Open Thread

Open Thread #77

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105 thoughts on “Open Thread #77

  1. On Friday I approached a neighbor (11 years younger than me) in the lobby of our apartment complex; an hour later we met for coffee and a walk. Netflix with me afterwards she refused, she had to study, but next week would be okay.

    Yesterday I approached another young woman in our laundromat (even a bit younger, I guess). I offered to help her with her homework (as I know a quite a bit about her major), which she came back to this afternoon. I then helped her and escalated things a bit until I caressed her legs. Today evening we had an appointment at my place for Netflixing, she did show up in time. Before we started she revealed to me that she has a boyfriend (I was not asking explicitly, we were talking about burglaries), who is studying in another state. Nevertheless she sat down on my bed and tolerated my arm around her shoulder. I caressed her legs again, coming dangerously close to her intimate area. But at no time did I touch her rosette, vagina or breasts (she was wearing yoga pants). I gave her a kiss on the cheek and briefly tried to lift her legs onto my lap, which she didn’t want (no verbal objection, she just didn’t go along). A little later she jumps up; she wants to get her mobile phone and a water bottle. We joke that she should not get lost (she just lives down the hallway). When she still did not come back for 5 – 10 minutes, I had a bad feeling.

    After 20 -25 min I wrote her a WA-message, I received no answer. Further 10 – 15 min I called her, no answer. Knocked at her door, no answer, no light could be seen through the door viewer. So I took a walk through and around the building, her curtains were closed. Later (so about 1 after she had left my apartment) I received a SMS (no WA): “Sorry, but this was all too intrusive for me. I prefer to be alone again.” I answered with: “No problem, I understand” and hope to have my neck out of the noose.

    All in all, I guess I was probably really too pushy, went too fast and too steep (I am no Stelar or Lisbon after all). I just thought “Netflix” is code for “fuck” and I already caressed her legs in the afternoon and she still met me tonight. But I think I should have just gotten out when she told me about her boyfriend (I was still hoping that he was just a fake, but the background story about him was probably too detailed for that).

    1. I am now thinking what conclusions to draw and consider setting myself the following rules (which might servearly cripple my love life):

      – no direct neighbors (don’t shit where you eat)
      – no women of whom I know that they are taken
      – no women I know somehow through work (see first point)
      – let my dating life run completely over my second smartphone
      – never give out my real name and address (possible exception: women I know through my social circle?)
      – ergo never take a chick back to my place (this might of course logistically restrict me and also reduce my dating pool quite a bit, so it would be quite painful)

      Furthermore, I should learn how to correcly dispose of condoms and define a few personal deal brakers. What are yours, guys, if I may ask?

      Do you have any experience using technoogy to cover your asses? (I think I recall Pickernanny writing he reocorded several encouters, at least the audio).

      I think I will now rather ghost my other neighbor; one such incident on one’s own doorstep is really enough, lol! A real shame as she is exactly my type and has a very slutty vibe.

      The thing is, I really want to finally have a few notches in my fuckbuddy-wood; I want it out of my system. But I really can do without all this BS and chaos women bring to my life. VR and Sexdolls for life xD

      Nonetheless many thanks to you, Aaron! Your consultation really jolted me into approaching more women and I am really grateful for this!

    2. You’re on the right track! I’m happy to hear that our recent conversation provided you that extra bit of motivation to actively pursue women.

    3. “– no women of whom I know that they are taken”
      I have a post by Sleazy in which he stated that single women are all dimes in a dozen, very small number. Women hate to be completely alone. They get nervous when they are asked whether they have a boyfriend. I concur his view. Basically, all the girls I have met at some points enter into a relationship of some sorts.

    4. “A dime a dozen” means that something is very cheap or in abundant supply. Be careful when using idioms as they may not mean what you think they do. Literally, this idiom means that for a ten-cent coin, you can get a dozen of something.

    5. “Before we started she revealed to me that she has a boyfriend (I was not asking explicitly, we were talking about burglaries), who is studying in another state. Nevertheless she sat down on my bed and tolerated my arm around her shoulder. I caressed her legs again, coming dangerously close to her intimate area.”
      Man, that’s pretty ballsy. I only get a few kisses in my life. Thanks for showing an example of escalation.

    6. @Cuong Quoc Vu: “I have a post by Sleazy in which he stated that single women are all dimes in a dozen, very small number.” Yeah, I remember this post:

      I fear it boils down to celibacy or assisting women in cheating. Between the hammer and the anvil.

      He also has a post called “Ethical Considerations of Picking Up Women”, where he writes: “As a safety precaution, I’d say that once you learn that some chick has a boyfriend or husband, it’s probably better if you stay away from her because her partner may not view the situation as rationally as you and come trying to kick your ass.”

      I figure that she mentioned her boyfriend (seemingly) out of the blue before(!) things where about to get serious in my flat (at least from my perspective) was probably a warning how conflicted she was about cheating. I should have just cucked out at that point. I just hope she does not confess (or hasn’t already) to him how she got hit on by this nasty creep and feels so bad and sorry now yadayada…

      Maybe she left for her parents place (they live close by, she told me) and cried her eyes out there. I am thinking weather I should contact her and try to do damage control or just ghost her from now on. Boy, I miss my incel days, lol! Much less stressful after all.

      “Man, that’s pretty ballsy. I only get a few kisses in my life. Thanks for showing an example of escalation.” Thanks, man! But considering the result I got it wasn’t a particularly good one, I fear. I basically creeped her out – literally out of my flat. This is Vince Kelvin level failure! And if I am unlucky I have to deal with some pretty nasty fallout soon. (But it is probably too soon to panic yet.)

    7. “Nevertheless she sat down on my bed and tolerated my arm around her shoulder.” Oh, and she wore yoga pants, too. That was probably just some coincidence.

      Dude, you could have banged her. She freaked out because your escalation was off. Put yourself in her shoes: you projected such exuberant masculine energy that she came to your apartment for a date. Yet, once she was at your place, you suddenly hesitated. The correct answer to her saying that she has a boyfriend is to not say anything or you say, “I know”, as you go for a makeout. It just takes some experience. I bet you were waiting for some signals to get some kind of permission to push the interaction further. A few club pulls will teach you quickly how to escalate once you have a chick back at your place, by the way.

      By the way, drop your stalker behavior. That stuff is really creepy. Had she wanted to get back to your place, she would have found her way there.

    8. ““A dime a dozen” means that something is very cheap or in abundant supply. Be careful when using idioms as they may not mean what you think they do. Literally, this idiom means that for a ten-cent coin, you can get a dozen of something.”

      Yeah man, you got me there. You impresses me with your arsenal of English idioms. Some stuffs sound very British. Do you speak English with a British accent?

