
Methylphenidate, the Flow State, and Time Expansion

I have been using methylphenidate (MPH) for a while now. Looking back at my experience thus far with this drug, it struck me that there is a very good illustration of its effect: In essence, MPH facilitates a state similar to the well-known flow state, except that the threshold for stimulation is lower. I will… Continue reading Methylphenidate, the Flow State, and Time Expansion


Methylphenidate and Cognitive Performance Improvement

It is unfortunately very difficult to get unbiased information on seemingly anything in today’s society. Everybody has an agenda. Of course, sometimes there is also a lot of incompetence at play. A good example is the discussion surrounding methylphenidate (MPH), not just in society but also in science. A fair amount of college students use… Continue reading Methylphenidate and Cognitive Performance Improvement


Methylphenidate and ADHD Meds in General: Dosage and Intensity of Side Effects

I was aware of ADHD medication in the past. Friends and acquaintances have told me that they take it, some of whom were self-medicating in an attempt to get an edge academically, and there was also the occasional weird kid around in school that was on all kinds of meds. However, I find difficult to… Continue reading Methylphenidate and ADHD Meds in General: Dosage and Intensity of Side Effects


Request: Methylphenidate Experiences

I am asking for a friend: does anyone of you have experience with taking methylphenidate? I am not interested in anyone’s adventures in recreational off-label usage (in Minecraft), though. Instead, I would like to learn more about the performance-enhancing aspects and experienced long-term effects, based on typical therapeutic dosages (10 mg). Common brand names are… Continue reading Request: Methylphenidate Experiences

Health · Mindset · Society

Medicine is a Nasty Subscription Business

I just returned from a doctor’s appointment of my wife, which I attended in case there are any language issues.  The visit went about as bad as you could imagine. My wife has recurring back pains, nothing overly serious, but she wanted to get a prescription for physiotherapy. The actual appointment was almost like a… Continue reading Medicine is a Nasty Subscription Business