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Botched Government Conspiracies and Female Thinking

There is the view that government is not incompetent. Instead, everything our rulers want to happen also happens. This was true to some extent for the longest time, with the caveat that large governments cannot be efficiently run, meaning that there is always the possibility of conflicting interests and internal rivalries. That being said, our rulers got unfettered mass immigration, globalization, and the destruction of the nuclear family.

Modern government, on the other hand, is not staffed by a lot of competent people. We have ideologues in power who seem to believe that reality is some kind of linguistic construct that can be changed at will. Many of them are also die-hard Marxists with views that are in complete contradiction to reality. As it turns out, for instance, you cannot just call anybody a doctor and expect that person to be a competent doctor.

In the last few years, we have seen a number of pretty botched conspiracies, with absolutely shoddy execution. This is related to “female thinking”, by which I do not mean the thinking processes of women but approaches and reactions that are more commonly associated with women. Plenty of men also embrace this way of thinking. In short, instead of attempting to construct a convincing argument, the new modus operandi is a little bit different. There are three steps: declaring the goal, pushing through measures in a totalitarian manner, and suppressing all criticism. This is a deeply antagonistic approach that is doomed to fail in the long run. Of course, once such a scheme has failed, the politicians and bureaucrats in charge refuse to accept any kind of responsibility for their actions. Some may even throw a bitch fit when questioned.

A good example is the vaxx. The goal was to get an infinite number of vaxx shots into every white person in order to destroy their fertility and shave off years of their life expectancy. The vaxx was claimed to be safe and effective, and a massive PR campaign was launched that had the goal of pulling wool over the eyes of the general public. Just think of the ludicrous models promoted by Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London. His models were dismissed within days as utter garbage, yet Mommy Government was unimpressed by this. Of course, normies are sheep so plenty rolled up their sleeve. A few years later, though, there is irrefutable evidence that the vaxx was unsafe. The vaxx kills people. Big Pharma knew about it. Politicians knew about it. Yet, our bureaucrats still filled the coffers of Pfizer and other companies with billions.

Has anybody of the people in charge of mandating or enforcing the scamdemic taken any consequences? In the past, politicians resigned for missteps. If someone was caught lying, even about relatively trifle matters, it was enough to get that person to resign. Today, though, we are ruled by psychopaths who would never resign themselves, no matter how many mistakes if not downright crimes they commit, like in a third-world banana republic.

Another great example is the failed assassination of Trump. There is some evidence that the Secret Service was clued in and let it happen. For some reason, they forgot to cover the building that offered the best vantage point on the stage. Besides, according to the official story, that building had a sloped roof so it was not safe for Secret Service agents to step on it. They also did not care much about attendees of that rally alerting the Secret Service of that shooter on the roof. Yet, they killed the shooter right after he had fired his rifle. It is a really odd story that is about as believable as the official accounts of the JFK assassination or 9/11.

During the subsequent congressional hearing, Kimberley Cheatle, the Director of the Secret Service, showed an utterly defiant attitude, refusing to answer questions, refusing to take any responsibility, and playing dumb when needed:

Behavior like what you see of Kimberley Cheatle above would have been unimaginable in the past. Sure, we have always had corrupt and crooked politicians and bureaucrats, but people used to have morals, or at least wore morals as some kind of skin suit. They realized when their reputation had taken an unrecoverable hit. Thus, they rather resigned that reminding everybody of their disgrace by remaining in their position. Not Kimberley Cheatle. She refused to resign. Nothing was further from her mind. Of course, she was ousted a few weeks later but you can bet that this was not what she wanted. If she had her way, she would have remained at the helm of the Secret Service.

I think the best analogy of modern government is the female-dominated primary-school classroom. The typical female primary-school teacher may not be particularly bright. In fact, she likely is pretty dense. Yet, she is used to lording it over the entire classroom and if they make a mistake — yes, some of these idiots cannot even teach their material properly — they are much more likely to simply shout at the kid alerting her of her mistakes. No primary school teacher would resign if she yet again messed up a demonstration of long division.

The mental model of our rulers seems to be that the population consists of nothing but stupid little kids, which is only possible because they live in a bubble in which they get high on their own supply all the time. Of course, they want to keep living in that bubble and also regain the ability to completely control the narrative, similar to a primary school teacher in her classroom. This is why they dislike social media so much. An upset primary school teacher also does not want to engage in a debate with one of her pupils. She either pretends that she did not make a mistake or she goes on the attack, in order to get the kid to not speak up again in the future.

I do not think that any organization, let alone a government, is able to run effectively if you have an excess of men and women whose personality would make them a better fit for teaching at primary school. The outcome, and this is what we can observe widely at the present, is that more and more people realize that their rulers are clowns. Of course, only a small fraction of the general public will be able to fully understand that they are subjected to clown-world politics, but the broad masses are also getting more and more discontent nonetheless. In the past, there was a natural limit to the arrogance of our rulers. It seems our current batch of leaders wants to figure out where the current limits lie.

One thought on “Botched Government Conspiracies and Female Thinking

  1. OTOH, the mere fact that a conspiracy was botched makes the conspiranoids argue that there’s no such thing as a botch for our elites and that every apparent failure is staged. The world is a stage! We live in the Matrix (literally)!

    It was kind of Ubermensch’s logic, remember?

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