    9. Dealbreakers?

      Well, for me, having a boyfriend or husband is a dealbreaker (unless he is OK with it).

      Trannies are dealbreakers, no matter hot and feminine they look.

      Bad teeth are a dealbreaker.

      Entitlement attitude is usually a dealbreaker as well. Expecting me to pay for everything at the date. Maybe not always a 100% dealbreaker, but huge red flag.

      Gold diggers are another red flag. Ive had women ask me on tinder what kind of car I drive or how much money I make.

    10. @Aaron: “You’re on the right track!” I am so glad to hear this!

      “Oh, and she wore yoga pants, too. That was probably just some coincidence.” Yeah, funny, isn’t it?

      “She freaked out because your escalation was off. Put yourself in her shoes: you projected such exuberant masculine energy that she came to your apartment for a date. Yet, once she was at your place, you suddenly hesitated. … I bet you were waiting for some signals to get some kind of permission to push the interaction further.”

      We had just started watching the movie, but I already was touching the inner sides of her thighs. I should have just gone for the make-out, I guess, to relieve the tension that already built up instead of keeping caressing her and giving her some corny kiss on the cheek, lol! Before reading your comment I would have thought I was too aggressive and thereby creeped her out, but now I figure she could not deal with the unresolved tension and thus left.

      “By the way, drop your stalker behavior. That stuff is really creepy. Had she wanted to get back to your place, she would have found her way there.” I agree and after 20 min or so I already accepted that sex was probably out of the picture (and that I anyhow should not push for it anymore after this behavior of her’s). But I was somehow worried about her doing something stupid and/or crazy. I even worried wether she might have collapsed in her flat or had a nervous breakdown or whatever and just wanted to make sure she is alright. This behavior of mine is likely a remainder from me having been in a relationship with a highly neurotic woman with strong psychosomatic tendencies. Honestly, other than that I would just have shrugged and/or laughed it off, I guess.

    11. It seems you’re not aware that her letting you fondle the inside of her thighs, close to her pussy, is giving you the go-ahead to escalate to sex. I’d say that this step is generally higher on the escalation ladder than a makeout or even a chick playing with your dick. You should have relieved the tension by whipping your dick out and letting her go down on you. From what I gather, you basically threw away a golden opportunity to get laid. It is incredibly incongruent to go from that to kissing her cheek. She got mixed signals and deduced that you don’t know what you’re doing. Thus, she freaked out and left.

    12. I also think I was to jovial in my behavior and I smiled too much. Instead of saying something like: “Oh, you can put your shoes here, by the way” when she walked into my flat with her shoes on, I should have stopped her right at the entrance, maybe played the authoritative daddy role and ordered her to put them out in combination with a slap on her butt (something like this).

    13. You’re way too agreeable. Just tell her to take off her shoes. You can slap her butt once this is congruent with your behavior.

    14. “I also think I was to jovial in my behavior and I smiled too much. Instead of saying something like: “Oh, you can put your shoes here, by the way” when she walked into my flat with her shoes on, I should have stopped her right at the entrance, maybe played the authoritative daddy role and ordered her to put them out in combination with a slap on her butt (something like this).”

      But she was about to sleep with you, was that necessary?

    15. Probably not necessary, I guess, but it might have set the right mood.

      By the way, my second neighbor turned me down earlier today via WA as “we are not on the same wavelength.” It’s okay, she was polite and all. I must have fucked up quite badly as our interaction in the lobby went really well and she was really enthusiastic about meeting up with me later. When I was coming from the gym and we first met I was still wearing my bad ass sun glasses and was dressed all in black. I was also wearing a shirt with a somewhat gothic and sexualized motive. There was such a crass difference in her demeanor when we met for our date one hour latter. I changed the sunglasses for my regular ones and went for a rather preppy look (lol!).

      I guess I failed at projecting this thuggish image that got her interested in the first place and was to sterile during our date. I tried my luck a bit with footsie when we were sitting down, but she was pulling back after a while. Yeah, I guess the whole conversation was far too asexual and mundane. I should have gotten more salacious. I should have also been a a bit more aggressive and I talked too fast with an at times shakey voice (I was quite nervous at times). (At least that is what I make of it.)

    16. “Probably not necessary, I guess, but it might have set the right mood.”

      You don’t sound like that kind of guy, yet the guy like Lisbon who sounds like he could be like that, has no quality for such an act. 🙂

    17. This is a really insightful comment. In fact, if a chick went home with a guy like Lisbon, she’d expect to get ravaged (and would be disappointed if it didn’t happen). That guy could run the most amazing game, similar to Scotty Flamingo’s. Scotty has a very attractive face, so even though he is physically really intimidating, his appearance is much different from Lisbon who genuinely looks like a killer. Scotty has far wider appeal, but the kind of woman who is into Lisbon he could just run thug game on, like pulling out a pistol as she’s sucking his dick and stuff like that. Seriously, with Lisbon I see a lot of unused potential.

    18. “yet the guy like Lisbon who sounds like he could be like that, has no quality for such an act. 🙂”

      A really tragic case, soo much wasted potential. I feel him, although I never was that black pilled I think (at least not for such a long period of time). Neutral was beating the drum for Intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy by Habib Davanloo a few years back. Maybe Lisbon should check this out.

      Of course a man of his complexion could just throw away his passport, approach the German border and shout out “Asyl! Asyl! Mama Merkel, Asyl!” Authoreties would hook him up with middle and high school aged voluntering girls in no time (especially if he claimed to be only 15 yo). For such a man $haremoney of course offers additional avenues to get his dick wet, but I don’t want to open that can of worms now. (As he is a decent and honest guy this is of course no real option for Lisbon and only mentioned for the sake of completness.)

    19. “This is a really insightful comment. In fact, if a chick went home with a guy like Lisbon, she’d expect to get ravaged (and would be disappointed if it didn’t happen). That guy could run the most amazing game, similar to Scotty Flamingo’s. Scotty has a very attractive face, so even though he is physically really intimidating, his appearance is much different from Lisbon who genuinely looks like a killer. Scotty has far wider appeal, but the kind of woman who is into Lisbon he could just run thug game on, like pulling out a pistol as she’s sucking his dick and stuff like that. Seriously, with Lisbon I see a lot of unused potential.”
      Man, I thought I might be wrong on this one. I think your appearance must be congruent with your behaviour. If you look nice, dress well, has a good body, talk normally, you may be passed off as a boyfriend. I think with my fame, my body, my face, I fall into this category.

      There is this guy, from Poland, named Milroh, on your forum. This guy sounds like someone who runs provider game. I think that maybe something I can do, though I would say I should be quite less successful because he is white. He starts talking about a guy who is high status, intelligent, all that. I think the Kazakh dude with the height of 1m9 is using this card, because the chicks he get do not simply do ONS. That’s the missing card. It’s a different game. They are playing the provider games, which is why he lies to those girls that he is from some rich family.

