go to her place.

      Have you ever seen the movie the Dallas Buyers Club. That rodeo stud character Matthew McConaughey plays I believe is based on a true story, he bangs chicks all over the place . Gave me bad flashbacks that movie !!
      That’s a good character study also of a studs life.

      For me here, in summer I swim a lot 5 times a week for 1-1,5 hours. And go through phases of lifting 20kg KMart dumbbells in the garage.
      I despise the gym environment . It’s the Doof Doof music mainly. Hate that. And hate wearing headphones as an alternative,
      The scenery is great tho 👩 🍑

      But tbh do guys pick up chicks at the gym ? I thought it was a no-go myself.

      Sounds like you smashed the fitness and lifting.
      But I thought it was ‘a little a lot’ vs ‘ a lot a little’? Don’t smash it too hard! 😬

      Have you ever tried Hot Yoga/Bikram yoga ?
      Holy shit. That near killed me a couple of times.

      Feel amazing 2 days after the pain tho. It stretched muscles and tendons I didn’t even know I had. 😂

    61. @Cuong
      Just drop the bullshit dude.
      It’s boring now and no one cares.
      Listen to this and give me 5 lines if you want help, if not just don’t bother replying bro,
      I’m not debating a virgin on the best way to get sex from women. Thanks CJ

    62. Please go back and read on short term attraction and long term attraction. What you are describing on your video is short term attraction.

      If you intend to go out and get only girls who are short term attracted to you, you will have a very limited pool of women.

      I have experienced girls instantly into me. They are not numerous. For a normal guy, it is not that common.

    63. I’ve taken a slutty chick out of a club and around the corner and had her in the back of my VW 😆 Also took another slutty one from bar to underground car park ( at her suggestion that she wished there was somewhere we could go “ right now”) and fucked her behind a big SUV in the corner.

      Kool stories bro,
      Was it pulled from some seduction materials that you have read? Sounds nice.

      This statement of Assanovas that “ Women can be romanced and won over”. must be out of context surely.
      That’s pure Blue Pill thinking afaik.

      I am not gonna reproduce the whole post of Assanova. He closes it for a reason. But he got some girls this way. Many rejected him first, but latter pursued him.

    64. @Quong and @whoever is interested.

      Have a listen to these musings ( 15 mins )
      Quong I cannot be bothered typing out my thoughts tbh. It’s be too long a post, I’ll just do audio clips.

      Short term or long term the basis ought to be the same. Sexual Attraction works the same way for both. You may be talking about some other kind of attraction. But it’s sexual attraction you want to be going for IMO regardless wether it’s short term or long term.
      Are u freaked out about Short term or something?
      I thought that was the ideal goal and dream of every horny male … 🤷🏻‍♂️ Ie the power and ability to bang a lot of chicks whenever he desired to.
      We are taking at cross purposes then.
      We should probably just stop that. Peace. ☮️

      Have a listen anyway.

    65. @ Quong,

      “Kool stories bro,
      Was it pulled from some seduction materials that you have read? Sounds nice.“

      Yknow I have feeling that if I were to post up a video of me – showing my face , then panning and showing the chicks face , then panning down and showing my sheathed cock entering her vagina, in the back of my old Volkswagen Golf … and both of us shouting “ Hi Quong!” into to the camera as I entered her,,,

      You still would reply I’m a liar and it’s not really me in the video.

      Why am I arguing with a virgin on the internet again? Can someone remind me, I can’t remember anymore….

      I need to see a psychiatrist to discuss this, clearly. And pronto!

    66. Ps to Quong

      Chill out dude.
      Do you realise it’s just you and me talking bro?
      no one else is reading bro. It’s just you me and maybe Maou.

      It’s ok mate. Just breathe through it.
      We can kiss and make up and be friends on the Lowdown ok. No one cares bro. You haven’t “ lost any face “ in public as they say in the Asian cultures.

      Cos no one else is reading this or gives a shit.
      They are off busy talking about Gaming and politics.
      It’s only us 2 that want to talk women and dating. Haha.

