Open Thread

[Sticky] Open Thread #361

The Open Thread is a place for open discussion among my readers. Post anything you feel like sharing! From now on, the Open Thread will no longer be monthly. Instead, there will be a new Open Thread whenever it is adequate. The stage is yours. Go ahead!

The latest Open Thread is made ‘sticky’ to improve access.

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8 thoughts on “[Sticky] Open Thread #361

  1. Boeing keeps winning. Currently, two astronauts are stranded in space because their Boeing-manufactured spaceship has a bit of an eccentric personality:
    I wonder if the constant delays are similar to how airlines announce flight cancellations. First , there is half an hour, then an hour, then two hours, and only after they have lied to you often enough they officially cancel the flight. Here, these two astronauts get told that they can leave “tomorrow”, until tomorrow no longer comes. Let’s hope they manage to get back to earth. Otherwise, we would have to lament two more deaths that are directly attributable to maximum diversity.

    1. This video is not nearly as exaggerated as you may think. Rats, in particular, are a very common sight in Berlin, just as disposed furniture our household appliances lining the streets. Large parts of the city make you wonder if you are in a first-world country. As the capital of one of the most successful countries on earth, Berlin is an utter embarrassment. Of course, this is by design as her US slave master wants to demoralize Germans, and, ultimately, destroy Germany. In contrast, look at how clean and orderly this city used to be:

    2. I will be going to Germany in the next few weeks. I dread stepping out in Frankfurt, but not as much as going back to Berlin. I might avoid Berlin altogether this time and head straight for eastern Europe.

  2. Does anyone here know if illuminatus has a new website (his old one is long gone) or knows some way to contact him?

    1. I am not aware of any other website he has. As far as I am aware, he has disappeared from the Internet.

  3. The mobile game Uma Musume: Pretty Derby, which is about creating waifus and make them run races, made $2.4bn since its release:
    Creating games that contains nothing but waifus does not work in the West. The concept is amazingly simple. Why can’t we have Western-made games like this? I would much rather see that than yet another triple-A goyslop flop that leads to a studio closure.

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