      But sure, his height helps him tremendously!

    20. @Aaron: “It seems you’re not aware that her letting you fondle the inside of her thighs, close to her pussy, is giving you the go-ahead to escalate to sex. I’d say that this step is generally higher on the escalation ladder than a makeout or even a chick playing with your dick.” Fuck, I guess I wasn’t indeed! It seems so obvious in hindsight, now that you point it out to me. How fucking off I acted, lol!

      “You should have relieved the tension by whipping your dick out and letting her go down on you.” Especially as I already had a decent boner.

      “You’re way too agreeable.” Noted.

      Thank you very much for your helpful analysis and tipps, Aaron!

  2. Without knowing more about her and her bf (what the chances are that he might go after you), I think I’d advise you to just ghost her. Contacting her to do damage control just opens the door to so many more possible interactions that could go wrong. I’m also sceptical that she will confess this encounter to her parents. The typical girl wouldn’t.

    1. @Sleazy’s Wife: Thanks for your take!

      “I think I’d advise you to just ghost her. Contacting her to do damage control just opens the door to so many more possible interactions that could go wrong.” Yes, especially in light of Aaron’s interpretation of the situation this seems to be the way to go. (It is would also be my natural inclination.)

      “I’m also sceptical that she will confess this encounter to her parents. The typical girl wouldn’t.”

      Glad to hear this. I think so, too. Although it has gotten better over the years I still worry too soon and too much. (I think my relationship experiences might also helped me in this regard as they probably fucked a good junk of my receptors for cortisol and/or adrenalin so I do not get stressed as easily, strongly and long lastingly as I would have one year ago, lol!)

    2. You should write more. You are virtually the only woman who has various interesting opinions. Too bad I guess you must be extremely busy now.

    3. Thank you for the compliment 🙂 I’ve been really busy indeed, though I also think the sanctity of this male space should be respected and don’t want to indiscriminately chime in.

    1. That video clip is crazy. The second and third world are a peek into the future. It doesn’t matter if this clip was taken in Brazil, parts of the US, or somewhere in Europe. It would not have looked out of place there either as gated communities are popping up all over the place. The rich increasingly get private security, even in places like Sweden, which are highly segregated, meaning that all those champagne socialists never have to see a brown person. We are witnessing that governments widely betray their citizenry and consider ensuring public safety an obscenity. Thus, there will be an ever-increasing crime rate. It’s already sky-rocketing in the large, and Democrat-ruled, cities in the US.

    2. What a racist nazi bitch! I am appalled by her lack of Willkommenskultur!

      On a more serious note: I would probably rather live in the Brazil of 2035 than in $haremoneyistan of 2035. If I’m gonna live in a crime-riddled shithole anyway I at least love me some sunshine and shit. Plus Brazil might have a comparatively decent, reliable power grid (I dunno; haven’t looked into it).

    3. Plus, you can apparently carry a weapon on you in Brazil. In the West, only the bad guys can do so. Your task, as a reliable and law-abiding citizen is to finance this clown show and if you get robbed, beaten up, or shot, you just take it and consider your suffering or possible death a worthwhile sacrifice on the altar of diversity. It’s for the greater good!

    4. I’m probably in one of the top 3 safest states in the U.S., but I just view that as buying me an extended amount of time. I’m seriously starting to consider emigrating.

    5. “I just view that as buying me an extended amount of time.” A sad, but true assessment, I would say. But where to emigrate to? Have you already looked into some candidates?

    6. @Aaron

      I’ve seen, as I’m sure many of you probably have, lots of footage lately of whites being harassed, assaulted or having their property attacked and then essentially lynched if they try to defend themselves. It’s similar to Western Europe and how migrants have been allowed to legally rape and pillage without consequence. There was even that incident recently in Seattle where two whites were run down by a black man supposedly, yet the media failed to report that little fact about the driver. I can now share your disgust for the West.


      Considering the phenomenon of white flight in the States, I’d reckon that there should be plenty of relatively safe areas that are mostly homogenous (including my current one). However, I’m growing tired of the circus. I saw a Tweet by F. Rex in Kyoto, Japan and it just kind of sparked the idea. I don’t know for sure where else I’d like to settle, though I’d probably better settle on a location sometime soon and begin laying down plans. I’m assuming you’re in the States. Have you considered emigrating? If so, where?

    7. We’ll see conditions like in South Africa, with lynchings of white, in some parts of the United States. It’s already happening in small numbers (just look up videos of unprovoked attacks on whites by blacks) but the recent riots certainly have emboldened the agitators. Just think of what would have happened to “Ken and Karen” in their massive mansion if that dude hadn’t shown the crowd that he has an assault rifle:
      That guy was rightly afraid of the mob.

    8. Yes sir, I have been keeping a close eye out. These latest events have been extremely eye opening. One of the more recent videos I saw was of some teenage white kids on a trip in DC being called racist crackers by a very aggressive (B)lack man.

      I enjoyed one of the few viewer’s comments that pointed out that the DNCNN would find a way to blame the white teenage boy for this occurrence.

      In my assessment, you have two primary options when confronted with this type of situation: (1) Keep walking and ignore the aggressor and hopefully you don’t get jumped from behind or sucker punched, or alternatively, take off running as fast as possible at the first sign of trouble if possible, and (2) Prepare to defend yourself or those in your company with any means at your disposal and be prepared to be doxed, have your career ruined and be arrested to appear before a jury, usually with a significant bail.

    9. Ideally, you never end up in such situations so whenever you notice that there is potentially some trouble brewing, you don’t just hope that you’ll be spared or that nothing will happen but instead you take active steps to never get in such situations. For instance, here in Europe, people commonly take public transport. It doesn’t have the kind of stigma that is attached to it in the United States. Yet, this doesn’t mean that it’s a hassle-free experience. In the metro in Berlin, there are plenty of junkies or very aggressive beggars, so that is a good prompt to get off an wait for another train. Common are “musicians” who can’t properly play their instruments but do so anyway because it’s apparently a great way to get paid. People give them money to stop playing. A few years ago, a passenger asked them to stop with their noise — and in response he had his teeth smashed in with a trumpet. Here’s a German source: In General, just stay clear of shady people. I think that the typical millennial can’t make use of that kind of advice because they’ve been taught that stereotypes are somehow wrong, never asking themselves how come there are stereotypes to begin with.

    10. This video is from Chile (Maipú, to be more precise). The woman in question is a police officer, which could be inferred by how well she handled her gun (she failed to properly take cover, though).