      It’s just you and me Quong.

      Together forever.

      As Internet ‘buddies’.
      Let’s just shake internet hands bro,
      Cos whatever you say it’s coming from your status as virgin,

      And I’m going to completely annihilate it anyway 😬

    67. @James
      I know you love theory and complex analysis of seduction. Even real analysis of seduction is of an interest to you.

      Here is a blog of another member called Milroh. He wrote in Polish, but I am sure you can google translate him.

      Read him to get what I am trying to get across:

      Yknow I have feeling that if I were to post up a video of me – showing my face , then panning and showing the chicks face , then panning down and showing my sheathed cock entering her vagina, in the back of my old Volkswagen Golf … and both of us shouting “ Hi Quong!” into to the camera as I entered her,,,

      You still would reply I’m a liar and it’s not really me in the video.

      It’s okay bro. You don’t have any of those videos, you can’t, because you have nothing of those experiences to show for.

      BTW, railing girls in a goal cart, that’s creative. First time ever heard it.

      I need to see a psychiatrist to discuss this, clearly. And pronto!

      Sure? I think you need a shotgun and a scotch. It’s okay. It’s an end to your long misery of mid 40.

    68. Oooo! You’re really going in low now.
      That was a good one.
      Do you rehearse this stuff?

      Dude I’m not gonna bother googling translating.
      I can’t hardly be fucked typing replies.

      You have beaten me to submission through boredom Quong. Well done you win.

      And dude you are not witty enough to be Troll.
      Gotta be funnier than that bro,
      This got old about a week ago.

      It’s just boring now dude. Give it up.
      Just go fuck a Russian hooker in Phuket bro.
      Get rid of all that hate,

      H8rs gonna H8 .

    69. Let’s just shake hands on it bro.

      And I’ll do my little Hapkaido move on you.

      And snap ur wrist u fucking clown shoes. 🫱🫲🤝⚡️😫 😮😀

      Am I triggering your bully-trauma or something.

      Nah it’s the fact I fucked ur countrywomen isn’t it.

      That’s it . I’m posting pictures of Vietnamese hookers next Quong.
      Just for you ya Dink. 😆

    70. Quong –
      “ Sure? I think you need a shotgun and a scotch. It’s okay. It’s an end to your long misery of mid 40.”

      Yknow gotta say .. this kind of triggered me for a brief moment and got me fired up. Keep going with that angle it’s a good one. 👍

      And if I told you my IRL actual body count, ( it’s be an estimate btw) …

      you’d probably shit your pants .
      Or vomit,

      Or both.

      Quong if this conversation was was occurring between the years of 1955 – 1975,
      And if I WAS American…

      I’d definitely ‘Zippo Raid’ your village .

      Just sayin.

    71. Here ya go Quong.

      🎵 especially for youuuu 🎵
      As Kylie Minogue and Jason Donovan used to sing.

      See we got something in common Quong .
      We both like yellow bitches 😃
      I prefer two at a time tho. 😀

      Mmmmm. Nom nom nom! 🍴 😬

      See that one on the left w short hair ? She called herself ‘C-C’ or something,

      I kinda fell in love with her Quong .. she was unbelievable 😍
      And a sexy lil sweetheart 💗

      The other was a bit of a cunt tbh. 😤

      But I showed HER Quong !!! Dat impudent biotch.

    72. She wanted to knock off early Cuong

      But to me 100K dong is 100k dong and that’s it.

      Y’know what I mean Cuong? 😆

      Gotta keep that pimp hand strong wit deez Ho’s 👋

      Old Cheeky James don’t play that shit. 🤨
      He knows their little games by now .

  2. Just had this interesting interaction on OD this morning with a very fuckable chick ..

    Hey LaLa
    Nice pics
    U seem smart
    Is that Fitzroy pool
    And tall?

