Women are deeply competitive in the sexual marketplace. However, this competition is not fought openly, like with guys who try to be seen as bigger, stronger, more masculine, and financially more successful than their male peers. Women are a lot more secretive about their machinations. Being natural-born schemers, they encourage their friends to enjoy unhealthy food or ignore their grades while they secretively follow a rigid diet and study hard so that they can get into a degree program where they expect high-potential men to congregate. There is a pattern, and we will look at how it manifests itself in many areas.
There is the known phenomenon that some very prominent feminists suddenly changed, got married, and had children. Similarly, there are plenty of examples of older women telling young women to keep their hair short, have many sexual partners, drink and do drugs, or get tattoos. All of this is done in order to undermine the standing of potential competitors. Presumably, this is not even the result of deliberate action but a mere impulse, dating back to the ancestral environment. After all, the resources of the tribe were limited and if other women had fewer children or none, then there would be more left for women who managed to successfully undermine their peers while having plenty of children themselves. Also, if they manage to make attractive peers look less attractive, they look better in comparison.
I recall once coming across a study that claimed that female hairdressers cut the hair of objectively more attractive female customers shorter than they otherwise would have done. As a woman, in particular in the case of a good-looking one, it is therefore probably a very good idea not to go to a female hairdresser. Again, this is surely not done deliberately. It is simply in them, and if a female hairdresser, with her concomitant low socioeconomic status, is able to make a potential female competitor a little bit less attractive, she will have made herself ever-so-slightly more attractive, even if this will not have any impact on her life. With her ancestral-environment brain she does not grasp that she does not have access to the same men as a young, attractive customer of hers. Quite similarly, sometimes young guys want to give off the impression that they have much more money than they actually do, but they also do not seem to really understand that they cannot fake being rich, just as you cannot fake having gone to a good university by ordering a fake diploma online.
A most peculiar phenomenon, which fits very well here, is that a lot of women seem to actively encourage other women to not have children, or have fewer children. Childless women will tell other women about how much fun their single lifestyle is, and a natural progression, which you can observe easily if you have young mothers in your wider social circle, is that these women drop their single friends. Partly, this is probably also done to remove potential temptation for the husband as the frumpy young or not so young mother — the British use the colloquialism “mumsy” (!) — may not look quite as good as her slim, childless friends.
Most amazingly, I have even come across mothers or grandmothers telling young women who are in a direct line of descent to them that they should have few if any children. Grandmothers who have had four or five children, and a dozen or so grandchildren try to discourage their granddaughters from having (more) children. At least they should have fewer than they had themselves. When I first encountered this phenomenon, I was genuinely puzzled, but upon further reflection, it makes perfect sense. Again, think of the ancestral environment and resource scarcity: in the past, even in the not-so-distant past, children often did not make it into adolescence due to resource scarcity. Oftentimes, newborn children were abandoned if not killed because poor families did not have the means to support them. Also, keep in mind that someone’s children are genetically much closer to someone than their grandchildren. The former have 50% of your genes, the latter only 25%. Thus, by discouraging their granddaughters to have children, or more children, they engage in a resource-maximizing strategy for their own children, however shortsighted this may seem. In the ancestral environment, this even may have made sense, in particular in the case of women who are not very used to planning ahead. If this sound misogynistic to you, then maybe explain why women take on more debt, or get more tattoos, than men. They are much more focused on the present and oftentimes ignore the long-term consequences of their actions.
Speaking of the grandmother wanting to discourage one of her granddaughters from having children: This is based on a real-world encounter I had, and said woman, who is now in her 80s, heavily depends on her children to support her. Without her children she would most definitely have an utterly miserable life. Lacking financial means and being decrepit, it is not unlikely that she would have died years ago already. Take the example of her living alone: All it would have taken is her stumbling to the floor, no longer being able to get up, and dying of thirst or hunger. There is an epidemic of the elderly dying at home, and only being discovered after weeks or months. If they have no children or grandchildren, it is likely that people simply forget about them existing at all, until the stench from their apartment becomes so strong that the neighbors call the police. My mother is also old and decrepit. She gets help from her children, and some of her grandchildren. Yet, she is quick to talk about how difficult it was to have raised children or that she should have had fewer (thanks, mom!). She says this impulsively, surely without noticing the implications.
While women made it out of the ancestral environment, the ancestral environment is still in them. Thus, they engage in behaviors that seem utterly baffling. In the last few decades, women have collectively worked on suiciding the West by having hardly any children. They did not think far ahead, presumably because their life in the present was were pleasant. Thus, they extrapolated that their life will be great in the future, too, even if they do not have any children. These days, though, we get stories about elderly women getting raped by illegal immigrants. In many cases, this surely would not have happened had there been a dozen grandchildren in the picture and an extensive support network. Women undermining the reproductive success of other women and, by extension, their entire ethnic group, are oblivious to the consequences.