      Contrary to assertions above, getting legal firearm carry permits is generally not easy around latin america. If you wan to legally carry weapons, USA red states should be your choice.

      Regarding USA: most of the rioting, and most of crime more generally are largely circumscribed to some large urban centers (Baltimore, DC, seem to be some of the worst). Avoid those and you should be fine.

    11. @Yarara

      Thanks for clarifying the location of the initial video. I’d personally not feel comfortable traveling to any decent sized U.S. city atm. Due to white flight, I expect there to be plenty of pockets within the country that remain homogenous for some time. However, will I want to retire in the U.S.A?

    12. Just to clarify, what that video depicts is seemingly a random, run-of-the-mill robbery/carcjacking attempt in Latin America. It does not have any hallmarks of a planned hit.

      Whoever is putting this out there with some racial angle is being misleading, to put it mildly.

      There are also plenty of out of context videos doing the rounds, some of them several years old, purporting to be showing current racial conflict. Smells like a disinformation effort. Before retweeting, make an effort to check the comments and fact check what is being shown.

      Down here in South America we are seeing plenty of those, especially regarding politics of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Venezuela.

    13. “We’ll see conditions like in South Africa, with lynchings of white, in some parts of the United States.” Yo, dawnt ya shieetalk dem zuth africans, ya biotch ass crakcer!11 Dem ain’t no planying to doo nuffin rong, ya feel me?

    14. He said, “I’m not calling for the slaughter of white people, at least for now.” I wonder how many BLM activists said something similar in private as that is clearly the direction we’re headed.

    15. @Pickernanny: I am from $haremoney/$haremoneyistan (formerly known as Germany).

      “I’m growing tired of the circus.” Feel you. With every “HONK” I feel more and more alienated from “my” people.

      Other Western countries are no option and I cannot really warm up to East Asia, although I really think very highly of East Asians all things considered. I am talking Japan, South Korea, Singapore* and Taiwan as I am not so fond of the PRC (I basically fall into the Manuel S. and Yarara Camp on this matter, although I consider myself far less educated then them on it). But these countries are very hard to get in and their mentality is not really my cup of tea. Maybe South East Asia (Vietnam and Thailand) would be an option, too.

      Eastern Europe (especially Poland or the Czech Republic) would be my first choice as I prefer to stay in Europe and live among Europeans/Whites. I also have a thing for Slavic/ Eastern European women. Most of the hookers in Germany stem from there and I am a huge fan. But our Eastern neighbors are not very fond of us Germans as our mad queen keeps pestering them to vibrantly enrich their homelands, too. (I can also do without cold and dark winters, but that is of course not a high-ranking criterion.)

      I kind of have a crush for Estonia and just hope Putin stays out of it. I also hope they break free from the EU and join a “based and red pilled” Eastern European Alliance, maybe some new version of the Rzeczpospolita. (But that hope might very well be misplaced.) I plan to explore Eastern Europe a bit in the years to come.

      Then of course there might be these free private cities popping up soon, but I am quite sceptical regrading them. (I definitely wish them well, though).

      I would love to see the creation of a purely White/European state. Maybe some kind of reshuffling of national borders within Europe might create some pockets worth living in. Fuck, even better might be if this state was founded in Africa, lol! If it works out, you would not have to deal with Tyrone, Mahmud and Jose muggin you and shieet, but being sourounded by enemies might keep everybody on his toes and ethonmasochism and degeneracy down (highly unlike, albeit intressting scenario).

      As things stand I however will stay in $haremoney to support my aging parents. I am an only child so it falls upon me, but I also have a great relationship with them and cannot really see myself abandoning them. As of now they are still in good health, luckily. I want to make sure that they are cared for and safe and die in dignity once the time comes. Considering I will be in my fourties or even fifties once I am unbound my options and/or motivation to emigrate might be severely diminished by then. Offing myself might at that point be the wiser thing to do compared to dragging my ever more declining husk through the ruins of the West occupied by all kind of orcs or starting out again at far away shores where nobody gives a fuck about me. Time will tell.

      (*I know Singapore is a South East Asian State geographically, but from what I understand it is basically run by Han Chinese people and one of the best places in the world according to many relevant metrics.)

    16. “We’ll see conditions like in South Africa, with lynchings of white, in some parts of the United States.” Yo, dawnt ya shieetalk dem zuth africans, ya biotch ass crakcer!11 Dem ain’t no planying to doo nuffin rong, ya feel me?”

      He didn’t speak that way. He also said he was uncertain of the future. He was rather honest, was he not?

    17. @Cuong Quoc Vu: “He didn’t speak that way.” He indeed does not speak ebonics – unlike the stereotypical dindu hoodlum I was attempting to ape above. I like his accent even beddah.

      “He also said he was uncertain of the future.” Well, who isn’t?

      “He was rather honest, was he not?” He was back-paddeling, beating around the bush and dog whistling, I would say. He probably gets hard thinking of killing whites and would be all too eager to finally get down to business. That’s pretty obvious to me.

      Can you imagine a white politician talking like this in regard to any other race?

    18. Thanks, Aaron! I wasn’t aware of this evil, reactionary Apartheid hicksville (that has literally thousands of black equivalents in the same country, but that’s completely fine and natural and desirable, so just shout up, y’all). I will keep my eye on it.

      I just wonder whether the Afrikaners are that fond of other whites – at least the farmers out in the bush. The city dwellers are probably not too different form your average Western European or Northern American – maybe a bit more “based and red-pilled” in general, I would assume.

      I guess the farmers prefer their own company and are probably rather skeptical towards outsiders in general. Furthermore, Christianity seems to play a huge role in their life. As an atheist you might have a tough stand, but hey, before I convert to Islam…;)

      All in all a very interesting place. Let’s hope they do not get overrun before they can really take off (I would not bet on it, though).

    19. If you ever go to Africa, make sure you play plenty of Resident Evil 5 to prepare yourself accordingly. More seriously, though, I think you’d be insane, as a white person, to ever travel there. You know how bad racial animosity against whites is in the West and that is already beyond the pale.

    20. “He said, “I’m not calling for the slaughter of white people, at least for now.”” I think jolly Julius already inspired quite a few farm killings. I researched him a bit; a lovley chap with the most noble ambitions, indeed.

      “Dubul’ ibhunu, translated as shoot the Boer[1] or kill the Boer,[2] is a controversial South African song. The intended meaning of the song as well as who it is supposed to refer to is disputed. ” Oh, I am sure it is 🤡

      “In post-apartheid South Africa the song has been most notably sung by then African National Congress Youth League leader Julius Malema[6] and then South African President Jacob Zuma.[7]”

      Just imagine this with the races reversed.