    Well smart
    Not particularly tall myself at 5’7
    You seem to like cornflakes more
    than the average punter

    Oh your friend must be very small
    I read somewhere the more someone
    has in their bio the smarter they are

    Good morning. That’s my son
    I read somewhere that app bios are
    a strange non-science

    It’s all looks

    Yep. My friend put it very bluntly
    once ‘can I imagine licking his penis
    – yes or no?’


    So note to self – upgrade pics immediately to sexy pics (with womens arms around me )

    @Sleazy – do u think Showing abundance /preselection in pics matters or nah?

    Do chicks think this is “try hard” u reckon?

    1. James, I am not sure that it is a good idea to post pictures of you with other chicks on your dating profile. What if the woman you are with sets such a high bar that few compare favorably with her? On the other hand, if the chick is “mid”, as Zoomers say, then it undermines your status.

    2. Sleazy- I cut out most of their faces so this cannot be determined by the swipers. 😉
      Just a bit of hair , a bit of big tit and her arm around my shoulder usually.

      I figured it displayed preselection and abundance so may help me 🤷🏻‍♂️

      It also may help that some are taller than me and this can still be seen despite the cut-out.

      So it’s -‘ this guy gets tall chicks – he must have a big dick’ I’m theorising the effect.

    3. They may also conclude, rightly or wrongly, that you are a short guy, which would not help.

    4. @Sleazy -Well… I’m an average height guy.
      No point in me catfishing them I’m taller.
      They’ll reject me immediately on the meet up for being average / short,
      Height is usually listed as an option under the ‘Stats section ‘in most OD apps anyway.

      I’d want them to be thinking -“ hes an average height guy who gets tall chicks -he must have a either a big dick or Money & Status then “

      Really this ‘LooksMoney&Status’ equation is missing the ‘D’. Women scan for Big-Dick in addition to the above core LM&S imo & ime especially for a casual fuckboy. Looks still matter obvs but Big Dick can overcome that to an extent.

      Chicks can also do a “referral service” for Mr Big Dick and pass him around to their girlfriends from what I’ve heard from some guys. 👍

  3. And also as it’s all Looks for sod what is actually relevant to put in the Bio section? It should just be facts to help us both set up a bang in my mind then no?

    You have me some advice of 3 lines (3 bullet points) if I recall.

    I’m thinking essential info would be
    – my suburb location
    – range in km I’m willing to travel to meet then (say 15km radius)
    – my availability eg free during the day for meets Mon & Thurs.

    It’s funny how all chicks on this FEELD app have the phrase “ good connection” as a ‘must have’.

    Wtf are they on about .. is this just anti slut defence. They just need to know I’m relatively normal and not a serial killer I would have thought 🤷🏻‍♂️ From my experience also.

  4. Also as an aside
    What do guys make of this Chase Amante character @sleazy have u met him? I recall u mentioned u knew of him for ASF days.
    It’s doubtful to me he has much success with women he looks too meek and beta to me.

    Apparently he’s based his ‘method’ on 127 ‘scientific studies’ . ( most of his website / forum is the usual PUA bullshit so I’m doubtful he’s much of a player IRL) check out this video and his behaviour,
    Apparently he also dates ‘models’ and other assorted high quality girls ‘out of his league’ 😆

    I also wonder if ‘Chase Amante’ is a play on ‘ John Frusciate’ (guitarist from RHCP) .
    That’s who he resembles to me, 😀

    1. I have met him on my travels. Back then, he lived in Asia, to keep it vague. I like him as a person but I do not know about his in-field prowess. I am furthermore not familiar with his products.

    2. Thanks for the reply.
      Well his sosuave website & forum is packed full of that old PuA bullshit, “ make any girl your girlfriend with Chases scientific based system “ 😆

      I read his article the other day on
      “The definitive take on why looks don’t matter -cos Clooney Pitt & BJordans girlfriends were average looking “ (hilarious)

      And he’s written 1,500 (!) articles teaching how to pickup women. I doubt he has much prowess at all by the looks of him and his BS writings.