    21. Wikipedia also taught me that the term Jews use for gentiles, goyim, is not per se derogatory and, in fact, “can even be neutral”. Strangely enough, it translates into “cattle”, so I’m probably just not enlightened enough to understand how it can be a non-derogatory term. There is a lot of unintentional humor on Wikipedia indeed. Sometimes, I skim an article an can’t help but laugh, for instance when the article on Pizzagate states, “The conspiracy theory has been widely discredited and debunked. It has been judged to be false after detailed investigation by the fact-checking website and The New York Times.” In this day and age, it’s obviously much more sensible to completely distrust the New York Times, and is a laughable site anyway. One of my personal highlights it that site telling you that you can’t trust your lying eyes when you see Melinda Gates wear the upside-down cross, which is a satanic symbol.

    22. “If you ever go to Africa, make sure you play plenty of Resident Evil 5 to prepare yourself accordingly.” Lol, true dat!

      I agree with you, but to expereince at least once in my life to be sourounded by whites that are assertive instead of auto-agressive is tempting. (Maybe once I get diagnosed with cancer, I might risk taking a trip to this vibrant and excotic continent…)

  3. Hey guys, some things finally opened back up in California (not for long). So I finally made it in to the nail salon to get a pedicure from the hottie I’ve been checking out.

    Interaction went really well, but I was floored by what I found out! Found out that she’s way older than I thought, has 3 kids, and 2 ex-husbands! I do have her personal cell phone number. She asked for mine when I made the first appointment. Not sure if I should even go for a fuck buddy relationship. Our work places are right next to each other. Oh well…..

    1. “Not sure if I should even go for a fuck buddy relationship. Our work places are right next to each other. Oh well…..”

      I hate such fucking dilemmas, man! Unfortunatley, I feel not competent enough to advice you here.

      “Found out that she’s way older than I thought, has 3 kids, and 2 ex-husbands!” So how old is she and what was your initial guess?

    2. I thought she was in her 20s but she’s 44 and turning 45 soon! Asian women can look much younger than they are.
      Plus she wears quite a bit of make up, stays in shape, and I think she’s had work done. That doesn’t bother me as much as the 2 ex-husbands and 3 kids though. But I think this is just my overthinking it and perfectionism creeping in again.

      I guess I wanted at least the potential for something more serious. Maybe I should just go for an ONS. Shit, this is why I only fuck prostitutes.

    3. “I thought she was in her 20s but she’s 44 and turning 45 soon! Asian women can look much younger than they are.” I think Neutral once said to take a look at a woman’s hands to access her age and even asian women cannot escape this kind of examination, lol! Either way even she has probably cobwebs growing in her placenta by now, so probably(!) no risk of getting baby-trapped at least.

      “That doesn’t bother me as much as the 2 ex-husbands and 3 kids though.” Yeah, but even this I personally could tolerate would she not work right next to me. (I am talking FWB and ONS here.)

      “Shit, this is why I only fuck prostitutes.” Feel you, bro!

      But being able to pick up a slut at least once in a while does come in handy as soon as prostitution gets (defacto) banned as we experienced with this lock down. And fuck buddies can be a great deal in terms of ROI; much cheaper than hoes. (Plus in my neck of the woods hoes in their early twenties are rare as fuck – well at least the affordable ones. One of my regular body to body massage parlors suddenly had 2 or 3 of these as I saw on its webpage. But before I could book one rona enters the picture and I am fucked – or rather unfucked, lol!)

      I just hate the feeling that missed opportunities cause. I at least want to live the semi-player lifestyle for a while. Plus there is the thrill of the hunt and the high in the case of success. I know it will probably wear off soon enough, but I fear I really have to go through this process and cannot anticipate myself out of this longing.

      On a side note: I think a guy like you with a really thuggish look (if I recall correctly) could try to get a lot of freebies and maybe even free rides from hookers, strippers, massage ladies etc. This way you could add a certain thrill of the hunt element to your encounters, get some validation (in case you need it) and most importantly get more sex for less bucks. (My two cents.)

      I had a young black massage girl offering me such an arrangement ca. three years back. I should just book b2b massages and would get to fuck her for the regular price. Usually they demand astronomical additional fees for this at these parlors. I declined as she was born and raised in Africa (one of our former colonies) and I don’t wanna risk getting HIV. And the fact that she told me about her emotionally unstable boyfriend did not help much either. (Was still an nice encounter: I went there and paid for a b2b massage expecting one hand job and got two blow jobs instead during and in between which I could grope her to my hearts desire. Maybe she was just too lazy to massage me, typical African, if I may say so, lol!)

    4. I’d say go for it. As a single mom, she’ll probably be happy to jump on your dick when her schedule allows it. I’m not joking. Those women are not only easy to lay because no serious guy pursues them but also because they don’t get much time off. They get a babysitter, often a friend, to watch their brood just to get two hours off or so. Those hours have to count, so she’ll be on her knees in no time, prepping you for the main act. You wouldn’t believe how starved for sex some of those women are. This is often surprising. I never actively pursed single mothers, but a few chicks I picked up were, and I didn’t know that. Only afterwards did I learn about this. One chick I pulled was a 19-year old who had a one-year old kid at home. By looking at her, you could not tell that she had given birth and when she told me that she has a kid, I didn’t want to believe it at first.

    5. Single moms are a godsend if you’re just trying for non-committal sex and wanting the spice of variety. Not to say that they won’t push for commitment nor are without certain faults and baggage, but as Aaron outlines they are, as a rule, going to be easier to bed. It just got me thinking and I realized, a bit over half of my lays have been with single mothers. One in particular some time ago (my logistics weren’t conducive for sex in this case) agreed to meet at a public park for a walk where we ended up finding a private location in a wooded area to bang (twice that evening) in. There is no shortage of late teens and young twenties-something chicks which took the pregnancy hit very well that happen to be markedly more eager to jump on some cock than their childless counterparts. Your mileage may vary.

    6. “Single moms are a godsend if you’re just trying for non-committal sex and wanting the spice of variety.”

      Man, your comment got me drolling. So where and how to find them?

      “There is no shortage of late teens and young twenties-something chicks which took the pregnancy hit very well that happen to be markedly more eager to jump on some cock than their childless counterparts.”

      As for the young single moms: I guess most of them are from an underclass backround, which would be a bit appaling to me as the underclass entails too many vulgar, violent shitheads and psychos for my liking (not to mention the butt ugly and obese ones). There is actually a kind of a foster home for these women and their brood in my neighboring street; not so tingling tbh. (Situated in a decent part of town, of course, to the tax payers delight.)

      All in all I would prefer an okay looking milf around 30 that is dtf to a stunning, but harder to court 20 yo. (However, banging the ocassional 20 yo is definetly on my list.)

    7. In Berlin, single mothers are everywhere.

      I don’t think I ever met a woman from the bottom of society. I met one single mom who was 19, very good-looking chick, at Berghain, which was one of my favorite hunting grounds. I wouldn’t have been able to tell that she had given birth. Also, she was quite presentable, i.e. well-mannered and relatively well-spoken. She wasn’t my social equal, but I didn’t feel embarrassed with her in public. I certainly would have been less than enthusiastic about the idea of her meeting any of my friends, though. Her story was that the guy left her but she wanted to keep the kid. That’s Chad-power right there. This isn’t at all surprising to me, considering that I had women I just picked up who told me that they wanted me to cum inside them. With those women, biology prevails over rationality anytime, it seems.

      With older single moms in their 20s or early 30s, the story is sometimes that they kicked the guy out. A few get knocked up just so that they can get more welfare benefits, including a free apartment. A few such women also want to make the point that they don’t need men in their life, except as anonymous taxpayers, I suppose.

    8. “In Berlin, single mothers are everywhere.” So progressive! It’s probably the same in my city (maybe not as bad, but still). I just don’t come across them. (Maybe I do and just mistake them for normal housewives as I live in kind of a suburban part of town.)

      “Her story was that the guy left her but she wanted to keep the kid. That’s Chad-power right there.” So he had made it clear that he won’t pay child support and went through with it and she did not complain and still kept the child? That’s truly impressive!

      “A few such women also want to make the point that they don’t need men in their life, except as anonymous taxpayers, I suppose.” The pinnacle of cucking. Mankind has come so far! If only our ancestors were here to see us now, sigh.

  4. A little survey: has anyone of you ever pulled someone from your gym staff? There is this hot piece of ass working in my local gym. I got a feeling she is rather fond of me, but I can easily picture her getting inhibited around her colleagues and customers. (There also used to work a hot pierced and tatted up chick two years ago, who once gave me a huuuuge smile from ear to ear when I was passing her on the street before the gym while I was wearing some kind of bad ass winter jacket in which I looked like a Russian pimp.)

    This might be to high-level for me as of now anyway and lead to a lot of cock-blocking and even cockfighting. Would still be interesting to hear some anecdotes.

    1. I once picked up a receptionist at a gym. I was on the way out. She gave me a big smile and a horny look. I said a few words to her, asking if she’s new or something like that, quickly followed by telling her that I have to get going, and that I want her phone number. While talking to her, she just couldn’t stop smiling, so it seemed like a done deal. She was really good looking: in great physical shape, nice pair of fake tits (not too big), and a cute face. My goal was to meet up and then take her back to my place asap. Yet, I bailed on her after half an hour as I couldn’t take it anymore. She was the dumbest and most vapid broad I had ever spoken to. Literally the moment we sat down, she got all cuddly, and then she just rambled on and on about various female friends of her, their intrigues, stuff she bought, stuff she wants to buy, her envy because some other chick owns some trinket or piece of clothing and so on, and also how great I am and how cool it was that I asked her out on a date. She also told me that she could “feel” that we’re going to have a lot of fun together. Whatever came to her mind she just blurted out, no matter how incoherent it was. I developed a headache from listening to her bullshit. She pursued a Bachelor’s degree in education, aiming to become a primary school teacher, by the way. This woman would have been the perfect club pull, i.e. the chick you bang in a bathroom stall after ten minutes or so and then you move on. She was the right chick at the wrong place.

      A much better way to handle this would have been to go to a bar or club with her, preferably a club. That’s normally a really bad idea for a date, but for her that would have been ideal. Later on, I did indeed have the occasional first date in a club, which was a direct consequence of that encounter. I’d only recommend it if your goal is a fuckbuddy arrangement, though.

    2. That’s one funny anecdote. Fuck, I for sure won’t blame you. Mundane, incoherent non-stop brain farting gets me highly homi- and suicidal in no time. I literally left quite a few parties and gatherings early and wouldn’t visit others because of it or its anticipation, respectively.

      “She pursued a Bachelor’s degree in education, aiming to become a primary school teacher, by the way.”

      This major attracts airheads like a pile of dog shit attracts flies. By the way, the neighbor I went to a coffee date with (not the one that I ended up creeping out of my room) had also enrolled in it and had made the same career choice like your date, but changed to law after 2 or 3 semesters I believe. She was nice and pleasant, but a complete air head (these knockers, though). I fear she got intimidated when I was talking about my STEM major – although I really tried to cahnge topic asap. (And she was genuinely shocked when I reviled to her how old I am.)

  5. Hi Sleazy!
    I have a question regarding a guy called Alek Rolstad. His biography is here:

    I read a couple of stuffs he wrote on there, and was very surprised that he could talk about sex directly with women. What makes this possible?

    Here, you also wrote:

    “Teevster is the tallest of those three. When I met him, he was only 16 or 17, so he may well have grown a few more inches. Still, even then he was of about average height. He has a pretty attractive face, which helps a lot, in addition to him being very outgoing and very skilled at seduction.”

    Is Teevster of male model caliber despite having a rather average height?

    What’s your thoughts on his writing? On one hand, you said that he was very skill, on the other, it seems to me that what he wrote was very PUA. If I ever try to read all of his stuffs, I will suffer paralysis from analysis.

    Also, from the link above, who is TheLetter?

    1. “Alek Rolstad” (fake name) is Teevster. He’s an attractive guy, good bone structure. His height is probably above average and if you combine this with good looks, low inhibition, and a solid upper middle-class background, it’s not surprising at all that he gets laid. There is no mystery here.

      TheLetter used to post on the now defunct mASF forum. I also met him in real life. We’re still in touch, incidentally.

    2. I read only one or two articles. I think he’s overanalyzing seduction and downplaying the role of his looks and his socio-economic status play.

    3. “his socio-economic status play.”
      He seems to hail from a family that is similar to mine in many ways. Yes, belonging to a upper middle-class family frees you up from the pressure of earning for a living. Many teenagers who unfortunately born in rather poor family have to go to work in various not-so-glorious job at that age. In the US, that’s illegal, but not impossible. In Vietnam, however, that is quite common.

  6. Aaron,
    “Just because a girl fucks you right away doesn’t mean that she does so with every man.” (Open Thread 76).

    The same can be said with condoms.
    “Mens’ desire to use a condom is directly impacted by the attractiveness of the woman. The more attractive the woman, the less likely the men were to use a condom.” (Young Turks).

    The opposite also holds truth. The more attractive the man is, the less likely women will use condoms.

  7. Aaron,
    “Scotty has far wider appeal.”
    I have noticed that an archetype of women like strippers, escorts, pornstars, webcam whores, coke (cocaine) whores are attracted to guys like Scotty.

    1. Are women drawn to this type of guy like Scotty due to their biology that is embedded in their DNA, or is this more of a social phenomenon?