      It’s interesting from the old PUA community there are only about 5 left,

      Tyler & Co ( in new form)
      Chase Amante – SoSuave
      Bobby Rio & Sinn – TSB magazine online
      Love Systems (still going)
      Mystery & Beckster – bootcamping in Europe

      That’s about it afaik.
      And the ASF/Fast Seduction forum is still going I guess.. probably,

  5. Here’s a ‘debate challenge’ for all y’all here on this Blog,
    Sleazy, Alek, CQV , PN , GL&S (whoever)
    Whoever wants to talk pickup.

    Listen to this – this the setup I’d like

    I’ll keep it to 3-4 line replies on a new open thread. ( I’d prefer to reply as audio clips tbh-
    I’m not worried about revealing myself on audio clips)

    Cmon – flex your pickup muscles and knowledge .. do your best to destroy me 😂 it’ll be fun.

    Look forward to it.
    I’ll out debate the whole gang of you fuckers haha. 😛
    Cheers CJ

  6. @ sleazy
    I will report some progress this week on OD.
    resulting from the following tweaks on RHP ( the fuck app)
    There are
    1. Upgrading my pics especially a main one of my face and top half from a below camera angle – making my body and shoulders look more Chad-Like and with minimal filtering. ( I did a bit of sneaky photo editing to my beard covering most of the grey hairs – a tip from a chick on the app “ dye your beard “ she advised . Spot on advice from her btw. Chats can be useful for chick tips btw- advice to you all .

    2. Editing my bio to be factual – mainly just info re location and radius I want a fuck buddy.

    3. Cutting the shit in conversation – When I was in a pissed off and cranky mood* I just thought “ fuck this waste of time texting bullshit” and started sending chicks sharp messages like so

    “ if you’re keen on me let’s arrange a fuck- flick me your number I hate this app I never know when ur online “

    And viola – 4 numbers collected this week.
    That’s a switch ! From 0 numbers collected for about 6 weeks.

    * I will say this re my mood – this alpha thing , direct game , cutting the shit and being super assertive , to me on reflection is actually a “state” I have to get info firstly. I think it’s a buildup of T thing as I am no fap now for months and I have blue balls and backed up with hormones.

    What are your thoughts on the above ?

    So cheers for your tips a few weeks ago re jumping on the DTF situation.

    I’d have to give a bigger shout out to Brent Smith tho if he were on this blog – his YT video interview on his Text Game strategy was dead set solid gold. I prefer audio / visual for tips and learning tbh. Love Brent’s advice . hes a fucking genius 😎 his game is pretty much Chad Game I’d imagine.

    Regardless – I’d forgotten how well this approach of ‘cutting the shit ‘works with chicks.
    Man I am so rusty 😆
    As Brent says – don’t talk them OUT of something they already want to do. As OD is all based on Looks – if she messages back at all and there’s any back and forth *at all *= she’s Down to meet or more likely DTF tbh. Nothing else except a small bit of banter / personality is really needed. I can see it clearer now,

    Yiiiip. Finally making some progress .. fuck me dead the last few months have been tough on OD.

    I’m confident this will snowball now.

    Very nice, I liiiike as Borat would say
    👍 😬

  7. @Sleazy

    Ok Aaron, sure.
    If you say a guy is “credible.“ re advice on men and women and pickup. I take that as a recommendation 🤷🏻‍♂️ .Doesn’t matter anyway he was merely an example of what I was trying to comms to CQV,

    Check out this video I just googled up.
    It’d say it’s 2004 /2005 pre the real ease of strausses book The Game .. before the start of the big PUA biz & scamming took over.
    And well before Strauss had any money from the book or his other pickup biz.

    Have a look at the footage and tell me these 2 guys didn’t have the ability to pull decent chicks IRL. It’s clear to me.

    This is Erik’s bird from the Game book – Katya . When they were living in Project Hollywood house running the first small bootcamps. They didn’t have money then and a heap of them shared the house. Rent was coveted by rich Papa Kho then Afaik .. the one before her was a hot stripper and I’d believe it . Easy.

    Erik could definitely pull decent chicks back in the day pre the money, And Neil also I’d be sure.

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