    2. Are “ALL” women drawn to a guy like Scotty, or is this just a subset of women who desire a guy like Scotty as I previously stated? I can’t imagine a virtuous woman being attracted to a guy like Scotty unless he’s clean cut without the tattoos.

    3. Do women desire a guy like Scotty for the long term, or is this merely a short-term attraction they have? The average guy who I have known who is similar to Scotty don’t have much of real-world accomplishments in life. Women put a much greater importance of finances for long term relationships. Thus, if a man like Scotty lacks the resources, what is the attraction women have for him in the long term?

    1. 1) I haven’t looked into this particular topic in detail, but if you’re curious, you may want to read up on “fast life history trajectory”, which is the term used in academia for that kind of behavior, i.e. making choices that maximize present-day pleasure and putting less emphasis on future consequences of those decisions. It’s not at all surprising that people with a similar life-history trajectory are drawn towards each other. I think it’s an example of biology causing personal choices, i.e. they seek out environments that appeal to them due to their genetic makeup.

      2) No, it’s a subset. In other cultures, for example, one-night stands are stigmatized and women (still) commonly enter marriage as virgins. Here’s an open-access article on the Han Chinese, for instance:

      3) I know Scotty personally, but I don’t want to share any additional information here. Let’s just say that he would have to offer more than just his appearance so he doesn’t fit that category. What you say, though, is correct, i.e. hot guys who lack resources and accomplishments tend to lose out in the long run, simply because they aren’t good providers.

    2. I think both Chris and Scotty from GLL are above average looks wise. Hot women would be physically attracted to them and they seemed like cooler guys. Hard to say how Scotty is doing with the finances but I think Chris is likely well off. I think, for the most part, Chris was genuinely trying to help guys get some action and get over mental hurdles.

      Aside from those 2, the other guys I believe are legit are Aaron, Sonny from strengthbysonny and Paul Janka. Someone like Paul has great wide spread appeal to all women. He’s long retired from the game, though.

  8. I was thinking about the best way to commit suicide, and then it hit me. The best way is to smuggle a couple kgs of drugs into an Asian country. Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, and China will all immediately give you the death penalty, no questions asked. It’s usually carried out with a bullet to the back of your head from what I gather online, so it’s painless.

    On top it’d be quite interesting to see the system from the inside.

    Related video:

    The lady basically tells the reporter that China is not a country ruled by laws, but rather by a person (it’s a dictatorship), that it doesn’t matter what she says now because her fate is sealed, and that she doesn’t regret anything.

    1. Your link didn’t work for me. Not sure if it’s a 4chan troll, but allegedly gassing yourself with helium is completely painless as you just get drowzy and pass out, since helium doesn’t come with the side effects of carbon dioxide poisoning.

      The only downside of course, aside from dying, is if someone walks in and saves you you scream in your Mickey Mouse voice how ‘LIFE IS PAIN’

    2. You could go to, go under the executions section, and scroll until you see a post regarding a mass execution in China. There’s a lady saying some stuff in the beginning of the video, and then later you can see her and some others being walked off to a field, and then shot in unison.

      Funny image haha, you could use sulfur hexafluoride, which would solve that issue entirely.

      I’d want to go out doing something cool. I’d prefer Yukio Mishima’s way over inert gas asphyxiation any day.

  9. I’ve started watching season 3 of The Sinner, I like the mystery vibe and the general atmosphere of the series. Thought season 2 was boring though.

    I’m halfway through episode 2 and the story seems interesting. I just can’t help but notice the not so subtle social political easter-eggs they’re trying to push though:

    – Early in the first episode some LBQTI-whatever else letter I’m missing- event at a high school is mentioned
    – Main character is part of a racially mixed couple. On a side note: he’s handsome, she’s not. She also runs a shop selling scented candles which have essential oils as ingredients, it’s wonderful.
    – The she from above has a gay brother who’s also in a mixed relationship. It’s the leftist dream, a gay mixed couple.
    – She’s obviously pregnant: not fat but a typical late stage pregnancy belly. Yet in the hospital a doctor/nurse asks: ‘any recent major life events’? To which she answers that ‘she’s having a baby’. Queue the wonderful response from dr. PC: ‘never assume’. The only thing missing here is him saying it right into the camera with a stern look so we know how to score good boy points.

    Fun story and atmosphere so far, but come on

  10. Hey guys, long time lurker i was hoping I could get your input on how best to make an approach. Due to quarantine my prospects have been super low. About 3 weeks ago a really hot fitness girl joined my gym. We generally work out around the same time but she mostly keeps to herself.

    Generally, I can only reach out to girls after getting some IOI. Problem is, I can’t tell if she’s avoiding eye contact or just really shy. I’m leaning towards the former but I can be pessimistic. I am an avid gym goer, even though I haven’t truly internalized it I do have an above average physique, being asked if I compete multiple times by different people. Through gym mirror angles, I do sometimes catch her looking at me or I can feel her gaze but once again no form of eye contact or small smile from her to indicate some form of interest.

    I know the best course of action would be to try and see if i can get some communication between sets but my workout hasn’t lend itself to accidentally bumping into her. Normally I wouldn’t care so much about one chick. But her body is ridiculous and my funnel is dry.

    Do you think she’s interested. Any input would be appreciated!!

    1. What if the next time you see her, you go up to her, tell her that you’ve seen her there regularly, and that you’d like to ask her out on a date or something?

    2. The next time you catch her looking at you, wave at her and smile, finish your set, and then walk over to her and chit chat. Keep it very brief. Get her contact details and continue with your workout afterwards. Don’t overthink it.

    3. I appreciate the advice guys. I wish I could be so forward. I’m actually just a little apprehensive as we’ve never actually made direct eye contact, and my gym is small so if i misread her signals or she’s not into alot of people will notice.

      @Sleazy, when I attempt to get her contact details, should I do so under the veil of possibly working out together or directly ask her out?

    4. Assuming her reaction isn’t hostile, you just ask for her contact details. You don’t need a pretense. Grow a pair!

    5. @Aaron,

      Hey man. I just wanted to come back here and thank you for the stern words. Being called out like that definitely helped my psyche. I ended up approaching her at the gym and having a small 5 min convo. She was alot more receptive than I thought she’d be based on lack of direct eye contact, which is having me second guess alot of girls I failed to approach because they didn’t exhibit any IOI’s.

      Didn’t ask her out though, but one step at a time.

      Once again, thanks bud!

  11. “I think both Chris and Scotty from GLL”
    They are way above average, GLL has massive shoulder and is very tall, while GLL has a very handsome face and good height (I don’t know what is his height, but I have seen a video with him bashing a PUA guy, my guess is he must be at least 6’1.

    1. “GLL has a very handsome face and good height”

      I mean Scotty in this sentence.

    2. That video was funny. A bunch of meat heads drinking wine and getting raw! Even one of the girls started picking on the PUA. Almost felt sorry for him.


    3. I didn’t mean they were “just” above average haha.

      Both of them would likely be considered at least an 8, possibly even a 9 or 10, depending on the woman.

      GLL would have more wide spread appeal than Scotty. I think Scotty has more of a “niche” look, in some ways, and GLL likely would do better with the hot, young, preppy white girls, who are often dubbed as the “gold standard.” Either way, I don’t doubt either of them took down some hotties over the years.

    4. “GLL would have more wide spread appeal than Scotty. I think Scotty has more of a “niche” look, in some ways, and GLL likely would do better with the hot, young, preppy white girls, who are often dubbed as the “gold standard.” Either way, I don’t doubt either of them took down some hotties over the years.”

      I’d say objectively, they fall in the range of 9-10. I remember reading somewhere very recently that Scotty was into African American girls. GLL focus on white girls.

    5. That’s right. Chris said Scotty is into black chicks. I don’t get along with them at all (in general). But a guy like Scotty can handle almost any girl LOL.

    6. That’s a bit surprising. I hung out with Scotty quite a bit in NYC, went out a lot together, and I also slept over at his house several times. I don’t recall him even hitting on black women but he pulled plenty of white chicks. Then again, we hung out in places that had a very white crowd, so maybe that was why.

      I would interpret Chris’s statement as saying that Scotty is also into black chicks, but certainly not exclusively, and nothing I observed gave me the impression that he has a preference for them.

    7. Well, given that Scotty appeared to be hyper masculine, there was no wonder that African American girls were into him. My guess is that he also did very well with Latins. While I think he has not tried it on East European girls, like Russians, I tend to think that he would do as equally well. Girls in those countries were highly attracted to “macho” men, those who could fight and dare to put up a good fight against their adversaries.

    8. @ Aaron,

      Yeah, I think Scotty just bangs a different girl every day of his life haha. And that’s going to include ever race, especially in NYC. I think Chris is just not into black chicks himself.

  12. One of the girls in the video was Puerto Rican and acted put off by him. BUT I think she actually wanted to fuck him haha.

    Believe it or not I actually get along with most black guys. It’s the women that hate me. They’ll give me attitude out of absolutely nowhere. Asian women? I absolutely love them!

    1. And I too often clash with Asian men, especially the better looking ones for some reason. So it’s the opposite dynamic than with black people.

    2. I don’t know man. It’s nothing personal. I have gotten along with plenty. I live in California so I’ve known quite a few.

    3. “I don’t know man. It’s nothing personal. I have gotten along with plenty. I live in California so I’ve known quite a few.”
      Are you Caucasian or Latinos?

    4. Caucasian. I like Latinas. And I get along with many Latinos. But it’s always the light skinned ones. The dark skinned ones tend to hate my guts. I don’t know. It might have something to do with the caste systems in Latin America.

  13. To each their own.

    I think Paul Janka is more of the “stereotypical” 9/10 but I could see some women thinking GLL is a 9/10.

    GLL has a lot of good advice but I think he played up the “edgy” look thing too much. I get it that the woman has to be sexually available (as he accurately says) but doing roids and getting tats doesn’t make a sexually available woman more likely to want to have sex with you than a good looking preppy guy. If a hot woman is sexually available, she’s just as likely to want to bang a guy like Paul Janka as opposed to GLL/Scotty.

    1. Janka was a 10/10, but he already had the most attractive face you ever wish to have (model face with almost all perfect symmetry). He is not muscular though. He is also highly intelligent, resourceful and quick with wit and words.

      GLL could easily become a model if he chooses to. Yes, his face is not as good looking as Janka, but he makes up for it with lots of other features.

      “GLL has a lot of good advice but I think he played up the “edgy” look thing too much. ”
      That’s because that looks and stereotype is appealing to most average chicks in the US. You have the widest audience when you adopt it.

    2. @ Cuong Quoc Vu

      True enough!

      There’s also women who would turn down Paul but be into GLL.

      I think both of the guys give “timeless” advice, are realistic and in the top % of the community and men in general.

      Guys need to be a little cautious with GLL’s fast pulls during the day, though. While you can certainly replicate what he does and it will blow your mind as to what is possible, you really need to be at least a 7 in looks and be able to read body language. Guys who lack self awareness could get in serious trouble.

  14. I am reading a couple of articles wrote by Assanova. I almost shed tears when I read this line:

    “I grew-up dirt poor, and college was a grueling obstacle course for me, but I understood that all of the work I was putting in was just to get to the starting line as an average guy.”

    My father and mother was also born into extremely poor families. Assanova probably couldn’t even know what does it mean by poor if he was born in Vietnam at that time. According to my mother’s diary when she was pregnant of me, my father had to be fed with rice porridge with sugar because my grandmother’s body couldn’t produce milk due to the lack of food. My mother was so poor that she told me she once considered to become a prostitute. My dad said the only saving grace that he ever had when joining the Northern Vietnam army was that he was on the winning side, thus the state gave him great opportunities. College was free for both of them, they were immediately recruited into state-owned enterprises.

    So lucky am I to be born in such a family compared to those poor kids. I am very grateful and will forever be grateful to God for having assigned me to my family.

  15. I find Assanova to be more flexible in his thinking than Sleazy. He covers other types of nuances that are downplayed by Sleazy.

    Where Did The Women Go?

    Men are more likely to cheat

    “While I think it takes a lot to convince women to cheat on men, I think men are more likely to cheat, if only because men have higher sex drives. It’s anecdotal, but I have seen far more men cheat on their spouses than the other way around. Again, if these men are back in the dating market place while at the same time already in relationships, then this is going to further inflate the supply of men in the dating market versus the supply of women.”

    This is absolutely the black hole that does not get mentioned here. Sure, there are tons of slutty women who will cheat you at the drop of head. Then, there are also tons of women who would monkey-branch. But this piece is absolutely priceless. Why? Because in my culture, men cheat way more than women. It takes a lot for an Asian woman to cheat on her man, but her man takes very few excuses to cheat on his wife. If you take into account the fact that polygamy had existed for a long time in East and Southeast Asian history, you would see that men absolutely cheat much more than women. Men are easily led astray due to boredom just as much as, if not more than women. I am actually surprised that Sleazy didn’t cheat on his ex-wife, or his wife, because men who were players in the past get addicted to variety. In fact, their sexual appetite cannot be sated by a simple good young woman.

    Men also tend to discard old and marry younger women. This is repleted in the 24 Histories of China. NO emperors had no concubines (wives apart from his first wife).

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